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The Evolution of Alcoholism in American History

8 Pages 3723 Words
Abstract The terminology and typologies used to describe alcoholics and diagnose alcoholism have changed dramatically from when William Carpenter first published “On the Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease” in 1850 to the publication of the DSM V in 2013. E.M. Jellinek had a profound impact on emphasizing the importance of treating alcoholism as a disease...

The Reasons why Smoking Age should Rise to 21

4 Pages 1930 Words
Health has already become a vital part of most people’s life. We cannot achieve anything without a healthy body. When I was a kid, I always saw my dad and uncles smoking with each other. I thought it was very cool to mimic their behavior. One day, I asked my dad “Dad, could you give me one cigarette? I think...

To Kill A Mockingbird, Rose For Emily, and Gathering Blue: Isolating Children with Abuse

3 Pages 1209 Words
Often in Literature, parents abuse their power against their children. Such abuse could lead their children to feel isolated and alienated. For example, in To Kill a Mockingbird Bob Ewell abuses his children to an extent that they become isolated from the community. The purpose of this essay is to consider how perpetrators of isolation control their victims in To...

The Relation between Smoking and Social Behaviour

2 Pages 1022 Words
Since the beginning of my time in college, I have noticed the smoking culture that exists amongst college students. This captured my interest and when I got the opportunity to study a psychology related phenomenon, I decided to do a deeper study and analysis on smoking in relation to social interaction. For this literature review, I have assessed three papers...

The Correlation of Smoking and Social Interactions

2 Pages 1075 Words
Since the start of my time in undergrad school, I have seen the smoking society that exists among undergrads. This caught my advantage and when I got the chance to think about a brain science related marvel, I chose to complete a more profound investigation and examination on smoking in connection to social collaboration. For this writing survey, I have...

The Peculiarities of Alcoholism in Belarus

3 Pages 1418 Words
If asked what country has the highest consuming rate in the world, many would be quick to say America. However, not a lot of people know that it is a small country in Eastern Europe, Belarus. Alcohol use and abuse is also a leading cause, to the suicides and homicides, within this country. Alcoholism in Belarus has become an epidemic...

Should Teens be Smoking?

1 Page 697 Words
Teen smoking is not okay and it is not healthy. There is some scientific results that it doesn’t relieve stress, it just becomes addictive due to the harsh chemicals that are in it. It’s scientifically proven even, that preventing teen smoking will save those 1300 deaths that happen each day. Nicotine is a chemical that becomes addictive, and can cause...

The Effects of Smoking on the Human Body

1 Page 525 Words
Smoking weed has many cons in the human body, as it is a preventable common health risk factor. Smoking weed can potentially lead to death, or this drug can cause severe damages in the body. When someone smokes, every smoke they inhale will flow throughout the entire anatomy body and will leave a trace behind. The respiratory system is the...

Domestic Abuse: Why An Intersectional Lens Is Needed In The Battered Women Movement

4 Pages 1809 Words
Domestic abuse has been traditionally thought of as a universal issue focusing on the primacy of gender as a factor and as such effects all women equally and that the experiences of battered women are similar no matter despite differences in race, sexuality and gender identity, culture, class or economic position. However recently this view of domestic violence which ignores...

Adolescence and Smoking: Reasons, Factors and Effects

6 Pages 2605 Words
Adolescence is a time in someone’s life that can shape the future and who they are as a person. Introduce smoking –a highly addictive habit- to an adolescent at this time of rapid growth and change, that could negatively impact their life forever. Despite the fact that not all adolescence choose to smoke, for the ones that do, it can...

How does Smoking Contribute to the Risk of Getting (and Worsening) a Chronic Respiratory Disease?

3 Pages 1479 Words
Introduction Chronic respiratory diseases and risks factors Chronic respiratory diseases (CRD’s) is a term used to describe diseases of the airway and other lung structures, some examples of CRD’s are: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema and the most common one being Asthma [3]. There are many risk factors which can contribute to the risk of getting a...

Inequality in Regards to Stopping Smoking

2 Pages 999 Words
This article determines the rates of concurrent use of nicotine and tobacco products among homeless adults who regularly smoke. It also differentiates the characteristics of concurrent users and non-concurrent users in regard to their reliance on cigarettes, awareness of smoking hazards, willingness to stop smoking, and receiving smoking cessation services. The outcome of this study intends to broaden knowledge in...

Drugs And Human Rights

2 Pages 1013 Words
This essay will not confirm or deny its concern to the use of drugs by anyone who wishes to do so; However, it will endeavour in elaborate an argument that compares different alternatives, which could possibly introduce a more fruitful way to deal with the violation of human rights of individuals arising from drugs influence; thus highlighting some well-known disadvantages,...

How Smoking Kills Human Body

1 Page 526 Words
Smoking is a bad habit that is usually done to reduce stress and anxiety. It is believed by most people that nicotine—a drug inside tobacco can help calm frustration, stress, and anxiety. When in reality, plenty of researches had shown that smoking increases stress and other unwanted symptoms. In this era, aside from reducing stress, smoking is considered a somewhat...

