Environmental Protection essays

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Essay about Conservation of Natural Resources

The exhaustion of natural resources has gradually been one of the greatest crises for the whole planet and human beings since the latter half of the 20th century. It is known that the earth, like our mother, is the home for survival, which provides us with abundant resources. We, human beings, are the master of the earth, so we should protect it as we treat ourselves. No one wishes his home to become worse. However, the environment on which human...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

Abstract Earth provides a diverse source of life to all the organisms for their survival which are mentioned as natural resources. Natural resources encompass air, water, soil, metals, energy, and other essential components of life. All the resources are directly or indirectly associated with each other to form a suitable environment for the organisms. Over the last few decades, different types of crises have arisen on the earth, specifically population growth, climatic changes, and biodiversity losses. All these crises are...
5 Pages 2186 Words

Essay on Conservation and Biodiversity

Energy save the campaign, it’s the slogan save Save Fuel yaani Save Money. The initial face had managed to save 20 Billion with an initial budget of 1 bill. Its main intention was to bring awareness to the Indian population about energy conservation. The main objective focused on petroleum conservation, curbing waste, and improving the efficiency of fuel (Mahapatra & Sharma, 2016). Promotional strategies The promotion was advertised through TV, radio, and print media. Three major media houses joined forces...
4 Pages 1847 Words

Essay on Climate Change Debate

Whether you believe in the theory of Creationism, or the theory of Evolution, throughout the course of history, the climate has changed. Even now, the climate continues to change with each passing year. The debate of whether or not climate change rests solely on the shoulders of the human race has continued for decades. I do not contend with the idea that humans have a hand in this continuing event, but I do contend with the blame being solely on...
4 Pages 2030 Words

Essay on Care for the Environment

Environmental sustainability refers to the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and well-being, now and in the future. While religion is defined as an organized collection of belief systems and worldviews that relate humanity to spirituality and sometimes to moral values. The aim of this report is to discuss the role of religion (Christianity etc.) in environmental sustainability. Background of religion The period of religious history begins with the invention of writing about 5220...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Essay on Canada’s Boreal Forest

The boreal zone, situated within the northern regions of the globe, stretches around 5000 kilometers from Labrador and Newfoundland in the east to Yukon in the west, extending south 1000 kilometers from the edge of the arctic tundra. Estimated to be around 270 million hectares, this boreal region covers more than half of Canada’s land area, sheltering millions of wildlife species. Making up a third of this boreal zone, Canada’s boreal forest is essential for not solely the tradition and...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Essay on Animals and Environmental Ethics

Animal Ethics Today, we will look at several modern western historical philosophical figures that have played a significant role in the movements of animal rights and welfare, such as Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, and John Stuart Mill; we will discuss their work impact in changing our ethical attitudes and laws regarding animals. We also will discuss animal ethics in the 21st century. Descartes is one of the earliest advocates of animal rights, who start to pay attention to the difference...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Environmental Essay: Importance of Environment Protection and Sustainability

Environment protection is the process to conserve the natural environment by Society which includes individuals, different organizations, and laws and acts. The main purpose of environmental protection firstly does not to interfere with the natural environment, to keep it as it is, and conserve natural resources of water, air, and energy. Moreover, to repair and protect against damages that human activities have done to the environment. As we know that overuse of sources and the increase in population and technology...
4 Pages 1933 Words

Environment and History of Indian Ethics

diverseEnvironmental ethics is considered as a branch of ethics that studies established the foundation of environmental values, the relation of people in general with its atmosphere, concrete problems around societal approaches, actions, and policies to safeguard and sustain a wide range of diversity and ecological systems. Environmental ethics believe that nature includes mankind but also thousands of different enormous living creatures such as plants and animals which are also living organisms required for a balanced ecosystem. These elements are a...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Ecological Importance of Forests in Pakistan

Introduction A forest is an area that is covered with trees, plants, and animals. Forests are very important for the survival of animals that support human life. Pakistan is an agricultural country. Pakistan has almost 4.2 million ha of planted trees and agricultural forests. It’s about 4.8% of the total land area. In Pakistan's hilly areas, about 40% forest comprises coniferous and scrub forests. The balance includes irrigated plantations, the riverine forests along major rivers of the Indus plains, mangrove...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Do Zoos Help or Harm Animals: Discursive Essay

