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Essay on Personal Wellness Planning Assessment

In my personal life, I try to maintain the best wellness I can, but I know I can always do better. Although it is important to keep in mind all the domains of healthy living, I choose to focus on sleep, physical activity, and mindfulness for my personal needs. Getting enough sleep is a common problem among college students. I often find myself staying up all hours of the night completing homework assignments or studying for upcoming exams. This way...
3 Pages 1285 Words

Jay Gatsby Strengths and Psychoanalysis: Critical Essay

Love makes you do crazy things, even flip your life around. Jay Gatsby is one of the more well-known characters in this story. In the book “The Great Gatsby”, Jay Gatsby focuses on trying to manipulate the entirety of his life. He shows a lot of different characters throughout the book but they all point back to how he feels about Daisy.¨The Great Gatsby¨ came out in 1925, and every male individual represents part of the author. By Jay Gatsby...
2 Pages 1091 Words

What Can Cause a Significant Change in Someone's Life: Critical Essay

Since the beginning of time, men have felt superior thanks to logic and reason. It has been part of the science of the human from unmemorable times. Our ancestors have been evolving; consequently, learning from their mistakes. Teaching future generations how to be prepared for the worst, yet nothing can prepare you for a sudden decision. Rapid moments in which nothing…not even in milliseconds can stop. An experience that changed my life was the car accident because made me experience...
1 Page 635 Words

Reflective Essay on Academic Strengths and Weaknesses

MBTI Reflection After taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment I found out that my type is ESFJ (Extroversion, Sensing, Feeling, & Judging) or “The Provider”. Before I took the test or found out my results, I hadn’t really known anything about the test in general, let alone what the different outcomes were. So, therefore, I didn’t have much of an expectation as to which personality type I wasn’t going to be preceding the assessment. When I first read the results...
2 Pages 933 Words

Narrative Essay on Strengths and Weaknesses of a Person

My teamwork experience from this course was overall positive and I believe I have learned an extraordinary amount about myself and how to work collaboratively with other personalities. My teamwork experience allowed me to focus on self-awareness of my own strengths and weaknesses in a group environment; my strengths being my collaborative nature and openness to new ideas as well as my weaknesses being my lack of time management and sometimes stubborn nature. As well as this I have developed...
1 Page 452 Words

My Family History: Essay about My Grandfather

This essay is about two sides of my family; My fathers’ side and my mothers’ side. I have obtained information on my fathers’ site that dates back to the 1890s. My paternal great-grandfather moved from Afghanistan to India in 1895 as a child and later settled down and eventually having my paternal grandmother in 1939. My paternal grandfather's family moved from the northern part of India during the 1890s as well due to economic reasons. After the partition between India...
6 Pages 2508 Words

Culture Project Essay: My Grandfather's Way of Life

On a sunny fall day my grandfather, Venkateswara Rao Koneru, was born, on October, 26th, 1948. His family was a line of farmers. He had learned the most valuable of lessons in this family. Although the greatest lesson of all was to never take anything for granted because you can always lose it. He did many amazing things in his life, but the most inspirational was that he was able to get to another country, start a family, and had...
2 Pages 1099 Words

Narrative Essay about My Grandfather

The Invisible One I sit dejectedly on the sofa counting the minutes until this painful ordeal is over. The tick of the grandfather clock is muffled by the sound of cheerful guests and talkative relatives, joyous laughter and corks popping, not to mention the blaring music. I sit resentfully wondering how my mother had convinced me to come to this party, or as she liked to call it, “family-gathering”. I sit on the other side of the room, distancing myself...
6 Pages 2691 Words

Satere Mawe Coming of Age Ritual

Traditions are an enormous deal in most cultures, typically Latino or Middle Eastern heritages. What is a tradition you may inquire? Well, a tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within a group or society with a symbolic meaning behind it or also a special significance that has origins from the past. Most traditions are celebrated for different meanings or different purposes. However, they actually do hold certain things alike to one another, for example, most or almost all...
1 Page 593 Words

Gender Differences in Self-Esteem of College Students

Abstract According to previous studies, gender differences are associated with self-esteem level (e.g., Aidman & Carroll, 2003; Buswell, Hyde, Kling, &Shower, 1999; Trzesniewski, Donnellan, &Robins, 2003). But few studies have examined whether males are associated with higher self-esteem levels or lower self-esteem levels. In addition, studies that examined the relationship between self-esteem level and gender differences have not examined participants who are college students. Therefore, the researcher conducted this study to examine the relations between years in college, gender, and...
5 Pages 2064 Words

