Computer Science essays

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Is the Internet a Good Invention?

Contemporary world comes with many technological changes and improvements. The biggest invention over the past century has for sure been the Internet. The whole idea of having people around the globe connected, experiencing easy access to every little piece of information you could possibly think of, or getting the comfort to work from your home was simply unbelievable years ago. Luckily, today’s generations get to enjoy all this and much more. The Internet is almost inseparable part of our lives...
2 Pages 1022 Words

The Need for Digital Literacy in the Modern World

The American Library Association's digital-literacy task force offers this definition of digital literacy: “Digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information requiring both cognitive and technical skills”. Hiller Spires, a professor of literacy and technology at North Carolina State University, views digital literacy as having “three buckets: 1) finding and consuming digital content; 2) creating digital content; and 3) communicating or sharing it”. I was first introduced to the world...
2 Pages 1082 Words

The Pros and Cons of Big Data

The pros and cons are meaning to the advantages and disadvantages of something that which someone such like a manager consider when making a decision about it. Nowadays, data explosion and companies are gathering with storing records at ever-increasing rates. the actual accumulation of this data has no commercial value for your employer. It has its pros and cons. Advantages of Big Data The predominant gain of big data facilities on the want to analyze and systematically extract precious information...
2 Pages 997 Words

Is the Internet Making Us Stupid? Essay

An increasing number of options have been available thanks to technological advancement ranging from the ubiquitous use of the Internet to artificial intelligence. A large number of people embrace these new changes, appreciating the uncountable benefits it brings to us, such as its convenience and resource diversity, while some doubters challenge that social media might seem problematic or self-indulgent. However, we cannot resolutely regard technology as only a curse or a blessing. Generally speaking, the Internet makes us dumber if...
2 Pages 789 Words

Essay on Internet Misuse Among Youngsters

Has the thought of the Internet ever made you consider it as an electronic drug? The millions of people who can’t go a day without being online, hurting real-life relationships, obsessive thoughts about the online community, making them lonely in the process and even cause side effects. A few negative reactions may include but not limited to withdraw, excessive use, tolerance, as well as negative repercussions. We know the great things about the Internet, but what about the downside? Problematic...
2 Pages 1067 Words

The Importance of Cyber Security in Personal Life

Introduction Cyber security is a worldwide problem. We live in a highly connected and digital world. We will never be truly be safe from every cyberattack online but we can educate and protect ourselves. Ventures expects ransomware costs will rise to $11.5 billion in 2019 and expected to rise every year. Cybercrime affects national government, big business and average people. The Internet is often under regulated with little to none official security. Questions are beginning to be asked about accountable...
5 Pages 2213 Words

Cyber Security and Its Importance: How to Protect Your Business from Hackers

Cybercrime is increasing and developing quickly along with ubiquitous worldwide digitalization. Rapid technology development is prompting cyber security experts to work more and more to counter hackers. To some extent, they can even call their competition an ‘arms race’. Threats really become more tangible. In 2018, global losses from hacker activity amounted approximately $3 trillion, and this year the quantity of leak damage is anticipated to be around 3.5 trillion. Cyber security ventures predicted last year that by 2021, cybercrime...
5 Pages 2242 Words

Cyber Security Essay

Introduction There are some processes and technologies that are formed for the security of computers, software, data, computer hardware and networks that are known as cybersecurity and all of these concerns things are protected by access and vulnerable supply via the Internet by cybercriminals, hackers and terrorist groups. The Internet and network that is based on information from unauthorized access or digital equipment are protected from cybersecurity (Klonoff & David, 2015). This is era of technology and the Internet is...
6 Pages 2749 Words

Pros and Cons of Freedom of Speech

It has been reported that in 2019 over 4 billion people use the Internet every day, and with every person having freedom of speech on it how they chose to use it can be very different. Many people chose to use their free speech to spread love, share inspiring stories and connect with people, but other people chose to use their speech very differently and decide to spread hate, bully and discriminate, especially in recent years. This essay will discuss...
2 Pages 1103 Words

Computer Hackers and Their Role in Our Community

Various people today have different views about the hacking scene. People of similar skill level often have similar opinions. There is no official definition of a hacker among the masses but rather a vague idea. Moreover, the media loves to attach false information to attract the attention of audiences around the country, for the sake of pure money. It all started at MIT in the 1960s, the root of the word ‘hacker’, where highly talented individuals in FORTRAN and other...
2 Pages 995 Words

