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Pearl Harbor Was Not a Surprise: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1336 Words
As the Ancient Greeks would say, ‘’Desperate times call for desperate measures’’. It all started in Japan in 1939, as newly appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, and his predecessor or antecedent Zengo Yoshida, discuss the United States of America’s embargo, restriction, and impediment that deprives Japan of raw materials they can barely attain in the first...

Argumentative Essay on Why Confederate Monuments Should Be Removed

1 Page 482 Words
In the article ‘Confederate Memorials as Instruments of Racial Terror’ (2015), originally published in The New York Times, writer Brent Staples argues that recent events such as the 2015 Charleston church shooting and the dismissal of the Confederate monuments around the country have finally allowed politicians to come to the deduction that these Confederate symbols and anything related to them,...

Was Napoleon a Hero or a Tyrant: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 627 Words
Considering Napoleon in the light of French history, the debate about who he was after all – a tyrant or a hero – is more relevant than ever. Contrary to what most people think of him as a tyrant, I see him as a hero. I believe that Napoleon was a national hero and was a big success for France...

Persuasive Essay on Why History Is Important

2 Pages 760 Words
The statement that those who ignore history ignore it at their own peril cannot be truer. Studying history is important because it allows us to understand our past, which in turn allows us to understand our present. It is important because history helps you understand the past to predict the future and help in creating it. Epidemics and pandemics have...

How Tolerant of Religious Diversity Was Early Modern Europe: Informative Essay

4 Pages 1706 Words
Religion played a major role in everyday life, with the Catholic Church having a major stronghold in Europe with the papacy and the church’s control over governments and monarchies, meaning the coexistence of religions in early modern Europe was very different from how it is now, as countries have adopted a more secular approach. As the Christian faith dominated Europe,...

Persuasive Essay on Why It Is Important to Study and Remember the Holocaust

1 Page 557 Words
The sign above the iron gate read: “ARBEIT MACHT FREI. Work makes you free”. This was the entrance to Auschwitz. In Elie Wiesel’s book called ‘Night’, he gives an eyewitness account of the Holocaust and the horrific treatment of the Jewish people. Elie wrote this book to inform us that the Holocaust really occurred. It is extremely important to study...

Essay about Joseph Stalin

2 Pages 943 Words
Joseph Stalin once said: “Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem”. His name was Joseph Vissarionovich, but he changed his last name to Stalin, meaning ‘Man of Steel’. Ironically, Americans know Superman as the ‘Man of Steel’ because he uses his strength to help people. Stalin used his power to control people and killed millions,...

Main Themes of Anna Deavere Smith's Play ‘Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992’: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1364 Words
‘Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992’ is a play Anna Deavere Smith produced utilizing verbatim depictions of the numerous casualties, onlookers, observers, and even culprits she met as a result of the Los Angeles riots. Smith examines an assortment of occasions paving the way to the Rodney King tragedy and considers the variety and strain of a city in disorder. Anna Deavere...

A Great 21st Century Leader: Informative Essay

1 Page 422 Words
To break things down first, we need to understand what the word leader means and know where it came from. According to Jia Lin, leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage, and discipline. Reliance on intelligence alone results in rebelliousness. Exercise of humaneness alone results in weakness. Fixation of trust results in folly. Helplessness on the power of...

Homosexuality Should Not Be Considered Heresy in 21st Century Society: Persuasive Essay

1 Page 437 Words
Homosexuality is the sexual and romantic attraction of one sex from another. In almost most religions, homosexuality has been described as heresy and evil. Pompei, who is mentioned in all three major religions, is an example. Homosexuality is still characterized by conservative fronts as a harbinger of perversion and apocalypse, and homosexuals are ostracized by society. But in recent years...

Technology in the 21st Century: Informative Essay

2 Pages 808 Words
Prima facie, technology has always played a key role in the lives of humankind, and people have been revolutionizing technology since primitive times. Thereby, the aim and motive of my essay are to explore the areas of advancement, to differentiate the technology of the 21st century and that of primitive times, and to make people aware that how their lives...

Critical Essay on Kate Quinn's Views on Women's Role in History Through Her Novels

5 Pages 2097 Words
Women, throughout history, have made a tremendous impact in shaping the world. While women's role within society has always been clear, significant, and needed for progress, their unique contribution to their immediate environment and beyond has not always been duly acknowledged. However, as societies evolved, socio-political trends have begun to recognize women’s societal status, rights, abilities, and accomplishments. In her...