In the zoo, people can observe a variety of animals from all over the world. From aquatic animals to terrestrial animals, those vivid creatures are displayed in front of human beings. The origin of zoos can be dated back to ancient Egypt. Animals represented the power and wealth of an empire. The Romans usually captured animals, such as lions, elephants, and bears to battle criminals. According to Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences (2014), “Collections of animals during ancient times could...
2 Pages 1069 Words

Do Zoos Do More Harm Than Good: Argumentative Essay

Would you like it if you were locked up in a cage and to be laughed at by humans? Well, this is exactly what animals in zoos suffer from every day. Approximately 800,000 animals are taken to zoos which makes them deprived of their natural habitat and can make them develop a condition known as zoochosis, a mental illness that is characterized by repetitive behaviors such as swaying, pacing, or self-mutilation, and for what, just so us humans can get...
2 Pages 934 Words

Conservation of Natural Resources: Argumentative Essay

Can you imagine living without enough air to breathe? Is it even possible to survive without water in today`s blistering world? How can we survive in our daily life if we don`t have fertile land, forest, plants, and animals that provide us with food? What are we going to do if our natural resources are the main source of needs of the people in the entire world? Hence, it is no wonder that all people, poor or rich, have used...
2 Pages 771 Words

Climate Solution Report: Importance of Forests and Reforestation

Reforestation is a climate solution first proposed in the form of an annual planting program by Gordan Sloan in the mid-1900s. While the exact program never took place as replanting trees was largely viewed as uneconomical, the need for reforestation became widely accepted as a necessary implementation during the passing decades. The process gained momentum during the late 1980s due to heightened public concern. Describe your solution. Reforestation is the process undertaken to ensure the recovery of forests that have...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Climate Justice for Biodiversity Conservation Conflicts

Introduction Management of natural resources has been confirmed by observing organizations around the world provoke conflicts when scarcity, poor governance, and unfair distribution of amenities constitute its procedures. These conflicts have, in turn, caused heavy impacts on biodiversity and climate change; most of which are negative and irreversible (IUCN, 2021). The climate justice movement seeks to minimize the different forms of conflicts ranging from socio-economic coercion to wars at stages where dialogue is effective. Poor communities experience armed conflicts over...
4 Pages 1976 Words

Catholic Church's Teachings on the Issue of Environmental Ethics

Environmental Ethics implies the control in Philosophy that reviews the ethical relationship of individuals to, and furthermore the worth and good status of, nature and its non-human substance. Environmental Ethics is an issue that covers 4 primary elements, deforestation, global warming, pollution, etc. Deforestation is an issue that initially turned into a serious concern in the 1950s, it is an issue where a wide zone of trees is brought down. This issue turned out to be serious because of people...
4 Pages 1675 Words

Can the Abuse of Natural Resources in African and Middle Eastern Countries Lead to Economic Disparity: Essay

Introduction: The exploitation of natural resources has always been a factor that has affected many developing countries. Natural resources are air, water, soil, minerals, fuels, plants, and animals (National Geographic Society, 2012). Countries that experience abuse of their natural resources are those that are already suffering underdevelopment, which incentivizes them to give away their resources in order for them to economically grow. Many nations found in the African continent are fairly new with plenty of resources, which is a weakness...
5 Pages 2293 Words

Benefits of Optimum Use of Natural Resources

Introduction Renewable and non-renewable natural resources and ecosystem amenities are part of the real capital of the countries. They are natural wealth from which other forms of wealth are made. If these natural resources use ideal they contribute towards fiscal revenue, income, and poverty reduction. Sectors related to natural resources use provide jobs and are often the basis of livelihoods in poorer communities. Owing to this fundamental importance of natural resources, they must be managed sustainably. To manage these natural...
4 Pages 2042 Words

Argumentative Essay on Global Warming

Global warming is a great threat to our entire planet and is a condition that was created by man as far back as the Industrialization Era. Unless we begin to make changes to benefit our environment and the Earth now, there will be devastating consequences later. Humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Who else can destroy our oceans and land? Who else can cause pollution and destroy our forests? Who else can use other animals for experiments...
4 Pages 1961 Words

Argumentative Essay on Climate Change

Understanding Climate Change: Causes and Consequences Climate change is the long-term changes in global temperatures and other characteristics of the atmosphere such as wind patterns or the amount of precipitation. These shifts may affect one region, many regions, or the whole planet. The type of climate change that concerns our generation is global warming, as the planet warms quickly, mostly due to human activity, weather patterns in regions around the world will fluctuate. This matter is indeed very problematic and...
5 Pages 2220 Words

