Violence essays

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Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting: Analytical Essay

An Insight on the Worst American School Massacres A school shooting takes place when a school or place of education is invaded, leaving many casualties (people who are injured or killed). When having a discussion about some of the most tragic school massacres in United States history, people’s minds typically drift to Columbine High School and Virginia Polytechnic and State University every time; however, Columbine isn’t the most horrific anymore. Columbine High School is in the top five worst school...
5 Pages 2136 Words

School Shooting: Thesis Statement

Thesis: By strengthening gun laws and improving school security, mass school shootings would become minimal and we would not have as many across the nation. I. Have you ever asked yourself when this would stop, or how many more innocent children would have to die in order for something to change? A. In 2018, there were 113 people killed or hurt in mass school shootings across the United States. B. 2018 has been the worst year for school shootings yet....
2 Pages 957 Words

School Shooting: Informative Speech

The Rise of School Shootings A. Intended audience and the topic's importance The intended audience for the topic is parents and the board of governors should since they are responsible for policy and decision-making in the schools. Many schools do not have regulations guiding them on how to deal with gun violence in schools. B. Presentation 1. Introduction Attention-getting opening: It is without a doubt that names like NIU, and Columbine among others are still fresh in our minds. It...
2 Pages 880 Words

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Critical Essay

In 2022 so far, there have been 27 school shootings and over 200 general mass shootings in America, and it is only May. America's numbers are greater than any other country when it comes to deaths from gun violence. Included in that, is the number of school shootings which has been at a steady increase since 1980. Moreover, Antonis Katsiyannis of Clemson University said in 2018, 'In less than 18 years, we have already seen more deaths related to school...
3 Pages 1563 Words

Persuasive Speech against Cyber Bullying

Almost three-fourths of the population of the whole wide world have already a wide range of access to the internet in today’s generation. The online world or social media really has a lot of advantages, never-ending privileges, and entertainment that practically all people want to experience and possess. Technology surely has stepped up its game. But through these steps, there are growing downsides. Social media is wide. It is vast and immense that the people from the other side of...
3 Pages 1579 Words

Motivational Speech on Cyber Bullying

Good morning everyone, today I’m standing in front of you to deliver my speech about cyberbullying. But before anything else, what is cyberbullying? As we hear the word cyber, the first thing that comes to our mind is, it is all about technology. Nowadays, as we see in our daily lives, everyone is using a mobile phone even a child is using one. Technology is very helpful in our everyday life, it makes somehow our life easier, easy to communicate...
1 Page 405 Words

Informative Speech on Cyber Bullying

What exactly is cyberbullying? “Cyber bullying is when a child or teen is threatened, harassed, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, using the internet”. There are many leading factors that may cause children to turn to cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can cause severe emotional health issues. There are many crucial signs to look for when trying to detect a victim of cyberbullying. People are trying their best to stop cyberbullying from kids nowadays. Cyberbullying may seem like nothing since there is...
2 Pages 1117 Words

Florida School Shooting: Synthesis Essay

On February 14th, 2018 at approximately 2:23 pm, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School became the victim of a mass shooting caused by a 19-year-old gunman, Nikolas Cruz. Cruz opened fire, with an AR-15 rifle, between the hours of 2:21-2:27 pm when he decided to pull the fire alarm causing everyone to rush out; students and staff members. Cruz was able to shoot and kill a total of seventeen students and staff members while leaving the rest with physical, psychological, and...
6 Pages 2977 Words

Cyber Bullying: Rhetorical Essay

In my eyes, cyberbullying is extremely serious and has a major impact on children growing up across the world. As the internet hastily develops across the international, it has already turned out to be an essential part of our lifestyles. Technology brings a number of blessings to our everyday lifestyles however each coin has sides, it additionally brings many troubles to society. One of its downfalls is cyberbullying. In essence, cyberbullying is a shape of bullying that includes posting poor...
2 Pages 895 Words

Cyber Bullying: Informative Essay

Introduction: Have you ever felt helpless or unable to defend yourself? Does that consider to be a weakness? And does it harms in the long term? I think a lot of people went through this situation I find it interesting to know more that’s why cyberbullying is the topic I chose to discuss. In this assignment, I will gather more information on the meaning of cyberbullying its cusses, and its effect. Also, I will focus on who can be cyberbullying....
2 Pages 860 Words

