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Hong Kong Disneyland Case Study Analysis

1 Page 610 Words
The case of serving shark fin soup at Hong Kong Disneyland was chosen as a case study to summarize the arguments for and against. In fact, there are numerous arguments for and against serving shark fin soup at Hong Kong Disneyland. Firstly, there is a political side of view. If we summarize Tommy Cheung (legislator for Hong Kong’s catering industry)...

Sustainability of Hong Kong

4 Pages 1663 Words
Sustainability, a concept that can be defined in many different ways by specialists. In general, it composes of three key elements, the environment, the economy and the social system (Kuhlman & Farrington, 2010). To achieve sustainability, people are trying to maintain a balance between them and finally sustain well-being in not only the current generation but also the future generations....

An Essay on the City of Kathmandu and Its Uniqueness

1 Page 401 Words
Kathmandu, a city that is home to many people from different cultural, religious and economic backgrounds, coexisting under a roof of unity and harmony, serves as the capital of the beautiful country of Nepal. Along with being the most progressive city in the country, it is also one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide. The valley is definitely a...

The Housing Problem in Hong Kong: An Essay

2 Pages 770 Words
Do you know which area in the world has the most expensive housing? Hong Kong, a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. One of the big trading hubs in the world, with the busiest cargo airport and is well known for its port. Unfortunately, although Hong Kong has one of the highest per capita incomes in the...

Essay on Population Problem in India

1 Page 514 Words
Some people argue that a majority of pressing global issues are engendered by population explosion. In my opinion, I completely agree with this point of view for some reasons. We need to control our population. One vexing problem worth mentioning is the chronic shortage of housing in many major cities worldwide, especially in densely populated areas in the city center....

Essay on the Evolution of the Political System in China Using the Great Leap Forward Campaign as an Example

4 Pages 1980 Words
The Great Leap Forward (1958-1961) campaign was launched to transform the agrarian economy of Republic of China into socialistic economy with an aim to bring rapid growth but, in contrary resulted in famine and disaster. It was introduced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the chairmanship of Mao Zedong. In an attempt to surpass the Soviet Union and...

Essay on Human Rights in China

2 Pages 1188 Words
China is known for its lack of freedom. In China you can’t say anything bad about the government or the leader of the country, Xi Jinping, you can’t really express your real thoughts and feelings. China is also a very strict country, the government controls everything and everyone. Instead of giving the population access to the western technology, they make...

Essay on Indigenous Fashion in India

3 Pages 1327 Words
Indigenous (or native) fashion by the name says clothing, fashion and accessories that belong to a particular region or country or are native to a specific culture. Back in the days, native clothing was in fact connected to the people of North America and that’s where the term even originated. Native American clothing is a vital part of American culture...

Impact of Confucianism on the Ancient China

1 Page 554 Words
Throughout the history of ancient China, there were different philosophical movements. Considering the period when these philosophical movements began, it is necessary to pay attention to the so-called ‘Spring and Autumn period’ (from VII to V centuries BC), that gave breath to Confucianism. This ancient philosophy had a huge impact on the ideas, on values, governmental structures and the way...

Essay on Unjust Japanese Internment Camps

1 Page 573 Words
World War II was a war fought between the Axis Powers and the Allies. Japan, part of the Axis Powers, bombed Pearl Harbor where the United States war ships were sanctioned which led to America joining the Allies. With the fear of another attack from the Japanese, Americans demanded action to be taken against the Japanese-Americans to ensure their safety....

Essay on Similarities Between '1984' and North Korea

1 Page 573 Words
‘1984’, a novel by George Orwell, represents a dystopian society in which the people of Oceania are watched by the government almost 24/7 and have no freedom which is a society we could never imagine real. But, today citizens of North Korea can be considered the same way as the novel. Though different technological and personal ways of keeping watch,...

Ancient India and China: A Comparative Essay

1 Page 454 Words
In the Ancient Republic of India and Ancient China each accepted faith was important. In India, Aryan people were the middle devotees of Hinduism. Aryans brought a conviction framework that in a while developed into Hinduism. It did not have a particular founder. Buddhism, like Hinduism, has an organizer, his name was religious mystic. He began of by considering on...

Israel and China: A Comparative Analysis

2 Pages 1034 Words
In this essay, I will compare the civilizations of Israel and China to find how similar and different they are in their cultures, religions, traditions, and societies. There are so many differences starting from population, life expectancy, religious beliefs, etc., but I expect to find some similarities as well. There is much information that has been written about these two...

The Impact of Geography on China

1 Page 406 Words
The Silk Road is the identify given to a collection of alternate routes formally mounted all through the Han Dynasty round 200 BC that connected historical civilizations across Asia, North Africa and Europe. These routes aided in establishing early world commerce, as well as the dissemination of culture, know-how and technology. Prior to the formation of these routes, the diverse...