Analytical Essay on Energy Efficiency Policy

The concept of energy efficiency first arose following the oil price shocks that resulted from decreased oil output in the wake of the Iranian Revolution in 1979 (Graefe 2013). The consequences of the nation’s growing dependence on foreign oil became evident as prices quadrupled and supply dwindled. President Jimmy Carter became a champion for energy conservation in response to the various energy crises that threatened national security in the 1970s. In his speech 'A Crisis of Confidence' Carter addresses the...
4 Pages 1624 Words

Analysis of Waste Management Scandal in 1998

In a world of ever-expanding technology, no one would bat an eye on a laboring force being fraudulent, especially a dirty one. Many wonders if their actions fall under “fraud, “but what is fraud?” Accounting fraud or corporate accounting scandals are political and business scandals that rises when disclosure of misdeeds by trusted executives of large public companies. A public company that falls under “creative accounting” can amount to fraud and an investigation is typically launched by government agencies. Some...
3 Pages 1490 Words

Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos: Essay

People have kept animals captive for thousands of years dating back to ancient Egypt as far back as 2500BC. In the 18th century menageries (a private collection of animals) grew in popularity as it was a sign of wealth and helped them to gain popularity with their peers, but the welfare standards were poor as they did not understand the exotic animals' requirements for them to survive and be happy. Modern-day zoos have improved drastically with their main roles being...
2 Pages 891 Words

Analysis of Background of Fair Trade and Pillars of Sustainability

Fair trade is defined as when third-world countries pay producers in third-world states a fair price for their work. It is when the price is paid for products that give producers enough to offer life's basics like food, education, and healthcare. How fair trade works is essential as the identity in understanding the benefits of purchasing appropriate trade products. It is critical to know how the system works and how it affects both ends of the scale. The benefits of...
4 Pages 1988 Words

Essay on National Parks and Indigenous Communities

In developing countries, national parks have become the subject of international conservation policies (Mombeshora and Le Bel, 2009). A national park is a region set aside by a national government to protect the natural resources for recreation and enjoyment purposes or its historical or scientific significance (Britannica, 2019). In these parks, the habitats and their associated plants and animals are maintained in their natural condition; however, it is essential to acknowledge that national parks worldwide will differ significantly in their...
4 Pages 1949 Words

Invasive Species as the Most Destructive Problem Facing National Parks

In our current age there are many troubling problems facing our national parks. From poaching and pollution to smog and climate change, our national parks are in an everlasting battle to stay up to the standards they have upheld for decades. The most damaging problem that is facing national parks today may actually be invasive species. Invasive species are unwelcome animals that damage the ecosystem of the park they inhabit. There are hundreds of different invasive species and they all...
6 Pages 2784 Words

Essay on Brazil: Its Internal Weaknesses and Role in Global Affairs as a Regional Power

Brazil has achieved an immense economic growth over the last decades and managed to enhance its influence regionally, in Latin America, and globally. Nevertheless, the country is plagued by social problems, corruption, crime and human rights abuses. This essay will discuss Brazil’s internal weaknesses and its role in global affairs as a regional power. Firstly, it will examine President Jair Bolsonaro’s stance on the environment and what threats does his outlook pose to the future of Brazil and the world...
2 Pages 1042 Words

National Parks Bear the Brunt of Climate Change': Research Article Essay

Climate change has been a controversial topic over the years, but at the same time, there is no denying that it is occurring at this very moment. There are countless contributors to the reason why the stability of our climate is off the charts within the last few decades. Some contributors include the emissions from our transportation options such as cars, trains, airplanes, etc. Other subscribers to our ever-changing climate are power plants, factories, wildfires, deforestation and agriculture. All of...
3 Pages 1360 Words

Advanced Locality Management in India: Role of Rag Pickers in Solid Waste Management

Abstract Now a day, we are facing a problem regarding the management of waste generated daily. This waste includes solid waste from commercial zone, industrial zone and residential zone. Among all these waste management from residential zone requires first priority because if this waste is not properly disposed daily, then it will create problems to public health, affects the aesthetics. This paper gives the present status of solid waste management on dumping ground in Mumbai region and also suggests some...
3 Pages 1512 Words

Promotion of Recycling as an Incentive for Rag Pickers: Scrap Management in India

Scrap can be explained as a waste that has no value economically or such waste that have value only of their basic material which can be obtained through the process of recycling. It is generated once the final product has been obtained at the end of the manufacturing process is over. There are few products that you will see which could be a damaged one or some waste which cannot be used again as their expiry date has been crossed...
2 Pages 862 Words

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