Lifestyle & Interests essays

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Instrumental Music Concert Review Essay

1 Page 462 Words
I attended a music concert held at the Manhattan School of Music at 8:00 pm Friday, November 08. The concert was directed with various types of music using many instruments. The environment was penetrating as the concert hall was about the dimensions of an average home living room with about 45 people in the spectators. The concert was separated into...

Religion Is the Opiate of the Masses: Essay

2 Pages 872 Words
Religion could be a set of convictions that are passionately held by a gathering of individuals that are reflected in a worldview and in expected beliefs, activities, or actions. There are numerous different religions, each with a diverse set of beliefs. Beliefs are about the world and the individuals in it, about how they came into being, and what their...

World Views on America: Essay

2 Pages 1104 Words
The United States is a country where everything makes it great through its prosperity of the economy, and this country stands out as an independent nation. Everything involving the laws, the constitutions, the government, and the freedom of people is presented through the will and pride of its people: American citizens as a whole. An independent nation is what the...

Beauty in Architecture through Proportions Essay

2 Pages 1113 Words
The Golden Ratio in Design and Architecture Mathematics and Architecture are like two peas in a pod. In the past, Architecture has done great things for geometry. In measuring the land they lived on, it was people's need to build their buildings that caused them to first investigate the theory of form and shape (Freiberger, 2019). Ancient Greeks studied Phi...

Social Norms and Gender Stereotypes in TV Shows Essay

1 Page 562 Words
Mass media, for example, online networking is changing the life and how individuals carry on today. Mass media and social networking appear to be conceivable to impact and shape individuals' mindsets concerning gender roles. It assumes an essential part in making social standards and qualities in various societies today, as a result of various types of media stages, for example,...

Essay on Lifestyle and Fashion

1 Page 582 Words
Coco Chanel‘s designs were a symbol of her independence and unwillingness to submit herself to societal demands. She took her ‘wild’ ideas of style, strength, and empowerment and incorporated those into her designs and words. Chanel helped to abolish the previously strict and rigid social structure in society, allowing everyone to feel more equal. She turned women’s perception of fashion...

Why I Love Volleyball Essay

1 Page 659 Words
Business is not just about statistics and charts, it wouldn’t be the same without the people who are driving it forward. From an early age, I have always been attentive to the way the business world operates in our everyday lives. Since beginning my A levels, the complexities of the business industry have become more clear, the way it is...

Essay on How Did Television Impact the Civil Rights Movement

2 Pages 1122 Words
In 1865, the American Civil War ended and the 13th Amendment abolished slavery; however, they didn’t end discrimination against black Americans, thus leading to the Black Civil Rights Movement. In England, according to the PPT, the franchise had been extended from only rich men to almost all men from 1832 to 1884; therefore, women’s exclusion from the franchise seemed increasingly...

Essay on Is Baseball a Hobby

4 Pages 1859 Words
A few weeks later, I started a journey in earnest to restart a hobby that I had abandoned a long time ago: baseball card collecting. Up until recently, I hadn’t opened a pack of baseball cards since probably 1994. However, I have always enjoyed the idea of collecting in general, and recently with some of the work that has gone...

Is Soccer a Hobby Essay

1 Page 504 Words
Soccer is a captivating game for a bunch of reasons: it has evolving speeds, elements in the assortment of player positions, and a trace of unusualness where a touch of intensity can turn the game around. Soccer is no uncertainty a group sport—one would not be able to score an objective by moving the ball over the field and getting...

Art Is My Passion: College Essay

1 Page 558 Words
Art is my long-time passion; I can express my feelings, thoughts, or what I want to say through my art. I might not be expressive with words or actions, but I can explain it best through art. My mother influenced me to draw because when I was a kid I always saw her drafting blueprints because she’s an architect and...

Same Sex Marriage Definition Essay

1 Page 431 Words
In many major religions, same-sex marriage has been forbidden and illegal. Additionally, in many countries across the world such as ….. Same-sex relationships and marriages are viewed as unnatural and against God's views, Canada is one of the first countries that allow same-sex relationships and same-sex marriages which opened up a portal for many social justice advocates and organizations to...

Why Is It Important to Respect Other Cultures Essay

3 Pages 1261 Words
Culture can vary from one society to another based on various cultural attributes and elements that make up the respective culture providing a unique edge to each culture. Multinational companies need to adopt a global approach where they introduce global measures for engaging in respective cultures and for making decisions based on unique cultures. This essay identifies the uniqueness of...

