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The Modern Slavery As The Socioeconomic Reality

Introduction Modern slavery is present in all societies across the world, even if governments do not want to recognize it. Moreover, no citizen wants to think that the contemporary and civilized world in which they live is as bad as the middle ages in terms of people being force to do something just due to the fact that other person is coercing them to do so. Modern slavery does not exist for a lot of people because there is not...
2 Pages 991 Words

Ideologies Of Civil Liberties And Freedom

Liberalism is the belief in individual freedom due to historical repression and exploitation found previously in society and still to this day. It promotes ideologies of self-interest, but due to societal circumstances has progressed though time into many different strands of liberalism. These include classic liberalism and modern liberalism: classic liberalism is a political ideology that advocates civil liberties, under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom. Modern liberalism is believed to be a progression of classic...
2 Pages 712 Words

Gender Equality In 21 Century

Although gender equality can be measured in many ways, we must question what the possibilities are. Women can be discriminated against in the work place by not being allowed to perform the same duties as men, and if they do these jobs, they do not always receive the same pay. Women have long been trying to earn their place in the political world, whether it is a city council seat, state senate or vice president position. Yet society uses various...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Theories And Discourses About Violence Against Women

Violence against women in close relationships has been an essential topic of discussion for several scholars of different disciplines. The woman has been cursed to remain an intrinsic part of human history, so little consideration has been paid to it. New theories and discourses about this vital part of our civilization are making their place in the limelight—various approaches. Focusing on behavioural patterns to patriarchy have been proposed. Some significant theories are being narrated as follow. System Theory System theory...
2 Pages 757 Words

Violent Video Games: As An Option To Justify Aggression Of Children

At some point in their lives, everyone has played a video game. Also, most people have played a game that they would consider to be ‘violent. Finally, you, like most people, have probably heard somewhere that video games cause people to be violent in the real world. According to a 2017 survey, roughly 61% of the UK residents that were asked believed that, in some cases, video games can be the cause of aggressive acts, so it is very likely...
2 Pages 822 Words

Theme Of Slavery In The Souls Of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois And Up From Slavery By Booker Washington

Within the literary canon of African American literature, two of the most influential works of that canon would undoubtedly have to be Up from Slavery by Booker T Washington, and The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois. Within these two works, both authors put forth their own ideological solutions to the problems which are faced by African Americans in the 20th century. One arguing for uplifting African Americans through hard work and education within regards to...
9 Pages 4169 Words

Intersectionality On The Example Of Black LGBT Stand Up Performers

All of us know that if a person is Black or Gay or disable or belongs to another social group, which is often discriminated, it means that their life is way harder than the life of a white straight man, for example. Such people, who I mentioned before face discrimination/misrecognition every single day. Nevertheless, what happens if the person is, for instance, Asian Trans disabled? Which type of oppression does he cope with? The answer is: this person struggles with...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Is Altruism A Form Of Egoism?

Our actions and our actions and our way of living may be influenced by our surrounding environment or culture, however, some behaviours apply to all humans. Egoism is the action an individual performs for their own good and self-interest (Herbert,1892). On the other hand, altruism is defined as the act of increasing the welfare of others while decreasing your own (Douglas, 2009). Although these key terms are seen as opposites, the question remains whether genuine acts of altruism exist or...
5 Pages 2357 Words

Historical Movement Of The Waves Of Feminism From 1960 To Nowadays

Throughout history, women have fought hard for equal rights, after centuries of oppression and discrimination. Women in the past did not have rights to an education, freedom of speech, to equal pay (Reference). To understand how feminism has changed from the 1960s to today, it is important to define what feminism is. “Feminism is a theory of how theorization of dominance and submission creates, gender, creates women and man in the social form in which we know”. To present, women...
4 Pages 1649 Words

The Main Factors Of Poverty In America

Rising childcare cost, shortfall of federal housing assistance, and stagnant or falling incomes among the poor communities are some challenges we face in developing effective programs, services, and responsive social policies. “As a result of these trends, most poor renting families now devote over half of their income to housing costs, and eviction has become commonplace in low-income communities”. 2 Poor single mothers with young children, particularly African Americans, are at especially high risk of eviction and unable to find...
2 Pages 724 Words

School Violence Problem In Bahrain

School violence is adolescence violence that happens on school grounds, from activities organized by the school or college, or during an event sponsored by the work. A teenager can be a victim of school violence, a perpetrator, or a witness. School violence can also affect or involve adults. Abuse among young people includes different habits. Some violent acts can cause more emotional harm than physical harm, such as bullying, pushing, and shoving. Certain types of violence, such as gang activity...
3 Pages 1344 Words

The Aryan Brotherhood Gang Profile: History, Members, Laws, Symbols

Gangs have been a top concern for law enforcement and families alike. As the population begins to increase, the amount of gang members increases. Gangs are known to be tough groups of members that range in ages and gender. Although there are many gangs, there are main gangs that rule over the others. These gangs are large in size and are known for their reckless violence. Large gangs have clearly articulated goals, can operate with financial efficiency, and can motivate...
5 Pages 2208 Words

Effects Of Racism On Young People In United Kingdom

In this essay I will be debating the meaning of racism and effects of racism on young people through theories. I will be analyzing theories and lawmaking policies addressing racism, specifically institutional racism in community and youth work. In addition, I will be pointing out barriers that have been highlighted in studying institutional racism in community and youth work. Racism is discrimination towards someone because of their race. According to Berman & Paradies (2010) “Racism can be broadly defined as...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Modern Immigration To The United Kingdom

Since June 2016, immigration concerns with the EU have risen to the highest level since December 1999. Immigration concerns were high for both conservative and labor supporters suggesting both sides of the political compass had immigration and the impacts on their radar. Major surveys have claimed that the leave vote was a result of ‘widespread anti-immigration sentiment’ as opposed to a ‘wider dissatisfaction with politics’. Research collected by the National Centre for Social Research through a survey of nearly 3,000...
1 Page 659 Words

Gender Discrimination In Swinburne University: History, Reasons And Solutions

Introduction This first part of the report showcases information, reasons behind existence of gender discrimination and also contains Swinburne University community’s perspective and point of view on gender discrimination and also states techniques with which that information was obtained. Gender discrimination is when a person is treated unfairly based on their gender (Cambridge Dictionary n.d.). Since 2018, the gender disparity was already 32 % on average, according to the Global Gender Gap Report survey of the World Economic Forum. Women...
5 Pages 2099 Words

How to Prevent School Shootings Essay

Abstract Schools have gotten safer over the years but students still fear every day. Acts of violence can disrupt the learning process and have a negative effect on students, the school and the community. In this paper I will explain the different violent behaviors that students and staff have to deal with on a day to day basis; bullying, fighting, weapon use, cyberbullying and gang violence. Also, how these different behaviors affect children when it’s occurring and how it later...
3 Pages 1550 Words

Rap Music As A Right For Free Speech In The First Amendment

The controversy of rap artists’ lyrics and the First Amendment has been a debate long argued. A great amount of rap artists’ have been convicted and sent to jail for lyrics they’ve written. Most of the rappers are falsely accused of murder and drug use just for mentioning such in their songs; however, many rap artists’ use strong language and speak of events that many are unaccustomed to which may shock and offend many listeners. This brings rise to the...
6 Pages 2710 Words

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