Political Science & Theory essays

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Honesty Is the Best Policy Essay

Honesty means honesty. Honesty means developing the habit of telling the truth throughout your life. A person who practices honesty in life has a strong moral character. Honest people display good behavior, always abide by rules and regulations, observe discipline, tell the truth, and are punctual. An honest person is trustworthy because he is always inclined to tell the truth. Each of them must have heard the phrase 'honesty is the best policy.' In fact, this is a wise statement....
1 Page 430 Words

What Is Social Policy Essay

Social policy focuses on human needs, social issues, social welfare, equity, and social justice. These concepts are drawn from a range of different subjects such as sociology, law, politics, psychology, economics, and philosophy. Seen to be a field of study, as well as a form of practice. Governments can best distribute resources to provide and deliver welfare facilities, services, and opportunities to meet human needs, enhance social wellbeing and maximize social justice. Social policy can be found in all areas...
1 Page 430 Words

Essay on Policy Making Process

Policy Network Analysis is emerging as an innovative management practice. It has the potential to promote good governance. A network approach to the public policy-making process is beneficial to government as well as non-governmental actors who are not always represented. In the modern world, an incompetent policy-making process is not ideal. Inefficiency widens the gap between governmental and non-governmental policy actors. This is why a strategic measure ought to be adopted by the government in order to be representative of...
3 Pages 1191 Words

One Child Policy Essay

Introduction to China's One Child Policy In this Essay, I analyze the ethics of the One Child Policy and how this regime-mandated population rule influences the people living in China. This essay commences with a summary of the rule with the historic background of the rule and how it used to be applied. Then I attempt into presenting one unintended consequence that has been caused by the “one child’s policy” of (Fong's, 2016) book and present other authors' views backed...
5 Pages 2334 Words

Democracy and Participation

The source discusses the view that UK democracy is in crisis, and argues that, in some aspects, there does seem to be evidence to suggest that the UK is experiencing ‘something’ of a participation crisis, due to a decrease in public confidence and a lower voter turnout in the past few decades. On the other hand, the source also suggests that ‘crisis’ is too strong a word to describe the UK’s political participation, as people are not as disengaged with...
2 Pages 817 Words

Texas Political Culture and Its Influence on Public Policy: An Essay

Texas is blend of the individualistic and traditionalistic political culture. After getting independence from Mexico, the state mostly developed on effort of individual which still linger in Texas politics. Texas government has very limited power only to the extent that it creates opportunity for individual achievement. The state traditionally has been one party system. At present Texas economic and social conservatism, less voter turnout reflects the traditionalism. The belief values attitudes that make up Texas political culture and politics provide...
2 Pages 1087 Words

Models and Structures of Microeconomics and Their Usefulness for Public Policy Implementation

Microeconomics focuses on the activities of individual agents within the economy like households, workers and businesses. However, because human beings are at the centre of microeconomic activities, it is difficult to understand certain economic principles when you consider their ever-changing nature. Thus, to better understand microeconomic principles, economists developed theories or models, which are simplified representations of how two or more variables interact with each other enabling them to take complex, real-world issues and simplify it down to its essentials...
5 Pages 2194 Words

The Crisis of Participation in UK Politics

I believe there is a crisis of participation in politics within the United Kingdom (UK), but in order to reinforce the matter, it is important to understand and conceptualize the various definitions of political participation. Conge et al., (1988) defines the concept as “all voluntary activities by individual citizens intended to influence either directly or indirectly political choices at various levels of the political system”. Moreover, Whiteley (2012) defines the ideology as “the heart of democratic government and civil society,...
4 Pages 1969 Words

Canadian Federalism and Its Impact on Air Pollution Policy

Pollution is an epidemic that is constantly in the mind of policy makers, especially since all United Nations member states agreed on the ‘2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals’ (UN, 2015) and pollution falls under goal 17 of climate action. According to (Berg, 2017) anything at a molecular level that has a less than positive impact on the environment classifies as pollution. There are many different types of pollutions, but it was agreed by (McDaniel et all, 2011) that there...
5 Pages 2138 Words

Should Bernie Sanders Drop Out of the Presidential Race

As someone who is a supporter of the candidacy of Bernie Sanders for President of the United States, this is not an easy topic for me to write about. To be honest, I’m still reeling a bit (almost 2 months after Super Tuesday) at how far we’ve come to be talking about the former democratic front-runner dropping out of the race – and for Joe Biden of all people. I don’t have anything personal against Joe per say; I actually...
1 Page 620 Words

