Nathaniel Hawthorne’s "The Scarlet Letter" is a profound exploration of sin, guilt, and redemption in Puritan New England. While much attention is given to the primary characters—Hester Prynne, Reverend Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth—Mistress Hibbins remains an enigmatic figure who contributes significantly to the novel's thematic complexity. This essay delves into Mistress Hibbins’ role and symbolism, examining how her character enhances...
Introduction "The Squatter and The Don," a novel penned by María Amparo Ruiz de Burton in 1885, delves into the complex socio-political landscape of post-Mexican-American War California. This seminal work not only offers a gripping narrative but also serves as a poignant critique of the socio-economic and racial tensions that characterized the period. Through its rich tapestry of characters and...
"Cinder," the first book in the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer, is a captivating retelling of the classic Cinderella story set in a futuristic world. The narrative revolves around Linh Cinder, a gifted mechanic living in New Beijing, a city in the Eastern Commonwealth. Cinder is not an ordinary girl; she is a cyborg, a fact that subjects her...
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Christina Rossetti's poem "No Thank You, John" stands as a hallmark of 19th-century feminist literature, capturing the essence of a woman's right to reject romantic advances. The poem, written in 1862, is a dramatic monologue directed at a suitor named John, who persistently seeks the speaker's affection despite her clear disinterest. Rossetti's choice of a direct, conversational tone breaks from...
Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" is a seminal work that delves deep into the themes of alienation and isolation. The novella tells the haunting tale of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a gigantic insect. Through this surreal transformation, Kafka explores the profound disconnection Gregor experiences from his family, his work, and...
In the whimsical and often bewildering narrative of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," Lewis Carroll weaves a tapestry of archetypes that reflect the human experience, societal norms, and individual psyche. This essay delves into the rich tapestry of archetypal elements present in the novel, analyzing how these timeless symbols contribute to the underlying themes and character development within this fantastical world....
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Gwendolyn Brooks, a celebrated American poet, crafted a body of work that resonated deeply with themes of social justice, personal identity, and the African American experience. One of her notable poems, "Speech to the Young," serves as a poignant and motivational piece, urging the next generation to remain steadfast in their convictions against the backdrop of societal challenges. This essay...
Introduction John Donne, a prominent figure in metaphysical poetry, is renowned for his innovative use of conceits—extended metaphors that draw connections between seemingly disparate objects or ideas. "The Flea," one of Donne's most famous poems, exemplifies his skillful blending of wit, irony, and complex imagery. This essay will analyze "The Flea," delving into its thematic implications, structural elements, and the...
Introduction Native American folklore is rife with tales that illustrate the complex interplay between cunning and brute strength, morality, and survival. One such tale is "Ikto Conquers Iya The Eater," a story from the Lakota tradition that features the trickster figure Ikto and the monstrous Iya. This essay aims to analyze the narrative structure, thematic elements, and cultural significance of...
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Introduction Emily Dickinson's poem "The Soul Selects Her Own Society" delves into the profound and often solitary nature of individual choice. Through her succinct and vivid imagery, Dickinson explores the human soul's intrinsic ability to choose its own associations, thereby asserting its autonomy and selective nature. The poem, with its characteristic brevity and depth, encapsulates the essence of personal sovereignty...
Introduction The notion of "Dwelling in Possibilities" encapsulates a profound and multifaceted understanding of human potential and the boundless opportunities that life presents. This concept, often attributed to the poet Emily Dickinson, suggests an existence characterized by openness, creativity, and the continuous pursuit of what could be rather than what is. In this essay, we will delve into the intricacies...
J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye is one of the notable works of the American Literature which explores a difficult stage of a human life – growing up. The story is narrated by Holden Caulfield who becomes a protagonist and in this role – and in this role the reader faces such issues as estrangement, presence of self, defense...
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The theme of good vs evil is practically the heart of this literary epic just like the heart of Te Fiti is the constant in the movie Moana. Each character in the story plays a role that allows for the development of the theme of good vs evil. Each character also has a background and motives that provide good reasoning...
The Theme of Alienation in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Sometimes, people tend to feel lonely due to neglect by fellow members of society just as the monster created by Victor Frankenstein. This feeling makes people violent and commit acts that are intended to hurt others. The monster in the story by Mary Shelly became violent as a result of feeling...
At the heart of the human experience is the desire to share stories that deepen and enrich our understanding of fundamental human tensions; between freedom and conformity. George Orwell's political satire 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' (1949) explores our ever-shifting desire between political freedom and individual authenticity and our desire for unity in the wake of state power. It is through Orwell's use...