Gender Differences in Personality, Communication Style, and Brain Based on Scientific Researches

Before explaining variances between genders, it is essential to differentiate between the terms gender and sex. The terms sex and gender had been used interchangeably for centuries. In 1949 a French author, Simone de Beauvoir in her book (The second sex) defined the terms sex and gender differences. She mentioned, “One is not born, but becomes a woman” (as cited in Butler, 1986, p.35). Generally, a person’s sex is determined by his/her biological and genetic state. Males and females are...
4 Pages 1855 Words

Examples of Tragedy in Our Everyday Life

Managing a ship without experience and courage was never been easy. The captain and his crew might prepare for some conditions or unexpected events that they may experience in the middle of the sea. The Essex, the name of the ship, was run by Captain George Pollard with the help of Owen Chase and his men. In that movie, I preferred Chase as captained the Essex over Pollard since he thought about his crew and he was knowledgeable enough to...
2 Pages 954 Words

Essay on Taylor Swift's Personality

Why did you choose this person? in other words, describe why you think they fit this personality type. Be sure to include information related to their accomplishments, any controversies surrounding this person, and even their relationships (e.g., break up, family relationships) that support your opinion. According to the course content and the subject of the “dark triad” Which is a mixture of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. Taylor Swift is a famous American singer-songwriter. She is known for narrative songs about...
2 Pages 967 Words

Essay on Self Reflection

The purpose of this essay is to provide a better understanding of my personal beliefs when it comes to social service work, my views on seeking help and how my thoughts will influence my professional development, what I find is helpful for me, and lastly how I am able to overcome any barriers that come in my way. Although I have been able to grow with the help of peers and family, I am still learning many new things to...
3 Pages 1183 Words

Essay on My Grandfather: The Exclusive and Memorable Clues for Life from A Rare Person

Here stands the man who is full of rich knowledge that is worth spreading as family history. I am so proud to have this man with me today. This man is named Saad Ghanem Al – Saraf. He is my grandfather. I am about to know more about his golden knowledge. My Grandfather had three incredible and unbelievable highlights in life which made all the difference. This was all about my grandfather’s childhood. Let’s start this adventure. These were the...
3 Pages 1551 Words

Essay on Importance of Personal Legend

A Personal Legend, as it is stated in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, is one's destiny in life. It is identifying your purpose in life and pursuing it. It is a calling; it is something you have wanted to achieve your whole life. Coelho suggests a Personal Legend as “what you have always wanted to accomplish”. I believe that Personal Legends matter a lot to us in life without us even realizing it. They provide us with a purpose or...
2 Pages 862 Words

Essay on Goals

Family groups are “kinship ties or social bonds based on ancestry, marriage or adoption” (Nelson Community and Family Studies, 2014). In relation to myself, my family is very close and has formed ties that are almost indestructible because not only are they close by blood, but they are also close by friendly ties. Excluding me, I live in a household of five people which includes both of my parents, my younger brother, and my two younger sisters. Our time is...
3 Pages 1156 Words

Essay on Egyptian Belief on the Nile's Rise and Fall

Egyptian civilization started along the banks of the Nile around 3300 BCE. The Ancient Egyptians were polytheistic and believed that if they pleased the gods and goddesses, they would live in peace. Temples and pyramids were built to honor the gods and people worshipped regularly. Its famous and biggest pyramid was Great Pyramid at Giza built by King Khufu. It took 100,000 and 20 years to complete it. A great sphinx was used to protect the pyramid. It had a...
2 Pages 808 Words

Essay on Annie Dillard’s Personal Narrative 'Living Like Weasels'

At some point along the way in our lifetime, we may take a step back and reflect on how we have been living our lives. Many people attempt to search for an answer to a very emotive question: how do we truly live our lives? Annie Dillard’s personal narrative entitled “Living Like Weasels” explores a way in which human beings should live. Her encounter with an ordinary weasel enabled her to gain insight into the difference between humans and weasels....
1 Page 479 Words

Erik Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development That Impacted Me in My Life

