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Situation with Child Labour in West Africa: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2110 Words
The conceptualization of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is essential for business and in good light with the environment in the modern-day world; due to globalization. The dynamic changes in the global market have an impact on the perception of firms towards society. The present work is an attempt to examine CSR practices of Nestle West Africa and how some of...

Life And Characteristics Of The Red Panda

5 Pages 2476 Words
Abstract Red panda, Ailurus fulgens is unique animal of carnivora family that just has a single species and probably falls under monotypic family. Although they are found from Mugu to Ilam district inside eight different protected areas and one community forest of Nepal, the total population is not known. Their preferred habitat is the bamboo-dominated vegetation of evergreen deciduous forest...

Endangered Greater Bamboo Lemur

3 Pages 1374 Words
The island of Madagascar is located on the east coast of Africa, which is home to a variety of lemurs. Most of us are probably not aware of how we damage their habitat and environment. The primary focus of this research is on the prolemur simus also known as the great bamboo lemur. This lemur has been classified as endangered...

Diverse Dinosaur Types: An Analytical Overview

2 Pages 741 Words
Introduction The Mesozoic era, often referred to as the "Age of Dinosaurs," witnessed the proliferation of these magnificent creatures across the globe. Dinosaurs, a diverse group of reptiles, roamed the Earth for over 160 million years, adapting to various ecological niches. This essay aims to explore the intricacies of three distinct types of dinosaurs: Theropods, Sauropodomorphs, and Ornithischians. Each type...

Main Facts About Red Panda

2 Pages 1027 Words
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Geographical Range and Habitat Red pandas live mostly in Asia in the Eastern Himalayas like: China, Bhutan, Burma and Nepal. Red pandas live in the forest, where there's water, fallen logs, and bamboo. The reason why they need the bamboo is because they mostly make their house out of bamboo, and tree branches. In india red pandas like to live...

Cause Of Dinosaurs Dying

1 Page 515 Words
Dinosaurs ruled the land, the ocean, and the sky for about 165 million years. Rex Tyrannosaurus hunts its prey with 50 to 60 banana-sized teeth. The 55-foot dragon from nose to tail frightened the ocean and ate everything they could catch. But 66 million years ago, the world's climate changed dramatically. Suddenly, the earth became colder and darker. All dinosaurs-except...

Justification for Koalas' Endangered Status

2 Pages 855 Words
Introduction Koalas, scientifically known as Phascolarctos cinereus, are emblematic of Australia's unique wildlife. Despite their iconic status, these marsupials face a multitude of threats warranting their inclusion in the endangered species list. Historically, koalas thrived in the eucalyptus forests of eastern and southern Australia. However, a combination of habitat destruction, climate change, and disease has precipitated a severe decline in...

Impact Of Climate Change On Birds

2 Pages 999 Words
The study of climate change impacts on birds has increasingly been hot topic in recent years. Abundant evidence and proof shows there have been apparent changes in avian population, life history traits, and geographic ranges in react to worldwide environmental change. This paper briefly reviews the impacts of climate change on birds specifically focusing on its distribution, production and conservation...

Researching Of The Causes Of Dolphin Extinction

3 Pages 1538 Words
Extinction happens when a plant or animal species ' last individual dies out. This can occur naturally, likely due to climate change or other factors, or due to human activity such as overhunting or habitat destruction. Marine animals are aquatic mammals that rely for their life on the ocean and other marine ecosystems. Researchers are now using a comprehensive study...

Features, Habitat And Migration Difficulties Of Orange-bellied Parrot

1 Page 520 Words
Orange-bellied parrot is a kind of slim ground-feeding parrot with grass-green top and yellowish below. Its prominent is the orange patch on belly, but adult female has slightly smaller orange patch. The taxon name of orange-bellied parrot is Neophema chrysogaster. This species breeds only in south-western Tasmania, Australia between November and March. The nest is in a natural pit or...

Factors Affecting Swift Population On The Mainland, Tasmania

2 Pages 728 Words
The Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) native to Tasmania Australia, is the quickest parrot on the planet, however, now being critically endangered is on a fast decline to extinction. According to a ā€˜Conservation Volunteers Australiaā€™ webpage, there are just approximately 2000 Swift Parrots left in the wild. The Swift Parrot travels across over Bass Strait to the Australian Mainland to collect...

Different Types Of Energy

6 Pages 2801 Words
Force plants are over the top expensive to construct, however, once they are available effectiveness in changing over fuel to energy is exceptionally high. Most of the time more power is made than is really required because power can't be stored. Power requests shift consistently and arrangement must meet the peak load, which implies the most noteworthy conceivable interest within...

Electricity Consumption In Malaysia And Its Consequences

3 Pages 1292 Words
Energy is certainly one of the most critical driving forces required to advance a country. It is not just an important ingredient in economic growth; it is key in maintaining a nation's sustained sustainable growth. For all humans, the use of electricity is crucially important to maintain life on the planet since it contributes to the growth and technological advancements...

