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Urban Modernization of Japan in the Meiji Period

Japan is one of the developed countries in the world, it has an unique urban form which is very different from other developed and Asian countries. Japan started its modernization since the Meiji period. At that time, Japan learned a lot of urban design experience from western countries, but it did not use those principles directly. The planners in Japan applied them based on Japanese culture and situations. During the process of the urban development, Japan created its new planning...
4 Pages 1768 Words

Essay on the Current Solid Waste Management System in Kathmandu Metropolitan City

Solid waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded materials including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material, resulting from industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural operations, and from community activities. The production ratio of domestic waste, industrial waste, chemical waste, health institution related waste or harmful waste in KMC (Kathmandu Metropolitan City) is in increasing order which posed challenges to the environment. According to the...
4 Pages 1621 Words

Corruption in India: An Essay

As we live in this present scenario which is infused with various social evils which has become the maxim of the day and deters various socio-economic development. Among these social evils the most dreaded evil which is visible throughout the globe is corruption. The corruption which is not conducive to social stability and social equilibrium. Bhargava says that, “act of commission or omission by a public servant for securing pecuniary or other material advantage or indirectly for himself, his family...
2 Pages 896 Words

Homosexuality as Deviance in Hong Kong

Why is homosexual a deviant and heterosexual a normality that everyone must if not shall subject and conform its behavior to it? And who made the standard and became the judge, God, the Church, the government, or the majority of people? This essay will make the effort to analysis the phenomena of viewing homosexual as a deviant, by using the conflict approaches and the examples from Hong Kong. What Is Deviance? Deviation is the act which does not conform to...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Essay on Public Policy and Social Integration in Relation to Caste Reservations in India

The two major problems that troubling the human communities are race and caste. Race is from the western context and caste is of India. India is a country where people were divided into four varnas. Untouchability was attained to the people based on their birth. The last section in the four varnas were once considered as Sudras now they are called as downtrodden sections of the society. The vulnerable groups spread throughout the globe with different names such as First...
1 Page 610 Words

China's Response to US-China Trade War: An Essay

The economic relations of US and China started shaking in mid-2017 when US President Donald Trump increased tariffs on Chinese imports and from the beginning of the first day of 2019, the trade war between US and China takes a point from where, resolving the problem seems next to impossible. Despite the US tariffs taking their toll on Chinese economy, the response shown by China is regarded as relative restraint.US trade representative office formed a list of $200 billion worth...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Essay on Why I Want to Live and Work in Japan

Living and working in Japan is an exciting, valuable opportunity for my personal and professional growth. There are several reasons why people desire living and working in another country but I have chosen three main goals for myself. First, I want to help the children develop a love for learning and give back to the community. I believe that the path to happiness is by the act of giving. I am the type of person who always help others without...
1 Page 567 Words

Negative Effects of Overpopulation in Dhaka and Tokyo

Tokyo is the world’s most popular metropolitan area and the heart of the Japanese culture. Tokyo is the capital and financial city of Japan. Tokyo is a major transportation hub and world economic and industrial center. The population of Tokyo is a massive 14 million and a population density of 6,158 people per square kilometer. It located in Japan on the island of Honshu. Japan is on the east of the world surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and Sea of...
3 Pages 1251 Words

Informative Essay on the Globalization of Starbucks in China

Introduction It is quite apparent that globalization is an aspect of modern-day capitalization. Economically, it connects parts of the world through capital investment and product movement. For example, this means that someone in Canada is able to purchase items from the United States and receive them in as early as one-two business days with the transportation technologies available for shipping goods today. Currently, in literature there are conflicting stances on globalization. There are three viewpoints expressed by William Norton and...
3 Pages 1384 Words

Openness to Global Changes of the Generations of Vietnam and Australia

How can people be free? These were the words of the originator of the conflict theory, Karl Marx who based an entire theory on this question, where he describes the theory where he believed that people, by nature, are free, creative beings who have the potential to transform the world. But he observed that the modern, technologically developed world is apparently beyond our control. Technological change is a major driver of social change and the dominant source of economic growth....
3 Pages 1402 Words

Study Plan in China: An Essay

I am applying for a Master’s Program in the intellectual property law offered at KoGuan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. By reading the course curriculum I have found out that the subjects offered in this program will best suit my career goals. On top of that, the prospect of studying at Shanghai Jiao Tong University for Master’s Program is an excellent way to observe divergent information systems, as well as build upon my cultural cognizance. My educational background...
3 Pages 1487 Words

