Gender Diversity essays

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Problem: Work Life Balance Of Women

It has always been difficult for women to balance a thriving career and a happy family life. This is because being a full-time working woman comes with sessions of stress and guilt for not being able to give sufficient time to family and work. Work life balance is a term used to portray the balance between an individual's personal life and professional life. A healthy work-life balance holds great importance for working women particularly in the current environment in which...
8 Pages 3801 Words

Women In Minyan Services In Conservative Judaism

A woman participated in the opening of the Minyan service at the Conservative Jewish synagogue on that Friday evening. There were several other women in the congregation. Based on my research prior to my visit, I knew that a Minyan service needed 10 males present in order to begin; I was curious to know if I counted toward that quota. Therefore, I was interested to know what the standard was and how it had changed. The research revealed that while...
3 Pages 1492 Words

Work Life Balance Of Women Employees In IT Industry: A Case Study On Five Leading IT Companies

INTRODUCTION In the words of Hillary Clinton, “Life is a mixture of different roles and we all do the best we can to find whatever best balance is... but for me it is the balance between family, work and service.” Work Life Balance basically refers to the prioritization between personal and professional life. Every individual has life at work, home and a personal space where he has a breathing space for respite. The escalating responsibilities in personal life with everyday...
2 Pages 875 Words

American Dream And Women Roles In Snow White Movie

Disney’s Snow White was released in 1937. The protagonist is a young girl, named Snow White, and the Evil Queen, her stepmother, wishes to kill her so she can become the “fairest of them all”. She orders a huntsman to kill her in the forest. He cannot stand to do so and tells Snow to run away and never go back to the castle. Whilst in the forest, Snow White finds a house filled with 7 dwarfs. In order to...
2 Pages 775 Words

Cultural Exploration Of The American Hindu Female In Erickson's Developmental Stage Of Generality Vs Stagnation

Introduction Hinduism is one of the oldest major religions in the world, with approximately one billion followers. The majority of the Hindu population resides in South-Central Asia, representing 52.9% compared to only 0.5% in Northern America (ARDA, 2010). Hindus believe in dharma, which represents duties and obligations that an individual must comply with to be an active member of the community (Knott, 2016, p. 75). Dharma was especially important for a Hindu woman because often women were considered “low-caste” and...
5 Pages 2437 Words

The Problems Of Married Woman In The Study The Role Of Marriage: A Feminist Study Of The Immigrant

Abstract The Present study entitled The Role of Marriage: A feminist study of The Immigrant tries to identify the problems experienced by a married woman. Manju Kapur is a contemporary Indian feminist writer. She focuses on the NRI (Non Resident Indian) marriages where men and women both are uprooted and move to live in some alien land. Consequently, both suffer from frustration, displeasure and nostalgia while leaving their homeland. As a feminist writer, she mainly deals with the common issues...
4 Pages 1640 Words

Female Workers In Firefighter Jobs

Introduction This paper examines how systemic discrimination against women results in lower female participation in firefighting jobs. Firefighting jobs are a microcosm of the overall issue of systemic sexism in the workplace. Females have lower workplace participation than men overall. While there has been some improvement in the past half-century, the rate of change is slow and it will maybe decades until we reach full equality. More troublesome, there are reports of harassment, sexual discrimination and other negative treatment of...
6 Pages 2871 Words

The Representation Of Women In A Doll’s House

Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, famously known as the father of modern drama, wrote the three- act play A Doll’s House in 1879. This was a time when gender roles were clearly defined and inequality between men and women in different matters was not uncommon. Both genders were expected to conform to the social norms and play their given roles in society, in reality the role of women was often self-sacrificial. The social conflict that oppressed women’s rights were often ignored....
2 Pages 885 Words

Race And Gender In Chess In The United States

Introduction 'Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, and this game is played by millions of people worldwide' (cited from Wikipedia). To begin with, I wish to introduce the biggest and most important chess organization in the world because it plays an essential role in chess. 'The Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) or World Chess Federation is an international organization that connects the various national chess federations around the world and acts as the governing body...
6 Pages 2827 Words

Traditional Gender Roles

Various authors have developed studies aimed at assessing the issue of gender equality. In every society, there is a suggestion that men and women should be different in terms of roles, motivation, and masculinity among others. Different objects and practices pass different messages regarding gender equality. Such messages can encourage accommodation or resistance to gender practices among children or adolescents. This paper focuses on analyzing gendered messages of practice in celebrated sports, school-based learning practices, stories and toys that target...
3 Pages 1336 Words

