Australia essays

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4 Pages 1606 Words
Over the years , Australian federalism ‘cake’ has become more and more marble like under the banner of collaborative or cooperative federalism leading to more overlapping , ambiguity, duplication, bureaucracy and accountability deficit . The theoretical merit of decentralised power and therefore decentralised responsiveness had created an accountability deficit. Accountability in simple terms is to account for ones actions to...
2 Pages 986 Words
In Olivia Willis’ article “Obesity rates are rising in Australia but its where you live that matters”, the health reporter highlights on the issue of obesity in Australia and its relation to how wealthy communities are. When it comes to health and wellbeing, Australia matches or outperforms many other countries with comparable income. However, Australia’s level of obesity has slowly...
2 Pages 798 Words
Introduction Workplace discrimination is the process in which an individual treats another individual applying to, or in a workplace discriminatorily due to a personal characteristic such as race, sex, religion, or any other characteristic protected under the Fair Work Act (2009). Significance of Workplace Discrimination Workplace discrimination causes detrimental effects on a small scale to the individual, thereby leading to...
2 Pages 852 Words
Today we will be discussing a very serious topic that affects more people than you would expect, domestic violence. So far today police in Australia would have dealt with on average 641 domestic violence matters. Family, domestic and sexual violence is a major national health and welfare issue that can have lifelong impacts for victims and perpetrators. Domestic violence is...
1 Page 457 Words
Since 1990 there has been a significant increase in obesity (Monash University, 2017). Obesity is a condition involving a human body having excessive body fat which increases the risk of health problems. Many methods have been used in attempt to curb obesity, but none have had much luck. A new method that should be implemented is sugar tax. Many countries...
2 Pages 702 Words
It is well known that in Australia not all schools experience the same amount of funding and therefore provide the same quality of education as each other. This is true in almost every country on earth however there are a number of reasons why this issue is worse in Australia than it needs to be, and worse than many comparable...
3 Pages 1545 Words
I am writing to express my concern in regard to eh growing rate of obesity in Australia among the young generation. training activities help promote the enthusiastic and physical wellbeing and prosperity all things considered and Australia's population. I accept this issue is significant as corpulence is in charge of the appearance of numerous incessant sicknesses which are at present...
4 Pages 1780 Words
Refugees and asylum seekers attempting to get into Australia are confronted with a challenge. Prior to arriving they have faced persecution, disease and violence, and yet many of the people whom control their apparent destiny strongly oppose letting them in. This inhumane approach to the issue must be addressed. Initially, the process for the application for a protection visa will...
1 Page 579 Words
Paramedicine has had an interesting history within Australia. Starting with first aid troops and railway corps providing first aid since the turn of the century to rapid advancements within the industry in the late 1900’s. We have seen a shift from basic first aid training and literally just driving people to hospital, to degrees and post graduate degrees and advance...
3 Pages 1546 Words
In Judaism, Shabbat or Sabbath is a weekly religious ritual that Jews observe and keep holy as to immerse themselves in the spiritual environment and heighten their perception and closeness to God. Shabbat remains one of the only rituals that is laid out in the Ten Commandments, and it is for this reason that specifically observant Jews consider it the...
1 Page 676 Words
More than 60% of Australian households own a pet, the majority of them being dogs and cats. Australians spend around $12.2 billion per year on food, vets and healthcare products and other services for their pets, turning the Pet Industry one of the major growth segments of Australia’s business sector. Premiumization, humanization and demographic trends are affecting this industry as...
3 Pages 1458 Words
The end of the White Australia Policy brought forth a new era of multiculturalism within Australia, one that has redefined what it means to be an Australian in the modern age. The Australian government policy surrounding refugee migration has come at a cost. As throughout the year's different political parties have divided the Australian community when considering the humanitarian, economic...
2 Pages 764 Words
There are many different forms of animal cruelty and it happens all over the world. Apparent and intentional acts of violence towards animals includes hitting, striking, killing, forcing an animal to fight and also chaining and tethering. Neglecting animals by not providing adequate food and water and any kind of psychological distress and or torture to an animal that is...
