Human Rights essays

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America as a Beacon of Democracy and Freedom

During the Cold War, Democracy and Freedom were some major factors at play during this time. The US pushed and supported Democracy spread around the world, while Freedom was still a big issue. As much as the US was viewed as a beacon of democracy, back home there were still movements/groups protesting for civil rights. During this time the US funded and created Organization/Programs that would help prevent the spread of communism. For Example, Truman on March 12, 1947, declared...
2 Pages 896 Words

Legalization Of Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician assisted suicide should be legalized to help patients with constant suffering of pain from illnesses and age. Many patients tolerate the pain while being bedridden unable to move, States in the United States of America should lift the ban on Physician assisted suicide to give an option of passing peacefully with dignity and grace relieved from their pain. California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington have legalized physician assisted suicide due to the actions as life will take its course...
1 Page 556 Words

Handmaid’s Tale: Freedom or Safety?

Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, but what makes it delightful is the happiness that comes to one’s life. On the other hand, safety can make the one to feel safe at all times, but it cannot bring any joy to a person’s life when it has no freedom next to it. Freedom is important because it makes people to come up with new ideas that lead to...
1 Page 630 Words

Gender Equality & Freedom in the USA

Equality is the condition of being equivalent in status, rights, and openings. Before the 1960s, men were treated better than ladies. The ladies were segregated in the general public, they were not permitted to work, to be taught. The society would consider ladies only for cooking and family unit work. Gender equality implies that the diverse conduct, desires, and needs of ladies and men are considered, esteemed and supported similarly. It implies that their privileges, openings, and duties won't rely...
4 Pages 1818 Words

Freedom of Dress: the Aspect of Chinese Traditions

It all started when Kazakh actress Reyizha Alimjan arrived in Shanghai in July 2019, wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a low-cut yellow camisole that highlighted her figure. This choice of clothing led to Alimajan being cyber-bullied, with some netizens accusing her of seeking attention with her breasts rather than her work, and others criticizing her for showing too much flesh. These judgments ignited a long-running debate that is at the intersection of sexism, freedom of expression, social...
6 Pages 2616 Words

Driving Gender Equality in Aviation

Unfortunately, the idea that all of us are born equals is just a myth. And it is not about the countries from the Middle East or North Africa, where human rights do not apply for women. Many governments are suffocating civil society, restricting the freedoms of the people, mostly women. Equality between men and women is one of the European Union priorities. Although an important amount of work is going in this direction, there are still many fields where men...
2 Pages 834 Words

Equality VS Reality: An Exploration Of Animal Farm

Animal Farm, an allegorical novel written by George Orwell in 1945, tells the story of a group of personified animals who, after rebelling against their previous owner, attempt to create their own autonomous government system in which all of the animals become equal, happy, and - most importantly - free. A metaphor for Soviet Russia, Animal Farm aims to educate the reader about complications involving government systems through the childlike simplicity of talking animals. Within this work of literature, the...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Freedom and Confinement in The Handmaid’s Tale

One of the main concerns of both Utopian and Dystopian societies is Freedom. How do people maintain the human right that has existed for centuries and it even became the main section of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Should the utopian society be confined? What is the amount of freedom that people should be granted? Sometimes giving absolute freedom might form a dystopian society but so can confinement. Many cultures associate “disability” with confinement and this event strictly...
4 Pages 1937 Words

The Significance of Freedom Expression in a Free Society

Under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) recognizes freedom of expression as a human right. In Article 19 of UDHR, it is stated that everyone has the right to freedom of expression including freedom of seeking, receiving and imparting information and ideas without limitations. The exercise of these rights was amended in the version of Article 19 in ICCPR to carry special...
1 Page 661 Words

How was the Concept of Freedom Understood during the Era of the American Revolution?