Work Life Balance Empowering The Women Employees Of Today

Abstract Women have a number of roles that they play throughout life. Work-life conflict occurs when time and energy demands imposed by the diverse roles cannot be efficiently met, as participation in one role is made increasingly difficult by participation in another. During the past decade, in India the environment for multinational corporations has been quite volatile, with numerous challenges for the firms operating in this arena. However, throughout this period there have emerged a number of corporate women who...
6 Pages 2581 Words

The Issue Of Sexism In Science

A male dominated world has only recently introduced and probably recognised women. I will briefly focus on school experiences and its impact in science and then whether feminism has changed science. School may have influences on young women’s perceptions of science, hence, their choice not to continue in science fields like physics. The proportion of women entering scientific fields is changing, but sexism can still linger within science even after the number of women and men is equal. School is...
2 Pages 701 Words

Western Values VS Eastern Values: Tradition And Religion As Tools Of Misogyny

Introduction In order to discuss about misogyny, definition of misogyny should be clarified. Misogyny is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. Misogyny manifests in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, disenfranchisement of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification. Besides misogyny can be found within sacred texts of religions, mythologies, and Western philosophy and Eastern philosophy. The overt kind is when women are hated simply because...
6 Pages 2700 Words

A Study On Work-Life Balance Of Women Employed In Teaching Profession

ABSTRACT In India changing societal attitudes, inflation and rising educational levels made more women than ever before to drive into the paid workforce. The Indian women, who were confined only to the socially acceptable jobs like banks, teaching, nursing etc., are now stepping into various sectors. Irrespective of education, income and employment, professional women in India are still doing three jobs - office, housework and child care. Professional women hardly find space for themselves to accomplish basic necessity of life...
4 Pages 1932 Words

Wife As A Typical Gender Role

Through history, women have always been the homebody. The typical housewife: always cleaning, cooking, doing what women “are supposed to do.” In the 1950’s, it was not rare for a woman of a small town to do basic housewife chores. That was a woman’s identity at the time. Known for nothing else, women succumbed to that title. In “Chronicle of A Death Foretold” they were not allowed to do much else other than their housewife duties. Their available choices, aspirations,...
2 Pages 746 Words

Sports Participation: A Road Way To Women Empowerment

INTRODUCTION Sport is a useful tool which can be used to equip women with leadership skills; confidence and self-esteem reduce marginalization and to destroy stereotypes. Women have been fighting for their rights and equality all throughout history; they were not even allowed to watch the Olympics. When women were allowed to participate in sports, they had to go through gender testing to make sure they were not men trying to cheat the system. Furthermore, the coverage of women’s sports failed...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Impact Of Guna And Emotional Intelligence On Work Life Balance Among Female

ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify the role and relationship of Guna and Emotional Intelligence with the Work-life balance and Job Satisfaction of Female Professionals. The study will also identify the impact of Work-life balance on Job Satisfaction. The present study is still in process and in paper only few identified relationships will be explained. Research Methodology: The sample size of the study was 339. The data was collected using both primary and secondary sources. The...
4 Pages 1780 Words

Machismo Sexual Behaviour In How The Garcia Girls Lost

According to the American Journal of Public Health, machismo sexual behavior is a source of pride for males and men must prove their manliness by upholding their sexual dominance. In this way, reputation is one of the driving forces behind machismo. We see this prides affect in How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accents by Julia Alvarez . The character Mr. Garcia’s negative practice of machismo affect the lives of his four daughters: Yolanda, Sandra, Carla, and Sofia. Not only...
2 Pages 1108 Words

Abandonment Of Traditional Female Role In The Philippines

As a girl, have you ever been told that you should never initiate the first move because men should do that? Or that you should not be too loud because it’s improper for you to do so? Personally, I’ve heard these lines countless of times. These are believed and practiced by majority of Filipino families and eventually became part of the tradition in the Filipino culture. As you can see, the Philippines is a conservative country and it affects the...
3 Pages 1404 Words

The Subjugation Of Muslim American Women

If there is one group of people who tend to face extreme discrimination and social subjugation in the United States of America, it is undoubtedly religious minority groups. Muslim American Women in particular, stand out amongst the rest. The degree of orientalism that Muslim women continue to face in America has increased tenfold following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and today we find Muslim women experiencing particularly intense and laborious upbringing in their own homes, as well as in...
2 Pages 816 Words

