Technology essays

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Negative Effects of Overexposure to Technology on Children

Introduction of technology in schools is possibly the biggest change that the global education system has gone through in the last decade. With children now having access to technology both at home and in school, are we overexposing them, and can there be adverse repercussions? Louis Lai Sheng Ren, supervised psychologist at International Psychology Centre says, “The moment a child disengages from usual activities, such as playing sports or meeting with friends, in order to instead spend time on the...
2 Pages 810 Words

Will There Be Robots That Capable of Having Emotions in the Future?

Is an AI, artificial intelligence, capable of having emotions in the future? In the past century, robots have shown to be able to replicate human characteristics. Artificial intelligence and human intelligence demonstrate a distinct relationship in the area of a human's mental process, like emotions and instincts, because AI is being programmed to have human-like, emotions, intelligence levels, and instincts. Are AIs capable of having a similar mental process as humans? Some experiments have shown us, Homo sapiens, that eventually,...
2 Pages 1035 Words

The Need for Digital Literacy in the Modern World

The American Library Association's digital-literacy task force offers this definition of digital literacy: “Digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information requiring both cognitive and technical skills”. Hiller Spires, a professor of literacy and technology at North Carolina State University, views digital literacy as having “three buckets: 1) finding and consuming digital content; 2) creating digital content; and 3) communicating or sharing it”. I was first introduced to the world...
2 Pages 1082 Words

The Negative Effects of Technology on Child Development: An Essay

In an ever-changing world where technology is ushering in a new method of learning and development, we must ask the question: 'Are children becoming too reliant on technology and moving further away from traditional peer to peer interaction?'. There is no denying that technology has reshaped society and if a young person is guided on the right path the positives should always outweigh the negatives. A recent UN study has found that teenagers who spend hours on social media or...
3 Pages 1530 Words

The Cost We Pay for Modern Technology

Technology plays a vital role in today’s world. People are so dependent on technology, that one cannot think of survival without it. In 20th century technology has shown its growth in every sector whether it is in education, communication, automobile etc. and also technology has vastly increased our capacity to know, achieve and collaborate. When mentioning of how technology impacts our society people will think of its positive influence. However according to Newton’s third law of motion “for every action...
3 Pages 1378 Words

The Pros and Cons of Big Data

The pros and cons are meaning to the advantages and disadvantages of something that which someone such like a manager consider when making a decision about it. Nowadays, data explosion and companies are gathering with storing records at ever-increasing rates. the actual accumulation of this data has no commercial value for your employer. It has its pros and cons. Advantages of Big Data The predominant gain of big data facilities on the want to analyze and systematically extract precious information...
2 Pages 997 Words

Cell Phones Are a Distraction in Elementary School: An Essay

Technology is everywhere nowadays and the most common type is in a phone. They are one of the things that people rely on a daily basis. Sometimes, you see young kids, elementary kids holding a phone in their hand, even a kid that doesn’t even know how to walk. Young kids are using a phone not to pay attention to their daily life or school work, but rather using them for distraction. Many believe that this is helping young kids,...
1 Page 672 Words

Is the Internet Making Us Stupid? Essay

An increasing number of options have been available thanks to technological advancement ranging from the ubiquitous use of the Internet to artificial intelligence. A large number of people embrace these new changes, appreciating the uncountable benefits it brings to us, such as its convenience and resource diversity, while some doubters challenge that social media might seem problematic or self-indulgent. However, we cannot resolutely regard technology as only a curse or a blessing. Generally speaking, the Internet makes us dumber if...
2 Pages 789 Words

Essay on Internet Misuse Among Youngsters

Has the thought of the Internet ever made you consider it as an electronic drug? The millions of people who can’t go a day without being online, hurting real-life relationships, obsessive thoughts about the online community, making them lonely in the process and even cause side effects. A few negative reactions may include but not limited to withdraw, excessive use, tolerance, as well as negative repercussions. We know the great things about the Internet, but what about the downside? Problematic...
2 Pages 1067 Words

The Importance of Mobile Phones

Introduction Mobile phones have become extremely popular in recent years with most people in the world owning one. Everywhere you look there is someone calling, playing or just on their phone in general. Mobile phones have completely changed how people live nowadays; they have become an important asset in our daily life making it easier for us to do most of our work. Whether it's researching, playing, communications with family, or using social media, phones have been very convenient in...
1 Page 632 Words