Houston's Political Culture as a Blend of Individualistic and Traditionalistic Components

Individualistic culture is a general public that is portrayed by individualism, which is the prioritization, or accentuation, of the person over the whole gathering. It has the quality of the government's job is restricted, essentially to keep the commercial center working. A traditionalistic political culture is the job of the government is the protection of convention and existing social request, the government is to keep up the current social and financial progressive system. Houston is both individualistic and traditionalistic in...
1 Page 570 Words

Comparative Analysis of Andrew Yang' and Bernie Sanders’ Ideas to Overcome Income Inequality

Almost everywhere you go you can see homeless people off to the side of the streets hunkered down in their little shelter. The United States government’s economic plan, income inequality, is at its worst because about a quarter of American workers make less than the federal minimum wage which is less than $10 an hour, and you see them almost every day as your cashier, fast food worker, etc. (Amadeo, 2019). Most of these workers “receive no health insurance, sick...
5 Pages 2236 Words

Essay on SHARP Program: Mitigation of Sexual Harassment through Education and Communication

Through Education and Communication, we can Mitigate Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment is a problem throughout the Army that needs to be addressed with additional resources to improve unit cohesion, capabilities and training. Knowing the elements of SHARP will ultimately reduce sexual harassment and sexual assault to improve the command climate. “The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program reinforces the Army's commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault through awareness and prevention, training, victim advocacy, reporting, and...
2 Pages 1157 Words

Benefits of an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy at Workplace: Analytical Essay

Equality is the idea that people should all be treated fairly (not equally) while diversity is about recognising that there are both individual and group differences and so people should be treated as such. You can look at building an inclusive and diverse workplace in any combination of financial and/or ethical ways but the result is the same: it benefits your organisation to be one. Firms that offer an inclusive environment for a diverse mix of employees stand to innovate,...
2 Pages 951 Words

The Refugees In Europe: State Policy VS Human Rights

The refugee crisis we are facing today and have been facing for the past, almost, four years has no precedent. Since 2015 when the whole madness started, when over one million refugees, displaced persons and other migrants came to Europe to find shelter and escape from the conflicts and wars in their countries, our continent became the host for other 65 million people, the number rising with the time passing by. All these people that have arrived here after land...
7 Pages 3204 Words

The Aspects of Gender Equality Policy in the UK in Relation to Employment and Childcare

Over the last 40 years, UK government and policy makers have been focused on gender equality, as a rather recent phenomenon as we migrate into modern society. With the UK behind many European countries in achieving equality, as issues of monopsony override policies that are attempted to be implemented. Nancy fraser (1994) proposes models of gender equality which are suggest ways in which policy makers should use to adapt and ensure a gender equal society taking various different factors into...
5 Pages 2343 Words

Affirmative Action Policies Are Outdated

In the landmark case of Grutter v. Bollinger, Justice Sandra Day O’ Connor wrote in her majority opinion that the “Court expects that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today.” Originally, affirmative action policies were meant to support historically disadvantaged groups, like the discriminated Blacks and Hispanics, in employment. Not long after that, several universities would start implementing affirmative action policies by using race as a factor...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Children and Contraception: Opinion Essay On Birth Control

Birth control is so widely, available and accepted, that the thought of it becoming legal and widely, available only starting in the 1960s for the United States is shocking. Much of the birth control movement was lead and pushed by Margaret Sanger. Sanger was originally a nurse in New York City, where she encountered the lives of poor and immigrant women. With limited knowledge and access to reliable contraceptives due to the Comstock Act, these women were forced to resort...
2 Pages 813 Words

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Birth Control

One of many wrangling decisions nowadays is weather to provide birth control or let nature take its course. Studies show that “ 18 precent of teenage girls (age 13-18), or almost 1 in 5, are on birth control”(Kramer). There are many methods to prevent pregnancy. For example, abstinence is number one along with being the healthiest. The first form of birth control became available in the 1960s. Since the contraceptive pill became present, methods have advanced and increased into more...
2 Pages 1124 Words

Teen Girls Must Have Complete Access To Birth Control: Arguments For And Against

One of the most awkward situations a teen has to go through is the “sex talk” with their parents. One of the biggest fears from parents and teens is the high risk of becoming pregnant after intercourse. There are several methods to prevent unexpected pregnancy such as an implant, sponge, and condoms. One of the most convenient however is the pill. Birth control should be easily accessible to everyone despite the cost or parent approval. When talking about why birth...
2 Pages 1097 Words

