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Essay on Computer Crimes

2 Pages 1093 Words
In the modern era, computers and the networks grew rapidly and at the same time it increased many opportunities for criminal activities, and organizations, law enforcement agencies are struggling to keep up from those attacks. Computer crimes not only include unauthorized user access but also include fraud, identity theft, altering user’s data, holding user information until ransom paid. Several methods...

The Importance and Relevance of Cybersecurity in the Modern World

2 Pages 769 Words
A lot of development in devices is rapidly growing, enabling us to interact instantly worldwide. Nevertheless, not everyone in the virtual world uses ethics. In real world we have protection to prevent crimes that may occur, but also, we have cybersecurity to mitigate the digital world’s crime. Confidentiality means that only the people who have the right of access who...

Corruption Through Organized Crime as an Important Issue

3 Pages 1184 Words
Corruption as a widely named term has no universal definition however it can be described as a dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power or an abuse of entrusted power for private gains. Widely spread in developing countries, it wires the propagation of organised criminal groups, enabling its activities and illicit operations and this occurs in developing countries with...

Bernie Madoff: The Scam of America

3 Pages 1530 Words
Would anyone assume that a young man who grew up from humble beginnings in a small Jewish middle-class family be responsible for the largest Ponzi schemes in American history? A young Hofstra graduate with a bachelor's degree in Political Science and hopes and aspirations to work on Wall Street. Bernie Lawrence Madoff was born on April 29, 1938, in Queens,...

Critical Analysis of Juvenile Justice Cases

2 Pages 735 Words
At least 10,000 juveniles are housed in adult prisons and jails across the country each day. In the United States, there are over 250,000 youths who are tried and sentenced as adults each year. The cases where children get tried as an adult usually involve serious charges or remarkable criminal history. Most juveniles being tried as adults end up being...

Cyber Crimes and Its Effects on Youth

1 Page 669 Words
Cybercrime is a crime in which criminal activities are carried out by means of computer or Internet. There are many types of cybercrime. Computer is used as the tool of crime and sometimes, computer is the object of the crime. It includes harassing cyber users. Cybercrime is the most powerful crime that is growing fastly. Cybercrimes has been defined as,...

The Importance of Cyber Security in Personal Life

5 Pages 2213 Words
Introduction Cyber security is a worldwide problem. We live in a highly connected and digital world. We will never be truly be safe from every cyberattack online but we can educate and protect ourselves. Ventures expects ransomware costs will rise to $11.5 billion in 2019 and expected to rise every year. Cybercrime affects national government, big business and average people....

O.J. Simpson Murder Case: Evidence Analysis

2 Pages 950 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Orenthal James Simpson, more commonly known as O.J. Simpson, was a former star football player for the Buffalo Bills. According to many, he was considered one of th best football players in NFL history. In 1977, O.J. Simpson met Nicole Brown at a private club where she was working as a watiress at the time, she was only eighteen years...

Cyber Security and Its Importance: How to Protect Your Business from Hackers

5 Pages 2242 Words
Cybercrime is increasing and developing quickly along with ubiquitous worldwide digitalization. Rapid technology development is prompting cyber security experts to work more and more to counter hackers. To some extent, they can even call their competition an ‘arms race’. Threats really become more tangible. In 2018, global losses from hacker activity amounted approximately $3 trillion, and this year the quantity...

Child Sexual Abuse: Caused by Nature or Nurture

3 Pages 1255 Words
The purpose of this literature review is to identify relevant findings for sex offenders and whether it is nature or nurture that causes them to molest children, from any published literature I find and also relevant websites. Searches were carried out on numerous books such as ‘theories of sexual offending’, ‘child molestation’ and ‘sex as a crime?’. As well as...

Cyber Security Essay

6 Pages 2749 Words
Introduction There are some processes and technologies that are formed for the security of computers, software, data, computer hardware and networks that are known as cybersecurity and all of these concerns things are protected by access and vulnerable supply via the Internet by cybercriminals, hackers and terrorist groups. The Internet and network that is based on information from unauthorized access...

My Personal Ethical Theory and Justifiable Killing

4 Pages 1759 Words
In this paper I will attempt to answer the question: 'Is there ever a time when killing in justifiable?'. I will also explain my views and apply metaethical theories to a real-life situation to conclude on the topic. My personal ethical theory includes a hybrid of virtue ethics, revelation Christian ethics, and divine nature theory. I will first describe my...

Internet Crime: Common Types and Prevention Methods

2 Pages 1152 Words
Nowadays Internet crimes are a common problem in the world, and everyone exposes to these crimes. These crimes can cause very serious damage to the individual and society. Many people and companies had suffered from the impact of these types of crimes. To protect us from these we have a cyber-security and some precautions. This paper accordingly discusses and summarize...

Robbery Crimes of Juveniles as a Social Problem

2 Pages 731 Words
The definition of juvenile crime under the Queensland Government state law is “In Queensland, a juvenile is defined as a person aged between 10 and 16 years, inclusive. In all jurisdictions, the minimum age of criminal responsibility is 10 years. That is, children under 10 years of age cannot be held legally responsible for their actions”. This means that the...

