Research essays

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Essay topics
3 Pages 1550 Words
The purpose of this paper is to discuss nationalism and its connection to Frederick Douglass. Is Frederick Douglass a nationalist? In order to answer this question, we must go back to the beginning and explore Douglass’s childhood. It is here that he develops some understanding of the world that he lives in. As Douglass gets older, he begins to see...
4 Pages 1721 Words
Imagine you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness with excruciating side effects. You are unable to eat, sleep, or walk without overwhelming pain. The doctors say you have under six months left to live and you know that you will spend that time suffering. You no longer have the desire to live and begin considering euthanasia. But what actually...
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2 Pages 1032 Words
There are many reasons why our government ought to spend more to address the uncontrolled issue of homelessness. In spite of the fact that the quantities of homelessness in the United States have diminished in the previous 10 years, more than 3.5 million individuals every year experience homelessness, with 578,424 people experience homelessness every night Numerous neediness stricken individuals are...
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3 Pages 1558 Words
We sleep in a very world that has accepted man's absolute management over another. The undue trade and enslavement of persons inside the twenty initial century reflects a degenerate state of affairs that confirms that the most effective ethical challenge facing the globe these days is human trafficking. Human trafficking involves the utilization of human deception to require advantage of...
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2 Pages 1071 Words
The approach we employ in seeking to discover and understand the meaning of life is of utmost importance, as it greatly defines our eventual outcome. The philosopher has his own personal opinion about life, which he may innocuously presume to be absolute. Conversely, religious folks have their own biased interpretation of what life really means, and they have taken it...
4 Pages 2038 Words
Introduction Euthanasia, a common term used for assisted death, refers to the process where a person’s life is taken so as to end their pain and suffering. The term is derived from the Greek word meaning good death (Patil, 2013). The moral consequences attached to such an act can become quite complicated. Philosophical debates on the matter have been prevalent...
6 Pages 2919 Words
The issue of homelessness is universal. Almost every country is trying to find a solution to reduce the growing homeless population. In the United States, there seems to be a misunderstanding about homelessness and a perception that it is a self failure or a flaw that has made an individual or family homeless. Taxpayers can be hesitant to vote for...
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3 Pages 1408 Words
Being homeless is a state when a person does not have anything to survive. When there is no shelter to live in. According to sociology theory, it is a serious issue in the world and our society. There are various causes behind this issue. Major causes of homelessness are Family disputes, imminent eviction, poor governmental policies, bad addiction, debt, and...
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1 Page 617 Words
The scientific controversy over-vaccination and its foreboding threat has been constantly brought into the debate. Over the past few years, the anti-vaccination group has risen and continues to rise as the days go by. I believe in the vaccination of not just children but of adults as well. The risks and eluding threats of not being vaccinated are far more...
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1 Page 552 Words
DNA isolation is a process that deals with the purification of DNA from a given sample with the help of physical and chemical methods. According to -, DNA was first isolated by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. Of recent, it is a routine procedure used in both molecular biology and forensic analyses. In regards to the chemical method, there are many...
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6 Pages 2615 Words
Introduction You have asked me to research DNA test kits, which are tests that analyze a sample of an individual’s DNA and look for specific characteristics associated with different conditions. These tests can reveal genealogical information, health information, and also establish legal paternity. DNA tests can also be used in forensic science to help solve active cases. Background DNA, which...
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3 Pages 1339 Words
I heard a notification sound from my phone, I picked it up and saw the titles of multiple articles from my news app. One of which happened to be about human trafficking. As I looked through the article, I started to realize how much of a serious issue it actually is. It is a global epidemic that affects millions worldwide...
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2 Pages 1021 Words
Introduction Obesity has emerged as one of the most pressing public health concerns in Australia, affecting millions of individuals and posing significant socio-economic challenges. In recent years, the prevalence of obesity in Australia has shown alarming growth, with nearly two-thirds of adults and one in four children classified as overweight or obese. This trend is attributed to a complex interplay...
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3 Pages 1494 Words
Social justice education focuses on social equality and the opportunity to practice one's full mortality. Value origination and social equality have been consistently and hypothetically associated with the field of instructions, which is regularly perceived as the best human equalizer. In education, the thought methods of teaching social justice have become appropriate in instruction, particularly in an urban society that...
ResearchSocial Justice
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2 Pages 1058 Words
Introduction Do you feel that schools take in what is best for the boys and not the girls? It seems like the school board and faculty care more about their education than ours. This is wrong because the girl students get dress coded on a daily basis, but when the male students do it they get away with it. Therefore...
2 Pages 738 Words
Introduction Over the course of the past couple weeks my sleep and work schedule have been completely interrupted by operational commitments. My normal sleep schedule is from 0330 to 1030 in the morning. Followed by a simple morning routine of waking up around 1030, making a cup of coffee and going to the gym. I would get home from the...
