Philosophy essays

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Corporate Social Responsibility Philanthropy Today

Introduction In the business and corporate world today, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a principle that is both expected and required from an ethical point of view. Organisations are required to fulfil CSR through four main elements, namely, economic, legal, ethical / moral and philanthropy. What is Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept that is expected from all organisations and business entities that they should contribute to the wellbeing of society, community and not be purely focused...
5 Pages 2313 Words

Plato's Allegory Of The Cave And Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative

The drive behind Plato's Allegory of the cave was to composed and demonstrate the impact of instruction and proceeds to investigate the subject of how nature is illuminated an unfazed. Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative alludes to directions that individuals must pay little mind to what their wants are. The ethical commitments individuals must pursue has gotten from the purpose. Kant's contention for the Categorical Imperative is affected by Plato's moral story of the cave. The focuses made by the detainees...
2 Pages 755 Words

Family Values Essay

Intro As timeless as they are, parental principles form the bedrock of societal structures and personal development. This essay delves into the intricate tapestry of family values, exploring their role in shaping individuals and communities. Traditionally, household values have been synonymous with principles like respect, love, and support. However, as societies evolve, so do the interpretations and applications of these values. This dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity raises critical questions: How do parental principles influence personal identity and social...
5 Pages 1527 Words

The Issue Of Loneliness In The Elderly

Loneliness in America is a very pressing issue, especially in people 75 or older. This group of people paved the way for the things we have now. Loneliness is slowly taking over our loved ones, and it needs to be put to an end. For many people loneliness can feel like pain in the body and can lead to things like drug use or self-harm. The average person will agree to feeling lonely at some point in their lives. Loneliness...
2 Pages 743 Words

The Ethos, Logos, And Pathos In Letter from Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King was a very intelligent man who went to college when he was just fifteen years old. He got his doctorate degree in theology from Boston University, which is a very prestigious school back then. In King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, he is addressing several clergymen who are criticizing his actions during the protest. There is a clear use of ethos, logos, and pathos in this letter. The use of ethos is used right off the bat when...
2 Pages 811 Words

Taoism And Confucianism As Oldest Asian Philosophies

Some of the oldest philosophical ideas can be traced back to Asia, thousands of years ago. Lifestyle and how you are supposed to fit in society are key parts to these philosophies. Asia is home to one of the largest and oldest cultures on Earth, so there is no surprise that their beliefs are the ones we look back at and study. Taoism and Confucianism are just two examples of old Asian philosophy. They contain similarities as well as many...
2 Pages 978 Words

The Process And Implications Of Descartes’ Method Of Doubt

Philosopher René Descartes was a rationalist who sought to refute the scepticism of his time – this was due to the people losing trust in the authority of the church thanks to the Scientific Revolution. He wanted to create a new foundation for knowledge and so embarked upon the Meditations, his 6-day diarised quest to find something “firm and lasting in the sciences”. Since he was a rationalist, Descartes wanted to prove the superiority of reason over empirical truth. In...
3 Pages 1376 Words

Cross-culture Understanding Santhara: Fasting Until Die

India is a country in South Asia, which is rich for its culture and spirituality. This country is in the second position with the most population in the world. The density of India makes a lot of diversity that arises in society, especially Indian culture. The existing culture is strongly influenced by the existence of religion. Nevertheless, that could happen as India is the birthplace of three big religions there, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. This factor causes in India, religions...
3 Pages 1162 Words

Formulation Of Sattvik Model: From Ancient Roots To Modern Perspective

Abstract According to the Vedas, all material fundamentals are inculcated with the modes of nature or gunas- sattava, rajas, and tamas. Understanding the guna mode of an individual is the key to behavioral analysis. Different individuals may have different intensities of sattava, rajas and tamas gunas. As defined by Lord Krishna in 14th chapter of Bhagwat Geeta Sattva is the state of harmony, balance, joy and intelligence. This paper conceptualizes the Sattvik model which describes the interplay of attributes (gunas),...
6 Pages 2520 Words

Confucianism Or Hinduism: Which Belief System Was More Effective In Creating Social, Political And Economic Stability?

