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Essay on Victims and Victimology: Analysis of Theoretical Background

8 Pages 3412 Words
The label of 'victim' is a social construction, therefore it’s society that decides who is most worthy of it. Walklate (2018) argues that there’s a distinction between those who offend, and those who are victimised. The theoretical research into what we know about victimization is both contingent and contested in many ways depending on the type of discourse used, whether...

Activity of Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2701 Words
Introduction This essay will look into how Al-Qaeda were founded, and how did the founder of this extremist movement get radicalised, what links does this group have? Do Al-Qaeda still pose a threat to the western economy. Thesis When was Al-Qaeda founded, and by whom, also why were they founded and what’s in store for their future? Al Qaeda or...

Discursive Essay on the Hunt for Osama bin Laden

4 Pages 1694 Words
Introduction On President George W. Bush’s two hundred thirty-third night as Commander in Chief, he addressed our nation from the White House Oval Office in response to the horrendous acts committed on September 11th, 2001 that ended the lives of two thousand nine hundred ninety-seven Americans. In that address, President Bush stated: “The search is underway for those who were...

Research Paper on the Importance of New Negro Movement

5 Pages 2138 Words
“ That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you are not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald. Roaring 20’s is described as a vibrant era filled with amazing authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald, Langston Hughes, and Gertrude Stein. As writers, their works were influenced by...

Case Study of Pakistani Taliban

6 Pages 2918 Words
The Pakistani Taliban, also known as the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), is an extremist terrorist group in Pakistan that formed in the year of 2007. Seeing that the Afghan Taliban was formed years before 2007, TTP can be thought of as the Taliban movement of Pakistan. This breakdown makes sense because there has not been true unification within this group, instead,...

Typology of Victim's Behavior: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1794 Words
“Criminology is the interdisciplinary study of crime as both an individual and social phenomenon, with research on the origins and forms of crime, its causes and consequences, and social and governmental reactions to it” (2019). A victim’s behavior plays a major role in their victimization. Victim’s “potential” is made up of a combination of biology, socialization, and chance. Evolution and...

The Role of the Biometric State in the War on Terror: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1808 Words
In this analysis, I develop a definition of the biometric state based on Muller’s interpretation, constituting, ‘securitization, governing through risk, and the widespread application of biometric technology and surveillance, within the context of specific assumptions about liberty, security, and identity.’ It is my contention, the biometric state emerged as a new mode of governance in the United States following September...

Essay on Suicide Bombing: Employment of Female Suicide Bombers

2 Pages 772 Words
An example of this is Andaleeb Takatkeh’s video testimony which was aired in mostly all Arabic satellite television channels, right before her suicide bombing. In her testimony she wore a black-and-white checked kuffiyeh around her arms, along with a white headscarf. The kuffiyeh had an illustration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque (figure 1). She also read from a pre-written paper; 'I've...

History of Employment of Female Suicide Bombing: Analytical Essay

1 Page 663 Words
Wafa Idris was the first Palestinian female suicide bomber who was twenty-seven when she killed herself along with two Israelis in Jerusalem, 2002. She had strapped on ten kilograms of explosives to her body, without any questions. This act of terror signified the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis increasing to new extents, leaving both the Arabic speaking world, and the...

Impact of Taliban’s Power in Afghanistan: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1775 Words
The words, “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain . . . ' ring all too true for the Taliban uprising in Afghanistan. In 1996, this young fundamentalist group built on harsh regulations and strict implementation of Islamic Sharia law took over the country. The rise of the Taliban’s power in...

Development and Issues of Victimology: Analysis of Victims Behaviour

4 Pages 1793 Words
The Office of National Statistics stated than in England and Wales, in the year ending June 2019, there was 11.1 million criminal offences. Does this mean that there are 11.1 million victims? Are all these victims the same and do they go through the same experiences? Victimology is essentially the study of everything to do victims of crime and how...

Extent of NGO’s Success in Reducing the Impacts of the Food Shortage in the Yemeni Famine Crisis: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1595 Words
Research Question: To what extent are NGOs successful in reducing the impacts of the food shortage in the Yemeni Famine Crisis? (GPC of health) In 2011, the Houthi rebel group took advantage of instability in Yemen and tried to take control of the country, which was then under the control of Abdrabbuh Hadi. Saudi Arabia along with 8 other countries...

Presence of the Ku Klux Klan in Post-Reconstruction America: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1785 Words
Radical White Supremacy From the ashes of a deceased Confederacy rose the newly obtained freedom of the former slave. In his wake, the freedman brought with him uncertainty and disunion, laying the foundation for one of the widest ideological divides in American history – the Era of Reconstruction. Initially a period of rehabilitation and effort to pay reparations to the...

Public International Law and Its Legal Principles in Regard to War on Terror: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 2973 Words
Introduction War is changing from conventional conflicts between nations to ‘small-wars’ as counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, ethnic and religious conflicts (Rochester, 2016, s. 10). The change is from interstate war to new wars involving nonstate actors and armed forces. The modern warfare post challenges to the United Nations (UN) Charter, the Geneva Conventions and other legal documents since they originated during World...