Cyber Bullying Accountability: Persuasive Essay

The topic for our debate is ‘that no one should post online comments anonymously.’ We, the affirmative team, believe that this statement is true. Now I will explain to you what the effects of online anonymity can have on the young. First of all, the only reason anyone would be posting anonymously is that they don't want to be associated with what they’re saying and you can make the assumption then that what is being said is unethical, illegal, controversial,...
2 Pages 695 Words

Case Study on Cyber Bullying in the Workplace

“Bullying at work involves repeated negative actions and practices that are directed at one or more workers. The behaviors are unwelcome and undertaken in circumstances where the target has difficulty defending him or herself. The behaviors may be carried out as deliberate acts or unconsciously. These behaviors cause humiliation, offense, and distress to the target. The outcomes of the bullying behaviors have been shown to cause significant distress and impairment in social occupational and other areas of functioning”(Einarsen et al,...
3 Pages 1183 Words

Why Guns Should Be Banned: Persuasive Essay

Since the independence of America, the United States Bill of Rights in 1791 stated that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. So, the concept of owning guns is very old, but it evolved since the last century because of the increase in crime with laws like the National Firearms Act ('NFA') or the Gun Control Act ('GCA'). However, gun...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Persuasive Essay against Gun Control

In the article ‘A List of the Reasons Cited against Gun Control and an Effort to Think Them Through’ by Tanushree Ghosh, the idea that creating stricter gun laws is the solution to the problem is assessed. A multitude of reasons are given behind this statement. However, it is mentioned that criminals will find a way to get ahold of their weapon of choice no matter what laws are in place because they are criminals and that is what they...
1 Page 628 Words

Is the Death Penalty Really Effective: Argumentative Essay

People do horrible things, that’s just a sad fact of life that will likely never change. Eliminating crimes of high caliber and establishing a world of peace is something many want but know is impossible to achieve. Thus, why they turn to methods to try and deter crime, things like jail, fines, and even capital punishment. The latter has been debated for many years as to the humanity behind it and if it is really necessary. I want to write...
2 Pages 974 Words

Informative Speech on Domestic Violence

“One box in you face just true you reach home late” is a line from a song that was released by Vybz Kartel in 2018. In Jamaica, domestic violence is a very common form of abuse between persons who are in an intimate relationship, as a result, there are many negative effects that are associated with it. Additionally, not only adults are involved but children are also involved in domestic violence. The children who are involved or who witness domestic...
1 Page 520 Words

Domestic Violence Speech

Domestic Violence has affected and continues to affect the lives of many individuals, it is not only found among adults, children, and teenagers who are also victims of domestic violence or are the abuser in an abusive violent relationship. Domestic violence is an abusive relationship between individuals who abuse one another, aggressively, physically, sexually, financially, and even emotionally. Although someone might not physically be getting abused, watching their parents or relations getting abused are often very traumatic. In worst-case scenarios,...
2 Pages 952 Words

Cyber Bullying in Modern Society: Cause and Effect Essay

In a society that we live in today, cyberbullying is so prevalent. Based on the website, cyberbullying may be defined as the method where the bullies and the bullied make use of modern technologies. According to, cyberbullying may occur through SMS, apps, or social media platforms where people have the choice of viewing, participating, or sharing content. It continues to say that cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative or mean information about someone, it may be private...
3 Pages 1255 Words

Bullying Solutions Essay

The effects of bullying can be catastrophic. Being harmed or getting told that you aren’t enough or experiencing things you don’t permit to are all instances that can tear someone apart, especially a teenage child. As a teenager, you are learning to become yourself, you’re still figuring out who you want to be so being treated like that isn’t enough or right can emotionally affect you. Being a victim of such a careless, disheartening act can cause a child’s mental...
5 Pages 2479 Words

Argumentative Essay about Bullying

Bullying should be kicked out of school Introduction: What is the definition of bullying? Bullying does not have a legal definition. Bullying, on the other hand, is widely recognized as: 'Behavior that is intended to harm another person or force them to do something they do not wish to do.' This behavior can be verbal, such as calling. Someone's names, spreading stories about them, isolating them from the group, or being Violent, such as kicking and hitting them. Bullying. is...
2 Pages 829 Words

