Environment essays

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Municipal Solid Waste Management

2 Pages 904 Words
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is what people leave after their everyday life activities, and includes items such as paper, plastic garbage, metals, electronics, and textiles. These leftovers are damaging for the environment, and its their volumes grow with the human population. The waste issue is especially urgent for places with a high density of citizens, therefore different strategies of waste...

The Environmental Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

4 Pages 1826 Words
Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking has been a hot environmental topic in our society today. Fracking is the process of drilling into the layers of the Earth’s crust using a high pressurized mixture of water, sand, and chemicals. This process is used to release natural gas that is buried in underground shale rocks. In today’s society, the need for...

How Can Acid Rain Affect Organisms that Live in The Water

2 Pages 996 Words
Rain is a critical component in the process of the hydrological cycle. The water cycle is beneficial to all organism living on this planet. It brings purification and distribution of fresh water that can be used by all living organism. Apart from providing fresh water, it also played a pivotal role in regulating the earth temperature. Regulation of the temperature...
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Animal Welfare Pros and Cons

2 Pages 1159 Words
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According to the laws of most nations, animals are covered under property rights. That means the value of their life is dependent upon market forces and demand. If something happens to a pet, unless there is cruelty in the actions taken, the responsibility involves replacing the “property” of that pet instead of addressing a fundamental right of life. For that...

Waving Goodbye to Plastic Pollution

4 Pages 1605 Words
“In a cringe-inducing video that's gone viral, a team of scientists spent nearly ten minutes pulling a plastic straw from the nostril of an Olive Ripley sea turtle” (Lee [2]). In this horrifying video, many have realized how bad plastic pollution has become in the oceans. The future needs clean oceans. As more and more industries use plastic, there will...

Essay on Future Without Fossil Fuels

3 Pages 1575 Words
Fossil fuels have served as the primary source of energy for the past century, helping man to achieve a previously unprecedented level of development. This source of energy has been harnessed to power industries and fuel transportation means therefore helping in the growth of the modern civilization. However, the ability of fossil fuels to continue playing a central role in...

The Nature of Volcanoes: Types and Effects

3 Pages 1394 Words
For centuries, people across different civilizations had been terrified by the display of power that volcanic eruptions present, and they interpreted them as a sign of wrath and vengeance of gods. Clearly, with the progress of the modern science, volcanoes have been demystified; particularly, the development of the plate tectonics theory in the 1960s has played a major role in...

Essay on Torrential Rain

2 Pages 746 Words
For four days it rained non-stop. The ram was not very heavy but it kept on coming without letting up. Our neighbours and we were all worried about the possibility of a flood—the levels of the nearby river had been rising steadily. The next day the river overflowed its banks and the water spread out covering the entire area cm...
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Climate Change: The Effects, Challenges and Mitigation

1 Page 538 Words
Climate differs from the weather on the aspect of time. Contrary to the atmospheric conditions of weather which usually lasts over a short period of time, the climate is the manner in which the atmosphere behaves over a prolonged period of time (Speer, 2011). Thus, the patterns of weather condition are short-term and hence it can be experienced on any...

Global Warming Impacts: Food, Health, Weather, Rising Oceans

2 Pages 1039 Words
Global teenage climate activists and over 4 million people around the globe went on a strike last month to address the issue of global warming. They are deeply concerned about the environment and state that climate damage from greenhouse emissions will only grow if we don't act now. With the topic of global warming, most of us will readily agree...

Soon to be an Artificial Ocean? Essay

4 Pages 2006 Words
Today, society is experiencing, first hand, one of the most unprecedented and ongoing environmental crisis’; ocean pollution. This worldwide catastrophe is caused greatly by the production of plastic products and the need for oil or petroleum. Although these issues affect many variables, oceans are seeing the worst of it. Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the ocean, enough...

Persuasive Essay on Hydraulic Fracturing

2 Pages 837 Words
Oil and natural gas are crucial to the twenty-first-century. They are used for fuel, tires, household appliances, and even heart valves. Without oil and natural gas, the modern way of life would be almost entirely different. However, the cost of obtaining these products using a process called hydraulic fracturing can be fatal. Hydraulic fracturing is the method by which oil...

Offshore Oil Drilling and it's Affects on the Environment

3 Pages 1296 Words
In 2010 the BP-operated Macondo prospect in the Gulf of Mexico exploded, killing 11 people and spilling 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf. Since this incident, the whole industry of offshore oil drilling has been judged and closely watched. There are many effects on the environment and the economy, as well as on the everyday people involved with...

Pros and Cons of Zoos Essay

1 Page 540 Words
Every big city has a zoo where all the wild animals are kept in naturally simulated environment. People flock to the place to see the beasts and the heroes of the forest wilderness. It is a wonderful experience for the kids and adult alike nevertheless there are drawbacks too. Therefore, let’s find out the pros and cons of the Zoo....

El Niño And La Niña in Southern Africa

2 Pages 1051 Words
The terms El Niño and La Niña talk over with the periodic changes within the Pacific ocean surface temperatures that impact the weather. close to the equator, the western pacific surface ocean is generally terribly heat and therefore the Japanese Pacific is incredibly cool. This keeps the coastal southern comparatively dry. This ‘normal' pattern of ocean surface temperature is noncontinuous...
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How to Take Care of Trees? Essay

1 Page 444 Words
Some trees can stand the test of time, like Methuselah, the pine that has lived through thousands of California summers. Then, of course, there are the trees that hold a special place in our hearts. We can enjoy them for most of our lives–if we take care of them. That’s why Rachel, a Davey blog reader from Utah, asked, “We...

