Law essays

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The Need for a Uniform Civil Code in India

6 Pages 2521 Words
Law is a system of rules that are created and enforced through the social or governmental institution to regulate behaviour. Law is symbolized by goddess Mart a lady justice who has weighed fold in hand indicating that justice should be impartial without and regardless of money, wealth, power and identity. This is a basic principle in Indian Law. India maintains...

Invalidity of Title IX in Relation to Women’s Athletics

4 Pages 1672 Words
Title IX - the best document for the progression of female athletics… more like the beginning of increased criticism, setbacks and discouragement for women in sports. Since Title IX, which states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any...

The Problem of Systemic Racism and Abuse of Power in Modern American Society

2 Pages 773 Words
In the Merriam Webster dictionary (2020), the definition of systemic racism is broken down into two words. Systemic meaning “fundamental to a predominant social, economic, or political practice”. Racism also defined by Merriam Webster definition (2020) means, “the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another”. I believe systemic racism occurs today. People...

Reflections on Why Texas Should Make Changes to Judicial Selection

1 Page 680 Words
The US runs an exciting judicial system, where different states retain the right to determine the way to have judges in the courtrooms. Some states consider governor appointments, while others prefer to have partisan elections determine the judges to grace the court sessions. Texas is one of the states that has maintained the use of the partisan election of judges...

The Influence of Transnational Policing on Organized Crime and Its Development

3 Pages 1416 Words
Transnational policing is most frequently quoted as a solution to organized crime. Organized crime is a global phenomenon beyond the scope of any one agency or jurisdiction to deal with alone. So cooperation, international law enforcement, mutual legal assistance and transnational criminal investigation and knowledge or information helps to control the risk of such crime across the world. The capacity...

Key Triggers of The Birmingham Prison Riot of 2016

6 Pages 2576 Words
The Birmingham prison riot of 2016 has been commonly described as “the worst prison riot seen since the Strangeways riot” (, 2016) that irrupted in 1990. After the disorder there was a rough estimate of 500 inmates involved as four wings out of a total eleven wings filled into a full-scale riot. It lasted from 12 to 15 hours until...

Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage

1 Page 548 Words
As per Article 1 Section 1 of the US Constitution, Congress is the legislative body of the government; they are the only ones to make laws in the US. Further Congress has been divided into two sections Senators from each state and house of representatives which has delegates from each state depends on the state population. It will be a...

Functional MRI to Serve as a Lie Detector: Hit or Miss

5 Pages 2255 Words
In the article written by Patrick Keefe, ‘Can a Brain Scan Tell if You’re Lying?’, Keefe writes about experts that side with fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and their ability to be used as a lie detector test. The lie detector test would be used in court cases to determine if the offender is guilty or innocent in the crime...

Justices of the Supreme Court - Politicians in Disguise

2 Pages 1105 Words
Undoubtedly the Supreme Court has considerable political power. This power has come about after the case Marbury v Madison, the landmark decision that helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separate executive and judicial branches of the American form of government. The job of a judge, in this case of the Supreme Court Judges, is to be unbiased, fair, neutral,...

US Government System: Federal Government vs. National

3 Pages 1503 Words
The presidency was suggested in Philadelphia at a Constitutional Convention by Virginia's Edmund Randolph, as a major aspect of James Madison's proposition for the federal government, which wound up recognized as the Virginia Plan. Madison offered a fairly crude plan of the official branch, letting open if what he named the national official would be an individual or a lot...

Key Categories of Remedies Available

2 Pages 899 Words
There are two different categories of remedies available: self-help and judicial. Self-help remedies are without the involvement of the court and only available in material breach cases. Among the kinds of self-help remedies are rescission and retention. Rescission occurs when the innocent party decides not to continue with the contract and cancels it as if it never happened. If a...

Thomas Jefferson's Playing Politics

4 Pages 1858 Words
Thomas Jefferson has long been casted in a positive light as one of the nation’s most accomplished and esteemed founding fathers, yet not all of Jefferson’s actions are worthy of warranting such praise. There were often times when Jefferson appeared to renege on his preached virtues, which may cause some to characterize as hypocritical, but Jefferson never strayed too far...

The Significance of Well-Regulated Gun Ownership for the Democratic American State

2 Pages 801 Words
Non-proliferation is a juridical action geared in obstruction and the possession of guns, particularly handguns. Alternatively, it is understood in consideration of larger point of view being legal restrictions as well as and limitation of actual custody and service of the shooting iron. Despite being constitutionally provided in the Second reform arms limitation is a controversial provision in the USA....