The Importance of Cyber Security in Personal Life

Introduction Cyber security is a worldwide problem. We live in a highly connected and digital world. We will never be truly be safe from every cyberattack online but we can educate and protect ourselves. Ventures expects ransomware costs will rise to $11.5 billion in 2019 and expected to rise every year. Cybercrime affects national government, big business and average people. The Internet is often under regulated with little to none official security. Questions are beginning to be asked about accountable...
5 Pages 2213 Words

How Cell Phones Affect Our Lives? Essay

Mobile phones or cell phones are an essential piece of communication in an individual’s everyday life. In several countries, the use of cell phones is rapidly developing and over half the population owns a cell phone. They take pictures, record videos, play music, voice record and set alarms. Cell phones are a necessity for organizing your life, they have become a fundamental for everyday lives. This includes, being able to stay in contact with friends or family, being able to...
1 Page 501 Words

Essay on the Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence

Nowadays, robotic technology is increasing all around the world. There are more uses of robotics technology in these days. People are starting to use artificial intelligence in their daily lives to make their life more efficient and to save time. Researchers are trying to advance and improve the intelligence of the AI. Even though AI has many pros, it has cons and it can also affect our future life. Artificial intelligence (AI) is like a robot with human-like characteristics (Conn,...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Cyber Security and Its Importance: How to Protect Your Business from Hackers

Cybercrime is increasing and developing quickly along with ubiquitous worldwide digitalization. Rapid technology development is prompting cyber security experts to work more and more to counter hackers. To some extent, they can even call their competition an ‘arms race’. Threats really become more tangible. In 2018, global losses from hacker activity amounted approximately $3 trillion, and this year the quantity of leak damage is anticipated to be around 3.5 trillion. Cyber security ventures predicted last year that by 2021, cybercrime...
5 Pages 2242 Words

Argumentative Essay on Banning Cell Phones in the Workplace

Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. With the development of technology and the advent of new social networking sites, people have been increasing attached to these tiny gizmos. It’s as if a part of them/ their extension that cannot be neglected and that has to be looked at every now and then. Actually, to say, there’s no fault in cell phones. They are just superbly created, excellently designed and perhaps the most extensively used gadget today....
2 Pages 761 Words

Cyber Security Essay

Introduction There are some processes and technologies that are formed for the security of computers, software, data, computer hardware and networks that are known as cybersecurity and all of these concerns things are protected by access and vulnerable supply via the Internet by cybercriminals, hackers and terrorist groups. The Internet and network that is based on information from unauthorized access or digital equipment are protected from cybersecurity (Klonoff & David, 2015). This is era of technology and the Internet is...
6 Pages 2749 Words

Pros and Cons of Freedom of Speech

It has been reported that in 2019 over 4 billion people use the Internet every day, and with every person having freedom of speech on it how they chose to use it can be very different. Many people chose to use their free speech to spread love, share inspiring stories and connect with people, but other people chose to use their speech very differently and decide to spread hate, bully and discriminate, especially in recent years. This essay will discuss...
2 Pages 1103 Words

What if There Is No Mobile Phone? Essay

Have you ever noticed that every morning that you wake up that your hands go to your phone? This is not something to worry about. The reason for this is that our mobile phones have a huge impact on our lives, they are a must. Yes, a must. Think about it, every night whilst in bed, you have the urge to look at your phone, these mobiles are so helpful that they prevent us away from being bored, upset and...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Computer Hackers and Their Role in Our Community

Various people today have different views about the hacking scene. People of similar skill level often have similar opinions. There is no official definition of a hacker among the masses but rather a vague idea. Moreover, the media loves to attach false information to attract the attention of audiences around the country, for the sake of pure money. It all started at MIT in the 1960s, the root of the word ‘hacker’, where highly talented individuals in FORTRAN and other...
2 Pages 995 Words

Reasons for Increasing Demand for Drones in the Construction Industry

The far-reaching utilization of commercial drones across numerous industries is accounted for day by day, however, an ongoing report has discovered that UAV development in the construction segment is accelerating quick. This vast drone information storehouse covers rural utilizations, existing tall structures, and mining and removal regions, however, the most prominent clients of crewless ethereal vehicles to make a video, stills, and exact mapping is the construction segment. The availability of drones in construction implies critical changes inside the business....
2 Pages 1124 Words