The Impact of Virtual Reality on the Workforce, Society and Environmental Sustainability

Virtual reality is a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment for people to explore, connect and learn. It constructs an environment where people are fully immersed within a virtual world. Virtual reality is achieved using computer technology, Omni-directional treadmills and specialized gloves to accomplish the optimal experience, this equipment is used to stimulate senses, therefore, creating the illusion of reality. Creating an adequate virtual experience can be extremely problematic if things are out of place, this questions immersiveness and realism. Immersion is the...
2 Pages 946 Words

Effects of Virtual Reality on Human Health

The emerging world of virtual reality is not only providing a new, fully immersive experience, but it also creates new ways for people to see the world. Today the technology of virtual reality (VR) is used to advance medicine, engineering, education, architecture, training and entertainment. Specifically, this technology is the use of computer machinery to create a simulated environment unlike the old traditional user interfaces. This action places the users inside an experience where instead of viewing a screen in...
2 Pages 1017 Words

Digital Literacy and Its Importance for Adapting to Future Digital Environments

There is no denial behind the rise of digital technologies becoming a part of everyday life for some. These digital devices, such as cell phones or computers, have become so common in everyday use that at times can become inconvenient if individuals don’t own such devices. As society continues to progress with these digital shifts, it leaves an interesting question on how these shifts are affecting individual’s lifestyles beyond just the conventional calling or texting. In Danielle DeVoss et al.’s...
3 Pages 1270 Words

The Role of White Hat Hackers in Computer Security

Hacking usually refers to intrusion into a computer or network, which is not always legal. The person doing the hacking is identified as a hacker. These attackers can modify software and security features to achieve a goal that is different from the system's true purpose. Hacking can be verified by non-malicious operations, usually associated with unusual or unauthorized devices and machine settings. Hackers use a variety of hacking methods, including: 1) vulnerability scanner (checks network computers for known weaknesses); 2)...
4 Pages 1834 Words

The Importance of Digital Literacy in the 21st Century

Increasing developments in technology and digital communication continuously affects learners in both contemporary educational contexts, and informal learning environments. It is fundamental for educators to acknowledge the benefits and complications of digital literacies to secondary students, as they implicate learners’ potential for achievement in the twenty-first century. Additionally, a socio-technological society affects the relevance of digital literacy to dramatic arts education. Various digital literacies exist within both informal learning environments and contemporary schooling contexts and involve an array of complex...
4 Pages 1892 Words

Essay on Computer Viruses and How to Protect Against Them

System security is an imperative part of data innovation and can be ordered into four noteworthy areas including authentication, integrity control, secrecy, nonrepudiation. It is an idea of verifying and securing system and information transmission from clients who can utilize the data for hacking purposes. It focused around verifying systems including both public and private exchanges and correspondences among organizations, government foundations, and people. Network security has turned into a major segment in the company structure because the data kept...
4 Pages 1953 Words

SMEs Cyber Security Awareness

SMEs face a severe issue when it comes to cyber security, the issue faces all kinds of organizations, from big companies to small and medium enterprises. SMEs are usually targeted because of the less secure security protocols which makes them vulnerable to attacks that might lead them to close business or damage the business reputation. In the following research we shall cover how to improve the SMEs security and the importance of investing finance to purchase proper tools to protect...
3 Pages 1647 Words

Why Cyber Security Is Important? Essay

Cyber security is known as the protection of computer systems from theft or damage to their hardware. It was developed in 1971 by a man named Bob Thomas. Cyberattacks happen daily, and they’re constantly evolving. The common cyberattacks that we hear about on the news are usually major data breaches or information leaks about our government. Simple viruses that started from high school teenagers have turned into a full-scale cyberwar between nations. Cyber security is an essential tool that every...
2 Pages 1050 Words

Education Through the Internet: Essay

Formerly, around ten years ago or maybe even less, we were not familiar with the notorious term ‘Internet’, but ironically, in many ways now it has become very difficult for us to discuss or imagine any aspect of the contemporary society without considering ‘Internet’. As a result of which at this instant education through the Internet has transpired as one of the major contrivance or concepts. The Internet has immense potential to improve the quality of education, which now is...
2 Pages 831 Words