A Brief History Of Dinosaurs

3 Pages 1289 Words
Dinosaurs first appeared in the latter half of the middle Triassic 230-240 million years ago; they were originally bipedal carnivores, and quite small relative to the colossal dinosaurs that proceeded them. These primitive dinosaurs rapidly evolved into the two major clades we know of today; Ornithischia and Saurischia, Saurischia being comprised of both Sauropoda and Therapoda. Saurischia makes up all...

Human Language And Its Relationship To The Natural World

5 Pages 2339 Words
Abstract This paper explores the relationship between the development of human languages around the world and the distinct environmental phenomena the speakers of a particular language are encountered with. By examining six journal articles and one media interview with a prominent researcher in the area of study, I have determined that there is a significant amount of evidence that supports...

Environment vs. Christianity

4 Pages 1737 Words
There are many verses in the bible that talk about the protection of our environment. Christians therefore have some sort of responsibility of encouraging positive change for the benefit of the future. There is a way to be environmentally conscious while still maintaining a strong faith relationship between you and God. Christian environmentalists emphasize the ecological responsibilities of all Christians...

The Features And Functions Of Plant Extract

2 Pages 804 Words
Plant extract refers to a product that is formed through an extraction and separation process where plants are used as raw materials. Generally the original components of the plants are not changed. In some cases, excipients are also used to make the powder or granular products have features like good fluidity and resistance to moisture absorption. There are also a...

Personal Growth And Environment In Tracks And Into The Wild

3 Pages 1289 Words
Robyn Davidsonā€™s Tracks and Sean Pennā€™s Into the Wild present the natural world as a liberating way for individuals to free themselves from the constraints of society. Both journeys of the protagonists show that, while the wilderness is capable of frayed emotional states, it is also inherently challenging and potentially deadly. While both Robyn Davidson and Christopher McCandless each have...

The Genetic Complexities of Oceanic Viruses

2 Pages 1050 Words
Introduction Marine viruses, despite their microscopic size, play a pivotal role in oceanic ecosystems. These entities, often overshadowed by their terrestrial counterparts, possess unique genetic properties that enable them to influence marine biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles significantly. As the most abundant biological entities in the ocean, with estimates of 1031 virus particles in marine environments, their impact on global carbon...

Career Plan And Goals For Marine Environmental Expert

1 Page 474 Words
I focus on establishing a career as a marine environmental expert. Thus, following returning, I intend to continue my job at the Department of Fisheries. This is a unique public organization to achieve my career goals, to work intimately with both government and development partners. Subsequent to going along with, I need to present my Individual Activity Plan (IAP) to...

Applications Of Animal And Plant Biotechnology In Food Industry

4 Pages 1941 Words
Food science is defined as the study of the physical, biological and chemical of food, which most of the studies related to food processing and food deterioration while food technology is the application of it involved in packaging, preservation and food safety (Institute of Fodd Technologies, 2019). The fields that closely related to the food technology are such as biotechnology,...

Plant Biotechnology: Selection And Regeneration Of Transformed Plants

3 Pages 1140 Words
After bombardment, the somatic embryos of the papaya (Carica papaya) will be selected on medium containing 150 g mLāˆ’1 kanamycin monosulfate for 3 months. According to Drew and Smith(1986), germination of the papaya then will be induced on a modified de Fossard medium (de Fossard et al., 1974) and will be supplemented with 25 g mLāˆ’1 kanamycin. Single plantlets will...

Plant-Based Diet And Its Effect On Public Health

3 Pages 1564 Words
Plant-Based Diet Nutrition is an extremely important aspect of public health with so many diseases and disorders branching from poor diet and nutrient consumption. Diet and peopleā€™s nutritional habits can either cause or prevent almost all diseases that are plaguing the western societies but most dramatically is the United States. In most of the world people consume some sort of...

Plant-pollinator interactions and coevolution in species

6 Pages 2923 Words
Abstract Many different variables influence the relationship between plants and pollinators. Their mutualistic relationship drives a coevolutionary force among species. They rely heavily on each other for survival and reproduction, each exploited the others resources for their own benefit. With plants requiring insects and animals for pollen transfer and reproduction, new adaptations have arisen in response to pressures exerted on...

How Biotechnology Affects The Earths Biodiversity

3 Pages 1388 Words
Biotechnology is defined as ā€œthe exploitation of living systems and biological processes to develop tools for technological useā€. It may be applied in areas such as industry, medicine, environmental sciences as well as computer design. The field of biotechnology is very broad because there is such a wealth of biological phenomena which we could harness for human benefit. However, although...

Magnetic Field And Its Impact On Plant Growth And Development

8 Pages 3490 Words
Abstract Plant magnetobiology has become an important topic to study and manage biological effects on plants.Studies over the past several years have paved its way asa new advancementfor achieving enhanced growth and development in crop plants including horticultural plants.An emphasis has been made upon the use of this technique with different magnetic field intensity and exposure. The precisemechanism of its...

Plant Health And The Environment

4 Pages 1958 Words
Introduction Growing crops hydroponically is an alternative to traditional soil farming methods (7). Hydroponics systems consist of a water-based solution enriching in nutrients, without the use soil (2). Commonly an artificial medium is used to provide support for the plant as soil is not being used (2). Hydroponic systems started in 1920 and have dramatically evolved in a variety of...

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