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Cultural Significance of The Ghost Dance: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1044 Words
History has been known to be full of nothing but traumatic events that took place when our ancestors pronounced that the white color was superior, and every other race was inferior to them. Blood was spilled whenever something was done that did not satisfy the expectations of those who dominated the lands, the race that was granted with the brutal...

Concept and Categories of Ghosts: Opinion Essay

4 Pages 1992 Words
It is a matter of time when I was 18 years old. I went out camping with my friends and we went to the Bhangarh Fort, one of the most haunted places in India because we all friends liked to do adventurous activities. People are not allowed to visit the fort after the sunset, so we all stayed in a...

General Overview of Absurd Comedy: Analytical Essay

1 Page 619 Words
Intro Comedy is a play, movie or any other form of entertainment that can make you laugh. Absurd comedy is comedy that goes beyond the realm of believability. Absurd comedy is purely illogical and completely senseless. An example would be singing a really cheery song before an execution or perhaps your own death. The absurdity could also be coming to...

The Fantasy Genre and Sexism: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1307 Words
Background: The rise in popularity of fantasy and historical genres in film and television such as Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and Handmaid's Tale while performing well with audiences and popular culture have continually portrayed women in ways that perpetuate gender norms and stereotypes. Historical fantasy's use of female subordinance or the portrayal of sexual dominance is often...

Effects of Death in the Poems “In Blackwater Woods”, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, and “Out, Out”: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3137 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction to the Theme of Death in Poetry Loss is something that is felt by everyone, but the way it is dealt with differs from person to person. Some people will spend time reminiscing over happy memories about what they lost, others will ignore the fact that someone is gone, and others will love and appreciate the person more when...

Drug Abuse in Sonny's Blues and The Paradise of Bachelor’s and Tartarus of Maids: Critical Analysis

1 Page 583 Words
Drug abuse is extremely prevalent in our society today and has increased tremendously due to the controversy of whether some drugs should be legalized in our country or not. As a result, it can be argued that drug abuse is very harmful to people and should be controlled and dealt with accordingly. First, drug abuse results in the destruction of...

Hybrid Flower As a Symbol of Freedom from Colonialism in Adichie’s Novel Purple Hibiscus: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 964 Words
When MLK spoke at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, he used a mountain top to represent and symbolize the civil rights movement's climb throughout American history. Ascending the mountain represented freedom from slavery and segregation. Similarly, Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche uses the hibiscus flower to capture her idea of the cultural and religious 'civil war' in Nigeria during the 1990s. In...

Plot Summary of The Hunger Games

6 Pages 2598 Words
The story starts off in dystopian future America, called Panem led by President Snow. There was a war many years ago, which resulted in the country being divided into twelve poor districts and one rich totalitarian capital. The twelve districts all represent different characteristics and beliefs based off the resources they have. District twelve, known for mining coal, is where...

reflective Essay on Extraordinary Tale of Harriet Tubman's Escape from Slavery

3 Pages 1213 Words
One film that I’ve seen recently, which I think deserves merit is the movie Harriet. According to IMDb (Internet Movie Database), this film is based on the thrilling and inspirational life of an iconic African American freedom fighter. Harriet tells the extraordinary tale of Harriet Tubman's escape from slavery and her transformation into one of America's greatest heroes. This film...

The Discovery of HeLa Cells and The Principle of Informed Consent: Analysis of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

4 Pages 1987 Words
Human biospecimens have been imperative in scientific and medical advances. Their continued widespread availability for research will be vital to realizing the goals of medicinal accuracy. Once tissue is removed from patients, they were used for diagnostic purposes, and later discarded. The research, very seldomly, resulted in the tissue becoming valuable to the medical community; yet, record of them were...

The Perpetual Distress of Dystopian Buildings in I Am Legend: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2835 Words
For my final project, I wanted to explore the ideas of monstrosity that lie outside those normal ideologies and classical interpretations of what it means to be considered a monster. The process for choosing my particular monster was a relatively easy one because through extensively researching the principles of monstrosity, as well as, my presence within this course, my overall...

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” and “The River”: Comparative and Literary Analysis

5 Pages 2287 Words
In Flannery O’Connor’s short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” which was published in the year 1953, the word “good” is considered to be poor judgement or blind faith. This is similar to the literary elements in “The River,” a short story as well about Reverend Bevel Summers, a traveling preacher who is going to perform a healing...

Reflective Essay on Harriet Tubman's Way of Life

1 Page 532 Words
Egotistical ideas that these individuals were not brave or intelligent enough to be an impactful soldier. However, ultimately they were allowed to fight, which was the force needed that allowed the Union to win against the Confederates. Tubman was exceptional. Not only was she an African American slave that escaped her bondage, but she was also a female. Her gender...

