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Is Artificial Intelligence a Good or a Bad Thing? Essay

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Among many magnificent inventions the human brain has come up with, artificial intelligence remains the most controversial yet the most marvelous. Artificial intelligence has recently started to be discussed both in the world and in our country. Some predict that artificial intelligence will reduce manpower, thus lead to unemployment, while others predict great opportunities. Artificial intelligence is a set of software and hardware systems that have many abilities such as human behaviors, digital logic, motion, speech...
4 Pages 1858 Words

The Shocking Effect of Technology on Child Development

Technology has become an imperative part of modern society. It affects the way we communicate - whether it is in work or social settings, technology helps us to reach out to more people and expand our network of relationships. Although our generation has generally been able to channel technology into a productive space, many people have questioned whether technology is having the same positive effect on the rising generation. Today, children’s use of technology has become more common and apparent...
4 Pages 1818 Words

A Look at Modern Computer Programming

Computer programming is the way toward planning and building an executable PC program for achieving a particular processing task. Programming includes assignments, for example, examination, creating calculations, profiling calculations' exactness and asset utilization, and the usage of calculations in a picked programming language (generally alluded to as coding). The source code of a program is written in at least one dialect that are comprehensible to developers, as opposed to machine code, which is legitimately executed by the focal preparing unit....
3 Pages 1404 Words

Essay on Books and the Internet

In the modern world, technology has an essential impact on our lives. If some time ago, when technology devices had not been invented yet, people would see as the sole source of information the printed word, mainly the book in terms of more in-depth and academic information and to some extent magazines and newspapers. Today with the development of technology and especially of the Internet, an amount of previously unthinkable information can be accessed very easily and in a very...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Augmented and Virtual Reality and their Great Potential for Social Change

Virtual reality and augmented reality have entered an era and set a new environment where physical and virtual objects are coordinated at various levels. Virtual reality is a computer technology that imitates completely vivid experience and transports one into an intuitive computer-generated world. Virtual reality artificially creates sensory experience which incorporates sight, touch and hearing. This technology’s main purpose is to allow people to experience the environment as if it is the real world. Whereas, augmented reality is the blend...
2 Pages 741 Words

Essay on the Social Impact of the Internet

According to Jule Klotter, editor for Townsend Letter, as social networks spawned by Facebook, e-mails, and other Internet technologies increase, direct contact with other humans is decreasing. People get so enmeshed in their connections, and so snuggled up on their smart devices that they are neglecting each other. The evolution of the Internet along with globalization is reducing human interaction in real life because it is keeping people busy, distracted, and tangled up in this big endless virtual span. Robert...
3 Pages 1236 Words

An Essay on the Negative Effects of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is making rapid strides. It is said that AI could fundamentally change life on our planet. AI has the potential to revolutionize every aspect of daily life including work, mobility, medicine, economy and communication. Companies like Google, Microsoft and IBM have been researching for years in the field of AI. But the main question is whether AI really make medicine better and make doctors unnecessary? will intelligent robots take over our jobs? And are we heading for a...
2 Pages 923 Words

Debunking Misconceptions About Bitcoin

There are many people that don’t know much or have heard false information about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which takes advantage of a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection. A P2P connection is a type of connection that utilizes a direct link between both parties without going through a central server or administrator. Everyone should support the use of Bitcoin because both Bitcoin and any physical currency is used for criminalistic activities, the government supports its use and has organizations in place...
4 Pages 1823 Words

Bitcoin as the Gold of the 21st Century

You have probably heard of Bitcoin. It has been one of the most commonly searched words on google for the past 3 years, yet most people still don't understand what it is or how it works, and when people don't understand how something works, we tend to stay away from it. Bitcoin has been called the virtual gold, or alternate currency. Due to this and its huge international presence it has a tendency to shift stock markets, and upset foreign...
7 Pages 3364 Words

The Influence of the Internet on Kids: An Essay

Many people do not realize that there are about 2 million children under the age of 15 who access the Internet daily basis (Rikkers, Lawrence, Hafekost & Zubrick.2016). According to the statistics, the percentage of children using the Internet in Canada from 2014 to 2020 is varied highly. In 2015, the use of the Internet by children aged 11 years or younger reached 50.6% (Statista research department, 2016). Children, age 8 to 15 spend on average 44.5 hours per week...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Comparative Analysis of Usability of Media Players

