History essays

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Essay on Great Depression

2 Pages 777 Words
The Great Depression started in 1929, when people were left homeless, many people were unemployed, and banks even had to shut down. The government tried to make programs to help with this issue but they all failed and were a great waste of money. Overproduction and underconsumption made companies make too many products that people weren’t buying. Margin buyers were...

Essay on Effect of Boston Tea Party and Intolerable Acts

3 Pages 1379 Words
The Intolerable Acts (also known as the Coercive Acts) is the name given to a group of policies enforced by the Government for the colonies in America in response to the French and Indian war (as mentioned in section 1), these were seen as fair to but not to the colonists. It is the opinion of some that had the...

Essay on Development of Historiography

7 Pages 2989 Words
When asking a question like, “Is history political?” it can be quite easy to simply say: yes. History is political. There’s ample evidence to prove it. Any layperson would know that history comprises of the rulers, governments, and wars of the past. Undoubtedly, the political narrative of the entire human race. Even in the present day, history is often used...

Essay on Cold War

2 Pages 1016 Words
After World War II, tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union escalated and world hegemony became a superpower. The United States represents the capitalist countries, while the Soviet Union and Russia represent communism. Therefore, there has always been competition between the two great countries. This confrontation is called the Cold War because it triggered diplomacy rather than war....

Essay on Civil War Causes and Effects

2 Pages 933 Words
“The American Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865.” (Civil War Facts) According to American Battlefield Trust, “10,000 battles were fought across the continent.” (Civil War) Some causes of the American Civil war were Slavery, The Dred Scott Decision, states’ rights, the Missouri Compromise, the secession of the south, and the presidency of Abraham Lincoln. “Slavery first began...

Essay on American Revolution

1 Page 504 Words
The 13 colonies were still under British rule before the American Revolution, but they won independence after the revolution. There were almost 4 million slaves in the United States during the Civil War and Reconstruction periods, and slavery was abolished after the war, all of which had profound political and social consequences. In the American Revolution, colonists rejected British rule...

Essay on African American Women Writers in 20th Century

7 Pages 3004 Words
African American women authors have become dominant forces in creating and contributing to the larger tradition after many decades of being virtually silenced by outright neglect from publishers who considered them irrelevant. As with so much literature by and about women, that silence has been broken, giving voice to the infinite complexities of African American women’s lives, including women’s role...

Essay about Mexican Revolution

3 Pages 1321 Words
The people fought through the revolution from 1910-1920, to earn their rights. The Revolution was increasingly corrupt, inflexible, and had a violent dictatorship. President Diaz oversaw the broadcast and most rapid period of economic expansion which led to mass loss of land. Porfirio Diaz (Background) Although the Mexican Revolution officially started in 1910, you have to go back a few...

Effect of British Misgovernance on American Revolution: The Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party

4 Pages 1645 Words
The Boston Massacre in March 1770 occurred a year on from the Townshend duties, and the colonies were growing increasingly unstable. The government of Massachusetts was asking other colonies to resist and boycott their goods at the same time that riots were occurring in Boston. These riots were over the ironically named boat liberty which was seized for smuggling. Before...

Development of Cars in 1920s: Pros and Cons

3 Pages 1308 Words
After World War 1, America entered the “Roaring Twenties”. This period brought dramatic social and political changes. The advantages of technology and the inventions of machines brought the whole country into a crazy condition. The car, which was a sample of the “Roaring Twenties” has been invented by Karl Benz in 1886. The car is continuously being developed to assimilate...

David Walker's Appeal Summary

6 Pages 2616 Words
David Walker’s Appeal is a religious and political text that called upon slaves to rebel to acquire “[freedom], equality, learning, and boundless opportunity” than just solely relying upon God to save them from their oppression (xxxi). Due to the lack of change or opportunities, the whites did not want to relinquish to the slaves, slavery continued to persist even though...

Civil War Research Paper

6 Pages 2510 Words
After decades of simmering tensions between northern and southern states over slavery, states' rights, and westward expansion, the united states civil war broke out in 1861. Seven southern states seceded and formed the confederate states of America after Abraham Lincoln's election in 1860; four more states quickly joined them. The civil war, often known as the war between the states,...

