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Reflections on Meaning and Purpose of Life

1 Page 504 Words
The inanimate thing that gives meaning to my life and what makes me wake up every morning to do my tasks are my goals in life. The bliss of becoming a career woman who is financially and emotionally stable and could provide for herself has been my long-term goal. That gave meaning to my life and that what made me...

Purpose of Life and Its Awareness

2 Pages 943 Words
From a very young age I asked myself the question that many of us ask ourselves. What meaning does my existence have? The exact answer I have not yet found because it is a very complicated question and difficult to understand not only for me but for all. Talking to myself experiencing things to know myself better I could find...

My Life's Purpose: An Essay

4 Pages 1669 Words
I used to think my life was meant to be planned out by my parents. They set their expectations to be higher than I could achieve, and designated me on a path to pursue the life they never got. As a result, their intentions led me to learn to think more for myself and create my own ambitions because of...

My Life's Purpose and Goals

2 Pages 884 Words
Everybody has a purpose in one’s life and want to find that purpose. My purpose is based off core values, strengths, passion. All my life, I yearned to live a meaningful life where I wouldn’t have to look back down the road and regret anything I did to get the life I want. I have regularly wanted to be man...

My Colorful and Beautiful Ikigai

1 Page 556 Words
I'm alive because I have life, I have life because I'm alive. A very simple statement but meaningful as we used to expound it. It is like I exist because I have an ikigai that gives me a reason for living even the moment that I'm feeling distressed and my life becomes miserable. The true meaning of life for me...

Mentally Ill People and How We Can Help Them

2 Pages 786 Words
Mental illness is your level of psychological well-being which affects how you think, feel and act that range from not too serious to very serious. Examples of mental illnesses is depression, a mood disorder causing you to feel extremely sad or lose interest in everyday and schizophrenia, causing the person to have a decreased ability to understand reality. They are...

Martha Graham's Influence on Dance

1 Page 539 Words
By the 1930’s in America, “Graham had developed a succinct dance vocabulary within her technique that spoke to more taboo forms of movement and emotional expression” (Mapes, 2012). For example, the introduction of Graham’s stylized breathing concept, which she dubbed ‘contraction and release’, not only formed the basis of her unique dance terminology, but also her ‘weighted’ dance style. As...

How Did I Come to Help Others? Essay

1 Page 522 Words
I still remember the day of this incident. I was thirteen years’ old then. It was pouring heavily, and I had to go to a nearby store to purchase medicines for my grandmother. As it was raining, I pulled on an overcoat and went out. When I reached the main road, the traffic was heavy, and almost every vehicle is...

Helping Others in the Right Way

1 Page 584 Words
We consider the word ‘No’ predominantly as a symbol of self-respect and discipline, which is right. Most people think it’s a difficult word to vocalize but saying ‘Yes’ is often harder than saying ‘No’ because it’s a verbal devotion to be an active contributor. ‘No’ easily transitions into a slippery slope of plans never fulfilled and good intentions never achieved....

Helping Others and Happiness

1 Page 563 Words
Jenny Santi in her article ‘The Secret to Happiness Is Helping Others’ states that helping others may seem like it doesn’t make a big different on making our lives happier, but it has a huge impact. When it seems as if we are forced to give back to others, it doesn’t make us happy which is why we should never...

Having the Purpose of Life

2 Pages 1103 Words
First and the foremost reason is that we are conditioned like that by society. Since our childhood we are told that we need to have a purpose to live in. In our neighborhood, there is a man who always asks her granddaughter in front of everyone why you are alive and what’s the purpose of your existence and every time...

Having a Purpose in Living

1 Page 614 Words
What’s my purpose in living? Do I live in the true essence of life? Or does, I live just to live life? Life defined as an existence of a person to experience the world. The world where we, human beings, live, seeking ourselves and purposes. Eager to learn new experiences and knowing the true virtue. The philosopher that triggers my...

Concept and Risk of Social Isolation

1 Page 409 Words
Isolation behavior comes as subsection of relationships problems and to be exact it’s a problem concerning the misbehavior of the individual with himself with respect to other individuals. Isolation behavior is a behavior caused by many reasons. They can be mental or physical, but the cause that has a huge impact is social isolation. Social isolation is a condition of...

Beauty Pageants: Helping to Shape Future Leaders

3 Pages 1331 Words
There are many different opinions surrounding beauty pageants. People try to argue that they give contestants the wrong impression about what ‘beauty’ should look like and what ‘standards’ women should be trying to achieve, but the pageant world is changing now more than ever. Contestants are competing with more than just their looks. Things like character, talent, and service are...

