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The Flawed Election System Overview

There were 158 million Americans who voted in the past 2020 election but only 538 votes decided our next president. The Electoral College was established in our Constitution in 1804 and was created by the Founding Fathers. The way the system works is there are 538 electoral votes among all the 50 states and it takes 270 votes for a candidate to win. We the people do not vote directly for the president but we are voting for a group...
4 Pages 1668 Words

Thomas Jefferson Symbols

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial, a monument in Washington D.C., has rich information in it’s bones waiting to be shown, viewed, and appreciated. It brings a sense of pride to the country and its people. What people do not realize is that this memorial is a part of the foundation that is the United States history. The shrine is located in West Potomac Park. On the east and south, East Basin Drive borders the monument; on the west and north, the...
1 Page 540 Words

Analysis of George Washington's Farewell Address

George Washington was America’s first president that served 2 terms consecutively. Ending his second term, he decided to write a letter in Philadelphia in 1796 that became later known as the Farewell Address. The letter started as a draft that was based off of James Madison’s old notes and drafts, and then was revised and edited by Alexander Hamilton. Although Hamilton revised the letter, he made sure to keep the main points of the letter and then the letter was...
1 Page 641 Words

The Three Main Goals of American Foreign Policy

Achieving collective action around the “national interest” is essential in foreign policy making. Given the threats inherent in the international system, Americans have an old adage that “politics stops at the water’s edge,” meaning that the nation should come together to achieve its common purposes in foreign policy. In addition to a concept of national interest, historical memory plays a pivotal role in foreign policy. Long ago, George Washington argued that America should have “as little political connection as possible”...
1 Page 439 Words

Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King were two very similar orators who wanted to achieve almost identical goals. Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States and the leader of the Anti-Slavery Republican Party. His speech was delivered on the nineteenth November 1863 mat Gettysburg during the ‘Great Civil War’. His primary objective was to abolish slavery and he did this partly by indirectly telling his audience, such as, purposely forgetting his status and addressing his ‘Fellow countrymen’ with...
3 Pages 1481 Words

Thomas Jefferson and the Meaning of Liberty

The relationship between the executive and legislative branches of the United States government is a complex yet vital party of American public policy and national security. The balance of power between these two branches is important to maintain because humanity is naturally evil and corrupted by sin. Yet, when the two branches can work together, it shows a nation that can set aside differences and work for the greater good. Many times throughout history the two branches have clashed on...
5 Pages 2173 Words

The American Civil War': Role of Abraham Lincoln in Civil War Essay

Kat Smutz’s book, The American Civil War, is about the Civil War and the details on what happened from the beginning to the end of the war. Abraham Lincoln was elected as the sixteenth president on November 6, 1860. The Civil War started at 4:30 Friday morning, on the 12th of April, 1861.The first actual engagement was the bombardment of Fort Sumter, between Union and Confederate forces. This was not for the benefit of slaves, but for the preservation of...
3 Pages 1207 Words

“Abraham Lincoln The Image of His Greatness”: Analysis of a Book

This is a book review of the book “Abraham Lincoln The Image of His Greatness” which is authored by Fred Reed forward by Dr. Thomas R. Turner. Abraham Lincoln was our sixteenth President of the United States. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, near Hodgenville in Hardin County, Kentucky. Thomas and Nancy (Hanks) Lincoln were the parents of Abraham Lincoln. Both of his parents were born in Virginia of undistinguished families. His mother died when he was ten...
3 Pages 1370 Words

A Book About Thomas Jefferson Summary

Amy and Jon Kukla’s book, Thomas Jefferson:Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The book relives the story of Thomas Jefferson’s life and what he did to help shape america. It focuses more on his accomplishments, like the Declaration of Independence, the Louisiana Purchase, and his term as the president. The book starts from his birth, all the way to his retirement and death. Many sources were used to help Kukla write this book. Such as Jefferson’s own writings and...
3 Pages 1131 Words

The Advantage of Electoral College in America

The Electoral College has been around since the beginning of democracy in America. The Founding Fathers set up the Electoral College in order to vote for a president every four years. The Electoral College gives each state, and D.C., a number of votes based on population. November 8th every four years, any citizen 18 years of age or older can vote for the candidate of their choosing. Based on the number of popular votes that candidate receives in each state,...
2 Pages 768 Words