Sanitation Crisis in India: An Essay

4 Pages 1769 Words
Basic sanitation is recognized by the United Nations as a human right which allows for the proper development of human capital (NewSun, 2015). India is currently categorized as the ‘fastest-growing major economy’ in the world (V, 2018), yet is also labelled as a country with an ‘out-of-control rape epidemic’ (Khan, 2016). Reasons for this can be directly linked to the...

Changes in Indian Agriculture after Independence: An Essay

4 Pages 2021 Words
After over 600 years of colonial rule, India got its freedom from the British domain on August 15, 1947. An enormous section of the populace, around three-fourths, was subject to agriculture for work and for the nourishment and fiber, devoured by cultivating families and proprietors. Agriculture in India was based chiefly on feudal land system where a greater part of...

Vietnam and Its Future Prospects

8 Pages 3642 Words
Throughout its history Vietnam has been no stranger to key political and world changing events. I’m sure everyone is aware of the Vietnam War because of the United States involvement in the conflict, but there are so many other factors to the war and to Vietnam as a whole which shaped Vietnam into the country it is today. Vietnam was...

Blue Economy of Bangladesh: Opportunity for Sustainable Development

3 Pages 1573 Words
Nowadays one of the most highlighted topics for Bangladesh is blue economy. Blue economy refers to the economic activity based on maritime resources. The blue economy is the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improve livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystem (WB). Blue Economy was considered at the RIO+20 UNITED NATION conference on sustainable...

Warfare and Weaponry in Ancient China: An Essay

2 Pages 729 Words
In this essay, I'll be talking about the meaning of warfare in ancient China and the way it led to the creation and innovation of weaponry and technology in every single dynasty, chronologically. Warfare in Ancient China meant gaining ascendency over other dynasties to extend border sizes, therefore the state can expand and protect its frontiers. Ancient China are often...

Cultures of the Na'vi and North Korea: A Comparative Analysis

3 Pages 1186 Words
With the hundreds of cultures created through-out the centuries, fictional or non-fictional, culture is such a diverse subject. Each custom, idea and social behavior one follows is unique, however and when comparing two cultures, there can be many differences and similarities. When looking at the fictional culture from the movie ‘Avatar’, the Na’vi, which is the indigenous inhabitants of the...

Essay on the Great Wall of China

1 Page 467 Words
The Great Wall of China is an eponymous collection of fortification that are over 2,700 years old. Unfortunately, only one third of the original landmark lingers. In 1987, the UNSCEO declared it a World Heritage Site. Around 220 BC, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who yearned to keep the northern nomadic barbarians at bay, conceived the Wall. At the time, China...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tokyo's Urbanization

2 Pages 905 Words
Tokyo is Japan’s capital city and the world’s most popular city. In 2019, the population of Tokyo and its metropolitan area is 13,932 million and going up each day. Urbanization is the process of making an area more urban or more populated. Tokyo has become more urbanized over the last 50 years dramatically. The population in 1950 was 13,051,000 and...

Essay on Medical Tourism and Its Implications in Demand and Supply of Health Care in India

5 Pages 2389 Words
Medical tourism is a term refers, when person or patient going to overseas for medical treatment or surgery whether it is mild or severe condition. This is a term that has ascended from the fast development of an industry, where individuals from all around the globe are making a trip to different nations to get therapeutic, dental, and careful consideration,...

Medical Tourism in India and Its Implications in Demand and Supply

6 Pages 2498 Words
Medical tourism also referred as health tourism; it is the condition in which the clients travel one nation to another nation for medications. In the previous time, mainly patients travel undeveloped countries to developed countries for medical treatment but now in this 20th century this trend has changed. In recent years, due to high technology in Asian countries, patients from...

Was the Bombing of Japan Justified? Essay

2 Pages 987 Words
The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th on 1945. These weapons were designed by American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his six colleague scientists. Two distinct types of atomic bombs were developed Oppenheimer and his team: ‘Little Boy’ a uranium-based weapon and ‘Fat Man’ a plutonium-based...

Essay on Ill Effects of Dowry System in India

2 Pages 685 Words
Dowry is when the bride's family give some sort of materialistic items to the groom's family, which is believed to be the payment for taking care of their daughter throughout their marital life. An endowment can be in the form of money, adornments, furniture, property and other tangible items. It is a common practice in India since centuries. This essay...

The Problem of Blind Loyalty Among North Korean Population

2 Pages 761 Words
Suki Kim explores the theme of freedom and independence in the essay ‘Without You, There Is No Us’. The piece recounts a series of attempts to expose Pyongyang University students to the world outside the dictatorship of North Korea. In North Korea, there are restrictions on all media and publications, which limits the ability of individuals to form a voice...

Changes and Continuities in China

5 Pages 2097 Words
The economic and political changes which have occurred within Chinese society over the last three generations have influenced the traditional familial culture of its citizens to an extremely high level. This influence has seen changes in cultural practices and structure, though simultaneously, the continuity of many ideas. This notion is reflected by Yan, who states that “the centripetal power of...

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