Cause and Effect Essay on Boston Tea Party

2 Pages 781 Words
Every consequence has its causation and it is inevitable to pay for the result of its action. Coercive Acts, also known as Intolerable Acts, was a series of a law passed by the angry British Empire after continuous conflicts with colonies. No matter how angry the colonial people would be, if the actions that had been taken were unlawful, then...

Analysis of Difference between 'History' and 'Historiography'

3 Pages 1154 Words
With “history” being an incredibly personal term, it’s incorrect to assume that there is a clear-cut difference between “history” and “historiography”. Ford’s maxim that ‘history is bunk’ (Ford, 1916), juxtaposed with Porter’s aphorism viewing history as an important process (Porter, 1975), highlights that defining “history” cannot be abridged to an orderly solution. Schinkel offers “historiography” as the process of writing...

To What Extent Was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the Result of Black Civil Rights Leaders?

1 Page 667 Words
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not a result of the black civil rights leaders. This can be seen in Mark Rathbone’s work when he states that in recent years the PBS documentary series ‘eye on the prize’, which was broadcasted in 1987, shows a breakthrough in the transition, placing more focus on common citizens who took part in...

Essay about Underground Railroad in American History

1 Page 519 Words
The Underground Railroad was a network which was established and used by the enslaved African-Americans to escape into free states and Canada. The railroad included dozens of secret and safe houses and routes originated in the slave holding states and the way to Canada boarder which could assure their freedom. The Underground Railroad also included the smuggling of slaves onto...

Life of Joan of Arc and Her Influence on History

3 Pages 1580 Words
In the history of the world, many influential women who have done things never thought to be possible by women. Women such as Rosa Parks, Marilyn Monroe, and Michelle Obama are inspiring girls all around the world to be whom they want to be. However, there has been one woman that has been covered in dust as her past has...

Civil Rights Movement: Key Events and Importance to the African American Race

2 Pages 1075 Words
This essay is written to inform readers of the Civil Rights Movement, the Montgomery Bus Boycott as the key its event, the importance of the movement to the African American race, and the Civil Rights Act. On December 1, 1955, the life of our nation changed forever. The start of the Civil Rights Movement began with the Montgomery Bus Boycott...

Civil Rights Movement as the Most Influential Movement in the 20th Century

1 Page 667 Words
There were many rapid changes in America in the 20th century, some of which shaped entire generations. One of the major historical events that had a significant impact on how Americans redefined themselves during that century is the Civil Rights Movement. Minorities, specifically black Americans, had always been kept inferior. This movement reinvented the way they were seen as a...

Essay about Songs of the 1960s

3 Pages 1295 Words
The 1960s was the time of revolution. A lot was happening in the world, but especially in the United States. The 60s was the decade of revolutions in politics, society, civil rights, war, and music. During the 60s, people protested for the civil rights movement, race equality, and women’s rights. Sociologist Daniel Bell stated that the beginning of the 1960s...

Rosa Parks' Bravery in the Struggle for Racial Equality

1 Page 551 Words
The twentieth century brought an era that changed the lives of every African American across the United States. The civil rights movement, a movement to see the cruelty that every African American faced on a daily basis, was one of the greatest events that took a step into somewhere we would’ve never expected during the 1950s. Many activists made themselves...

Reflections on Slavery in African American History and the Struggle of Slaves for Freedom

4 Pages 1717 Words
Slavery is a topic in history that has been taught throughout the years. Slavery has been around since the 1600s. The year was to 1619 to be exact when the first shipment of African slave was brought and shipped to North America. The port was in Jamestown, Virginia was the African slaves were brought. African slaves were brought to North...

Reflection on New Concept of Cities of the 20th Century in Dos Passos' Novel 'Manhattan Transfer'

4 Pages 1667 Words
In the twentieth century, the Old Continent was marked by the effects that the First and Second Global Wars had brought on it. Poverty, destruction, technological and cultural backwardness were concepts which hit the mind of Europeans who believed in America as a chance to improve the quality of their lives and the lives of their families: “Europe was rotten...

Is the Music Industry Corrupt?

2 Pages 1101 Words
Music is seen and heard anywhere and everywhere in the world. It is rooted deep into cultures, families, online, and even at peoples very own fingertips. For some, music has even made its way into their careers. In 2019, there have been more upcoming artists than ever before and the one thing they all have in common, is generating a...

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