Blockchain's Potential to Improve Environmental Sustainability

Do you know that around 800 million people are currently vulnerable to many life-threatening risks like floods, droughts, hurricanes, heat waves, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events? Species are going extinct. Oceans are suffocating. Ice regions are melting. And the lives around us are at stake all because of our actions like deforestation, excessive carbon emissions, pollution, etc. At the same time, we are also seeing the convergence of the technological. biological, and physical realms. The Internet of Things, artificial...
2 Pages 1053 Words

Essay on Artificial Intelligence as a Threat to Mankind

Artificial intelligence is an evolving field with tremendous potential to change the world. Although in its infancy, it is revolutionizing several industries ranging from cryptography to self-driving cars. Like any promising new technology, it has garnered its share of critics concerned about the threat it poses to human race. According to a latest survey, 85% of Americans use at least one of six products with AI elements. Robotic process automation tools, like UI path, are making the monotonous and mundane...
2 Pages 1138 Words

The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Society: An Essay

Artificial intelligence makes life for humans easier by doing things more precise and more efficient than humans normally do. Businesses can use AI to do work that is dangerous and can be harmful to humans. Some think that AI is bad due to the fact that it can take people's jobs and that if it is put in the wrong hands it could end up being destructive and cause massive problems. With the world revolving around technology, advanced artificial intelligence...
2 Pages 807 Words

The Negative Impact of Cell Phones: An Essay

I always wanted to talk about the negative impact of cell phones and explain my thoughts and opinions about it. No one can deny that phones are the most used technology these days. Why is that? And why is it so addictive? Mobiles phones not only bring lenience in communication, but also have many negative aspects that affect our health, children, and the lives of others. First, it has been proven that cell phones send microwave radiation, that is really...
1 Page 541 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cell Phones for Children

Cell phone usage has always been a contradictory and immense topic to speak about especially with the impact on younger generations. In this paper the information will be addressing the use of smartphones relating to effects it can have on children of all ages. There are many aspects of the situation, but it recently has become quite a much broader issue now that the faces behind the screen are young children and preteens. I will be discussing both the advantages...
3 Pages 1177 Words

The Use of Drones in Various Fields and Its Prospects

In the course of recent years, drones have become amazingly famous. You may have seen them on the web, or even at the market. A drone is an aircraft or flying device which does not have a human pilot onboard. Officially named UAV, a drone can be flown autonomously by on-board computers or via remote control by a human pilot. Despite the fact that drones have their starting points in the military, the utilization of such in business, recreational, horticultural,...
3 Pages 1286 Words

The Dangers of Internet of Things

Each year, technology all over the world gets more advanced and tortuous, but the things that are controlled by the Internet are the most cautious to be around. According to museum manager and local historian, Bethany Groff Dorau, she elaborates with evidence from Kevin Ashton: “The term ‘Internet of Things’ itself is believed to have been coined in 1999, at a presentation to industrial giant Procter & Gamble by Kevin Ashton, then a marketer with the company. Ashton was interested...
3 Pages 1493 Words

Essay on the Questionable Ethics of Drone Warfare and Drone Attacks

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, as a means of destruction or harm has been debated in the media for many years now. Since Barack Obama’s arguably ‘most controversial legacy’, increased speculation about the ethics, accuracy and the just war theories has arisen. Critics argue that the west has attempted to humanize warfare due to its ‘bloodless’ nature when using drones bidding to reduce the mental repercussions associated with committing violent crimes of murder. The...
3 Pages 1156 Words

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Introduction In recent decades, mobile phones have become more and more important. The cell phone is a kind of communication tool with many functions. In this changing era, the advantages of mobile phones in some aspects even surpass other carriers such as newspapers, and it has become a prominent fourth media. More than 400,000,000 people in this world have a cell phone. People can do a lot of things easily through mobile phones like play games, call others, learn new...
2 Pages 804 Words

The Impact of Virtual Reality on the Workforce, Society and Environmental Sustainability

Virtual reality is a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment for people to explore, connect and learn. It constructs an environment where people are fully immersed within a virtual world. Virtual reality is achieved using computer technology, Omni-directional treadmills and specialized gloves to accomplish the optimal experience, this equipment is used to stimulate senses, therefore, creating the illusion of reality. Creating an adequate virtual experience can be extremely problematic if things are out of place, this questions immersiveness and realism. Immersion is the...
2 Pages 946 Words
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