Difference Between Communism vs. Capitalism

There are different operations, strategies, beliefs, and principles that guide every economic structure. The principles and ideas that are dominating in such territories determine the type of system in operation. Capitalism vs. communism concepts are two contrasting economic systems that are applicable in different places. Indeed, the difference between communism and capitalism is that the former supports equality in society by making economic services owned and controlled by the community. In contrast, the latter seeks to privatize production activities. However,...
1 Page 685 Words

Founding Fathers of Freedom

The founding fathers considered various things to be important tools for maintaining freedom. Constitution is one of the tools and this explains why it has been amended over the years. The constitution has remained to be the supreme law of every sovereign nation. The constitution’s vast language is expounded by the principles outlined in the declaration. The founding fathers used the declaration’s principles in the drafting of the new constitution. The Declaration in liaison with the constitution addresses the fundamental...
1 Page 585 Words

A Review of the Life and Music of George Gershwin

In this research paper I will analyze the life and work of the composer George Gershwin. Gershwin was active in the early twentieth century writing musical comedies and operas, many of which were the product of the collaboration with his brother Ira. I hope to clarify the style of Gershwin, and also bring to light some of the events in his life that led to his being a successful composer. George Gershwin was born “Jacob Gershwine” on September 26, 1899...
4 Pages 1692 Words

Thomas Jefferson Pros and Cons of Presidency

Jefferson was one of the most brilliant men ever to serve as president. His interest in geography and natural science helped him to understand the true significance of the Louisiana Territory, and when Napoleon made his fateful offer, Jefferson acted swiftly and decisively to accept it, thereby doubling the land area of the U.S. He then dispatched his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, along with William Clark, on a scientific expedition to explore the new territory. While undoubtedly a great mind,...
1 Page 554 Words

How Central Planning in Socialism Can Lead to Authoritarianism

Friedrich August von Hayek, was profoundly known by most of the individuals who took interest in classical liberalism in the early 20th century as an economist, but he was also considered a competent philosopher and also a political thinker due to his books that he wrote. Hayek was a renowned political economist who had an enormous impact upon how individuals in industrialist or capitalist social orders comprehend the idea of freedom and liberty. His one of most renowned works to...
2 Pages 1016 Words

The Life of Martha Washington and Her Impact on American History

Martha Washington, the first woman to ever be First Lady of the United States, was a woman of high station and possessed the standard level of education for the time—she had no formal education but could read and write. She is a compelling historical figure, and one who set the standard for First Ladies in the United States. Her story is one of loss and monumental achievement, and one I knew little about despite her significant contributions to American history....
3 Pages 1421 Words

Abraham Lincoln Pros and Cons

Lincoln’s stance on emancipation and slavery were clear. As Divine makes known in the text, “Lincoln had long believed slavery was an unjust institution that should be tolerated only to the extent that the Constitution and the tradition of sectional compromise required.” (Divine, et al., 340) Lincoln’s commitment to that ideal, also, is clear: “Lincoln was also effective because he identified wholeheartedly with the northern cause and could inspire others to make sacrifices for it.” (Divine, et al., 342) The...
1 Page 402 Words

Was Thomas Jefferson a Good President for People? Essay

In discussing the Declaration of Independence and it’s effects, it is important to start at the beginning. America was under the rule of Great Britain, and up until 1776, the American colonists believed that Great Britain was doing a great job protecting them, giving them their rights, and they, the colonists in turn, offered Britain their loyalty. But, the relationship between America and Great Britain started tearing apart during the beginning of the Seven Years War. During this, “America became...
2 Pages 837 Words

George Washingtons Presidency Analysis

George Washington was inaugurated april 30th, 1789. He accomplished the most within the first 100 days (153 days) than any other president has done. He was unanimously elected for both terms. He spent his first term in office creating a path for the executive branch. His first term also consisted of him creating the first form of the United states government. He was one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. This paper will explain why...
3 Pages 1349 Words

Was Abraham Lincoln a Democratic Leader? Essay

A Leader is a person who has the command to direct and leads in a certain field. As stated by Professor Warren G. Bennis, “Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right”. Leaders are the ones who do not order their sub-coordinates but work with them together to achieve a set of goals of an organization. They work together to bring out the best in the deputy and motive them to bring the...
2 Pages 1024 Words