Nowadays computer systems are playing a vital role in almost every aspect of human life with the help of complex and user-friendly software systems. Multimedia players are one of the application of computers system used to watch videos and listen audios. In this paper, we conduct a comparative analysis of four media players i.e. VLC, QQ player, Windows media player class and Pot Player. We conduct a survey from exerts of different organizations on usability of media players, containing parameters...
2 Pages 1130 Words

Virtual Reality: Potential Future Popularity, Key Benefits and Challenges

Virtual reality is “an artificial environment which is experienced through sensory stimuli (such as sights and sounds) provided by a computer”. It is basically a 3D (three-dimensional) environment, generated artificially, by a computer. The artificial environment can be explored, and also interacted with, by a person using the VR (virtual reality) technology. It is also important to mention that the given environment can be similar to the real world but it can also be completely different. As for now, standard...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Impact of Big Data on Freedom and Privacy

With the rise of the technological revolution in social world and benefits it creates, comes also concerns and issues about the range of use of those technologies. The use of big data is just a small, but nevertheless, important issue in the common world and raises many questions such as the process of data collection, how much information is gathered about a person and how that information is being used, whether there is a balance between benefits and costs and...
3 Pages 1453 Words

Essay on Life before and after Smartphones

Was life better before smartphones? What was daily life before almost everyone had smartphones? First smartphones were invented in 1992. There are several differences between life before and after smartphones, they also have some similarities. Speaking of similarities, the first thing to note is that people could make calls before smartphones were invented. They used other kind of things to communicate each. For example, people made use of radio wave phone, rotary telephone and telegraph. All of these phones still...
1 Page 477 Words

5G Is the Future

Currently, most of the mobile devices work with 4G, the fourth mobile generation that allows connections much faster than the previous one and was implemented in 2009. In a world where technology is growing exponentially, the fifth stage is closer to us than it might seem. “With 5G not only will only connect people, but also everything will be connected”, - highlighted Tomas Alonso, director of product engineering at Orange Spain in 2017 Mobile World Congress. This revolutionary new generation...
3 Pages 1300 Words

The Use of Robots in Teaching Children of Primary School Age

These days, robots are used more often in colleges, beyond their regular applications in engineering. Robot teachers could be a big step to prepare the primary kids to be an innovative and smart generation in the future so they could build their life and country. It promotes interactive learning, making kids more involved in their learning activities. In order to develop their skills, primary school students face the most critical time of their life in order to. So, the use...
3 Pages 1173 Words

US Politics and Drones: An Analysis

On February 4, 2003, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States of America (US) used an unmanned predator drone for the first time. It was a targeted killing in the Paktia province of Afghanistan. The person killed was supposed to be Osama Bin Laden, the leader of the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist group, Al-Qaeda. However, it was later admitted by the CIA, that the man killed was actually just a civilian gathering scrap metal. According to the Bureau of...
3 Pages 1477 Words

The Negative Effects of the Internet on a Child: An Essay

Modern kids below the age of 13 square measure growing up in a very world wherever the web is in their daily lives. Close to thirty million kids and adolescents go browsing annually, creating them the biggest teams of individuals to admit it. The web has grown up to be a central a part of life used in homes, schools, businesses, libraries among others. For kids, the utilization of the web is in doing assignment, human activity, taking part in...
1 Page 424 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Humans use available information as well as reason in order to solve problems and make decisions, so why can’t machines do the same thing? That's the question that continues to fuel the growth of artificial intelligence today. Artificial intelligence is simply computer systems being able to perform skills that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. People are finally cracking down on AI and making it more useful and rapid than ever...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Artificial Intelligence and Its Relationship with God and the Ego in ‘Ex Machina’

Even with its flaws, ‘Ex Machina’ perfectly captured the relationship between artificial intelligence, God and the ego. ‘Ex Machina’ looks like a film about the future of artificial intelligence, but like most science fiction, it tells us more about the present than the future; and like most discussion around AI, it ends up reflecting not on technological progress so much as the human ego. A tiny change in its closing moments would have given it an intriguing new dimension. Artificial...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Essay on Computer Crimes

