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The Facebook Privacy Scandal

“The Federal Trade Commission has approved a fine of roughly $5 billion against Facebook for mishandling users’ personal information, according to three people briefed on the vote, in what would be a landmark settlement that signals a newly aggressive stance by regulators toward the country’s most powerful technology companies,” ( ). Besides for the fine, Facebook also has to give more insight of how data is collected when it comes to the users. This is one of the biggest fines...
3 Pages 1406 Words

The Correlation of Privacy and Censorship

Introduction Censorship means deletion or excision of parts of published materials and also efforts to ban, prohibit, suppress, prosecute, remove, label, or restrict materials, censorship is an effort by a groups to prevent people from reading, seeing, or hearing what may be considered as dangerous to government or harmful to public morality. Privacy Definition In a library, user privacy is the right to open investigation without having the subject of one’s interest examined or scrutinized by others. Confidentiality exists when...
5 Pages 2105 Words

The Forgotten Past And Manipulation Of Censorship In Fahrenheit 451

When one is drawn away from life’s realities, by censorship, doubts begin to be made on one’s true purpose in the world. Many examples of Censorship such as books, artifacts, past life etc. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Douglas Bradbury, a National Institute of Arts and Letters Award winner for contributions to American Literature demonstrates the protagonist, Guy Montag a thirty year old fireman experiencing an intellectual awakening, who burns books for a living in order to protect the comfort and...
3 Pages 1508 Words

Social Media and Body Image Essay

The topic of this research paper will focus on how social media and advertising affect self-esteem and body image in both male and females of all ages. The Mental Health Foundation reveals its survey from the UK that “22% of adults and 46% of 18- to 24-year-olds said images on social media had caused them to worry about their body image.” According to The Role of Facebook Affirmation towards Ideal Self-Image and Self-Esteem by Yokfah Isaranon “This study also found...
1 Page 611 Words

How YouTube Changes our Learning Method

In this rapid information era, it is undeniable that YouTube has become a well-known video-sharing platform. Our habits, for instance, the way of broadening our horizons, showing our talents or reading news, to name but a few, may silently be transformed thanks to the sudden appearance of this website. Indeed, Lewis, Heath, Sornberger and Arbuthnott (2010) have suggested YouTube is now the third biggest website on the plant, meanwhile the majority of its active were youth. This reflects that YouTube...
2 Pages 881 Words

The Economics of YouTube

Almost all of us are familiar with YouTube the Google owned video sharing platform, but not all of us are familiar with its beginnings and the impacts it had on the consumer-producer world. YouTube which is now considered a monopoly in its field was founded by three PayPal employees, who ran the company from a small office, which was above a small restaurant, in a Californian city. From such humble beginnings, it has become so prevalent in today’s media landscape,...
2 Pages 1013 Words

The Censorship of Satire and How It Affects People Socially

Censorship of satire (Meme; funny videos or pictures) not only violates our right to freedom of speech and freedom of press, but it affects the way we socialize with people. We use satire every day to make connections with people that have different cultural backgrounds around the globe. If you can laugh with someone, you are able to tap into their humanity and get to know them on a core level that is way deeper than politics, religion, and class....
1 Page 665 Words

The Ethics of Government Censorship of Social Media on the Eastern World

To censor or not to censor? This has been a popular topic of conversation, particularly amongst the younger generations (whose lives essentially revolve around social media). The question is, how much can be deemed too much when it comes to government involvement in their citizens’ online affairs? Several concerns have arisen regarding the matter of whether or not the government should have access to and control over what one chooses to view and publish online. Some governments are less restrictive,...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Protecting the Ethics of Photojournalism and Understanding its Capabilities

To achieve a career in photojournalism you need to be extremely educated on all aspects of photography and photojournalism. From knowing composition and lighting with also having to understand what goes on behind a true photojournalist. Being a photojournalist is everything that I have always wanted to be. I plan to go on a trip with a fellow photographer that goes on mission trips in South Africa. He photographs the people in the villages living in poverty where his organization...
4 Pages 2045 Words

Does Facebook Need a Dislike Reacting Button?