Madisonian Democracy Essay

In the federalist papers, the main thesis that guides Madison’s argument is “How shall the separation of power be maintained in practice.” In the federalist paper numbers 47 and 51, Madison discussed the institutional makeup that was included in the draft constitution that had been proposed then. In the federalist paper number 47, Madison discusses the constitution of government and show that power should be distributed among the three branches of government that include the judiciary, executive and legislative branches...
2 Pages 1035 Words

George Washington Character Traits

What qualities mark a great, respectable man? Surely, in order for others to consider him an exceptional man, he must be virtuous and brave. Historians illustrate a large multitude of historical figures to be admirable, yet they don’t elaborate as to why. In Jane Addams’ address commemorating George Washington’s birthday, she clearly articulates how and why Washington earned his legacy as an incredible man. Addams not only examines Washington as a statesman, she also analyses him as a soldier and...
1 Page 640 Words

We the People: James Madison's Best Invention Yet

In his book, Inventing the People, Edmund Morgan answers a question posed by philosopher David Hume, who noted “the easiness with which the many are governed by the few.” Morgan agreed with Hume that governments operate under tacit consent, and adds that the consent implies acceptance of fictions meticulously cultivated by those who govern. One of those fictions is a central tenet of democracies all over the world: “the people” and their sovereignty. Today, the more direct implementations of democratic...
2 Pages 1008 Words

Marbury V. Madison - Case Summary and Case Brief

Judicial History: William Marbury filed for a writ of mandamus with the United States Supreme Court to direct Secretary of State James Madison in delivering the commission of Marbury as Justice of the Peace for the District of Columbia in the county of Washington. Facts: In 1801 Congress passed an act separating the District of Columbia into two districts with the Justice of the Peace to be appointed by the President of the United States. President John Adams signed a...
1 Page 463 Words

The Relationship Between Mary Poppins, Socialism and Feminism

In the following essay it will be explored the lengths women had to go through in order to rise their role in the social, political and economical life so that they could obtain or try to reach a similar status as men; the reason why women feel to fight against law will be explained in the upcoming paragraphs. It will be also examined the stereotypical behaviour of men and women through the ages, starting from the Ancient Romans up to...
5 Pages 2319 Words

Why is George Washington was So Important? Essay

George Washington Carver or ' peanut man ' was an American Agricultural scientist known for crop rotation, peanut farming, and for inventing ways to prevent soil depletion. George Washington Carver was born in Diamond Missouri on a plantation in the early 1860s. (The exact date is currently unknown) George was born before slavery was abolished. His master, Moses Carver, was a German American immigrant who bought George's parents for $700. When George was about a week old he and his...
2 Pages 808 Words

Discovering and Accepting Abraham Lincoln Weaknesses

As a little boy growing up in Washington, Stephen L. Carter spent many happy hours in a room upstairs, poring over his father’s trove of books about Abraham Lincoln. Of special interest was Carl Sandburg’s massive biography of his fellow Illinoisan, full of stories about the 16th president, his folksy ways and, later, his conduct of the Civil War. Stephen couldn’t read the books at first — he was too young and they too heavy and too long — but...
3 Pages 1343 Words

In Defense of Democratic Socialism

I stand on the left side of the political spectrum so I am attracted to a more liberal political philosophy, whereby the primary emphasis was placed on limiting governmental involvement in all aspects of society. However, as I have gotten to know the world more, I have started to see that state intervention is necessary in order to steer society in the direction of equality. Over the last several years, I have started to reject classical and conservative ideas, because...
2 Pages 731 Words

Abraham Lincoln as a Fighter Against Slavery Essay

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 to uneducated farming parents, in his young ages he was respected and prosperous inhabitant of Kentucky. His family worshipped in the Baptist church, which opposed slavery practices in the region. However, Lincoln never belonged to the church and he showed no interest in any religion. At her young ages, he had encountered the side effects of slavery practices and poor tenure systems/ policies when his family was forced to move out of Kentucky and...
4 Pages 1669 Words

Compare and Contrast Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis

Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis are very similar in many ways and very different in many ways as well. Davis was president of the Confederacy and Lincoln was president of the United States of America. The topic involving Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis is so much talked about in America that it has become a favorite area for discussion in term papers. Students also write several essays telling about their personal stand on how the two lived their lives as...
1 Page 657 Words

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