Studying at School

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High School Experience Essay

2 Pages 743 Words
7 girls, one high school. I began high school thinking that it was exactly like I had learned about through Hollywood movies, there was the nerd who was always made fun of for his brains, the bully who would push the ‘nerds’ around and steal their lunch money, the jock who was good at every sport and the guy that...

Law School Essay

8 Pages 3562 Words
Lasting Problems with Law School Culture Introduction We as law students have recently entered into a lifelong journey in the legal profession. The journey began in our respective undergraduate programs where we considered our next path in life. With this, we did our very best to get high grades and studied tirelessly for the LSAT. We sat down for hours...

Why Phones Should be Allowed in School Essay

3 Pages 1311 Words
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Introduction Phones have become a big part of our life no matter who we are. They are part of our lifestyles from the moment we wake up to the moment we close our eyes. It is already a major gadget that if it is taken away will just cause a major shift in people’s lives. Their phone is part of...

Community Service Reflection Essay

1 Page 644 Words
I have been a volunteer at this community service, Pertiwi Soup Kitchen, which is giving food and drinks or providing health services to the homeless in two places. Before I went to the community service, I found information and know exactly what I will do in this place, such as bringing children to take their food and drinks and issue...

Should School Start Later Essay

3 Pages 1344 Words
How much money you would pay to save the life of a loved one? How much to save the life of a friend? How much to save the life of someone in your school? How much to save someone you don't even know? Keep these answers in mind. You are asleep for one-third of your entire life. Sleep is one...

No School Uniforms Essay

2 Pages 991 Words
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It is debated nowadays on whether teenagers, who go to school, should be wearing a uniform. There are several advantages but also some disadvantages, such as All the students wearing the same uniform, which can take the stress off looking better than other students as they are wearing similar clothing, and also having a uniform can make a person look...

Ways to Reduce Truancy Effectively: Opinion Essay

1 Page 508 Words
In this era of modernization, truancy is becoming a serious problem in school. The rate of truancy has increased dramatically among the teenager. They most likely wander around the cyber cafÊ or the street to do something bad for them such as smoking and bullying. This phenomenon must be curbed as soon as possible to cultivate students with good moral...

Descriptive Essay on the Essence and Causes of Truancy

1 Page 505 Words
Truancy is one of the major behaviours associated with students, especially senior students at youthful stage. It is the act of consistent inconsistency in school attendance on the part of the student. Truancy is also any intentional unauthorized or illegal absence from compulsory schooling. It has also been identified as the act of absenting oneself from school without a legitimate...

Analysis of Problems Faced by Cape Town Teachers: Cases of Truancy and Drug Abuse

2 Pages 1056 Words
Introduction The two big problems that are faced by Cape Town teachers are truancy and drug abuse. The learner's irregular attendance is an issue that is seriously affecting the overall success of large urban school district. For the purpose of this study truancy will be defined as a consecutive illegal absence from school or class. Learners are giving teachers a...

Analytical Essay on Starting School Later: Impact on National Economy

1 Page 540 Words
During school hours, everyone usually lazily gets to class, and sometimes, if they’re late when the door closes, have to get a tardy slip in the office. However, I believe prolonged sleeping hours before school starts will lead to a greater beneficial relationship between both the school and students. Not only that, preventions and reductions could also occur once schools...

Essay on Starting School Later: Arguments for Starting School at 7.30

2 Pages 950 Words
We are Group 1 and we believe that the school day should not start later than 7:30 a.m because of the negative impacts it has on after-school activities, health, and transportation. First, in our experience with after-school activities, we’ve noticed a negative impact on students who have jobs and play sports. Additionally, teachers were equally impacted. Second, in our research,...

Argumentative Essay on Starting School Later: Influence on After-school Activities

4 Pages 1885 Words
The California Legislative Information alleges that the new California Senate Bill No. 328, permits high schools to begin academics no earlier than 8:30 am, furthermore, it requires middle schools to commence no earlier than 8:00 am. The repercussions from this settlement will be extensive for the California school districts. Currently, Benicia High School begins at 8:00 am, and the Benicia...

Should Shakespeare Be Taught in High School Essay

3 Pages 1187 Words
There is still reluctance among many secondary school students to accept Shakespeare as an author who speaks to them and their problems. This misguides them into thinking and focusing on the fact that Shakespeare's language is “too difficult”. His work shows various ideologies and perspectives that surround a variety of societal and internal concepts. So in that case, following up...