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7 Pages 3245 Words
This essay will include my reflections on my experiences from medics against trafficking including my thoughts and feelings about each lecture, books and websites I have read and films watched during my self-directed learning, reflections from group work carried out and reflections on how what I have learnt and experienced in this module will impact my practice as a future...
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2 Pages 1102 Words
Ethics are codes of good standards. They impact how people settle on selections and live their lives. It is concerned about what is useful for individuals and the community and is additionally depicted as a better way of thinking. If moral speculations are to be valuable practically speaking, they have to impact the manner in which people act. A few...
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2 Pages 855 Words
In response to the essay title, this paper will contemplate the dogma of the term ‘terrorism’ and how we can determine if a ‘terrorist’ and ‘freedom fighter’ differ. Discussion will be applied to the inconsistency of the notion of terrorism, stressing the variations in defining the many aspects correlated with this term (Schmid,1983, cited in Victoroff and Kruglanski, 2009). Final...
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3 Pages 1256 Words
Reviewed double_ok
All medical products and drugs require preliminary testing to prove their effectiveness and safety for public use. This testing is conducted primarily on animals to prove their safety, then transferred to human subjects. Animal testing is not only safer than using human subjects, however, it is also more cost-effective. Businesses forced to undertake this animal testing by the FDA gravitate...
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2 Pages 815 Words
Introduction Ethical awareness is a fundamental aspect of decision-making and behavior in both personal and professional contexts. It refers to the ability to recognize ethical issues and dilemmas, evaluate the potential consequences of different actions, and choose the most morally acceptable course of action. In a world characterized by complex social, economic, and technological interactions, the need for heightened ethical...
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2 Pages 1023 Words
Introduction Discrimination, a pervasive societal issue, has long been mitigated by the establishment and enforcement of laws. These laws serve as a framework to protect individuals from unjust treatment based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, and disability. Despite the existence of such legal measures, discrimination persists, raising questions about the efficacy and implementation of these laws. This essay...
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4 Pages 1855 Words
Introduction The term affordance was introduced by the ecological psychologist James Gibson (1979) to describe the interactions between an actor and an object as action possibilities with respect to the actor. Nowadays, affordance-based design (ABD) is widely utilized to improve usability, minimize human errors and decrease their associated risks (Maier & Faded, 2009). The applications are in the fields of...
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4 Pages 1582 Words
Introduction Procrastination in time management is no stranger to the modern society. Statistics by Beswick, Rothblum & Mann, 1988; Gallagher, 1992; Rothblum, Solomon & Murakami, 1986 estimated that 40 percent to over 50 percent of students were procrastinating. 'Procrastination arises from the Latin 'pro,' indicating 'ahead, forward, either for,' as well as 'crastinus,' meaning 'future'' (Klein, 1971). On that basis,...
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2 Pages 938 Words
Introduction Religious freedom has been a defining characteristic of American society, serving as a fundamental right that supports the nation's commitment to diversity and individual liberty. The United States, a country built on the ideals of liberty and justice, has long been a sanctuary for those seeking to escape religious persecution. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution explicitly states...
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2 Pages 1053 Words
Introduction The concept of being "born equal" is a foundational principle in many societies, encapsulating the belief that all individuals, regardless of their background, should have the same opportunities to succeed. However, this ideal is frequently challenged by the persistent reality of race discrimination, which continues to permeate various aspects of life worldwide. The notion of racial equality is not...
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5 Pages 2437 Words
When art discussion comes up there is always the question posed of subjectivity and if you can take a work out of its context. We know when looking at Betye Saar’s work that this is not possible. Her works are largely based on her personal history, the historical period she grew up in, and her heritage. Betye Saar was born...
Jim Crow LawsResearch
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4 Pages 1908 Words
Numbers of individuals identified as overweight and obese are escalating at a concerning rates and these circumstances are associated with various psychological and physiological health complications. Obesity is operationally defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of >30.0 kg/height in m2 (Bean, Stewart & Olbrisch. 2008). It is accompanied by increased risk of discrimination in health care, interpersonal relationships,...
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2 Pages 973 Words
I believe ethical decision making refers to the actions of taking alternatives possibilities with commitment in doing the right thing as well as having consciousness in that one’s actions must apply moral convictions and competency to be able to foresee potential consequences. In doing this, the decision-maker will demonstrate respect and most of all responsibility. This is why I will...
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2 Pages 759 Words
Animal Testing Imagine that you are an animal housed in a laboratory, and from the day you were born, you have been stamped with a number and used as a research subject. Could you fathom having your body tested for the next cure of cancer? Could you envision having your body slaughtered? Throughout history animals have been used in scientific...
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