Professional Wrestling: Gender Biased Or Just An Illusion

I have chosen to research ' Does professional wrestling is gender-biased?' If yes, then up to what extent wrestling is gender biased and how it affects their professional career and life. Wrestling has always had controversy surrounding it for male and female wrestlers as many people believe women get less appreciation than what they deserve and the business is still male dominant. I would like to explore how much potential each female wrestler brings to the ring and how much...
1 Page 543 Words

Gender Roles In Mrs Dalloway And Buddha Of Suburbia

In both novels, the author’s present the way in which society’s expectations of men and women can be detrimental to a person if these expectations are not defied. Both Kureishi and Woolf explore how women are oppressed by society, and how opposing this oppression is crucial in order to progress as a society. Both novels are also concerned with the suffering caused by stereotypical views of masculinity and how men should behave. Furthermore, both novels present the way in which...
6 Pages 2973 Words

Refuting The Myth: The Muslim Woman In The Era Of Feminism

Introduction Feminism today is a cause that several males and females are trying to champion. This is because they believe that the cause is indeed a noble one. Therefore, they fight for equal right for females, respect for females and above all, a pedestal with equal chances for females, just like the male. On this note, feminists have developed for themselves a “religion” of their own in feminism, leaving behind what religion (Islam) says about females. This is a result...
3 Pages 1507 Words

The Exploration Of Shinto Restrictions To Women

Introduction The depiction of women in Shinto can be found as early as Kojiki, Japan’s e oldest chronicle, where female deities appeared in the creation mythology and their status compared with male counterparts began to showing signs. When Izanagi and Izanami, the divine couple who was responsible for creating the islands of Japan, descended from the heaven bridge to the island of Onogoro and circled around the Heavenly August Pillar, it was the female deity Izanami who exclaimed “What a...
4 Pages 1801 Words

Homosexual Parenting & Child: Gender Role Behaviour

Abstract To find differences among various type of families’ gender stereotype implication to their children, the correlational research design will be used. Findings will be represented on a Turkey study composing of 20 gay, 20 lesbian, and 20 heterosexual parents with a child aged 5-9 years. Interviews and questionnaires will measure gender stereotype behaviour on children in three different categories: girl, boy, and cross-gender typicality. Individuals will be answering questions indicating gender stereotype child behaviour. Furthermore, interviews will take place...
4 Pages 1722 Words

Women Empowerment In Islam And Pakistan

Introduction The prevalent thought of a lady's place in Islam is that ladies are destitute of opportunity and reasonable play. This is the result of either numbness about Islam or the partiality data of hostile to Islamic belief system and a preferential organization or media. The truth of the matter is the contradictory. It isn't strange here to analyze the place given to ladies in a portion of the supposed radiant civic establishments before Islam. For example, in Greek folklore...
3 Pages 1513 Words

The Difference Between Male And Female Sports In Asia

Female sports are not respected as much as male sports. Female athletes do not have the same rights as male athletes. There are males coaching female teams but few females coaching male teams in Asia. Female sports are not taken as seriously as male sports in Asia, and in some countries such as; Iran and Saudi Arabia, females cannot watch live male sports (Braunschweiger). Women are not allowed to go into stadiums to watch male sports in Iran (Braunschweiger). They...
2 Pages 691 Words

Status Of A Woman In The Play Measure For Measure

ABSTRACT Measure for Measure play by William Shakespeare believed to have written in 1603 or 1604 . The play’s first recorded performance occurred in 1604. Shakespeare’s representation of women is his geniues. Mostly uses strong female characters in his novel. In personality the women in his plays may vary. Women characters in his play are mostly underestimated. His wit is however portrayed through them. Measure for Measure is set in Vienna. A city in which women in that period were...
2 Pages 854 Words

Stereotyping And Bias In Sports

Problem identified Sports are among the general activities, which garner an international following uniting people from different ages, races, tribes, and localities. Equally, critical stereotyping, prejudice, and bias plague the sports ultimately overwriting the probability of achieving social cohesion and national unity (Spaaij, Farquharson, & Marjoribanks, 2015). Mainly, games are highly challenged by the high levels of gender bias and racial prejudice as well as stereotyping of the disabled constituting a major psychosocial quandary. Currently, people from different races form...
4 Pages 1993 Words

Improved Fitness Is Just The Beginning When You Take On Female Boxing

If you are looking to get back into shape or simply looking to improve your fitness levels, female boxing may be a surprisingly good alternative for you. While once considered to be too aggressive for most women, female boxing has surged in popularity with celebrities like Khloe Kardashian and Adriana Lima being strong public advocates for it. The increasing popularity of boxing with women has blossomed as more women become aware that improved fitness is not the only benefit associated...
1 Page 602 Words

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