Bullying in Schools Essay

9 Pages 4016 Words
Fighting The Good Fight I. Introduction Witnesses of a 2013 shooting at Sparks Middle School in Nevada recall the 12-year-old shooter telling a group of students, 'You guys ruined my life, so I'm going to ruin yours” (Lurie). This student had been bullied for years, neglected by his peers, and finally had enough. Unfortunately, this is the consequence of the...

Why Should School Start Later Essay

2 Pages 1044 Words
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Have you ever got up on Monday morning and felt like you needed more sleep? Students are required to have eight to ten hours of sleep every night to function best for the day, but it's not possible when having to juggle homework, sports, work, and social life. Many students have a hard time staying awake during lectures; they are...

Critical Analysis of the Article “Later Schools Start Time Reduced Depressive Symptoms'

2 Pages 870 Words
Getting a full night’s sleep is essential to any student’s mental health and academic performance. Starting class around seven causes students to feel tired and unmotivated which negatively impacts their performance not only at school but in after school activities such as sports. Schools must delay start times because it improves mental health and boosts student’s academic success. In the...

Gamification in the High School Mathematics Classroom: A Literature Review

6 Pages 2592 Words
Abstract The resolution of this proposed research is to increase understanding on how gamification from Pearson System of Courses in a high school mathematics classroom affects the classroom setting The research aims to get a closer look at how student motivation, engagement, and higher order thinking skills are affected by the use of gamification in the classroom. The research also...

The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language in Elementary Schools

1 Page 579 Words
Every generation, languages are the most important that we used to communicate with people around the world. Since we live in a developed country, people who know multiple languages have great opportunities and credit. Children should be taught these strategies while they are young, they should begin learning a foreign language in elementary school. Children's primary education has a significant...

Elementary Education in Real and Virtual Life in Covid-19

9 Pages 3946 Words
Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in Pakistan are currently based only on traditional methods of learning, that is, they follow the traditional set up of face-to-face lectures in a classroom. Although many educational units have also started blended learning, still a lot of them are stuck with old procedures. The sudden outbreak of a deadly disease called Covid-19 caused...

Analysis of Language Assessment of Primary Grades

5 Pages 2230 Words
The Department of Education (DepEd) shall administer the Language Assessment for Primary Grades (LAPG) for grade three learners and National Achievement Test (NAT) for Grade 6 learners nationwide (DepEd Order No.: 19, s. 2014). It is a program that will develop and aims to assess the reading skills of grade three learners in terms of their comprehension and grammar in...

Statement of Purpose for MBA Program

1 Page 585 Words
When I first come over in United States from east Africa age 17 then, School was the last thing on my mind and did not even finish high school at time. Every time I begin to tell this story to my younger siblings they think I am bluffing. But it is true story I thought I was going to work...

Understanding Pedagogy in Elementary Education

4 Pages 1920 Words
Famously known Albert Einstein said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge” (1). Based on Einstein’s ideas, being a teacher extends far beyond providing basic classroom instruction, formatting daily lesson plans, and taking attendance regularly. Today, teaching has become an increasingly multifaceted profession as teachers assume parental roles and work as...

Child Abuse: The School’s Role

1 Page 388 Words
Child abuse includes acts of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. It is estimated that about half of all children who are abused are of school age. The consequences of abuse can be profound for its victims, including physical and/or emotional injury, difficulty in building healthy relationships, and increased likelihood of engaging in child abuse as an adult. Teachers and other...

Can Cell Phones Be Educational Tools? Essay

1 Page 457 Words
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Learning can be done in several different ways, methods, and procedures. As what Marvin Minsky, an American computer scientist concerned with research of artificial intelligence, “You don’t understand anything until you learn in more than one way”. We are now in the 21st century a modern world full of vast technologies to provide wider platforms, and tools. Moreover, what is...

Joining the NHS as a Great Opportunity for Personal Growth

1 Page 672 Words
The National Honors Society was established to recognize outstanding high school students. It allows you to strengthen your abilities and grow as a person through school and community activities. Having said that, I am extremely honored to be nominated for this organization. The National Honors Society is said to represent four pillars; character, leadership, service, and scholarship. Over the course...

Nothing Could Be as Hard as Middle School

1 Page 522 Words
According to the famous actress Zooey Deschanel, “Nothing could be as hard as middle school'. My three years at Leslie H. Walton Middle School were full of excitement and learning, but what Mrs. Deschanel stated is completely accurate. Walton, without a doubt, had been part of the hardest years of my life. Finding out my identity and where I belonged...

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