Infection of Rubber Trees Caused by South America Leaf Blight

2 Pages 1104 Words
Rubber tree or rubber plant, Hevea brasiliensis is belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. It has soft wood, high, branching limbs and a large area of bark. These trees are generally found in low-altitude moist forests, wetlands, riparian zones, forest gaps, and disturbed areas which located in rainforests in the Amazon region of South America. It is the most beneficial, useful...

The Causes of Water Pollution

2 Pages 929 Words
Water pollution is a significant decrease in water resources’ quality due to the ingress of various chemicals and solid waste into streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans, or the multiplication of microscopic living organisms. The causes of water pollution are related to human activities. After observing the Drinking Water Supply and Quality Report 2018 and 2019, it has become clear...

Environmental Issues: Biodiversity Loss

1 Page 351 Words
Biodiversity is important for many reasons, including ecological services, such as pollution breakdown and absorption, soil formation, and social services, for example, recreation and tourism. According to Roe (2019), the loss of biodiversity is an environmental problem that needs urgent intervention since it threatens livelihoods. The article “Biodiversity Loss—More Than An Environmental Emergency” provides a comprehensive analysis to illustrate why...

Batujai Reservoir Water Pollution Index in Central Lombok, Indonesia

1 Page 567 Words
Clean, fresh water is a valuable natural resource that ensures the survivability of the nation. Despite having 6% of the world’s water resources, Indonesia’s management and environmental policies have not only been raising concerns but also pushed the country to the brink of water crisis (“Indonesia’s water and sanitation crisis”). In their 2019 study, Rahim and Soeprobowati aimed at finding...

Invasive Species in Alaska – An Essay

1 Page 662 Words
Susan Bradford is a Hoonah student passionate about protecting her home in the Tongass through education and action on invasive species. As a 2021 Hoonah Alaskan Youth Stewards (AYS) crew member, Susan was taught how to safely remove invasive Oxeye Daisies from infected areas around town. Later in the season Susan and her fellow crew were invited to Tidelines Institute...

The Benefits of Zoos for Animals

2 Pages 866 Words
Zoos are meant for the rehabilitation of animals, but is it possible that it actually hurts those beautiful, strong living beings? Ultimately, it depends on the specific case in question. For cases like Willie the gorilla in ‘The Zoos Go Wild’, and the macaws in ‘Our Beautiful Macaws and Why They Need Enrichment’ the zoo specifically made an environment that...

Essay On Conservation of Forest

2 Pages 949 Words
Conservation of forest and wildlife in India (essay) along with questions and answers. Conservation of forest is necessary because forests provide many resources such as food, medicine, fabric, and raw materials. Further, apart from keeping a check on the global temperature, forests also contribute towards preventing soil from getting eroded and shelters more than 80% of the animal species and...

Wind Energy as an Alternative Source

4 Pages 1925 Words
This universe is composed of Matter and Energy. The genius of the last century, rather than the civilization Albert Einstein showed that the two – matter and energy are two faces of the same coin or two manifestations of the same. Also, that the two can be and are keep interchanging into each – other. However, not wandering into the...

Plastic Pollution: Challenges in Australian Oceans

2 Pages 823 Words
Introduction Plastic pollution has emerged as a critical environmental issue, particularly in marine ecosystems. The vast oceans surrounding Australia are not immune to this crisis. The Great Barrier Reef, renowned for its biodiversity, and other marine habitats are increasingly threatened by the influx of plastic waste. According to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), approximately 130,000 tonnes of...

Emergency Response to a Volcano Eruption

1 Page 605 Words
More time is taken to respond to a volcano eruption and this depends on the distance from the volcano. In the same perspective, fewer dangers are encountered when people are located further from the area of the volcano. Around the volcano area, the potential and immediate dangers include damage from a volcano, heat blast, flying rocks, mudslides, floods and lava....

The Importance of Water Conservation Essay

2 Pages 731 Words
The Water conservation is the call of today. We need to learn the methods & strategies how to conserve water safely. Since, the water is precious resource. Therefore, there is the great importance and advantages of water conservation. Read our best written Essays on the topic Water Conservation with quotes & images. These short & long essays are quite helpful...

The Painful Experiences of Animals in The Zoos

2 Pages 736 Words
Imagine a wild animal, for example an elephant. It has all the freedom in the world. Suddenly, the elephant is trapped and taken away from its family. It is put in a small crate, unable to move, starving, and alone for what seems like years. When the elephant is finally let out, all it can see are cage bars and...

Report on Oklahoma Tornado Disaster in 1999

2 Pages 946 Words
Natural hazard refers to catastrophic events or phenomenon of atmospheric, geological, and hydrological origins that can cause fatalities, property damage, social environmental disruption and can indirectly cause social grievances and resource scarcities. These includes earthquake, tornadoes, Volcanic eruption, tsunamis, floods, typhoons and thunderstorms, hurricanes epidemics etc. It usually occurs randomly i. e. is probabilistic and its output is usually given...
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Ocean Pollution and The Need for Humans to Save Marine Life

1 Page 565 Words
For many years, ocean pollution has been a problem, but recently it has been getting worse. In the past 60 years, a staggering amount of waste has entered the ocean each year. The products people produce eventually end up in the ocean which is caused by dumping and runoff through drains. The main causes of ocean pollution are oil, solid...

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