Language and Linguistics essays

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Understanding to Cultural and Language Diversity to Be Found in Africa: Management of Diversity within the Mining Industry

9 Pages 4049 Words
Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Background. The Oxford English Dictionary defines diversity as, “A diverse range; a variety.” Well, if you look around your workplace, you will definitely see a diverse range of people; after all, we are all individuals with unique qualities. Diversity can be in relation to religion, race, gender, age, physical ability, class, etc. Diversity is about more...

Analysis of the Concept of Discourse Community: Reflection on My Discourse Community

4 Pages 1881 Words
Suits and Ties Studying the habits of human beings, theorists have proposed different ways in which humans interact with one another. Humans associate with people through similar passions, interests, backgrounds, or beliefs. I currently want to pursue a career as a financial analyst. A financial analyst is someone that helps prevent financial risks for large enterprises and companies. So in...

A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood of Richard Rodriguez Represented in “Aria: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1426 Words
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Exploring the text questions- According to Richard Rodriguez language can define a community positively by allowing intimacy with people with that same language. For example, it allowed Rodriguez to feel in a way that he was safe and that he was comfortable hearing the same language in his household. It can define a community negatively by the community becoming isolated...

Business English as a Lingua Franca in the Global Business Discourse Community: Reflective Essay

2 Pages 900 Words
First lecture Our first lecture of Global Business Communication started with the definition of BELF (Business English as a lingua franca). BELF has three contextual features which are important to communicate efficiently in a business environment: “its domain of use, the role of its users, and the overall goal of the interactions” – in other words, global businesses, business professionals...

Critical Analysis of Richard Rodriguez's Work “Aria”: Advantages and Consequences of Incorporating English into His Life

3 Pages 1468 Words
Language can define a community in a negative way by making those who do not speak the language well or overall can not understand it, feel left out and alienated from the members of the community. However, language can define a community in a positive way by empowering cultural values and embracing one’s ethnicity and origins. This can also create...

Impact of Language Diversity on International Management: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1396 Words
The notion that cultural variations barriers are normally accepted within the force.(Adler & Gunderson, 2008; Hofstede,1980;2001). because the economic process force becomes increasing world and additional culturally various. Those who are operating in international corporations (MNCs) face challenges in interpersonally, intercultural, and in teams. For considering the language management ways, corporations have to appraise the roadblock in 3 dimensions. the...

The Role and Aspects of Language in Hills Like White Elephants

2 Pages 1001 Words
Ernest Hemingway’s short story, “Hills Like White Elephants” is an examination of human connection, a comparison of talking vs. communicating. The story’s setting, repetition of words, spare dialogue, and use of cognitive verbs establishes a textual pattern that develops the narrative's dilemma. The text further explores the power of dialect crashing down between two people and how what is unsaid...

Diastratic Varieties in English Focusing on Social Class

3 Pages 1558 Words
First of all, it is commonly known that there are varieties in the use of any language depending on diverse factors such as, the place, the context, the social group and the time. Nevertheless, I am going to focus on the diastratic varieties of the language, which refers to social class. Alameda and Fernández (2016: 64) stated, “even if it...

Censorship of Language: Peculiarities and Aspects

3 Pages 1388 Words
In today’s world, it feels as if every sentence, no matter the platform, is inherently censored and carefully constructed. This phenomenon can be attributed to political correctness, or PC, movement. The PC movement has permeated all major platforms such as radio, social media, television, and literature. The fact of the matter is that some different phrases and motifs have been...

The Peculiarities of Language in Brave New World

2 Pages 853 Words
Aldous Huxley, in his lexis and syntax, have proven his proficiency in language through the successful delivering of the layering meanings behind “Brave New World”. The book, “Brave New World”, has certainly stood different from other books, especially with the challenging set of vocabulary it requires of the reader to wholly understand its meaning. Worthy and reflective of the author’s...

Novel And Short Stories Teaching English Language In Malaysia

6 Pages 2536 Words
Teaching English language in Malaysia can be nonetheless possessed its own challenge to ESL teachers. Malaysia made up of three main races have that tendency of embracing their own identity including the language that spoke on daily basis. Well, ESL learning was expectedly having its own sets of difficulty to be taught in a multicultural community. As Malaysia moving into...

Rene Descartes: Analysis Of His Discourse

7 Pages 3224 Words
Descartes's opening statement in the first part of his discourse claims that common sense; or rather good sense of reasoning is equal amongst all. The idea that every individual has an equal amount of “good sense” (Descartes, 4) means that they should have the ability to decide whether something is true or false and the ability to “judge correctly” (Descartes,...

Anorexia Nervosa: Article Critical Analysis

2 Pages 688 Words
In this article, twenty girls were put into the three categories of being pre-pubertal, pubertal, and post-pubertal when anorexia nervosa was diagnosed, (Warren,1968, pg 39). Warren examined the girls under a variety of factors, psychiatric symptoms, and their reaction to treatment while in the hospital. The prognosis of anorexia nervosa appears among young girls and boys, but mostly in girls,...

Language And Politics In Contemporary Central Asia

8 Pages 3633 Words
Multilingual nations exist in all parts of the world, and there are massive examples of it if one wants to study them. Toughness arises only when one attempts to locate a country that is genuinely monolingual.[footnoteRef:1] There appear to be no example of this type. The vast majority of the nation-states of the world have more than one language spoken...