O.J. Simpson Murder Case Review

5 Pages 2481 Words
Orenthal James (OJ) Simpson, also known as the juice was a former american football running back, actor broadcaster and now a convicted felon. The juice has won numerous awards and has many achievements such as: First NFL player to rush more than 2000 yards in one season, winning the fleishman trophy and being put in the hall of fame for...

Armed Robbery in Victoria

1 Page 430 Words
In this essay, I am going to analyze armed robbery as a type of criminal act in the state of Victoria, Australia. Definition of Armed Robbery in the State of Victoria Under the Crimes Act 1958 Section 75A, armed robbery is defined as an offender committing robbery and being armed at that time with a firearm, imitation firearm, offensive weapon,...

Catfishing: Background and Main Causes

2 Pages 788 Words
The way that people interconnect using the Internet has truly transformed since 1990. Social media has introduced new means for people to communicate with each other and stay connected. People chat with one another and share memes via Facebook, post pictures on Instagram and Snapchat, etc. Technology has significantly altered the way that people search for love. In this modern...

Impact of Jurisdiction on Cybercrime Prosecution

2 Pages 1037 Words
In the prosecution of cybercrime one of the most problematic issues is jurisdiction. Cybercrime presents difficulties in prosecution because it’s borderless. Cyberspace has made it possible for criminals to commit crimes anywhere in the world with ease of movement across geographic borders unmatched by law enforcement. Many of these criminals are not committing crimes in their country of origin which...

Examining the O.J. Simpson Murder Case

2 Pages 902 Words
The high profile case that I have decided to research is the case involving O.J. Simpson. I picked this case because it involved a former NFL running back and the NFL is my favorite sport to watch. Also, this case received a lot of media coverage and was talked about across the United States. The People of the State of...

Sex Crimes in America

3 Pages 1258 Words
I accept that sex crimes have a real impact on the victims but it is noted and no longer taken significantly. Sex crimes are often overlooked because it isn't considered to be a serious crime because of the lack of consequences handed out to those who commit these crimes and the fact that it is simply not understood. In this...

Online Child Sexual Abuse: Current Risk Assessments and Treatments for Online Offenders

4 Pages 1880 Words
Internet sex offenders are described as those who commit sexual offences online. Child sex abuse is a growing concern. Two main forms of cyber-enabled sexual abuse against a child are grooming and proliferation of indecent images of children (IIOC). Online grooming is the use of digital technologies to facilitate either online or offline sexual contact with minors. IIOC Incorporates the...

Reflective Essay on Bad Day: The Spark of School Shootings

3 Pages 1271 Words
Bang, bang, the sound echoes throughout the school. Screams coming from every direction, students running trying to escape or even hide. Parents fearing for the worst. Asking themselves and the police is my child okay? Is he/she alive? This essay will argue the Columbine High School massacre of 1999, is just an event is just of many that shows and...

Assessment of Policing Transnational Organized Crime: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1808 Words
1. Introduction Globalization and growing economic interdependence have optimistic and promoted transnational crime outside borders in all parts of the globe. Enhanced communications and information technologies, increased blurring of nation borders, greater mobility of people, goods and services across countries and the crisis of the globalized economy have moved crime advance gone from its domestic base. The natural world of...

Analytical Essay on the Functions of International and Local Police to Control Transnational Organized Crime

5 Pages 2264 Words
Introduction This paper is an article review analysis with local and international police functions to control transnational organized crime’ articulated by different authors. In this review objective of the each author on the cases, the central idea that was discussed and issue raised and the drawback of the authors and, review of the article will end with the conclusions and...

Organization of Local, International and Transnational Organized Crime Policing and Research Issue

5 Pages 2420 Words
Introduction This review is try to assess the Organization of Local, international and transnational organized crime policing and research issue. Policing is always necessary in all societies for the protection of order, safety and social relations. Approaches to policing vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, organization to organization (Interpol, UNPOL, and AUPOL (AfriPol) and country to country (Reiner, 2002). Police officers...

Role of Transnational and Local Policing in Organized Crime Prevention: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2121 Words
Article review Alice Hills(2009) the possibility of transnational policing, Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 19:3, 300-317, DOI: 10.1080/10439460902871363 Ben Bowling (2009), Transnational Policing: The Globalization Thesis, a Typology, and a Research Advance Access Publication: 21 April 2009Policing, Volume 3, Number 2, pp.149– 160doi:10.1093/police/pap001 Stan Gilmour and Robert France (2011) local policing and transnational organized crime,...

Rise of Sexual Assault Violations despite SHARP Program: Analytical Essay

1 Page 413 Words
Why do sexual assault (SHARP) violations keep rising despite all the training? SHARP stands for Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention. Sexual assault has captured the attention of the media for a long time. It is persistent in the Army and does not seem to stop soon. SHARP violation rises in the army regardless of all the training. The report has...

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