Social Medias are made to give enjoyment to the people especially to the youth. One popular example for that is Facebook. It allows an individual to connect and communicate with different people around the globe. Also, it serves as a way for people to gather and disseminate information, express what they feel and their opinions, and share their experiences on their daily lives. Facebook is a very well known type of social media in which every individual are known to...
1 Page 551 Words

To What Extent Does Music And Social Media Influence The Objectification Of Woman?

Women are often objectified in today’s society and it has been an ongoing issue throughout modern society, to objectify means to “degrade to the status of a mere object”. woman is often treated in such a way and are often insulted for any strength and/or status that they have. This mindset is due to old beliefs where women was seen as nothing more than housewives and sexual objects, which as a result influenced rape culture. The advancements of technology, social...
3 Pages 1159 Words

How Youtube is Adapted into Nursing

As the health care issues become more complex having nurses that are prepared with the necessary knowledge and training is vital. Technology is making huge advancements especially in health care, thus having nurses well informed and able to engage and work with new and modern systems can provide better care (Beldarrin, 2006). The future relies on educators of the past. Therefore having new innovative ideas and abilities to engage future nurses into a more enriched learning environment via different types...
2 Pages 879 Words

Censorship in American Textbooks

Democracy is founded within the principles of liberty of the individual and faith within the ability and essential rational nature of all human beings. Using these principles as the major premises of my argument, I will seek to present that censorship and book banning are impermissible because they violate the freedoms vital for preserving democracy and the liberty that accompanies that democracy. According to the aged democratic theory, as described by leading American theorist Robert Dahl, an ideal democratic process...
1 Page 499 Words

How Social Media Effects Crime

Have you really thought about how bad social media has made more crimes easy? You will be learning the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of social media. For us adults there is identify theft, scams, and fraud, even hacking into our personal accounts. Also, how it affects our youth and how our youth puts into the crime too. Our youth is learning from everybody on social media that it is okay to cyberbully, cyberstalking, and even cyber threats....
3 Pages 1327 Words

Internet Censorship: Blessing or Curse?

According to the Lexico Dictionary, censorship is defined as the suppression or repudiation of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are deemed offensive, politically unacceptable, or a threat to safety and security (Lexico Dictionary, 2019). In many countries, governments censor web content and information to protect their citizens from harmful and dangerous material, but some officials go as far as to fully ban certain websites and applications from their countries. Moreover, censorship also helps during times of rioting,...
3 Pages 1294 Words

Censorship of Language: Peculiarities and Aspects

In today’s world, it feels as if every sentence, no matter the platform, is inherently censored and carefully constructed. This phenomenon can be attributed to political correctness, or PC, movement. The PC movement has permeated all major platforms such as radio, social media, television, and literature. The fact of the matter is that some different phrases and motifs have been redacted from the acceptable language column. The intense and visual language that accompanies sex, drugs, and violence is nothing more...
3 Pages 1388 Words

Cyberbullying And Instagram's Influence On Suicide Among American Teens

Self-harm plays a big role in cyberbullying, it is a way for the victim to cope with their pain. Not only can the victim have self-harm or suicidal thoughts the effects of cyberbullying impact the number of teens inflicting harm on themselves. Over the years that we have been struggling with, they have made so many movies on cyberbullying, to show us how bad cyberbullying is. The 2011 movie Cyberbully, it portrays 3 young female teenagers navigating their way through...
2 Pages 964 Words

Fahrenheit 451: The Condition By Our Own Censorship

Intro In a society of book burners it is hard to not be ignorant and censored. These people are being censored by not the government or television but themselves. This article will cover the issues and themes of the book and the people. Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451 surounds a society where books are not valued and technology is valued more than people. Our protagonist Guy Montag is conflicted on whether he’s doing the right thing. The theme being covered...
2 Pages 911 Words

Should Censorship Be Mandatory for Movies?

If one’s friend jumps off a bridge would they follow? Most people are asked this question because they are doing something dumb that they saw someone else do. Now take that and apply it to watching movies and TV. If one sees or hears something on a movie, they are more than likely to repeat the action they saw or the words they heard. So, should movies be censored? Well censorship is mandatory for movies because they can lead to...
1 Page 531 Words

Newspaper Journalists' Motivation

National Careers Service website describe newspaper journalists as those who investigate and write on broad range of subjects, from reporting on international and local news to politics, business, science, sports, arts and culture. Low motivation negatively impact work performance, which threatens an organisation’s ability to remain competitive in the market (Küng, 2008). Given fluctuating public attitudes and expectation on newspapers today, steady stream of creative content is more crucial than ever. Readers no longer look simply for the news, but...
2 Pages 980 Words

Does Facebook Need a Dislike Option?