Sonny's Blues Explication: Analytical Essay

1 Page 598 Words
In the poem “Sonny's Blues” written by James Baldwin was narrated from the perspective of Sonny's brother. The poem goes along to tell a story about an African American math teacher in 1950s Harlem, to his brother Sonny, a jazz pianist who has dealt with heroin addiction at a young age. Unlike many of the young boys in the neighborhood,...

Sound Design in Ghost Stories: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1134 Words
Sound Design in Ghost Stories “Genres that aim to initiate strong and intense emotional and bodily effects in the viewer (such as horror films or thrillers) produce complex audiovisual metaphors that elucidate affective and physical experiences.”(Fahlenbrach, 2008) Sound design has the incredible ability to evoke emotional and physical responses from audiences, which is profoundly noticeable in the horror genre. Sound...

Richard Wright As the Author and Protagonist In the book Black Boy: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1242 Words
Black people have had a hard time going through many different situations just because of their skin color. Every single individual deserves to receive their own rights and be treated equally. Growing up in the 20th century was hard, because racism happened all the time. The Blacks suffered a lot through different oppressions; it makes them hurt both physically and...

Critical Analysis of Miller Arthur’s Play “The Crucible”: John Proctor As the Protagonist

2 Pages 751 Words
Miller Arthur’s play “The Crucible” takes place in Salem, the vent during this play is regarding the witch trial. Theis trials will have a totally different reaction from the audience and result in this influencing individuals in numerous ways in which. The witch trial breaks the village into totally different sides of their own means of seeing the trial, individuals...

A Good Man is Hard to Find and All The Troubles of The World: Comparative Analysis

6 Pages 2549 Words
Isaac Asimov and Flannery O’ Connor are both renowned authors alive during the 20th century known specifically for their short stories. Isaac Asimov was a Russian Jew who immigrated with his family to America, while Asimov studied the sciences and actually worked as a professor of biochemistry. While he really did pursue the sciences, his science-fiction works bear a preponderance...

Concept of Second Coming in Yeats Poetry: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1394 Words
Yeats saw the end of the Romantic Era of Literature and the dawn of Modernism in his time of living. Different fields of art were also undergoing transformation due to the worldwide phenomena that included the two world wars. The romantic period saw a change in the thought process of that era. Yeats focused more on the individual than the...

Critical Analysis of Ray Bradbury’s Short Story “Sound Of Thunder”

1 Page 512 Words
In Ray Bradbury’s short story, “Sound Of Thunder,” the mood is revealed through personification, irony, metaphor, and characterization. The author used irony here and there “As Eckels talks in the workplace to Time Safari official, he is recounted the threats of the Time Machine, and he remarks”. 'Makes you think, if the election had gone badly yesterday, I might be...

Reflection on Area 51 and Ghost: Critical Analysis

1 Page 653 Words
Everyone has thought about Area 51 and ghost is real, but these topics don’t just come to be true, lies are always exposed. Area 51 and ghosts are just in people’s minds. The belief behind them is considered to be for attention. Therefore, area 51 and ghosts are just a myth, regardless of people’s proof on social media, the evidence...

Society’s Perception of Good and Evil in 'A Good Man is Hard to Find”: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 699 Words
Society’s perception of good and evil has evolved. In the 8th century, good people were viewed as courageous or showed huge amounts of bravery and strength you would have been a hero(good). People who were cowardice and weak were unworthy. As for the 1950s featuring “a good man is hard to find” O'Connor guides this tale by using morality, ethics,...

Importance of Family and Neighborhood in the Development of Mankind in Sonny’s Blues: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 1046 Words
The story “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin talks about Sonny who lives in Harlem in the 1950’s. The story, is centered about Sonny who is a talented musician, lives a life full of struggles and was trapped in drug addiction which got him in jail while trying to attain success in life. The narrator, Sonny’s brother has a very hard...

Crevecoeur Versus Wheatley: Comparative Analysis of Poetry

1 Page 666 Words
Freedom in British America Crevecoeur through the persona of James writes letters to an Englishman and describes what life is like in America. Phillis Wheatley, a slave who came to the colonies as a child, received an education from her Christian owners and began to write poems on various aspects of life in America. Crevecoeur's ​Letters from an American Farmer...

The Power of Author's Words to Impact the Reader in Sonny’s Blues: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 879 Words
Author’s deliberately incorporate a variety of literary elements into their work to impact readers on emotional and intellectual levels. An author’s choice of words communicates not only plot and character, but also tone, theme, and vision. Good writing resonates with readers when an author effectively uses language to convey a universal message. Just as musicians use notes, authors use words...

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