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Protective Umbrella Of Law Vis-à-vis Muslim Women

Family law or personal law is that branch of civil law that deals with or governs relations of among the members of the family or we can say that it deals with personal family matters of an individual like marriage, dowry, and dissolution of marriage, guardianship, adoption, maintenance, inheritance, and succession. These laws not help in defining a relationship between a man and women but also helps in determining the relationship between women and the State. The Quran, which is...
5 Pages 2113 Words

Practical Challenges Of Mission For The Local Church

The objective of this study was to develop a sustainable model to enlarge missional involvement in the local church. This will include the strategizing and planning activities which could help the local church to implement the principles indicated in this study. As part of its introduction, this paper discussed the importance of dialoguing with other faiths as one component of missionary responsibility of the church. It was noted that many churches in Mission especially on the context of Manipur do...
1 Page 611 Words

The Inquisition And The Crusades In History

The Catholic Church has a long and sordid history behind it. While Christianity as a whole is meant to spread the good word of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, the Catholic Church, while having good intentions, had its flaws and was just as vulnerable to corruption and extremism as any other institution. Sometimes, the Church turned to extreme measures, such as the Inquisition and the Crusades, to pursue its agenda. These acts, while having relatively simple end-goals in...
3 Pages 1495 Words

Jesus Christ: Christian Cults And Sects

Crafts by Christ on the Cross The Good book asserts that man's acknowledgment with God depends totally on Christ's work on the cross, totally separated from man's works for God (Lady. 2:16,21; Rom. 3:19-26). Along these lines, man gets God's acknowledgment as an unconditional present by confidence alone (Eph. 2:8,9). In spite of the fact that sparing confidence is confirm by works in the life of the adherent (Jas. 2:16-24), they are viewed as the product of salvation (Lady. 5:22,23),...
3 Pages 1205 Words

Christian Cults And Sects: Mormons

The motivation behind this paper is to give an archived review of the major 'Christian' organizations, or what some have called religions. We are utilizing the term organizations to maintain a strategic distance from the substantially more confused idea of cults/sects. Explicit consideration is given the fundamental scriptural conventions which they deny. No data is given on the starting point and organizers of the orders, since this is of generally minor significance to the sorry assignment. The two concepts of...
4 Pages 1850 Words

A Holistic Approach To Hinduism And Vedas Simplified For The Modern World

Introduction To begin with, when we think about Hinduism, we think about the holy scriptures like The Bhagavad Gita, The Ramayana, Mahabharata, when we read this we get lots of confusion, so many superficials things which do not make any sense and then most of us lose interest. The sole reason for this is because we are reading a book of Shakespeare without knowing the basic English language or Alphabets. So due to our own ignorance of the basics we...
5 Pages 2491 Words

Why Does God Allow Suffering

There are so many questions people have when it comes to faith. Questions that even lead people to give up on their faith. One of the most asked questions throughout history is “Why does God allow evil and suffering.” This is a question that stops people from even following God. There is so much evil and suffering throughout the world today, so if God is so powerful and so mighty, why does he not just stop it? How can God...
5 Pages 2304 Words

Health Care, Wellness Provider And Faith Diversity

At the point when individuals are hit with a disease or have a genuine physical issue they go to God and religion to help them through the experience they are confronting. Regardless of what religion somebody has confidence in or which god they decide to love, there are likenesses among the differing beliefs. The objective of this paper is to analyze two different faith worldviews with respect to the social interaction that is offered among them. James Sire describes a...
4 Pages 1752 Words

The Hindu Culture Of India

Hinduism is a culture that is rich in history and tradition. There are almost one billion followers of Hinduism around the world and the majority reside in India (Roots, 2020). Not only is Hinduism one of the largest world religions, it is also one the oldest. It is believed that Hinduism dates back 4,000 years (Hinduism, 2020). To those that practice Hinduism, they consider it much more than just a religion. For them, it is a culture, way of life...
4 Pages 1742 Words

The Peculiarities Of Pope John Paul II Work

Pope John Paul ll has a variety of different beliefs about abortion. In his reading he lists belief which align with the church. Paul II also has scientific background to prove his case that abortion should not be used. Paul talks about the reasons why abortion is bad and who are likely to be blamed. The pope also gives out when a fetus is considered a human. The fetus is a human from conception to birth. Paul gives a list...
3 Pages 1299 Words