Brutality of Japanese Imperialism

Imperialism is a practice used by countries to extend its sovereignty and power over other developing countries or territories by gaining political and economic influence over them. Japan was one of the first to develop imperialism throughout the 20th century, which was later dissolved during the US occupation after World War II. Japan’s imperialism developed with anti-Western, anti-colonial themes against powers such as the US, UK, France and many others. Japan derived social Darwinism from the west and concluded that...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Essay on Gender Inequality in China

It goes without saying that the world we know today is torn – be it wars, racism, segregation, elitism – all for the pursuit of one thing: power. A few moons ago, the ‘impending doom’ of the earth might have been viewed in direct correspondence to the ever-increasing frequency of natural disasters as well as global warming. However, many scholars are now of the view that, before anything else, the end of the earth will almost certainly be the result...
6 Pages 2594 Words

Essay on the Impact of Advanced Science and Technology on Rural Development in India

The social and economic importance of a country is possible through the support of developing science and technology. In India, science and technology has an exclusive role in rural development. In the context of rural development, science and technology in warded into different field of organic farming, biotechnology, energy, health, sanitation etc. In the recent scenario, the government is giving much attention for the rural development. The government is taking many positive steps in the direction of rural improvement. After...
6 Pages 2749 Words

Hong Kong Taxation System

Hong Kong has been relying on its simple and low tax system for several years to attract talent and capital in order to maintain competitiveness. Are there any flaws in our tax regime? In order to investigate the strength and weakness of our taxation system, we have explored seven key criteria of a good taxation system. The purpose is to identify critical issues confronting Hong Kong economy which is related to the weakness of our taxation system so as to...
4 Pages 1914 Words

My Unforgettable Trip: An Essay

It was just one of the ordinary days I was sitting on the gentle sofa drinking my cup of freshly brewed americano while preparing for the last exam. It seemed that nothing could disrupt me at this moment as I was too concentrated but suddenly rang out a call with a title: ‘Darling is calling’. I was sure that he is not going to tell me something special and without any foreshadowing, I took a phone. His statement staggered me:...
1 Page 620 Words

Reliable Transportation System in India: An Essay

Reliable transportation system is a very important and effective initiative that can be taken by the Government of India to ensure that all the necessary transport services are made available to citizens by improving ongoing transport systems and infrastructure and by increasing public transport connectivity all over the nation. There are many initiatives that can be taken by the government which includes plans to connect rural and urban areas with high-speed transport networks. It includes such features as: Hyperloop; an...
2 Pages 795 Words

Global Environmental Change Affecting the Urban Poor in Kathmandu

With the advent of urbanization, a lot of small cities are changing rapidly into big cities with a large density of population. Urbanization occurs mainly when rural people move to urban areas and hence, results in the growth of the size of the urban population. We can say that urbanization is a global trend which is happening all over the world and resulting in a natural increase in population. As the world’s urban population is increasing faster than the world’s...
2 Pages 1004 Words

What Was the Sakoku Policy of Japan and What Were Its Consequences?

Can the country survive and continue to run by itself? Japan was a country which is ruled by a number of emperors and they did not allow Japanese people to leave the country and do not allow any foreigner to enter in Japan. Sakoku means closed country and Sakoku policy was in use for many decades in Japan. While Sakoku, Japan’s long period of isolation from 1639 to 1853, kept it closed off from much of the world, one upshot...
2 Pages 752 Words

Essay on the Importance of Creating a Sports Ecosystem in India to Transform It into a Healthy and Successful Nation

My 7-years-old niece and nephew like to devote their free time immersing into the world of gadgets and gaming. It's hard to draw their attention because at that moment they are unequivocally blanked out from the real world. Well, this problem is not only persistent in my family, but widespread with the kids growing up in this generation. The repercussions of this repetitive behavior are alarming which includes loss of cognitive reasoning, diminution of healthy diet, reduced sleeping hours, restrains...
2 Pages 948 Words