Non-Democratic Aspects of the American Constitution

3 Pages 1371 Words
The American political system is broken. The current state of our democratic republic is a blatant reflection of the obvious defects in the founding document(s) we so often rely upon for guidance, wisdom, and enlightenment. Our founding document, the Constitution, establishes a conventional substructure for an effectual administration of a nation in which its people are permitted to exercise their...

Comparative Analysis of Civil Law and Criminal Law

2 Pages 740 Words
Civil law systems, also called continental or Romano-Germanic legal systems, are found on all continents and cover about 60% of the world. They are based on concepts, categories, and rules derived from Roman law, with some influence of canon law, sometimes largely supplemented or modified by local custom or culture. The civil law tradition, though secularized over the centuries and...

The Call for Constitutional Rewrites Echoes

2 Pages 883 Words
As a future political science major, one of the most talked about documents in my field of study is the Constitution. The, arguably, most prevalent debates over the Constitution is how flexible it should be. Constitutional traditionalists often call for a strict reading of the Constitution in its original form, whereas Constitutional progressives often are in favor of a looser...

Injustice in the Justice System

4 Pages 2023 Words
Justin Bieber has committed crimes but gotten away easy. He was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and while underage, but released from jail the following day--even though he was arrested on a $2,500 bond. Authorities found marijuana and Xanax in Bieber’s system, yet he still pleaded not guilty to all charges. Also, Bieber was charged for egging...

Significance of the Suffrage Movement of the 19th and 20th Centuries for Later Generations

5 Pages 2506 Words
The US Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights, are the primary documents that stipulate the rights of American citizens and the protections they are afforded. Adopted in 1789, the Constitution ensures that “no man should be deprived of his unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Though it is seen as a perfect opportunity...

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution and Racial Discrimination

5 Pages 2528 Words
As citizens of the United States, we have the right to be given “fair procedures” without discrimination under the protection of the 14th amendment. Due process insures every citizen’s right to a fair trial, hearing, and any other procedure needed when convicted of a crime. However, for as long as the 14th amendment has been in existence, there have been...

Case Study of the Juvenile Justice System Functioning

5 Pages 2419 Words
Eearly life experiences influence adult behavior. Criminal behavior is nothing more than copying or learning criminal acts from others. This statement relates to my sisters case the most. Once she started to hang around these friends she started to act differently and do things she has never done before. By using the social learning theory it can become apparent that...

The Threat to Freedom of Speech

1 Page 531 Words
All people around the world practice free speech daily, but not all people have the privilege of doing it publicly. Even though there is freedom of speech in many western countries, other countries in the world still do not have the luxury of this basic right, but now we may be in danger of losing this right after fighting long...

The Supreme Court of the United States and Its Impact on Same-Sex Marriage Rights

7 Pages 3012 Words
The U.S. Supreme Court was created by the Constitution of the United States and was established in 1789 and recognised under the Judiciary Act of 1789 (Smentkowski 2019). When the Founding Fathers were drafting the Constitution, they were against having a central government. As a result, when writing the Constitution, they decided that it was important to have an institution...

Juvenile Justice System of the 21st century

2 Pages 873 Words
The juvenile justice system in our nation has been trying to successful rehabilitation juvenile offenders. juvenile system years ago was lacking specific punishment for crime such as robbery, grand theft auto, destroy private property, depending on the crime if the person was a minor they were sent in a juvenile center. However, if the crime was more extreme they could...

Procedures Regarding Rehabilitation of Juvenile Offenders in the Justice System

4 Pages 1774 Words
Juvenile justice systems are getting rehabilitation wrong by indirectly telling young offenders that they are bad and criminals for life. The contents of this report will offer insight on current procedures regarding rehabilitation of juvenile offenders in the justice system. In order to understand the negative current processes, I took a look at professors and researchers findings on the effects...

Review of P.Boyer's and S.Nissenbaum's Book 'Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft'

3 Pages 1251 Words
If you have ever watched the movie ‘Hocus Pocus’, you are familiar with the “Sanderson Sisters”, and a little Village called Salem. In the movie, directors make the impression that three sisters enjoy summoning young children to their little hut in the middle of nowhere just to take their lives for the benefit of theirs. If it wasn’t for this...

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