The Concept Of Faith In God

To us, it seems terrible that God could ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. But this story is supposed to be a sign of Abraham’s complete believe in God. Ultimately, God prevented the sacrifice due to the fact God wanted no longer Isaac’s death but Abraham’s religion. Because of his willingness to reply to God’s demand, Abraham is diagnosed as the father of our religion. We agree with in God must be as overall as Abraham’s belief was. We...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Existentialism, Memory Theory, Body Theory, And The Soul Theory

Existentialism is a modern philosophical belief, or theory, that is positioned upon the study of existence and of the way human beings find themselves existing in the world. The concept is that humans exist first and then each individual spends a lifetime changing their essence or nature. If you take this into account, then by the philosophical theory of Existentialism alone, you can determine that this object, this mass of cells, is, in fact, a human being. In fact, the...
2 Pages 761 Words

The Bible And Abortion

Introduction Using Divine Command Theory Metaetchics I will attempt to explain my moral reasoning on Abortion. It is a topic that is heavily felt and discussed at a minimum in most cases due to difference of opinions. As a Christian in today’s world being raised in what they call the Bible belt, I will compare my views and moral thoughts on this matter as I glance into the different verses, thoughts and views while using examples of different theory’s through...
5 Pages 2220 Words

Social Solidarity Theory

Some of us never know this amount of power and constraint that world places on us. However, those of us who have had the sociology course or two are aware of ourselves cultural locations, and being aware of it may be jarring. Durkheim gives us the model for creating the sense of stability of living and the layers of integration, power, and control that keep it. Whereas Marx got an eye for struggle and disturbance, Durkheim expects us to remember...
1 Page 567 Words

Qualifications Of Santisimo Rosario Parish Church In Relation To The Historic Site And Structures Standards

Introduction A. Background of the Study For over 87 years, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) have recognized, and continuously lent support; protecting and conserving sites and structures that demonstrates historical significance. In keeping with its mandate, the NHCP shall focus on the significance of the site or structure being considered for inclusion in or delisting from the National Registry of Historic Sites and Structures in the Philippines. In correlation to their principles, the state is responsible to...
6 Pages 2739 Words

Chastity And Honour Killing In Pakistan

The term honour killing may be defined as the murder of a female whether a girl or women by male member of a family. The accused more often justify their actions by claiming that the victim has brought dishonour to the family. It can be result of number of reasons including refusing from forced marriage, being victim of sexual assault, claiming divorce from abusive partner, allegedly committing adultery. Statistics of honour killing The total population of Pakistan is 170 million...
2 Pages 687 Words

The Attributes Of The Prophet Muhammad As A Teacher

“We have sent among you a Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you Our verses, and purifying you, and instructing you in scripture and wisdom, and in new knowledge” (Al-Imran, 3:164). This verse verifies that Prophet Muhammad (Ṣallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) was sent as a teacher to all of mankind. Islam stresses the seeking of knowledge, and because of that, teachers are looked with reverence and have one of the highest status in Islam. The best teacher to have walked...
2 Pages 1040 Words

Afterlife In Ancient Greece

There can be two different ways of looking at the afterlife in ancient Greece according to Radcliffe G. Edmonds III. The first form is very simple. It is memory based. A particular individual is remembered through visions of them just living their life. Edmonds calls this memory survival. It can be personal and involve a relative who has passed. In this case, the family member is imagined in their natural habitat, doing family activities and habits with the goal of...
5 Pages 2505 Words

The Influences Of Religious Beliefs

There’s a difference you know; between religion and spirituality. Some people don’t realize that they are different. Religion is what you believe and how you believe it. Religion is like a map, you follow it. Spirituality is more individualized; this is what a single person finds valuable to live by. Spirituality is a journey, you live it. (Wilkinson, Treas, Barnett, & Smith, 2016) Religion can affect a child’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Parents not seeking medical treatment when needed...
2 Pages 716 Words

The Influence Of Neoplatonism In Augustine’s Journey

Augustine was a Roman African who lived from 254 – 430 AD, he is renowned as a great theologian, philosopher, and writer. Throughout his life Augustine composed dozens of works, the arguably most influential being Confessions, an autobiography that outlines the spiritual journey Augustine had in his life. Throughout Confessions, Augustine constantly references his relationship with God, and the mysterious and beautiful ways in which one can connect to God. Through analysis of the text it becomes apparent of the...
4 Pages 1788 Words

How The Evil Appears?