Will offering Facebook users with a dislike button provide them more ammunition to spread hate across the social media platform? The Dislike button has been one of the most popular debates out of all Facebook’s features, and it could be the time to weigh up the potential benefits and drawbacks of allowing users to voice their disagreements. At the Facebook HQ, CEO Mark Zuckerberg, describes his view on the Like button as a way to “Express a positive emotion or...
1 Page 656 Words

Social Media and Body Image

With reference to some sources, more than 87% of women and 65% of men were negatively influenced by social media. Social media is a platform for people from different walks of life to connect with each other across distances. Some platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have portrayed unrealistic standards in terms of body image. It could be argued that social media has changed the way people look and feel about themselves. Although social media can be a platform...
1 Page 427 Words

Spreading Education from Youtube

Education is about learning skills and knowledge. It also means educating or helping people how to do things. Education is an essential resource in the life of somebody that is really useful. Education distinguishes persons from other individuals. This empowers people and makes them deal with life problems. But in our nation schooling is always a privilege and not a need. Education consciousness has to be shared across the world in order to render knowledge accessible. But this vision remains...
3 Pages 1396 Words

The Role of Communication in Media Management

The role of communication in media management is to accomplish the goals of an organization. Media management is an area of business that deals with the supervision of media specialists, productions, and other channels. As managers, we must define what needs to be completed, when it will be completed, and how it will be completed. To achieve this, we must effectively communicate the plan to others in the organization. Efficient communication skills can help employees to have a better understanding...
1 Page 682 Words

The Role of Mass Media in Socialization

Why do we use a fork and spoon for spaghetti, yet eat a hamburger with our hands? From the moment we are conceived, we are socialized; we constantly learn hoe to act and react, to function within society. Socialization is defined as the process in which we learn the culture of our society, and it is perpetual. In sense, we are fundamentally products of our socialization; our identity, thoughts and actions are all formed by how we were socialized. If...
2 Pages 1076 Words

The Aspects of Social Media Censorship

Having social media can have many ethical and legal implications. Social media such as Facebook’s censorship has arisen on its users. Imagine having to follow certain rules in order to open a Facebook account and being monitored. Following the same information filtering and reporting requirements as the government commands. Thousands and thousands of people use Facebook. Faebook is even in other countries because of the fact that it follows many rules that it is allowed to be used not only...
3 Pages 1447 Words

Censorship: Types and Crimes

Censorship has been around throughout the ages of history. It can be seen in the earliest time from the ancient Romans and Greeks. Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of speech or deletion of communicative material. That includes books, films, and news. Individuals censor things because they feel that it is obscene, politically unacceptable, objectionable, harmful, or a threat to security. There are four main types of censorship. Political, Ethical and Social, Religious, and Military. These are used in different...
4 Pages 1765 Words

Is Internet Censorship Necessary or Must Be Avoided?

Introduction In today’s world, it has become impossible to imagine our world without the internet. Even the simple activity such as communication and entertainment relies on the internet heavily. Internet has gone beyond the context of connecting just computers and users. The internet provides a diverse range of data and information to different sections of the society. Different types of organisations find the information quite reliable. In addition to these, the business sector also gets benefit out the internet. It...
4 Pages 1708 Words

Positive Effects of Facebook on Academics

'If you are on social media and you are not learning, not being inspired, not networking, then, you are using it wrong.' This is a quote by an expert in social media etiquette, Germany Kent. However, while some people would agree with this statement, others are likely to refuse. It is undeniable that social media sites such as Facebook have become integral parts of the current society and have affected all sectors, including education. In an era when social media...
5 Pages 2186 Words

Accidental Billionaires: A Factional Account of Facebook

As the title of Ben Mezrich’s book The Accidental Billionaires reports, the story of Facebook’s origin features elements of sex, money, genius, and betrayal. These elements are woven together to describe a wild and entertaining journey while achieving success and fame. The factional accounts presented throughout the book are summarized within these four categories. However, there is another aspect to the book than these four categories. As mentioned twice already the term factional is used. Factional is a combination of...
3 Pages 1500 Words

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