The definition of American freedom as described by Eric Foner was ‘born in revolution’ (Foner, 2012). Freedom has been a recurring theme for the United States, reaching its pinnacle during the American Revolution, where the meaning of the word had transformed and had different meanings. There are many concepts of freedom to different people, and a majority might associate freedom with independence during the revolutionary era however it was much more than that. For slaves, it would mean freedom from...
5 Pages 2312 Words

Freedom & Equality Through Individuals

People living different lives can sometimes result in less freedom such as, restrictions. A group of people and individuals are completely different. For example, it’s easier to live by the standards of what people identify as beautiful, but it comes with limitations. A group of people who look at things the same way will all “be the same way.” There’s no individuality. When you’re individual it tends to be more difficult to have an identity that is one of a...
1 Page 504 Words

The Extent of Gender Equality in the UK

Introduction Gender equality is one of the controversial issues in current society. More women who have more opportunities for study or work can be seen in workplaces or university, whereas sex discrimination is still existing today, for example, sexual harassment in workplaces. This situation lea to 'METOO' movement. The movement that women start to report and share their experiences of sexual harassment from the Hollywood in 2017. Many women and men who had suffered use the hashtag 'METOO' to show...
6 Pages 2833 Words

Freedom at a Limitation: McMurphy as a Symbol

Many people interpret freedom in different ways. Freedom in other words, is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. The novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest , centers on Randle McMurphy, a new admission to the mental hospital who refuses to conform to the rules enforced by the head nurse, Miss Rached. He further encourages the patients to rebel but they are very terrified because she has complete control over...
2 Pages 924 Words

Society with no Freedom in Anthem

Ayn Rand has shown a view of a community that is joined under, what seems to be, a socialist rule. There are strict rules that make sure everyone is involved collectively with this society. In Rand’s Anthem, the main character Equality 7-2521 wants to learn new things but cannot because of the overpowering government. He does many things to accomplish his goals because he wants to come up with great ideas and inventions. With that being said, he escapes a...
2 Pages 691 Words

Malcolm X as a Famous Civil Rights Leader

Malcolm Little, Aka Malcolm X, was a famous civil rights movement activist. He had a hard childhood. He was picked on due to the light color of his skin by peers and family members. His family lived in poverty and as a result Malcolm Little spent several years of his life committing crimes and ended up in prison. Malcolm X found Islam in prison and developed different philosophies which were influenced by his childhood experiences. Malcolm X eventually found peace,...
4 Pages 1750 Words

Hamlet: Ophelia’s Freedom in a Patriarchal Society

Insanity during the Elizabethan Era was viewed as possession by an otherworldly creature. Shakespeare, one of the most famous playwrights of the time, delved into madness and insanity in many of his plays, including Hamlet. Several characters within Hamlet could be considered as mad, most notably Hamlet and Ophelia. While Hamlet’s every move is documented within the play, Ophelia is a minor character who is more often part of the scenery. However, Ophelia’s transition from a naive girl to one...
2 Pages 882 Words

Should We Or Should We Not Allow Assisted Suicide?

Assisted suicide, a hard pill to swallow for most people. Who wants their family members to resort to this option? No one does, it causes pain among family members and is just looked at as ethically incorrect. Many states do not allow this to be an option, and it is hard to get a doctor to sign off for this type of treatment. There are plenty of logical reasons to consider this, but there are equally as many opposing reasons...
3 Pages 1239 Words

A Priceless Gift: Student Activism against Abortions

In an era of rising poverty and inequality among many social issues; today’s high school and post-secondary students are taking initiative and educating themselves in public matters through school and any means necessary, in order to be a part of the change. Many people dismiss student activism as they think it is only relevant to changes pertaining to within the campus such as, tuition, dress code regulation, censorship. However, student involvement has proven to be a significant agent of social...
3 Pages 1303 Words

Women’s Fight for Freedom through Historical Lens

Freedom; having the power to think, speak, and act in any way without control or constriction. Throughout history, women fought to be seen as individuals and to be able to advocate for the things they believed in. The women of this time were unfairly treated and overlooked. They were denied the right to act by not being included in the fifthteenth amendment to vote. They couldn’t speak in any high office position. They couldn’t think and share their thoughts because...
3 Pages 1373 Words

Edward Snowden: Curtailment of Freedom of Media by the Government

For a democracy, that too being the largest in the world, India’s media is in a horrendous state. With constant censorship and threats from the State and non-state actors, journalists in this country are enduring terrible times only to practice their profession. Freedom of speech and expression which is protected by Article 19 of the Indian Constitution has lost all of its significance. Our country has become a breeding ground for producing a restrained and a biased media which are...
2 Pages 1096 Words