Issues of Bioterrorism: Analysis of Bio Terrorist Attack and RAID Applications

2 Pages 934 Words
Readiness for bioterrorist attacks and early acknowledgment of explicit operators are basic for general wellbeing. Crisis divisions may assume a significant job in this field. The enormous range of bioterrorism includes appalling fear-based oppression with mass losses, yet additionally miniaturized scale occasions utilizing low innovation yet creating common distress, interruption, illness, incapacities, and demise (Tewari, Rashi, Sharma, and Jain, 2013)....

Impact of The “New Women”, and the “New Negro” on the Society: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1086 Words
According to “Understanding the American Promise 3e” by James L. Roark, “The rise of a freewheeling economy and a heightened sense of individualism caused Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover to declare that America had entered a “New Era,” one of many labels used to describe the complex 1920s”(648). The 1920s appeared to be a time of prosperity, since the U.S....

Significance of Cults in America: Puritans, Ku Klux Klan, International Peace Mission Movement, People’s Temple, Manson Family

6 Pages 2785 Words
Defining Cults in American History Historians and philosophers have long debated if there can ever be a true definition of a “cult.” Some have said the difference between a cult and a religion is about two or three generations. Once a cult has survived for that long and appears that future generations will subscribe to the same beliefs, it makes...

Operation Geronimo Persuasive Essay

3 Pages 1568 Words
There is a fine line between what humanity believes what is right and what is wrong. If we learned anything from history, it is that calculated and precise decisions are crucial factors in any outcome otherwise history is doomed to repeat itself. That is certainly the case when it comes to Operation Geronimo. I believe that President Barack Obama had...

Jackson’s Positions on Nullification, Cherokee Removal, and the Bank of the United States: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1221 Words
To what extent was Jackson inconsistent in his ideology? Explore Jackson’s positions on nullification, Cherokee Removal, and the Bank of the United States. Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology throughout his administration. His positions on nullification, Cherokee Removal, and the Bank of the United States were key examples of his inconsistency. Jackson was against the Ordinance of Nullification because...

Critical Analysis of The Government of Germany’s Formal Position and Recommendations on Combating Global Food Shortages

2 Pages 677 Words
For the People: The Government of Germany’s Formal Position and Recommendations on Combating Current and Future Global Food Shortages In recent years many factors have contributed to a global food shortage, and more specifically a shortage in lesser developed countries. As the United Nations reports, “the number of undernourished people in the world has been on the rise since 2015,...

Employment of Methods of Framing and Mediatization to the War on Terror: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1162 Words
Conceptualized because of the various ways in which mediums have visualized, recorded and represented aspects of terrorism. The CNN effect established a twenty-four-seven news cycle which entirely covered the first Gulf war. This represents mediatization because the ability of real-time communications technology compels governments to immediately respond based on human suffering portrayed on the television. Mediatization has significantly affected the...

Exploring the Prison Crisis: Influence of Radical Theory on Abolitionism

5 Pages 2072 Words
This literature review will overview current theory and knowledge regarding the crisis facing the British prison in the UK. It will utilise prison based literature to highlight a radical theory of penality (Paris, 2007) presented by Angela Davis, Joe Sim and others. The current situation surrounding the British prison is often cited in official reports and academia, alongside the strong...

Intercultural Communications Contemporary Tensions: Analysis of Asian American Discrimination

1 Page 694 Words
Intercultural Communications Contemporary Tensions Intercultural communication is communication between two individuals or groups of different cultural origins or social groups and how culture affects communication between the two individuals or groups. It can be defined as a concept and competence that individuals or groups should acquire to facilitate better communication. Acquiring intercultural competence equips one with qualities that can enhance...

Critical Analysis of The Consequences of the War on Terror

3 Pages 1475 Words
The announcement of the war on terror drove substantial change, which was explicitly unsuccessful for various reasons. Mainly as this war had led to the humiliation of those falsely accused, as well as causing great fear among the American public, making it a possible cause towards the increase of xenophobia and racism globally, more so in America. Furthermore, the campaign...

Analytical Essay on Effects of Slave Trade

7 Pages 3011 Words
The massive transfer of life between Afro-Eurasian and American hemispheres is known as the “Columbian Exchange”. This exchange was precipitated by Christopher Columbus and the Italian voyage to the “New World”. The exchange is depicted as a major turning point that had profound and lasting effects on the trajectory and development of human populations, specifically African culture. Specific factors altered...

Factors of Arab Spring in Syria: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2052 Words
Introduction The Arab Revolution also named Arab Spring is a huge protest movement that occurs in most Arab country at the end of year 2010 and early 2011. Arab Spring is seen as the main point to a new change to more democratic at Middle East. The word Spring refers to a flower season that related with a beautiful, and...

Critical Analysis of Long-term Effects of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on Africa

6 Pages 2584 Words
The Transatlantic Slave trade, occurring between the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, in Africa produced centuries of exploitation of Africa’s human resources and raw materials in exchange for the growth and prosperity of the West. This exploitative trade system established destructive impacts and has radically impaired the potential and ability for Africa to prosper economically and maintain its social and...

Analytical Essay on Workplace Violence: Crime Prevention Plan

5 Pages 2505 Words
Crime prevention plan Employees at a major hospital face victimisation by patients as well as the general public. Occasionally patients or concerned family and friends become aggressive and hostile toward hospital staff. The hospital needs a crime prevention plan to help protect hospital staff and patients from victimisation. Introduction and Background While workplace violence affects virtually all areas and categories...

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