Why To Treat Domestic Violence As If It’s Happening To You

5 Pages 2339 Words
Picture this, you’re 16 and in an extremely abusive relationship. It was mentally, physically, verbally, and sexually abusive. You finally manage to get out but it doesn’t end. You’re stalked and threatened constantly so you go and do something about it. You show the police everything and give them proof but they do nothing. He gets a stern “talking to”...

The Dangers of Smoking Tobacco

1 Page 401 Words
Tobacco originated in the North and South American continents and became known by Europeans in the 15th and 16th century. Before that however, Native Americans used tobacco in religious and medicinal practices. The native crop later became a fashionable drug for colonists in America. The severe consequences of tobacco were unfortunately not uncovered until much later. Today even, 34.2 million...

Is Suicide Completely Avoidable

2 Pages 1041 Words
Did you know that roughly 47,100 deaths occurred by suicide in the US in 2017, due to the underlying depression? Many of these deaths were influenced by alcohol or drug abuse. Substance abuse can fill a person's mind with negative thoughts and the feeling of loneliness, which in return, puts them in a more depressive state than they already had....

Should Cigarette Smoking be Banned or not?

1 Page 420 Words
According to the World Health Organization (WHO)'s report (2008), nearly 100 million people had died because of cigarette smoking-related causes during the 20th century. It has also predicted that tobacco will kill more than 8 million people every year by 2030 without intervention, and 80% of those deaths will occur in developing countries. For a long time, cigarette smoking has...

Alcoholism in the United States, France and Canada

2 Pages 728 Words
There are differences in the prevalence of alcoholism all over the world. Although I will be discussing the differences between the United States, France and Canada. Alcoholism is a humongous problem in all three states. Also, there are different ways how people cope with alcoholism. Plus, the rates have increased over the years of alcoholism. The way the brain is...

To what Extent does Smoking Affects Teenager's Health?

4 Pages 1888 Words
Introduction The period of adolescence is exciting yet evolutionary part of every individual’s life. Young people experience enormous progress in development of unique identity and stages of maturation. The process is influenced by exploring in new decisions and behaviors to discover one’s character. Therefore, teenage hood is a vulnerable duration due to exposure of peer pressure, cognitive critical thinking and...

Smoking Cessation in Women

4 Pages 1721 Words
The world has this consistent tendency to overlook women in many aspects unfortunately this includes health situations. it is not as well-known of a fact that Women are at higher risk for things such as cardiovascular disease and stroke. Not enough studies are done regarding this and when they are done, they do not focus on women as much. Women...

Colonial History of Alcoholism in Indigenous Communities

4 Pages 1612 Words
The tone of a social setting is often set by the alcohol which is consumed. Participants can use its significance to “manipulat[e]...cultural systems, values...and expectations”('Social and Cultural Aspects of Drinking'). Early on in North America’s colonial history, traders used alcohol to acquire “sought-after skins and other resources” from Indigenous people (Beauvais 1998 253). Note the terms Aboriginal and Indigenous, here,...

Reasons People Smoke and Why People Want to Quit Smoking

4 Pages 1719 Words
These days smoking has become more of a serious problem in New Zealand. People are getting more and more concerned about it. When you walk around the Auckland city centre, you can see that almost every twenty meters, there is at least one person smoking or preparing to smoke. This research proposal will discuss three reasons why people smoke; such...

Marijuana: A Cause for Schizophrenia?

4 Pages 1651 Words
Nowadays, schizophrenia has gained much popularity because of researchers constantly trying to find the root cause for the neurodevelopmental disorder in order to reverse the chronic symptoms. However, several studies have indicated that gene polymorphism, environmental factors and developmental lesions can be the cause for Schizophrenia.(Insel, 2010). Additionally, marijuana has attracted the spotlight for etiological studies as percentage of patients...

Man’s Abuse Of Technology And Its Effect On Society In The Pedestrian And Fahrenheit 451

1 Page 452 Words
In “The Pedestrian,” mankind advances to where the technology takes over their lives and even focuses less on relationships. Leonard Mead is taking a walk when a police officer comes by and questions his actions, “‘Where are you taking me?...To the Psychiatric Center for Regressive Tendencies’” (5). In society today, it is not unusual to take a walk outside. Everyone...

The Injustice Of Domestic Abuse In The United States

4 Pages 1646 Words
Domestic violence is an issue that takes place far too often around us. It consists of spousal abuse, parent and child abuse, and abuse to elders. Retributive justice consists of knowingly violating the rights of others, but having the punishment of doing so fit the crime that was committed. With that being said, domestic abusers are often not convicted for...

Smoking Cessation Support Activities Using Health Promotion

7 Pages 2921 Words
Promotion is a health strategy of the 21st century, which based on the new health perspective that WHO (World Health Organization 1986) proposed in the 1986 Ottawa Charter and re-proposed in the Bangkok Charter of 2005. It is defined as “the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health”. In recent years, growth of the...

Why Smoking Needs to Be Banned

1 Page 473 Words
Did you know smoking is one of the biggest contributors to illness and death in the uk? It is hard to understand why so many people make the choice to harm their body and health for a few puffs of poisonous chemicals that have such bad consequences as smoking. Smoking is not only a national issue but a global one...

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