Law Enforcement essays

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The Necessity of the Police System Reform

4 Pages 2013 Words
George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are only two of the many names within the number of African Americans that have lost their lives as a result of police brutality. As a consequence, from police officers acting on police brutality, or “…excessive…often illegal use of force…,” the majority of cases reported have resulted in African Americans suffering “from assault and battery...

Racial Profiling In Law Enforcement

5 Pages 2310 Words
For the longest time, law enforcement officials have use profiling as a part of their tactic to apprehending criminals. However, in recent times profiling has become a major concern because law enforcement officials are unable to separate their tactic of criminal profiling from racial profiling. According to Perry (2016), racial profiling is “when the members of a particular or racial...

Racial Profiling: Will It Ever End?

5 Pages 2406 Words
Racial discrimination and inequality continue to be an issue. Despite the advances we make in our society in terms of race, racial prejudice is something that cannot be abolished. Conflict with discrimination is evident when we look at the issue of racial profiling. Racial profiling in the United States has corrupted the justice system, causing various misinterpretations and placing innocent...

The Media’s Influence on Police Officers Killing African American’s

4 Pages 1754 Words
40% of fatal shootings by police officers of unarmed victims, were African American men in 2015 (Lowery, cited in Jones, 2017, pg. 873). Known statistics such as this example, speculate the appearance of individual and systemic racism within the police force in the past, present, and as it appears the possibility of the future. African American’s have faced brutality, discrimination,...

The Police Response To Domestic Violence

7 Pages 3359 Words
ABSTRACT Domestic violence is one of the most frequent forms of violence in which the police themselves must deal constantly. My assignment describes police officers' experiences, tactics, and changes in policing to deal with different types of domestic violence. Recommendations about the most effective way to train police officers to cope with unexpected situations of integral risk to domestic violence...

Human Behavior Recognition in Surveillance Systems

7 Pages 3051 Words
Abstract This paper is a literature review that focuses on detecting and analyzing the human behavior and its application in surveillance systems. Surveillance systems play a very important role in tracking and monitoring human behavior generally, this is one of the reasons why it has recently become a major interesting research topic. Human effort is not very effective in monitoring...

Does Police Brutality Exist Everywhere?

1 Page 686 Words
The world is always talking about police brutality and if police have used excessive force to capture a subject. Police brutality has always been around, but as media grew so did the talk about police brutality. There are people who are affected the most from the media fueling the fire on police brutality. Minorities like teenagers are being exposed to...

The Relation Of Gun Ownership And Violence

3 Pages 1208 Words
If indeed guns do not kill, then why do mass killers have to arm themselves with guns? As a mother and concerned citizen, I feel that the government ought to take action to end the unnecessary loss of innocent lives we tragically lose every day. Gun ownership and violence has been a controversial issue in the US for centuries. Approximately...

Racial Profiling And The Police

4 Pages 1688 Words
Introduction Although there is not one blanket definition for racial profiling across police departments, Schaefer (2016) defines it as “any police-initiated action based on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than the person’s behavior” (p. 55). According to Warren and Tomaskovic-Devey (2009), “the use of racial profiles dates back to the late 1970’s when federal agents created drug courier profiles...

The Increase in Police Brutality

3 Pages 1259 Words
This quote, “Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals,” by Martin Luther King Jr. exemplifies that brutality is not always the right path to take. In this case one of the biggest issues in America has always been police brutality. Over the years...

Police Brutality against African Americans: Causes and Prevention

3 Pages 1248 Words
America has been trying to achieve justice for everyone for many decades. One of America's first attempts at gaining equality was the introduction of Civil Rights. “Civil Rights are the rights of citizens all citizens to political and social freedom and equality”. Some examples of civil rights include the right to vote or to be treated fairly by the legal...

Police Brutality in The Hate U Give

3 Pages 1147 Words
Novelist Angie Thomas and her novel “The Hate U Give” expresses the life of a sixteen year old girl named Starr, who was a witness to her best friend Khalil get murdered by the police in cold blood. Thomas purpose for writing the “The Hate U Give” is to convey the message of being able to stand up against important...

Police Brutality As Racial Profiling

3 Pages 1276 Words
From trying to cash a check at the bank, to mowing lawns, to sleeping in the college dorms or even coming home to an apartment building, there are numerous stories of African-Americans being harassed. Women, men, and even children going about their daily lives only to be intruded by strangers provoked by their presence and this provocation often ending in...

The Peculiarities And Effects Of Racial Profiling In The UK

7 Pages 3324 Words
The Greater London Authority’s analysis of the 2001 Census, ‘World in One City’ found people from 179 different nations living within London and The Guardian Newspaper praised it as ‘the most cosmopolitan place on earth’ (Vertovec, 2007, p. 1024). This resulted in British policy-makers producing a strategy called Multiculturalism, acknowledging the mass scale of immigration from the African Caribbean and...

Gun Control: The Wrong Approach To Decrease Gun Violence

3 Pages 1569 Words
I was born into a family where guns were prevalent. As expected, I grew up shooting firearms regularly. It became a game to see who was the best shot with the air rifle in the backyard and then eventually transfer to a competition at the shooting range. We would see who could shoot the farthest and who could hit the...

Reasons And Effects Of Police Racial Profiling

4 Pages 1931 Words
Introduction Racial profiling is a form of discrimination which violates basic human rights and contributes to inefficient and ineffective policing. Racial profiling occurs when police stop, question, search or detain a person on the basis of their race. Victims of racial profiling can be severely impacted by this experience (Police accountability 2013). In 2011, a report by the ABC (Australian...

Gun Control And Gun Violence In The USA

6 Pages 2537 Words
Gun violence previously was, and still currently is, a massive global issue that deserves more attention in order to be rectified. The rate of gun violence in the U.S. remains greater than almost every other country in the world and is at the minimum, seven times larger than countries such as Australia, Canada and France (Alpers & Wilson, 2013). In...

Occurrence of Police Brutality in America

3 Pages 1343 Words
A general and overall answer towards the first sub question, are there psychological effects that are projected because of police brutality? Is yes. From analysing 4 different sources and 4 annotations I can understand that there are indeed psychological effects that can be conducted from police brutality. Not in every case are the psychological effects towards the victims of police...

Surveillance and Censorship as The Keys to a Successful Totalitarian Government

3 Pages 1281 Words
A government’s success is intrinsically linked to its ability to control its citizens. In the case of George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, the central government, Ingsoc, violates freedom of speech and its civilians' privacy in order to root out dissenting ideas about leadership. Through similar practices, the Chinese government also violates its civilians’ rights in order to maintain its power....

Police Misconduct Towards Rape Victims In The United States

7 Pages 2979 Words
On September 25, 2010 a young woman went to her best friend's house for a party after a college football game. After falling asleep on his couch for several hours she woke up to him doing unspeakable things to her. Out of fear, she pretended to remain unconscious. After he was done and had left the room, she grabbed her...

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