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Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employment Relations

2 Pages 860 Words
Organisational Culture – The morals and behaviors of staff can have a massive impact on its culture which ultimately affects the employment relationship, especially if that culture is negative. It’s important to build a culture where employees have their job satisfaction and their work happily and at the same time cooperate with the management team. Culture ultimately shapes the employees’...

Women and Criminal Law

2 Pages 876 Words
The concept of equality requires equity to prevail. However, the history of social development is itself the past of inequality - between countries, race, culture, class, caste, faiths and sexual orientation. In between this chaos, the issue of women's rights reveals itself most prominently, cutting through all the stratums of social arrangement. In this regard, it is pertinent to quote...

Differences Between The Civil and Criminal Cases

1 Page 578 Words
A Civil and Criminal case is very different, yet many individuals have a tendency to overlook that. The word litigation means resolving disputes within the court. The first difference between filing a case whether it is civil or criminal depends on who can file a case in the first place. In a criminal case, the state is the one who...

UK’s Criminal Law Dealing Adequately With Online Abuse to Protect the Public

6 Pages 2865 Words
The fast-paced development of digital technology has opened a pandora’s box of new behaviours under online abuse, which negatively impacts individuals of all ages, particularly young people. The government’s task of successfully classifying online abuse as criminal offences, is becoming increasingly difficult. A topical issue is the problematic area of the criminal law surrounding ‘revenge porn’. This is defined as...

The Principles of The English Criminal Law

2 Pages 1001 Words
This essay is going to explain and judge the rules and standards of criminal law in the light of certain guiding principles of restraint in the construction and use of the criminal law. Harm The principle of harm presents a concept of crime where a conduct must only be banned if it results in harming another person. This principle put...

The Issue of Ex-offenders to Become Productive Members of Society

2 Pages 827 Words
I stand in negation of the resolution to improve the educational standards for inmates not because inmates do not deserve a second chance, but because this education will not provide them a sufficient second chance for the following two reasons: (say both bullet point titles) Just because they will have an education, that doesn’t protect them from the prejudice of...

Failure the War On Drugs in Vietnam

5 Pages 2129 Words
Drug users have increased both nationally and internationally. Drugs/illicit drugs are substances that have both positive and negative impacts on the human body. Tye indicates the seven types of drugs include the following; stimulants, depressant, hallucinogens, dissociatives, opioids and lastly cannabis the worst of all. Each year millions of people die using illicit drugs. Drugs come in many shapes and...

Right to Work Legislation and It's Implications

4 Pages 1824 Words
Right-to-Work Law and Its Implications for Labour Legislation in CanadaIntroductionFor the last few years, a major showdown has been shaping up between the progressive sections of Canada, which have always been associated with the trade union movement and social democracy, and the rightist sections which promote anti-unionism. While the former groups seek to consolidate the labor organizations, the latter groups...

Genes Made Me Do It: Genetics, Responsibility and Criminal Law

1 Page 527 Words
People in society are more aware of what they think causes a person to commit a crime. These causes range from addiction, the criminal being sexually or physically abused in the past and other bad backgrounds. Criminal responsibility is a concept that forms the core of criminal law. This is what can make a person accountable for their crimes and...

The Problem of Inadequacy of The English Law

3 Pages 1284 Words
Over the years the law on Intention and Recklessness had been under academic scrutiny and criticism for being inconsistent. Several adaptations were introduced in the evolution of the law making it more settled such as the House of Lords’ decision in Woollin, and this essay aims to address why they were not enough to eliminate the inadequacy of the English...

Application of Criminal Law Provisions as Mandatory Rules of Governing Law

4 Pages 1678 Words
Even if none of the parties raises a claim of illegality in the course of arbitral proceedings, the tribunal might still be obliged to look into the issue sua sponte in light of its obligation to apply mandatory provisions of the law applicable to the dispute. For the arbitrators, criminal law is a mandatory rule of law. Under this scenario,...

United States Foreign Policy and Drug Cartels in Mexico

3 Pages 1214 Words
Although the United States (US) has always had a Foreign Policy, for decades the US has emplaced polices regarding Mexico and it’s rogue and hostile drug cartels. Furthermore, since the 1920s, the United States and Mexico has had raised tension, not only for oil, politics, immigration, but drug trafficking, leading to the rise of drug cartels. The United States Foreign...

A Brief History of Prisons

2 Pages 1087 Words
Prior to the 15th Century, incarceration itself was not considered a punishment, but rather a way of holding those who were in debt or awaiting trial. As well as common criminals, prisons at this time were also used to detain political prisoners, prisoners of war, slaves and those convicted of treason. Particularly in the case of the traitor, the prison...

The Canadian Employment Law Using The Case Study

3 Pages 1193 Words
A career is significant for each individual because of numerous advantages. A decent and stable career, for example, gives stability and genuine feelings of serenity throughout everyday life. Being guaranteed a stable income flow, we are spared a lot of stress and uncertainties that life brings in its wake without a career. Subsequently, individuals continually searching for a decent and...

The Influence of False Memories and Eyewitness Testimonies on The Case

2 Pages 992 Words
This essay will introduce us the definitions of false memories and eyewitness testimonies as well as what they are and also what literature has told us about them. The aim of this essay is assessing how reliable the eyewitness testimony and explained how false memories can be created and implemented in the memory, this would also be backed by studies...