All People Should Help Others

1 Page 570 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Did you know that good deeds decrease stress which can give you a lot of diseases or heart attacks? People should help others without expecting any rewards. Just like Mawi Asegdom’s brother and father. His brother and father were caring people. The father used to wake them up early every day to do something nice to their neighbors. All people...

‘The Dark Knight’ as the Best Superhero Movie

2 Pages 1140 Words
‘The Dark Knight’ is by far the best superhero movie ever made to this day. Eleven years later to its initial release date it will always remain my top choice. Directed by Christopher Nolan who has helped produce many famous movies like ‘Inception’, ‘Interstellar’, ‘Dunkirk’, and as we know the Batman trilogy. The Batman trilogy has changed the superhero movie...

Should You Risk? Essay

1 Page 477 Words
Taking risk doesn't mean succeeding every time, and thats ok .Taking risk can lead u to failure which in turn can help you grow as a person. Many of life's greatest achievements require going outside of u comfort zone whether it means overcoming shyness to perform onstage, investing money to help your business grow, or putting yourself out there for...

Is Risk Important? Essay

1 Page 439 Words
I think taking risk is more important than planing carefully for success. I know that, many people who want to be successful think to plan carefully is safe, maybe it is can be true but if you don`t want take risk you can not get giant leap. I think successful people shouldn`t live stable life, their life should have a...

Discuss the Theoretical Explanations for Risk-Taking

2 Pages 962 Words
For many years, adolescents have been described as risk-takers, unruly, mischievous and are generally portrayed in a negative light. Examples of these depictions can even be traced back to Shakespearean times, however the adolescent stage was not recognised as its own life stage until very recently. Risk taking in adolescence is an area of study psychologists have been extremely interested...

The Life and Influence of Julius Caesar

2 Pages 850 Words
Introduction Gaius Julius Caesar, one of Rome’s iconic leaders, was born in 100 B.C. in Rome, Italy. He was an army general, a politician, a governor, and an administrator. Unlike other influential and wealthy Roman politicians, Caesar was raised by a humble family. Wealth and a class type of family was a critical source of power in Rome of that...

Julius Caesar and Czar Nicholas II of Russia: Comparison

2 Pages 935 Words
Leaders whose names become remembered long after their death often had a great direct or indirect effect on the course of history. On first glance, Julius Caesar and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia are only superficially similar. However, at a closer examination, it is possible to see some important similarities and differences. This paper will provide background information on each...

Are Leaders Born or Made Essay

4 Pages 1790 Words
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Introduction A leader is somebody who has followers. It is broadly acknowledged that leaders are not born but made. In arrange to be a good leader, one must have the experience, knowledge, commitment, persistence and importantly the expertise to arrange and work with others to attain objectives. Great leadership is developed through a never finishing process of self-study, instruction, preparing...

500 Word Essay on Leadership

1 Page 503 Words
Transactional Leadership was first characterized by Max Weber, who concluded that leadership could be broken down into three distinctive characteristics: Charismatic (Transformer), Traditional (Feudal), and Bureaucratic (Transactional) (Weber 1947). Charismatic Leadership (Transformer) provides employees with the 'basis of personal trust in the leader and his intention, consciously accept to belief in his charisma, vision, and mission', therefore a leader practicing...

Leadership Philosophy Essay

4 Pages 1906 Words
Every person develops a philosophy based on their sense of life, which is expressed through interactions and framed by our worldview. One’s philosophy is based on many factors such as politics, relationships, education, family background, and much more (Ugquozor, 2019). A personal philosophy of leadership helps guide one’s thoughts and decisions on a daily basis. One’s personal philosophy is seen...

What Makes a Good Leader Essay

3 Pages 1231 Words
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Leadership is a process where one individual can profoundly influence someone else or a gathering of individuals be it in an association or all in all. In an organization, leadership refers to the capacity of the supervisor or manager to initiate subordinates to work with essence. In short, it is a human instinct to tie the gatherings together and direct...

Leadership Philosophy Essay

4 Pages 1944 Words
Introduction: The Importance of Leadership Philosophy This essay will discuss the significance of having a leadership philosophy; how my leadership philosophy was created, as well as how it has affected my unit. Additionally, I’ll discuss the traits of a successful leader. Next, I’ll recap on my interview with a commander, in which she discussed a difficult leadership challenge; what influenced...

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