What is evil? What triggers evil intentions? Evil is the act or intent of harming someone whether it is mentally or physically. It is being unethical and wicked, in addition to harming others for pleasure or profit. Evil is throughout the world, whether it is natural evil or moral evil. It does not matter if it is big or small, old or young, evil things and wicked people exist all around us. Some people who believe that people are born...
6 Pages 2572 Words

What Is The New Testament?

The New Testament, as generally got in the Christian Churches, is comprised of twenty-seven unique books credited to eight distinct writers, six of whom are numbered among the Apostles (Matthew, John, Paul, James, Peter, Jude) and two among their quick teaches (Mark, Luke). The New Testament was not composed at the same time. The books that make it seemed consistently over the course of about fifty years, for example in the second 50% of the main century. Written in various...
3 Pages 1169 Words

Eucharist As One Of The Sacraments in Christianity

The Eucharist also known as the Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper and other names is a Christian rite which is also a sacrament in most Catholic churches. The eucharist was instituted during the Last Supper by Jesus Christ, when he gave his disciples bread and wine during a Passover meal. Jesus said to “do this in memory of me” while calling the bread his body and the wine his blood. During the Eucharistic celebration in mass, us christians remember...
1 Page 493 Words

The Argument Of Evil As A Justification Of God's Existence

With the presence of omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God, the claim on evil is absurd. Even though it has been difficult to have satisfactory answers to this question, there is no way God will allow nature of evil to take its course. In the first portion of this essay, I will address the reasons given on the evil situation by the external world, and the second section, I will provide the philosophical arguments put forward in justification of the problem...
3 Pages 1351 Words

Types And Peculiarities Of Solidarity

The idea of “European solidarity” is not only present in the parliamentary debates but even in EU treaties such as the Treaty of Lisbon. Article 2 of this treaty considers “solidarity” as one of EU’s values other treaties reference “mutual solidarity” as being closely linked to the sharing of responsibilities (for instance article 24 of the Treaty on European Union for external and security policies). Solidarity is a vague and ambiguous term, especially when discussing the Economic and Monetary Union....
1 Page 565 Words

Why We Should Support Tibet Issue

Everyone knows that Tibet issue was starting from 1951, especially later the Dalai Lama leading more than 80 thousand Tibetans exiled to India. In fact, Chinese communist government were invaded Tibet and between Chinese communist Government and Tibet government signed so-called “Seventeen Point Agreement” in 1951. The Dalai Lama's Press Statements (Statement issued at Tezpur 18th April 1959) showed us ' 2-In 1951, under pressure of the Chinese Government, a 17-Point Agreement was made between China and Tibet. In that...
3 Pages 1273 Words

Envy As One Of The Sins

Envy is an intense desire to have an item that someone else possesses or desire of becoming like someone else. It arises when we see that another possesses something, we do not have but we would like to have. Envy is really a bad feeling which I think everyone has but to which no one admits. its not always intense but its normal for everyone to say like ‘I want be like that person’ may be because you love him,...
2 Pages 1074 Words

Healthy Soul And Happy Life

It is everyone’s desire and ultimate goal to live and pursue a happy life. Many work so hard throughout their lifetime to achieve and accomplish what they think will bring them true happiness, whether it is associated with some type of monetary value or extrinsic value, and for others, true happiness is associated solely with intrinsic value. All around the world, people strive and face challenges on a daily basis to ultimately live “the happy life” and each person has...
2 Pages 1149 Words

Church Of Scientology, Cults, And Even Pyramid Schemes

Introduction: Unveiling the Church of Scientology When you think about Scientology, what first comes to mind? They present it as a religion, but over the years, there has been controversy over whether it is a cult or a possible pyramid scheme. My goal is to come to an understanding and a possible conclusion to the truth. I will explore the Church of Scientology to accomplish two primary goals. The first goal is to determine what defines a 'cult' in terms...
6 Pages 2560 Words

The Role The Crucified Christ

Introduction For many years, the artist has used and still use several forms of artwork as a way of representing their ideas, skills, and educating the community. For many years Corpus has and is still regarded as the most extended lost masterpieces. Historically, Bernini cast three distinctive versions of Corpus. One of the artworks destroyed amid the French Revolution. One of the artworks owned by Spain’s royal family that had an official collection. The third artwork went missing while in...
4 Pages 1644 Words
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