My Trip to the China’s Border: An Essay

In this essay I’m going to talk about my trip to the China’s border about five years ago with my friends. So, we departed from Lahore at midnight and reached Islamabad next morning. In Islamabad we enjoyed a delighted breakfast then we departed towards Abbotabad via Muree and Nathia Gali, we enjoyed the most famous dish of NathiaGali that is fried Chilli Chicken and the unforgetable and most adventurous moment was Patriata Chair Lift then we headed towards Abotabad which...
5 Pages 2089 Words

Female Genital Mutilation as an Example of Human Rights Violation in India: An Essay

“Culture must not be accorded the status of a metanorm which trumps rights”, - Philip Alston, ‘The Best Interests Principle: Towards a Reconciliation of Culture and Human Rights’. The legal approach towards cultural practice in the name of preserving cultural pluralism has so far been in congruence within the relevant social understandings of the cultures within which they are practiced. The respective morality of these practices has been left for the sole discretion of dominant and prevalent notion of a...
7 Pages 3333 Words

Motivations and Consequences of Fear in North Korea

North Koreans, from childhood, are indoctrinated to idolize their leaders and to never doubt the system in which they live. This manipulation and brainwashing stems from insecurity and fear residing in the souls of North Korea’s dictators, making them believe that complete control is a necessity for their rule. They believe that for the government to maintain control, it must have complete submission from their people, which creates an atrocious environment for the population to experience every day of their...
2 Pages 1077 Words

How Did Emperor Shi Huangdi Improve China?

Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who brought peace during the warfare between the Warring States of China, uniting China for the first time. The Qin Dynasty endorsed a system of Legalism which was basically a belief that all human beings are inherently selfish, and people are required to follow the stringent laws and be punished accordingly. The Qin Dynasty was indeed the shortest in all of dynasties in China, lasting only about fifteen years,...
2 Pages 750 Words

Did Shi Huangdi Improve China?

As the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi was determined that his absolute rule would create lasting changes in China. He has been praised for several accomplishments, such as unifying China for the first time, developing a network of roads and canals to improve trade, and standardizing measurement, language, and writing so that China’s different languages could be understood everywhere. However, despite these accomplishments, Qin Shi Huangdi was also known for being a brutal and controlling ruler that people...
2 Pages 906 Words

Hong Kong Disneyland Case Study Analysis

The case of serving shark fin soup at Hong Kong Disneyland was chosen as a case study to summarize the arguments for and against. In fact, there are numerous arguments for and against serving shark fin soup at Hong Kong Disneyland. Firstly, there is a political side of view. If we summarize Tommy Cheung (legislator for Hong Kong’s catering industry) words, Disney would directly insult the Great Chinese culture and traditions. It is also known that the shark fin soup...
1 Page 610 Words

Sustainability of Hong Kong

Sustainability, a concept that can be defined in many different ways by specialists. In general, it composes of three key elements, the environment, the economy and the social system (Kuhlman & Farrington, 2010). To achieve sustainability, people are trying to maintain a balance between them and finally sustain well-being in not only the current generation but also the future generations. Although there is a strong interconnection among three dimensions, the paper is mainly focusing on the environmental aspect over the...
4 Pages 1663 Words

An Essay on the City of Kathmandu and Its Uniqueness

Kathmandu, a city that is home to many people from different cultural, religious and economic backgrounds, coexisting under a roof of unity and harmony, serves as the capital of the beautiful country of Nepal. Along with being the most progressive city in the country, it is also one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide. The valley is definitely a mystical, spiritual, cultural and natural paradise for visitors. Seven of the country's ten UNESCO World Heritage Sites are located in...
1 Page 401 Words

The Housing Problem in Hong Kong: An Essay

Do you know which area in the world has the most expensive housing? Hong Kong, a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. One of the big trading hubs in the world, with the busiest cargo airport and is well known for its port. Unfortunately, although Hong Kong has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, but there is a terrible severe income inequality. Hong Kong is the fourth highest population density country and dependencies...
2 Pages 770 Words

Is Political Activism a Viable and Effective Form of Protest for Human Rights in North Korea?

North Korea is notorious for being one of the most repressive and secluded nations in history. During the twenty-first century, this country has pushed to secure nuclear weapons and has become a national security threat (CIA World Factbook). This being said, the main topic of conversation about North Korea needs to be shifted from war to something that sheds light on the repressed citizens that suffer their whole lives in this regime. The real people suffering in this global conflict...
3 Pages 1304 Words
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