General Overview Of Over The Counter Birth Control

Anti-conception medication pills are the second most generally used strategy for contraception in the United States. The Pill is as of now accessible by prescription only, and a debate has developed about whether birth control pills should be accessible over the counter. Requiring a prescription for the pill is a boundary for many women, including those without access to a medicinal services supplier, transportation, child care, or insurance. Birth control pills have many benefits and should be made available over...
1 Page 502 Words

Application of Resilience and Vulnerability in Terms of Public Participation

As with concepts such as resilience and vulnerability, the notion of “public participation” is often employed in flexible and ultimately meaningless ways in order to paint policies as equitable, when in fact they do not truly account for the perspectives of marginalized peoples. In other instances, policymakers engage with the public in good faith, but only in inconsequential ways, such as by presenting completed initiatives to the impacted communities without having consulted with them during earlier stages of planning. Two...
2 Pages 796 Words

Imperialism: The Most Influential Policy In Europe Toward Africa And Asia

From the 1800s to the 2000s, many powerful countries in the European continent were in search of economic stability for their citizens. To fulfill these needs, their leaders understood they must engage in wars and trades to control the military capabilities as well as the administration and the resources of “weak” but rich countries in the African and Asian continents. They forged the imperialist policy. The imperialism policy provided the powerful European powerful countries with resource expansion and socio-political and...
2 Pages 1078 Words

Language Policies In The European Union

A significant problem in European integration is about dialects/languages and specifically how the EU establishments adapt to language variety. In this research paper, I tried to build up an investigation for evaluating the nature of language routines not in outright terms, yet rather regarding their compatibility with the objectives of actors, in terms of 'scenarios'. The article concentrates around the European Parliament due to the facing of 'enlargement' and the complexities that come with it. Looking at the financial and...
3 Pages 1374 Words

What Is The Significance Of The Nation In Shaping Language Policy?

In this essay, I will be discussing the significance of the nation in shaping language policies. I will be arguing the point of view of civic nationalism versus liberal culturalism. I will be defending the viewpoint of liberal culturalism, which defends the obligation of the state to privilege and endorse certain national cultures and languages within its borders. Provided these have been historically associated with a given territory. Although, limiting to only offering the promotion to regional languages can compromise...
2 Pages 774 Words

A Critical Analysis Of The Spark Schools’ Language Policy Document

There are many different ways in which one can describe the meaning of language. Different scholars, from Aristotle to Vygotsky, have different definitions and theories surrounding the role that language plays. However, Edward Sapir (former American anthropologist-linguist) described it best by categorizing language as purely human and non-instinctive. “Every language enables its speakers to express whatever they want to express, only the technical means are different.” In South Africa alone, we have 11 official languages that are spoken by over...
5 Pages 2298 Words

Equity Goals And Policies

When is equity achieved? According to the Portland Plan Progress Report, it is “when identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation has no detrimental effect on the distribution of resources, opportunities, and outcomes for group.” (Sustainability, 2017). Regions with greater inclusion and smaller racial income gaps attain more economic growth, yet most communities of color in the Portland metropolitan region experience the worst economic and social disparities (Metro, 2016b). Portland’s racial equity journey started with the Portland...
5 Pages 2032 Words

Policies, Laws, And Conventions In Inclusive Education

Introduction Education as defined according g to the conclusion of the council of European Union (2017,p3) should be “available and accessible to all learners of all ages including those facing challenges, such as those with special needs or who have a disability, those originating from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, migrant backgrounds of geographically depressed areas or war-torn zones, regardless of sex, race or ethnic origin, religion of bullet disability or sexual orientation.”(MEDE, 2019) Inclusive education means recognizing and valuing diversity in...
3 Pages 1468 Words

Amazon: Competition Is The Best Policy

Amazon is considered to be the biggest e-commerce platform that specializes in online retail, cloud computing, digital content and competes in thirty other industries. Amazon was established by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994, and began its venture as an online book shop, however later it extended to selling video/music content, computer games, hardware, clothing, furniture jewelry, toys, and AI services. Recently in 2017, Amazon has acquired Whole Foods Market chain for around 14 billion US dollars. It’s believed that...
3 Pages 1316 Words

Should Teens Be Placed On Birth Control?

Birth control is to prevent birth, right? If teens were placed on birth control without their parents’ consent that will give them the mindset to feel like they are grown. When they feel like they are grown then they will chose to do anything as they please. They would become very secretive to their parents. They could be engaging in sexual activities and their parents would not be informed until they turn eighteen. Teens should have their parents’ consent in...
1 Page 615 Words
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