Stephen Austin's View of the Texas Revolution: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1391 Words
There were many factors and important people that helped construct the Texas Revolution. Although the land was Mexican territory, many Anglo-Americans moved to Texas in hopes of getting a good amount of land. There was one man that had a huge role in Texas, his name was Stephen Fuller Austin. Stephen Austin helped convince many Americans to pack their belongings...

Informative Essay on the Main Causes of War

3 Pages 1281 Words
Usually, a war is waged by a country or group of countries against an opposing country with the goal of achieving an objective through the use of force. Wars can also be fought within a country in the form of civil conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. Wars have been a part of human history for...

Apartheid in the History of Psychology: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1157 Words
In South Africa, dominant psychology is based on Western, Eurocentric ideas about mental health. This means that the services provided by mainstream psychology in the field of mental health benefit only white, middle-class people, ignoring the needs of South Africa's majority black population. The appropriateness of psychology in South Africa has thus been examined, because it is not relevant to...

Music and Its Effects on Society Then and Now: Critical Essay

3 Pages 1456 Words
Music can possibly change a state of mind and mood, and empower idiosyncratic behavior and views in society. Actually, the normal American tunes into four hours of music every day! Simply envision what sort of effect music is having on our feelings for the duration of the day, regardless of whether we deliberately acknowledge it or not. So, to put...

Critical Essay on the Mysteries Surrounding King Tut

2 Pages 710 Words
Do curses really exist? Are there ancient spells that could still be in effect today? These are questions that could directly relate to the story of King Tutankhamun, the Egyptian pharaoh. While his death took place centuries ago, the mysteries surrounding what happened to him and those who have disturbed his resting place continue. There have been many speculations and...

Carnivalesque in Medieval Culture According to Mikhail Bakhtin: Critical Essay

1 Page 625 Words
Mikhail Bakhtin was a Russian philosopher, literary critic, semiotician, and scholar who worked on literary theory, ethics, and the philosophy of language. Bakhtin considers that the vision we had of the Middle Ages was anachronic and deeply inspired by the vision of the Renaissance. He argues that our knowledge of that era is very limited and that searchers didn’t go...

Review of the Movie 'Gandhi'

1 Page 588 Words
In the movie ‘Gandhi’, Gandhi marries a girl at the age of thirteen. As he follows the death of his fathers, he was sent to England to study law. He became very interested in the philosophy of non-violence, but he didn’t fulfill the decree of law. That’s when he came back home and got into it with the British, he...

Informative Essay on Europeans and Their Conquest of the World

2 Pages 943 Words
The so-called Europeans were well-versed in science and technology; with this power in their possession, the Europeans decided to use it to their advantage to dominate the world. Studying other cultures and societies played a significant role in enabling Europeans to send their scientists overseas with the conquerors to expand their understanding of those cultures and societies. They justified their...

Censorship of 20th-Century Classical Music in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1398 Words
Censorship has a long history. Already in church music dating back to the 18th century, which was created to complement worship, it is possible to find evidence of music control. If religious habits were changed, such as in England during the Reformation or in revolutionary France, music that was contrary to the new order disappeared and was no longer played....

Ellis Island as a Ray of Hope but a Port of Tears and Chaos for Immigrants: Critical Essay

2 Pages 803 Words
Ellis Island, a ray of hope, but a port of tears and chaos in the early eighteenth century. It was a place where the U.S. health and security departments screened out the immigrants considered undesirable, the incurably ill, the impoverished, the disabled, criminals, and all the others barred by the immigration laws of the United States. For most immigrants, Ellis...

Informative Essay on the Kitchen Space of the 20th Century

5 Pages 2468 Words
The early 20th century was a time of significant change in domestic Interior spaces. In this period, Britain saw a vast improvement in the standard of living, despite having two great world wars occur and severe recessions. The transition from the Victorian to Edwardian times allowed many changes due to the development of gas and electrics, leading to new appliances...

Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor: DBQ Essay

2 Pages 732 Words
On December 7th, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the United States known as Pearl Harbor. This attack would be responsible for killing more than 2,000 American sailors, soldiers, and civilians. The attack happened on Pearl Harbor, a military base in Hawaii. It was considered a surprise attack because the US was not in the war and was not...

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