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Okonkwo didn’t sleep for three days. He was confused about why couldn’t sleep. He felt guilty for killing Ikemefuna, which is why he couldn’t sleep. The author used the simile “It was as silly as all women's stories” (75). The author mentioned that women were thought to be useless and disrespected by men in the villages. Okonkwo and his family...
To Kill a Mockingbird the book To Kill a Mockingbird, is not just one of those regular books about how the white man becomes a hero because he defended a black man in a racist place. There is much more, there is compassion he made in the story and it is very meaningful how nice this man was to black...
Here, we reach a rabbit hole in the form of a Disney scholarship. By way of introduction to the field, I suggest that Disney scholarship consists largely of two “camps.” The more contemporary strain of Disney scholarship, beginning to blossom in the 1970s, concentrates largely on questions of narrativization politics, including those of Walt Disney’s biography. A non-exhaustive list of...
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To begin with, To Kill a Mockingbird is a very worldwide book. This book was published in 1960 and became a bestseller. After the success of the book, it became a film that everyone was watching. Throughout this book, you can notice a lot of different themes such as love, Kindness, Cruelty, Hatred, and Humor. This book tells the story...
A gothic novel that also contains aspects of romance, bildungsroman (coming-of-age narrative), and revenge tragedy. The values of the Romantic and somewhat the Victorian periods are present in the novel. Some of the main characteristics of Romantic literature include a focus on the writer or narrator’s emotions and inner world and the celebration of nature, beauty, and imagination. “Born on...
The house remained empty. The halls collected dust and eccentric paintings hung still on the emerald walls. The door to my father & mother’s room was sealed shut. Everything in the house was silent. Nothing broke it. It was the silence that woke me. That day the absence of sound swept around our manor like a wandering spirit. The pale...
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The roles of women in the Victorian Era weren’t as prominent as they are in today’s society. Back then, women had a certain reputation to uphold and if it wasn’t met, most of the time, they were looked at wrongly. This period didn’t exactly promote gender equality. When looking at Wuthering Heights and Pride & Prejudice, the authors, Emily Bronte...
An often asked question would be are people truly responsible for their actions? This question has puzzled humanity throughout history. Over the centuries, people have pondered the influence of divine or diabolical power, environment, genetics, and even entertainment, as determining how free any individual is in making moral choices. Greek mythology is focused on various “Gods” and how they interfere...
Gender role is a popular topic that people nowadays are still discussing. Dracula, a Victorian novel, written by Bram Stoker is a portrayal of the gender roles in Victorian places in the 19th century. In Dracula, Stoker highlights traditional masculinity and femininity, with a focus on the degrees of power, and sexuality by describing different characters’ behaviors and thoughts. Meanwhile,...
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‘... a renewed sense of passion for the wild, the unfamiliar, the irregular, and the irrational’. (1317) This is how David Damrosch described the Romantic literary movement in ‘ The Longman Anthology of British Literature’. In this essay, I aim to prove that Emily Bronte’s ‘Wuthering Heights embodies these core concepts and as a result shows that this text is...
Act 1 Quote Analysis “We cannot look to superstition in this. The Devil is precise; the marks of his presence are definite as stone, and I must tell you all that I shall not proceed unless you are prepared to believe me if I should find no bruise of Hell upon her.” (Hale, Act 1, p. 35) The significance of...
Frankenstein is Mary Shelley’s first novel. Though as the wife of famous Romantic poet Percy Shelley, Mary had never actively participated in political movements or polemics. Similarly, there is not even the least direct mention of political stance. However, this novel of hers has been remembered during subsequent periods of social crisis again and again. If we consider the time...
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The written task is based on the book “Macbeth”, written by William Shakespeare. This text comes under part IV – Literature: Critical Study. My written task is a narrative about a rather surprising meeting between Macbeth and the Ghost of King Duncan. Macbeth is declared the Thane of Cawdor, which makes one of the witches’ prophecies come true. Hearing about...
Everyone gets jealous at some point in their lives, all humans show jealousy in different ways. It can be very dangerous and can turn people against each other because sometimes want what someone else has. With all the peer pressure in the town of Salem, this major sin of envy causes great stress on the characters and the town, but...
Today, we all have gathered here to discuss how to make each moment matter; and how we can seize each day of our life. I want to share a story about a beloved old college professor whom I had adored back in college. He passed away from Lou Gehrig's disease commonly known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS. I had...