Using Instagram In English Language Learning

6 Pages 2802 Words
Abstract This qualitative study was an attempt to explore the learners’ viewpoints on Instagram application in learning English language. The participants of the study involved 27 undergraduate ESL learners, who were enrolled in an Academic Communication course at a private university in Malaysia. A focus group discussion was conducted to collect the learners’ perspectives towards the use of Instagram in...

The Evolution Of Transgender Terminology

2 Pages 1141 Words
Introduction The word “transgender” has faced several variations throughout the years. However, it is solely now, in the 21st century, that this concept is finally self-addressed as a relevant matter. It is intriguing the history and origins behind the term used to describe someone whose, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, “sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond...

Language, Media And Society

3 Pages 1424 Words
Making Meaning: Words and Images ‘Language—more specifically human language—refers to the grammar, structure and other rules and norms that allow humans to make utterances and sounds in a way that others can understand’. (Nordquist, 2019). The origin of language and its evolutions is highly speculative and has been debated vigorously amongst some of the greatest minds- many of which, have...

The Correlation Of Language And Communication

3 Pages 1343 Words
Growing up Language is an iconic obstacle a child must conquer. A language is a tool that enables people to communicate & it is an essence of what it means to be human(Panopto Lecture). And when we address Spoken Language, it is cleaved into five different categories which are Phonology, Morphology, Semantics, Syntax, and Pragmatics(Textbook 9.1 The Road to Speech)....

The Necessity Of Understanding Language Through The Brain

2 Pages 1075 Words
It is unlikely a person would ever recall the moment of their very first utterance. After months of crying and cooing, the baby’s speech would start to resemble a form of mama, or dada as it starts to produce preliminary syllables in the early stages of linguistic development (Parker & Riley, 2010). Before you know it, the baby is able...

First Language Acquisition Theory (Interactionism)

5 Pages 2325 Words
Introduction Our group has decided to look into Susumu Kondo’s case study titled “First Language Acquisition: A Case Study of a Japanese-Chinese Bilingual Child” from a publisher; who published about this case study in 2007. As stated in the titled, Susumu Kondo focused more on a bilingual child’s first language acquisition through interactionism with people around the subject that...

The Role Of Voice And Gender In Argumentative Second Language Academic

4 Pages 1765 Words
Introduction Linguistics is the study of language that includes analyzing language forms and contexts as well. My study is concerned with finding and describing the relation between authorial presence ‘voice’ in second language writing (SLW) in undergraduate students both males and females. Because applied linguistics is my area of interest, I will apply the results of this study to second...

Ethics Of Language Documentation

4 Pages 1811 Words
In recent years ethical issues in language documentation have received surprisingly a great attention in India. Although the history of the study of Indian linguistic have been a great value across the world and the contributions of the great linguist Panini in 3rd century has never been forgotten, even after some of the ethical values like; trustworthiness, respect, responsibilities, fairness,...

Natural Language Processing And Its Applications

4 Pages 1976 Words
Abstract Natural Language Processing is a branch that is mainly involved in the field of Artificial Intelligence and deals with the study of mathematical and computational modelling of various aspects of natural language and the development of wide range of systems. NLP researchers aim to research on how human beings understand and use language so that appropriate tools and techniques...

Human Language And Its Relationship To The Natural World

5 Pages 2339 Words
Abstract This paper explores the relationship between the development of human languages around the world and the distinct environmental phenomena the speakers of a particular language are encountered with. By examining six journal articles and one media interview with a prominent researcher in the area of study, I have determined that there is a significant amount of evidence that supports...

Androcentrism In Polish Language

4 Pages 1919 Words
In times when the definition of a woman is no longer constant or abiding, the very foundation of feminist politics is questioned and transformed accordingly. In her book “Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity”, Judith Butler challenges the current understanding of the feminist model by opening the discussion on how it has changed our view of female gender....

Cross-Linguistics Between Vietnamese And English In Bilingual Participants

2 Pages 1085 Words
Abstract Currently, in the United States, there are approximately 2 million Vietnamese-Americans. There is a shift in the relative language dominance from the first language (L1) to the second language (L2) of immigrant populations that have come to the United States (Tang, M.G., 2007). Maintaining the Vietnamese language provides a critical means for transmitting cultural values across generations and within...

The Usefulness Of Forensic Linguistics

5 Pages 2137 Words
Is language a distinctive feature when it comes to constructing yourself? Language allows speakers not only to communicate with others, but also to express who they are, where they come from, and who they associated with. “Language functions as a cornerstone in the construction of our identity and in the relationships we build” (Littlejohn and Rao Mehta 1). The process...

How Language Can Change Human Thoughts

3 Pages 1565 Words
Abstract This research is being conducted to analyze how language plays its role in determining, manipulating, adjusting and influencing human’s thoughts and perception. Research was conducted in University of Gujrat, using a survey method. Fake statement was presented as a fact and point of view were given in its favor. To check the influence of language in thoughts, forty samples...

Language Variation Essay

3 Pages 1366 Words
A recent advertisement for Lockheed products claimed that if William the Conqueror had not had technological superiority when he invaded England in 1066, 'this very ad might have been written in Anglo-Saxon'. What's wrong with this picture? Two things: First, all living languages are always changing, so the Old English spoken by William's adversaries would be greatly different from Modern...

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