Connections Between Cyberlaw and Criminal Law

4 Pages 2011 Words
Cyber law emerged as the society developed, the modern technology evolution made human progress and also gave rise to new problems which one of them is cyber criminality. As computer technology improved from accessing websites for research to communicating, making transactions, sharing and storing important data with people round the world through the internet. The computer increased our capacity to...

Methods of Performing Criminal Records Check

1 Page 406 Words
Criminal records check is one step of the procedure involved in due diligence research conducted on individuals. And even though our age today is referred to as “the digital age”, digitized information may not be enough in performing a comprehensive criminal records check. Often, old-fashioned “gum shoe” techniques are required and researchers find that more often than not, they must...

Use of Criminal Law to Regulate Air Pollution in The UK

4 Pages 1965 Words
Air pollution in the UK is regulated under various statutes. The question regarding their efficiency however, still remains debatable. Whilst most cases have been brought forward via the tort of nuisance, there are a few instances where individuals and companies have been prosecuted for environmental harm (including air pollution). Prosecutions for environmental harm are relatively new in England & Wales...

Gun Control Laws and Their Effectiveness

1 Page 641 Words
According to research, gun control laws can be affective if the offender doesn’t have a single intent to kill. A single intent to kill is when the offender’s primary motive is to kill their victim. Frank Z states if the offender has a single intent to kill the offender will find an alternative weapon to kill their victims. Zimring, in...

Argumentation of the Need to Amend Article 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1898

6 Pages 2847 Words
We all know that the law of Bangladesh prescribes different punishments for different crimes. Similarly, the Code of Criminal Procedure which is called the Criminal Code. It is a law regulating criminal activities in Bangladesh. There are currently 365 sections in the CrPC. One of the controversial sections is Section 54. Section 54 basically provides for the arrest of a...

Drones Should Be Banned by International Law

3 Pages 1356 Words
In this essay I will argue that the operation of drones should be ban in international law. Drones in their general definition are unmanned aerial vehicles operated by a pilot who may be thousands of miles away from where the drone is flying. Originally, drones were designed as reconnaissance aircraft or in other words an exploratory military survey of enemy...

Comparison of Federalism Between India and the United States

5 Pages 2347 Words
At present, approximately all the 25 federal countries in the world, together represent 40% of the total world's population. America and India are two of the most significant countries in the world which were the world’s oldest democracy formerly and now counted as the world’s largest democracy. Both states are called ‘federal republic’ in the light of their political structure....

Key Goals of the Constitution of the United States

2 Pages 921 Words
The United States won the war against Great Britain during the Revolutionary War to gain independence. After the war, the country was having trouble due to military weaknesses, financial difficulties, and lack of cooperation with the state and the national government. Furthermore, during the Shays’ Rebellion, the people were frightened about the situation and convinced the leaders in all 13...

Overview of the Evolution of the Roman Law

3 Pages 1313 Words
Throughout this text there will be a coherent and short explanation of the Evolution of the Roman Law. The History of Roman Law is divided in four main important periods. It begins with the Monarchy, also known as Regal Period. Stablishing the state division of power and the form in which the law was applied. Furthermore, it advances to the...

The Problem of Decent Wages

3 Pages 1412 Words
The Council of Europe is not an institution of the European Union. It was founded in 1949 and one of its main goals is to protect human rights and work towards the standardization of legal and social protection in all its 46 member states. In 1965 the 'European Social Charter' entered into force. Article 4 paragraph 1 speaks on the...

Roman Civilization and Its Greatest History

5 Pages 2215 Words
Myths and Legends Romulus and Remus were the founders of the city of Rome in Roman mythology. In Roman mythology they were twins. Their mother was the priestess Rhea Silvia, and their father was Mars, the god of war. The two brothers later quarreled over who should get the support of the local god to name the new city, and...

The Counter Effect of 'The Prohibition'

2 Pages 888 Words
The Roaring Twenties, also known as the Jazz age. The Roaring Twenties, also known as the Jazz age, was a period of economic prosperity, thanks to the increase in industries which resulted in massive production and a complete change on the economy; people could afford buying products that in the past would have been impossible and so, started buying and...

Juvenile Diversion Programs in South Africa

3 Pages 1525 Words
Children who commit minor unlawful behaviors were exposed to harsh punishment, therefore this is the inappropriate treatment for children in conflict with the law, as it disobeys act 108 of 1996 in section 28 of the constitution. In the 1990s South Africa introduced diversion to focus on the best interest of the child, providing appropriate treatment and punishment for children...

A Comparative Analysis of the American and British Bills of Rights

1 Page 650 Words
Natural rights are allowed to all people that can't be denied or confined by any authority or person. Regular rights are usually supposed to be granted to individuals by 'Natural law.' In creating the laws, Jefferson followed the system of the English Declaration of rights, after the 'Glorious Revolution', 1689. Most researchers today conclude that Jefferson was inspired to write...

Strengths of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution

1 Page 451 Words
Someone's Fourth Amendment right ensures that citizens are driven into improper search and seizure and are not searched without possible causes. In the wake of 9/11, the government overcame the American Patriot Act, which caused controversy over civil liberties. The law passed several provisions before it was finalized in 2015. Later, the US Freedom Law was enacted, expanding the civil...

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