Religion played an important role in history, and it has powerful and effective influence on various spheres of life, as it happened before common era. An example of how this can be done should be the introduction of Confucianism into the quality of state ideology, which strengthened the national identity of Chinese civilization. Comparing the influence of Confucianism and Hinduism it is noticeable that Chinese religion was more successful in case of social, economic and political stability. Hinduism had some...
1 Page 642 Words

The Meaning Of Integrity

Defining Integrity in Leadership According to Barth Nnaji, integrity is an important core value for leadership. When we are faced with challenge or opposition, leaders can always trust in their integrity to represent themselves as reliable individuals. One main difference when it comes to manager and an ethical leader is the commitment to their sense of integrity and the sense of a strong responsibility to resist temptation. Barth stated that true leaders adhere to their own values and encourage their...
3 Pages 1768 Words

Rationalism vs. Empiricism

A particular scene in the global franchise ‘The Hunger Games’ features the character ‘Peeta’ conversing with the character of ‘Katniss’ after being rescued from a facility that ‘conditioned’ him and used psychological torture to change his personality and beliefs, shaping him into an entirely different person with different values. In the scene he appears to be battling the things that he has been ‘taught’ and ‘conditioned’ to believe and the knowledge of the person he was before this. Rationalism is...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Philanthropy In A Global Context: The Langar

The Gurdwara is a place where Sikhs will gather to worship the Guru Granth Sahib which is their form of holy book (Religions - Sikhism: The Gurdwara, 2009). The Gurdwara allows the Sikh community to learn spiritual wisdom, faith, ethics customs and traditions (Religions - Sikhism: The Gurdwara, 2009). Aside from its spiritual value, the Gurdwara is also recognized as a Community Centre, which offers food, shelter and companionship for those who need it (Religions - Sikhism: The Gurdwara, 2009)....
1 Page 521 Words

How Hope Leads To Freedom In Rita Hayworth And The Shawshank Redemption

For any novels to truly connect with the readers the author needs to pay close attention to character development. It’s the human element that is going to resonate with people.A great character is more than just an iconic name it’s the process of creating a believable fictional character by giving them depth and personality. The book Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption the two main characters, red and Andy both evolve throughout the book but overall Red develops more over...
2 Pages 739 Words

How Can Space Exploration Benefit Humanity?

The planet in which we live in, is a beautiful miracle of nature. Ever since we started studying the universe, we still haven’t encountered another planet like Earth, able to support life. Unfortunately however, our beautiful world is not without problems. The more we learn about it, the more we understand that humans will have to overcome obstacles in order to ensure their continuity and further development. We have been able to solve some of the problems we have encountered...
4 Pages 1807 Words

Eve’s Culpability And The Question Of Free Will In Paradise Lost

At the heart of Paradise Lost lies Milton’s attempt to wrestle between two key ideals of the poem: the all-powerful Eternal Father and the notion of Free Will. In setting out to ‘justify the ways of God to men’ (I. 26) whilst maintaining his own anti-deterministic beliefs, Milton must ensure neither is compromised throughout his epic poem. Whilst the form of anti-Calvinism Milton chooses to extol appears to exonerate God from responsibility for the fall, there are still issues surrounding...
5 Pages 2249 Words

Good vs. Evil: The Bloody Battle Of Nature Against Nurture

For centuries, humans have been fantasizing with the idea of eternal life and staying young forever. Vampires are creatures frozen in time with superhuman powers, so it is no surprise that they are at the center of many creative minds. However, as time passes by, the vampire character has changed to keep up with its contemporary audience. According to Vučković and Pajović’s essay: 'The Evolution of the Vampire from Stoker's Dracula to Meyer's Twilight Saga,' “the reasons for the flourishing...
2 Pages 1019 Words

How Can Philanthropy Change The World?

Capitalism in the 21st century has resulted in dividing the rich and the poor. A majority of the population falls under the working class and sustain on either daily wages or monthly. Philanthropy is an idea which could help the rich make efforts to ensure the wellness of the poor. Over the years many philanthropists have been making efforts to help the poor and needy. These efforts have proved to be successful and have changed the life of many individuals....
2 Pages 720 Words

Is Religion More Evil Than Good?