Finding My Identity in My Life As I’ve grown up and reflected on my childhood I realize how great of a childhood I had and how it’s affected me to this day. I had a loving and supportive family who was always there for me and a group of friends I could always fall back on. I did well in school and participated in sports while I was growing up. Even though I had all these great things in my...
3 Pages 1169 Words

Analysis of Events That Caused People to Believe in Bermuda Triangle

Hundreds of Vessels and Aircraft with thousands of men on board had vanished into thin air with no trace or single distress signals in an area that we now call The Bermuda Triangle. Which may also be known as The Devil's Triangle or Hurricane Alley. This area is a mystical section with an invisible outline that covers up to 440,000 miles of sea, which is shaped as a triangle located between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, near the Caribbean Sea...
2 Pages 689 Words

Marriage Essay

Marriage has been a cornerstone of society since the dawn of civilization. It is an institution that has been around for centuries and still exists today. But, is it still relevant in today’s society? With more and more people opting to remain single, is marriage still a legitimate option for many people? In me essay, I would like to explore the pros and cons of the marriage. The Pros of Marriage Beyond love and companionship, marriage offers numerous advantages. Legal...
1 Page 690 Words

Ethical Dilemma Essay

Every day, we are faced with ethical dilemmas in our personal and professional lives. But when it comes to business decisions, an ethical dilemma can have far-reaching implications for both the company and its stakeholders. As a business professional or decision-maker, it’s important to understand what ethical dilemmas are, why they arise, and how to handle them responsibly. In this essay I would like to take a closer look at ethical dilemmas. What is an Ethical Dilemma? An ethical dilemma...
2 Pages 788 Words

Death Essay

Death is an inevitable part of life, one that evokes a range of emotions and has been given many different meanings by cultures, religions, and belief systems throughout time. It can bring both sorrow and grief as well as a feeling of acceptance or even transcendence. However, it is also more than just an end — it often serves as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation in individuals and communities alike.  In this essay, I will explore how different...
2 Pages 931 Words

My Name Essay

Identity is an essential and influential part of human life. It is made up of many components, such as culture, family, religion, gender, and personal experiences, which all shape a person's sense of self. One particularly meaningful element of identity is a person's name. A name carries much more significance than just being an identifier; it connects to heritage, history and one's character. In this essay, I will explore the power and significance of identity by focusing on my own...
2 Pages 701 Words

Academic Goals Essay

Education is an essential aspect of personal and professional growth. As a student, I have long been inspired by all that education can offer. Since childhood, I have fully understood the value of academic achievement and how it can lead to so many opportunities. Over time, my enthusiasm for learning has only deepened. Now, I'm intent on creating a plan of success through education that will help me realize my dreams and aspirations. In this essay, I will outline my...
2 Pages 797 Words

About My Favorite Season Summer Essay

Summer is a beloved season for many people, and rightfully so. It represents warmth, liberation, and exploration. Personally, summer holds a special significance in my heart. I eagerly anticipate its arrival each year, and I have always pondered what sets it apart for me. In this essay, I will delve into the reasons why summer is my preferred season. I will examine the various experiences and activities that make it so unique. Whether it's the hot weather, outdoor excursions, or...
2 Pages 896 Words

What Is a Creative Leader and My Potential and Ability to Become One

Regarding forgiveness, research find that an individual with forgiveness ability can contribute to beneficial relational connections, achieve better cooperation, work fulfillment, individual resolve, innovative problem-solving, a feeling of adaptability when confronting changes, and productivity. For instance, there are frustrating things occur such as someone affronts me at work or the undesirable result comes out in the project as someone doing wrong. The strengths of forgiveness can let me learn to forgive those who I have held a grudge against for...
1 Page 676 Words

What Am I as a Leader?

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Nearly all men can stand the test of adversity, but if you really want to test a man’s character, give him power”. In this quote, Lincoln asserts that the more power individuals are granted, the greater their responsibility to serve, develop, and empower those around them. Ultimately, leadership is not just about what one person can do, but what they can inspire, encourage, and empower others to do. From this information, one can deduce that at...
3 Pages 1155 Words

Analysis of Traits of a True Hero

What if one could save hundreds of people, or permanently change the world in a good way, but they had to put their lives at risk or give up 10 years of their own life? Would they choose it? Or would they not? Heroes are when people make a good impact to one's life or the world in some way, or they risk their lives to save someone. They never give up; the hero will try their best to reach...
3 Pages 1248 Words

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