College Essay on Being Vegan

1 Page 680 Words
In the beginning, when the quite famous Elsie and Donald utilized the term 'vegan' to describe the nondairy vegetarians, the lifestyle and the diet were considered to be 'uncool'. Many vegetarians also refused to associate themselves with this radical movement. The practice of veganism started a health-crazed and clubby reputation. Their diet eventually became truly admired and popular with countercultural...

Why I Went Vegan Essay

4 Pages 1879 Words
You just finished up your lab class and feel the hunger creeping up on you. Thinking about which small snack you can have before heading to your next class, you grab a Cliff bar to get you through to dinner. A Cliff bar looks healthy and it’s a little pricey, but you just consumed 240 calories with 22 grams of...

Personal Narrative Essay on Hunting

1 Page 592 Words
Since an early age, I have enjoyed the outdoors, especially hunting like many other outdoor enthusiasts. It is a hobby that I have gotten to enjoy with many of the men in my family. According to the author,” in 2017 more than 15 million people participated in hunting in the USA and there were 15 million paid hunting license holders...

Volleyball Captain Essay

1 Page 474 Words
Drive: - I am a very focused, goal-oriented, eager, progressive, and energetic person. I always make continuous efforts to achieve the highest peak of success (Stephen P. Robbins, 2017). I always show interest in taking the initiative to achieve the desired aim or goal. When I was in high school there was no volleyball team in our school. 5 students...

Vegan Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1552 Words
Imagine this; you wake up on your birthday and your mum has made you a delicious breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, two pieces of toast with creamy butter, and a side of crispy bacon. Sounds good right? What if I told you that those eggs came from chickens locked up in cages as small as an A4 piece of paper?...

Vegan or Not Vegan Comparison Essay

3 Pages 1467 Words
This essay is about the lives of vegan and vegetarian diets consuming people. So, let’s start with what vegans and vegetarians are; a vegan diet contains only plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs and a vegetarian diet involves abstaining...

Cause and Effect Essay on Vegan Diet

2 Pages 1129 Words
In our society, many advocacies have been presented around the world with different purposes. There are nonprofit organizations that help children in need through fundraising campaigns. Some, write books and print posters advocating for peace to give an end to violence perpetrated on people of all ages, classes, and genders. In addition, there are feminists and human rights advocates who...

Vegan Manifesto Essay

1 Page 538 Words
Why would people give up all things cheesy and meaty to live a life based completely on a plant-based diet? You might ask, but a lot of people have taken up this lifestyle, in a bid to reduce the socio-economic impact of the Carnivorous Diet. The term ‘ Vegan’ was coined in the early 1944 by Donald Watson, Veganism has...

Reflective Essay on Words to Live

2 Pages 787 Words
Life works out like a pattern on the tapestry of time. Desiderata, a masterpiece of Max Ehrmann, is a truth from a great poet’s pen. Desiderata is poetry that will spur us on, attached with lovely lilting phrases and agonizing realistic realities. It also enlightens us on what we will be dwelling in our workplace and what actions must be...

Research Essay on Vegan Lifestyle

5 Pages 2417 Words
Go vegan, they said. Save the world, they said. But, is the plant-based diet truly as beneficial for the animals and environment as people like to believe? What would happen if everyone converted to a plant-based diet? Veganism is defined by The Vegan Society, as “a way of living which seeks to exclude as far as is possible and practicable,...

Essay on Soccer Is More Than a Game

4 Pages 1663 Words
This paper carefully examines the lasting impact of soccer and why it was so celebrated among people in all types of societal norms. As soccer couldn't be played by many races it has changed many people’s outlook on the sport since now, regardless of race and gender, they all play together. Soccer also represented many countries' wealth by the players...

Pros and Cons of Vegan Essay

3 Pages 1303 Words
A vegan lifestyle, from the outside, is viewed in many different ways. For some people, vegans are seen in a bad light, as annoying and foolish. Others see vegans as the health freaks, always the ones walking around with their protein shakes and avocado toast. Then some stereotype vegans as the pierced and tattooed hippies. There are even many differing...

Argument against Vegan Essay

5 Pages 2269 Words
People in this day and age have so many beliefs that it can be hard to have a reason for everyone to commit to veganism or vegetarianism. Some people believe it is okay because it is how we survived. It is how our ancestors survived. Some think it is okay to eat some meat but stay away from others because...

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