From the beginning of time, humans have wondered about our purpose. Where do we come from? Why are we here? What are we meant to do? We are constantly seeking answers for things and in the past, people would just turn to the supernatural, claiming that unknown supernatural forces had created everything. While we are still religious now, we no longer blindly believe in just our sole religion whether it be Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or Christianity, but pair it with...
4 Pages 1595 Words

Biography Of Immanuel Kant: Life And Contributions

Kant was a philosopher who lived in Prussia as a university professor. Dedicated his life to contribute to the world with his thoughts. Kant experimented most of the significant changes of the eighteenth century and his thoughts were an expression of the new modernity conception of that times. He was a representative of the criticism and promoted the German idealism, and is well known as an influent figure of modern Europe. Kants life was uniform and methodic, without adventures or...
4 Pages 1955 Words

Reflection On The Principles Of Empiricism

Throughout the past few weeks I have learned many things regarding the principles of empiricism individually and as a class. We, as a class have also discussed how these principles have been applied by different philosophers throughout history. In this reflection I will share the main principles of empiricism and how these principles were used by three key philosophers of the 17th and 18th century. I will also explore the conclusions that I have personally gathered from studying this topic....
3 Pages 1206 Words

Karma And Reincarnation In Hinduism

Karma in Hinduism is defined as the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. A person goes through life collecting karma by the actions they perform. There are two types of karma. Good karma and negative karma. Good actions create good karma and bad actions create negative karma. Dying with any karma attached to the person’s spirit will lead to their spirit being reborn into a new...
1 Page 639 Words

John Locke's Idea Of Tabula Rasa

Nature vs. nurture is an age old debate dating back to the 1800’s. There have been hundreds of psychologists, scientists, religious leaders and even ordinary people who argue their view on the subject. John Locke was one of these people, a renowned British philosopher, who is best known for his use of the phrase of “tabula rasa.” His belief, that the mind at birth is a blank slate on which experience writes on, helped in forming the idea now known...
1 Page 681 Words

Gene Editing: A Road To Prosperity Or Ethical Dilemmas?

Throughout the world there are many dangers to the health of humans—war, climate change, and resource scarcity are just a few. However, one of the largest threats to the well-being of the human species is disease. Specifically, genetical diseases such as those that infants are born with. With these diseases come scientific endeavors to try and remedy the illnesses. One of these innovations is gene editing, which is also associated with the name CRISPR-Cas9. Gene editing involves changing the make-up...
3 Pages 1482 Words

Empiricism And Theory In Sociology

Both empiricism and theory are fundamental components that contribute significantly to the realm of sociology, however, I believe that more empirical research is needed within the discipline. To defend this position, I will be structuring this paper by: Firstly, discussing the limitations of sociology as a theoretically-rich discipline due to the increasing demands of advanced theoretical development and nuanced research put forth by Healy (2017), Besbis and Khan (2017); and 2. Argue that the discipline should consist of a more...
1 Page 491 Words

The Importance Of Ethics Of Public Administration

Introduction Codes of ethics exist to provide standards of excellence for civil servants to practice (Advanced Solutions International, Inc.). The standard of professionalism is one to be expected from those in administrative positions and to be reciprocated back from community members. The action of task completion is fueled by inspiration and honest. Conversely, scandals, release of confidential information, or inappropriate use of funds can violate the trust of the public. For this writing assignment I will be explaining the importance...
2 Pages 785 Words

The Karma And Its 12 Laws

'Is there a maxim that should be the basis for all actions in the course of life? Surely it is the maxim of compassion: Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself. ' Confucius Karma is the judge of our actions, it is the unseen energy that derives from our behavior that brings with it corresponding consequences and retribution. The karma in Buddhism or Hinduism simply tells us that the effort we made in...
2 Pages 891 Words

The Concepts Of Reincarnation In Different Religions

Introduction to Reincarnation Reincarnation is often associated with the idea that the soul could go to the body of an animal, of a plant, or even of an inanimate object, like stone, in death, and is not necessarily associated with transmigration. In comparison with the Western Christian concept of a single body, which is united in the resurrection (the union between soul and spiritual body) and life with God in Heaven, the concept of reincarnation that the soul goes through...
4 Pages 1898 Words

Rousseau And Voltaire: The Humans As The Causes Of Evil

Evil is brought on by the hands of humans and their actions lead to consequences they deserve. In Voltaire’s Candide and Related Texts, Primo’s Survival in Auschwitz and The Book of Job, discussed how humans are the cause of evil, which led to many unexpected situations to happen. In this paper, I will analyze Rousseau’s responses to Voltaire, the social and nature causes of evil in the three texts. Rousseau’s responses to Voltaire’s theory of evil stated the principles of...
3 Pages 1199 Words

Laziness As An Underrated Virtue

Some don’t consider it as a virtue but indeed it’s a virtue. Laziness is seen as the one responsible for the lack of success but lesser known that it is connected to efficiency. A lazy person may not be hard working but he can workout difficult things in a much simpler way. We tend to spend weeks, days and months to achieve our target but the same thing could be done in half of the time and we don’t opt...
1 Page 586 Words

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