A Child Called It' Essay Summary

“Every 9 minutes child protective services substantiate, or finds evidence for a claim of child sexual abuse.” (U.S Department of Health and Human Services). Controversy about how much maltreatment and neglected actions can affect children's lives and also be relevant as a trauma experience. In fact, most child abuse cases began to develop at home caused by mother, father, or biological parents. There are many reasons why child abuse continues to exist; lack of knowledge of learning the different types...
1 Page 586 Words

What Are the Main Causes of Cyber Bullying: Analytical Essay

Nowadays, the internet is an atypical access to user’s lives which creates new forms of infringement like cyberbullying which can be briefly defined as using the internet web to share a text or image of harmful content. As Jun (2020) pointed out that “Cyberbullying can be done anytime via email, mobile phone, or SNS(Social Network Service), so victims are likely to suffer indiscriminate violence around the clock.”(P.4). This essay research will discuss the causes of cyberbullying which include: self-loathing and...
1 Page 505 Words

Speech Outline: Reporting Domestic Violence

After examining previous research in the field of domestic violence abuse and social scrutiny, there has been interest in the cultural and social consequences, of the views and opinions people have over the topic of abuse within a relationship (Citizen Advice, 2015). What is relatively noticeable from this information, is an apparent trend towards those who have experienced these crimes and those who view these crimes but not necessarily experienced them personally. This information is from a reputable source and...
3 Pages 1380 Words

Sexual Harassment as an Important Social Issue: Critical Essay

The sociocultural theory is largely feminist in orientation and thus, examines the wider social and political context within which sexual harassment is created and occurs. The theory attributes sexual harassment as a logical consequence of the gender inequality and sexism that already exists in society (Gutek, 1985; Thomas & Kitzinger, 1997). Thus, drawing on the feminist perspective, the theorists argue that, sexual harassment, regardless of its form, is linked to the sexist male ideology of male dominance and male superiority...
2 Pages 702 Words

Proposal Essay on Preventing Cyber Bullying

Introduction: On 3rd May 2017, a student who studies at TARUC committed suicide because of cyberbullying. Even though his friends were successful persuade him to give up suicidal thoughts temporarily but at last, he still decided to end his life. This news astonished everyone and started to notice the problem of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying means the activity of using the internet to harm or frighten another person. (Cambridge Dictionary online, n.d.). Cyberbullying can call a stealth killer because it causes fatal...
3 Pages 1494 Words

Persuasive Speech about Domestic Violence

Why I chose to read this: I recently attended a domestic violence incident, where the patient had been the victim of mental and social abuse. I was completely misled by the partner, who appeared to be the person struggling to cope with the patient's behavior and mood swings, however, this was not the case and after spending some time with the patient she disclosed she was in an abusive relationship. I have chosen to reflect on this situation because I...
1 Page 536 Words

Bullying in Schools as a Huge Problem: Persuasive Essay

Bullying is the deliberate, continuous abuse of power in relationships through constant social, verbal, or physical behavior that causes harm to any individual. It ranges from individuals who abuse their power or seize power over one or more persons who are not capable of putting an end to it. Bullying happens in many ways: online, through social means, or in person. Bullying has many different effects based on the individual, some special teenagers are more prone to having long-term effects...
3 Pages 1351 Words

Why Bullying Is Bad: Persuasive Essay

Bullying is viewed as innocent fun between individuals from the outside perspective, but according to the people that are enduring this pain, it is a serious and scary issue. Bullying is very bad and is actually a big matter that needs to be addressed and stopped. It can cause physical and even psychological damage to the person receiving this constant torture, who will later most likely need therapy later on in life. This effect can cause a student to decrease...
1 Page 497 Words

Domestic Violence Should Not Be in Our Society: Persuasive Essay

How many cases of domestic violence do you think are reported each year? About 13 million, with many who have gone unnoticed! I am completely convinced that there should be no domestic violence in our society. We cannot allow women and men who are suffering from violence to be unheard of. The only way to stop this horrific problem is to protest, for example, as a member of the ‘Say No to DV’ Campaign. Domestic violence is not always physical....
1 Page 406 Words

Gun Control Is the Right Thing to Do: Persuasive Essay

People have been debating gun control in America. The reason for this debate is some people want age limits increased for the purchase of firearms and make background checks stricter because of how easy it is to obtain a gun, while others think gun control laws will take away their rights to protect their families. In America, the death rate from gun violence has increased. There should be more gun control laws in the United States to limit the number...
1 Page 540 Words

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