In the modern era, computers and the networks grew rapidly and at the same time it increased many opportunities for criminal activities, and organizations, law enforcement agencies are struggling to keep up from those attacks. Computer crimes not only include unauthorized user access but also include fraud, identity theft, altering user’s data, holding user information until ransom paid. Several methods of committing computer crimes are distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks, ransomware attacks, viruses, worms, social engineering, phishing, key loggers....
2 Pages 1093 Words

An Essay on Preparing for a Career in the Computer Industry as a Computer Engineer

Since 1936, computers have been one of the most important machines ever created. Computers are the staple of society as they can do anything such as solving math problems to finding people the love of their lives. Computer engineering is a subpart of engineering that puts together the two fields of computer science and electronic engineering which are used to develop computer hardware and software. Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering, software design, and hardware-software integration instead of...
3 Pages 1249 Words

The Importance and Relevance of Cybersecurity in the Modern World

A lot of development in devices is rapidly growing, enabling us to interact instantly worldwide. Nevertheless, not everyone in the virtual world uses ethics. In real world we have protection to prevent crimes that may occur, but also, we have cybersecurity to mitigate the digital world’s crime. Confidentiality means that only the people who have the right of access who were the one who will be able to view or read sensitive information and systems. Infringements of records are example...
2 Pages 769 Words

Computer Versus Books: What Deserves More Attention

Computers or books? What deserves more attention? What is more important in our lives? I am genuinely surprised by the people who are still trying to choose something better for these two essential things, more importantly. I do not understand how one can choose between the two most reputable sources of information of all time. Therefore, I believe that both the book and the computer in the near future will not surrender their positions and will occupy equally important places...
1 Page 553 Words

Essay on the Impact of Smartphones on Society

Ring, Ring! The never-ending sound of your cell phone ringing. According to Pew Research Center, about three quarters of Americans own a smartphone. A prediction of the growing use of smartphones was made by the author of ‘Fahrenheit 451’. Although smartphones have become very popular and effective, they have negatively affected our society in many ways. Smartphones have affected society by limiting our ability to communicate face-to-face and empathize with people, affecting sleep patterns and health, and creating a new...
2 Pages 999 Words

Historical and Current Perspectives on Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a robust technology, it allows each owner to transfer an amount of money directly from person to person without the requirement of central authority or intermediaries. It is a technology underlying Bitcoin. Every transaction block set with its own hash value, which entitled a transaction finder with a set of inputs and outputs. A block in a blockchain network can store the details about who is involved in the transaction, date, and time etc. instead of your actual...
2 Pages 1092 Words

Does the Internet Affect Our Mental Health?

From 2005 to 2017, a survey for those ages 12-17 showed a 52% increase in reports of symptoms of major depression, and from 2008 to 2017, young adults showed a 71% increase in experiencing significant psychological distress within the previous 30 days of the survey. In 2005, 68% of Americans were using the Internet compared to 90% in 2019, and studies show that Internet use leads to an increase of poor mental health issues. This dramatic increase in Internet use...
2 Pages 799 Words

The Evolution of Cell Phones: An Essay

Introduction In the last 40 years, technology has progressed in ways no one could have imagined. The cell phone is conceivably one of the most optimal inventions known to man. Continuously integrated with technological advancements, the cell phone has had a major influence on the lives of people from numerous lifestyles. Even in the last few years, there have been changes to the hand-held device that have unlocked a myriad of windows to events happening all around the world. Cell...
3 Pages 1554 Words

The Influence of the Internet on Human Culture: An Essay

On August 6th, 1991 the World Wide Web became publicly accessible to anyone who can afford a compatible device. A near 30 years later about 4.33 billion Internet users were recorded being active in the month of July 2019. In today’s society a world without the Internet is unimaginable, representing a foundation in human culture. A couple decades ago, the Internet could be viewed upon as an opportunity to venture business markets and contact relatives from across the globe. Others...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Is the Internet a Good Invention?

Contemporary world comes with many technological changes and improvements. The biggest invention over the past century has for sure been the Internet. The whole idea of having people around the globe connected, experiencing easy access to every little piece of information you could possibly think of, or getting the comfort to work from your home was simply unbelievable years ago. Luckily, today’s generations get to enjoy all this and much more. The Internet is almost inseparable part of our lives...
2 Pages 1022 Words
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