1 Page 626 Words
For many decades African-Americans have had many of their right suppressed since the arrival of white settlers on American soil, much like the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders here in Australia. Many Aboriginals had their own children taken away from them to be ‘white washed’ and to grow up in a white community, where they will forget about their long-established...
2 Pages 865 Words
To this day in Australia, there are still one in sixth Australian children and young people living in poverty. Research has shown that these young people living in a disadvantage have access to fewer educational supplies, therefore creating a major impact on their future lives. How is Australia supposed to be one of the richest countries when in reality, we’re...
3 Pages 1354 Words
The death penalty - an old punishment that’s been around for centuries. Although nowadays, most people oppose it, it’s actually a reasonable punishment in certain circumstances. In the opinions of many people and governments, to bestow upon someone who has done the worst of things, such as mass murder or rape, it can be a justifiable punishment. Some people believe...
2 Pages 744 Words
It is one of the world’s most prevalent violations against human rights, and one that affects millions of families in Australia. I am not talking about gun violence or random assaults, but a crime that literally happens behind closed doors. Violence against women and children is a crime against the most basic values of humanity, yet it remains taboo issue...
6 Pages 2629 Words
Rights are “those things that one is morally or legally entitled to do or have” . They are the minimum threshold of equality in modern society. Today, however, the rights of certain sectors of society are not equal, rather they are frequently under recognised, depressed or absent depending on the societal group that individuals associate with. That said, rights have...
4 Pages 1739 Words
Junk food is used to describe food items and drinks that are low in important nutrients (protein, fibre, vitamins) and contain high amounts of calories from saturated fat, added sugars and added salts. While the definition of junk food can vary from person to person, everyone can agree that it is not the healthiest category of food. A diet consisting...
2 Pages 1087 Words
Obesity has noteworthy financial and health costs. Approximately two-thirds of adults and one-fourth of children are obese and overweight, and the ratios perpetuate to rise, which costs the economy a substantial price. Indigenous Australians, outside major suburbs or under subordinate socioeconomic groups, are more inclined to be overweight. Overweight and obesity has led to a higher likelihood of chronic conditions...
2 Pages 1067 Words
The Australian Constitution describes and defines the way in which the executive can function. Through a discussion of three constitutional functions, including; the process of altering the Constitution, creation of the High Court of Australia, and preservation of State Powers, evidence ultimately suggests that the Constitution has been able to adapt to changes in Australian society over time. Altering the...
4 Pages 1835 Words
Overview. Us as humans are on the brink of a technological revolution that will greatly change the way we live. a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third which used electronics and information technology to automate production, the digital revolution that has been occurring since late last century. There is one main reason that definitively separates the third and...
1 Page 616 Words
We seem to be ignoring that Australian’s obesity is rising and that it needs to be halted as soon as possible. Australia has to work together in order to curb this issue we have, one quote from the Australian Medical Association would be, “ Combating obesity demands a whole-of-society approach, requiring the participation of governments, non-government organisations, the health and...
1 Page 509 Words
Work enables people to keep up a schedule, a feeling of direction and advances a person's psychological well-being. “our physical and mental health is generally improved through work- we recover from sickness quicker and are at less risk of long term illness and incapacity” The ideas of ’social construction’ and the ’sociological imagination’ sees joblessness as a rising social issue...
3 Pages 1174 Words
Shangri-La is a strong economical country buried inside the Kunlun Mountain. At present the Crown exercises the power and it does not have any official constitution. However, they have Legislative council (17 members), Cartons (5) and the High Court which is the higher court of appeal. All of which are appointed by Rani Plantagenet (Hereditary ruler) after Queens approval. Rani...
2 Pages 692 Words
Diversity is a concept that reflects on the many ways we are alike while also respecting our individual differences. There are many aspects of diversity, such as cultural, racial and religion. Racial diversity occurs when many different ethnic groups are represented in a community. Not only is Australia a multicultural nation, it is also the most ethnically and racially diverse...
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