A Day Without the Internet: An Essay

Today almost half of the world's population is using the Internet, and that number is increasing every second. The public, governments, forces, businesses, airlines, industries, educational institutions, the media, there is no other sector in the world that does not rely on the Internet. What if the Internet of the world shuts down for a day? The answer to this question may surprise you. It's not inconceivable to happen. The Internet can be interrupted by cyber-attacks on a national or...
1 Page 589 Words

Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think? Essay

Have you ever thought about how the Internet affects our cognitive abilities and changes our way of thinking? According to ‘Is Google Making Us Stupid?’ by Nicholas Carr, the Internet is affecting our process of thinking. The Internet is our ‘short way’ to answer which is causing us to decrease our independence. It's affecting our professional and our personal life, which we can’t separate them to live a more balanced life. We are treating the Internet as an extension of...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Essay on the Benefits of the Internet

Nowadays world is fully dependent on the Internet in all areas of activity. It is used to interact with the people from one place to another place easily. It is the global system that connects the networks and devices by using the Internet protocol. In 1960s, Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf invented the Internet. The workable protocol of the Internet came with the creation of ARPANET it is expanded as the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. It is used...
1 Page 494 Words

Google’s History of Creation and Global Impact on the World: Analytical Essay

Innovation is the application of new ideas that are novel and useful. It has existed all throughout humanity and enables change. One if the biggest innovations of our time is the internet. It connects people across the globe to interact with each other, share ideas and have access to more knowledge than they could ever hope to learn all at the comfort of their home. The internet was originally invented as a defense system that could function during a nuclear...
3 Pages 1535 Words

Comparative Analysis of Web Accessibility Standards and Regulations

Abstract Today websites play important role in our day to day life. It has made our life very easier and approachable to many operations that were a distant dream in the past. Websites allow user to access information from wide range of sources. These web services are available for all including person with disabilities, older people and people living in remote area. But the people with disabilities have several accessibility barriers to access the internet due to poor and improper...
6 Pages 3023 Words

Critical Analysis of the Violence in Video Games

The video game industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, expanding exponentially on the web and mobile devices so it can be a bit overwhelming at times when formulating a strategy for your video game, whether you are a developer or a publisher. The first thing to look at is your budget, and using already created established sites to promote your game. There are numerous places to get your games listed such as Free Website Directories. Of course you can also...
2 Pages 888 Words

Current Google Motivational Policies: Analytical Essay

Google’s company culture is legendary throughout the world. Google has been known as one of the tech companies that has the best corporate culture. Their employee perks and benefits have long been the subject of many stories on corporate workplace culture, and their employees have been the envy of other workers all around the world. There are many corporate cultures that Google had been implemented with their employees to motivate them. First and foremost: perks and benefits are one of...
2 Pages 722 Words

Cybersecurity and Networking Discourse Community: Analytical Essay

Patil states: “The term discourse community identifies a group of people with common interests and goals in life, share a language that helps them discuss and attain these interests and goals” (Patil). This is what Patil said about discourse communities and this is what it means. Discourse communities are people with similar goals and these people tend to bond together in a particular way which helps them attain there goals while everyone works together as a whole. Professional, academic, and...
6 Pages 2917 Words

Comparing Google Docs and Microsoft Word: Analytical Essay

For people who love writing, be it letters, books, stories, and so on, Microsoft Word is indeed like a friend and a guide for them. From the day Ms Word came into existence, it surely has help everyone a lot. With loads of features, it has overcome Notepad and has become a hot favourite of many. But, with more and more competition, many new apps have come up with different word processing capabilities. One such competitor is Google Docs. In...
3 Pages 1418 Words

Comparing Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel: Analytical Essay

Both the apps be it Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, both of these serve the same purpose i.e. they both work on the concept of Spread Sheets. Microsoft Excel is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite which enables its users to work in spreadsheets on their dedicated systems. Google Sheets on the other hand is a tool which helps us use spreadsheet in a web browser. Both have their own features and complexities from which users can choose from...
3 Pages 1370 Words

Reflective Essay on Analysis of The Black Lives Matter Homepage

The purpose of the Black Lives Matter website is to campaign to seek justice and working vigorously for freedom for Black people and by extension, all people to have. The Black lives matter Campaign also strives for freedom and world acceptance of Black lives matter, regardless of actual or supposed sexual identity, gender identity, gender representation, economic status, religious disbeliefs, disability, immigration status, ability, or location and police brutality. The organisation bases the website on their mission statement ’We affirm...
4 Pages 1801 Words

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