The Peculiarities of Bangladeshi Freedom

‘Freedom’ it’s not just a word that’s written on paper but it itself a whole different world that everyone thrives for to live in it. Where it’s like ‘Eutopia’; everyone dreams for it in real life to really exist but in reality it doesn’t exist. Where everybody should get the same privilege as it showed to the showcase in our country basing on different perspectives but reality is a bit different combining all the contexts and situations we have today....
5 Pages 2523 Words

The Aspects of Aboriginal Crime

The aboriginal population currently incarcerated is shown as overrepresented in Canada and has been for decades. The Canadian government has recognized this and have tried to change the negative treatment that the justice system serves, yet statistics maintain the fact that aboriginals are severely overrepresented. These problems are a result of past racist and demeaning policies set in place by the government. Events like these have resulted in the high rates of alcohol and drug abuse as well as unemployment...
1 Page 455 Words

The Role Of Higher Education In Women Empowerment

Abstract Higher Education refers the education at the degree level and above. Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence. For empowering the women, higher education will play a vital role. India holds the second position in the world of having highest population. There are approximately 49% female in total population of it. . Indian women generally faced all types of barriers to success like illiteracy, domestic violence, lack of motivation...
3 Pages 1238 Words

The Peculiarities Of Physician-Assisted Suicide

November 1, 2014, Brittany Maynard ended her life. In January of that year, she was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. What was first a grade 2 astrocytoma, within four months, turned to a grade 4 astrocytoma (glioblastoma) with a prognosis of six months to live. After many failed treatments Maynard decided to take advantage of her right-to-die. Living in a state where physician-assisted suicide was illegal, she decided to move her and her family from California to Oregon and take...
4 Pages 1800 Words

The Correlation of Globalization and Freedom of Movement

Over the past decades, the mobility of people, information, and capital have greatly spread diversity. While the process of globalization and advancement of transportation technology together have lowered the constraints of communication across long distances, they have not entirely facilitated migration movements along differing geographical routes. Globalization is the expansion of world-wide interconnectedness and global linkages, including the integration of world economies, production markets, nation-states, and knowledge. However, globalization does not grant the freedom of movement nor commodify all people....
3 Pages 1500 Words

There is No Freedom to Be Gained by Demystifying Nudity

In the struggle against ‘sexism’ (some) women demanded that we end the fetishisation of their breasts and accept them as just another part of a woman’s body. One of the results of this struggle for ‘free nipples’ was that, in some big cities, groups of women organised protest walks where they were naked above the belt – the point was precisely to de-eroticise breasts. We are now entering the next logical step in this direction – the goal is now...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Ethics of Personal Data Privacy

Some companies and researchers argue it’s not enough for the government to simply protect personal data; consumers need to own their information and be paid when it’s used. Some social networks have experimented with rewarding users with cryptocurrency when they share content or spend time using their platforms. Other companies have tried paying the users in exchange for sharing data with them. But allowing users to take back ownership likely wouldn’t solve most privacy issues posed by personal data collection....
2 Pages 1003 Words

The Role of Patriot Systems during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom

The Patriot System served as an invisible, aerial shield to protect geopolitical ALLIED and United States forces against aerial attack, missile attack and surveillance, during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Patriot system consists of multiple tactical vehicles, and communication devices. Patriot systems communicated with higher echelons, varying military branches and United States and foreign government agencies so as to protect the force. The Patriot system is a continuously evolving entity with full-scale development starting in 1976. Operation...
1 Page 553 Words

The Benefits and Detriments For Affirmative Action and Employment At Will

Introduction Affirmative action and employment at will are topics of legitimate concern, especially for employers and employees. Previously, but more imperatively, managers and companies should be mindful of the legal ramifications that may happen if they neglect to properly understand the importance of discrimination in the workplace. Albeit union affiliations, Congress did not have a hand in many cases for discrimination until 1963, where Martin Luther King Jr. led the civil rights March on Washington. This march encompassed people of...
5 Pages 2215 Words

African American's Freedom after The Thirteenth Amendment

As many of us know who have learned anything about history, life for the African American race was not wonderful during the times of slavery until well after the reconstruction era. The tables were turned against them and they became the working class of the 17th and 18th century for little to no pay. It wasn’t until the Constitution of United States was brought forth in 1789 and the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments were put into action around 1864....
3 Pages 1505 Words

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