Computer Science essays

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Study on Customer Satisfaction for Samsung Android Mobiles in Mumbai

With the fiasco that was the Note 7 a year ago, Samsung's image endured a shot. In any case, they make incredible items and keep on creating astonishing gadgets. Numerous individuals ask me for what valid reason I picked a Samsung cell phone, particularly since the Note 7 issues, and not something from Google or Apple. In the wake of getting posed this inquiry over and over, I thought it was imperative to at last location this for every one...
9 Pages 4119 Words

Process of Designing Interfaces and Dialogues: Analytical Essay

Designing Interfaces and dialogues To design usable interfaces and dialogues, you must answer the same who, what, when, where, and how questions used to guide the design of forms and reports. Deliverables and outcomes: The deliverable and outcome from the system interface and dialogue design is the creation of a design specification. This specification is also similar to the specification produced for form and report designs—with one exception. Recall that the design specification document discussed in Chapter 10 had three...
4 Pages 1854 Words

My College Goals in the Field of Cyber Security

“You know what’s better than building things up in your imagination? Building things up in real life.” I have experienced that the above quote has always worked for me. At a very young age as a student in high school, a computer for me was only a means of entertainment as I found it exciting to play games. I was naïve to know that games are nothing but programs. I was curious to know how to program and that’s how...
1 Page 526 Words

Management Issues Affecting Outsourcing of Software Projects in Pakistan’s Software Industry

Abstract Software Projects Outsourcing is used extensively by different organizations as a sourcing strategy today and it becomes a crucial issue in achieving specific objectives. This paper studies the impact of management issues on the effectiveness of outsourcing of software projects in industries of Pakistan. Outsourcing is an imperative trend in now a day’s business environment and is vital for us to well comprehend what factors influence more on outsourcing. On basis of the literature review, this paper recognizes the...
6 Pages 2688 Words

Importance of Data in Marketing and Advertising: Analytical Essay

Data is a material gathering and storage agent, to evaluate the activities of the present and the future of an event or situation. Data is used by organizations or individuals, to comprehend and observe the activities of consumers. It is about gathering facts according to certain needs or characteristics by the individual or organization carrying out the information gathering. Data is also used for business information collection to evaluate the employee growth in the organization and the perception of the...
4 Pages 1709 Words

Essay on Virtual Human Anatomy

An autopsy is a traditional and classic technique of forensic medicine, but due to the need to destroy the body, the autopsy is sometimes resisted and rejected. Virtual anatomy provides a non-invasive test for forensic examination, which can objectively and accurately reflect fractures, soft tissue injuries, invasive diseases, organ damage, etc., providing intuitive and powerful evidence for forensic identification practice. “Virtual anatomy” is “virtopsy”, which is a combination of “virtual” and “autopsy”. It is mainly used to introduce modern imaging...
2 Pages 930 Words

Essay on Human Anatomy: Applications of Mixed Reality in Medical Education

I. Abstract With the click of a button or a tap on the screen, we could have the entire world at our hands but now it is possible to have it in front of our eyes. Technology is gradually advancing to change hand-held devices to wearable devices. Medical Education has been in dire need of technologies that can replace the old school and expensive cadaver dissection but at the same time keep the precision intact. In this paper, we aim...
5 Pages 2270 Words

Analysis of Walmart Activity Using Big Data

Introduction: Selling goods or services to customers through several channels and to earn a profit is a complex concept of knowledge and skills. Walmart stands first in the world as a retailer serving more than 324 million customers with 20,000 stores in 28 countries. Whether it is in-store purchases or social mentions or any other online activity, Walmart has always been one of the best retailers in the world. Walmart ensures its best service to the customers by keeping customer...
5 Pages 2479 Words

Analysis of Legacy Software in Medical Devices

Introduction This paper set out to give an analysis of two research papers by Laštovička-Medin (2020) and Trevor et al.(2020). Exposure to particulate matter can be harmful to people's health. There have been several studies by scientists to help people monitor their exposure to these particulates. Often the coronavirus is labeled as a particulate matter, hence the need to control its presence. An experimental study was conducted by Laštovička-Medin (2020) to demonstrate how to visualize coronavirus by interacting with it...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Multimedia Essay

The various shared resource materials have presented a detailed insight into the birth, development, and changes in multimedia and how it continues to refine and influence today's communication landscape and human interaction activities. Multimedia is defined as media content that is made by combining two or more forms of media such as text, audio, images, animations, and videos, which are delivered electronically and can be consumed and enjoyed using electronic information processing devices. Audiences may view multimedia presentations on-site, using...
2 Pages 989 Words

Essay about Information System

Google Earth, Arkia Israeli Airlines, and certain hospitals, all use information systems in their companies. Google Earth uses an information system called GIS. GIS stands for geographic information systems. They use it for an overall view of the world and for maps that are constantly updated. Without GIS, Google Earth would not be possible. It makes Google Earth more accurate every day because it constantly updates. Google Earth also uses a method called spatial sampling, which means that they use...
1 Page 678 Words

Internet's Influence on Cooking and Recipes

Nowadays, the Internet can be in everything from our stoves or fridges to sitting in our pockets all day, but at the end of the day, we all still look around in our kitchen for something tasty to eat. Now though, it seems the scrapbooks, church cookbooks, and recipe cards of yesteryear are long but forgotten, but are they? Everyone has a memory of going to a potluck, family outing, or dinner someplace away from home and trying a dish...
3 Pages 1454 Words

Analysis of the Star Market Website: Essay

In this modern world, where everything is becoming handy and full of technology, for any business, it's software and an online tool to reach that company or business that is web sites is one of the most important factors for a business to be success. The purpose of this report is to determine the utility of the Star Market website. By deep research of the web design, layout, attractiveness, it was a spot that the website needs some changes. It...
2 Pages 796 Words

Can Search Engine Be a Culprit of Defamation? Google Cases

With constant development of technology nowadays, it becomes more complex to draw a line between legitimate information delivery and defamation. A question brought to the table is that whether a search engine assumes full liability for any damages triggered by defamatory publication on its platform or whether a plea of innocent dissemination is applicable. In defamation law, a plaintiff can take a party to the court arguing that he has endured three of the following things: the words or pictures...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Reflections on How the Google Search Engine Affects Intelligence

Google search is a great tool for searching information that we need for work. It is so easy just to Google something knowing you will have it at the palm of your hand in no time at all or better yet not having to spend hours looking in books for a bit of information. But searching Google for every answer may seem awesome there are some negative impacts it can bring to our own intelligence as well. There are many...
4 Pages 2014 Words

Essay on Google Search Engine

In the vast expanse of the digital universe, few entities shine as brightly or exert as much gravitational pull as Google. An omnipresent facet of modern life, Google's influence stretches across the globe, shaping the way we seek and process information, communicate, and interact with digital technology. The brainchild of two ambitious Stanford Ph.D. students, Google has metamorphosed from a humble search engine into a colossal tech conglomerate, carving an indelible mark on the technology industry. This essay will delve...
4 Pages 1212 Words

Proper Selection of Computer Hardware and Software for an Organization

“Great computer hardware is only a doorstop without great software”. The systems Life Cycle is a six-phrase problem which solves procedure for examining and improving an information system. Thus, this essay will elaborate on why is selecting computer hardware and software for an organization an important management decision and what management, organization and technology issue should be considered when selecting computer hardware and software. To begin with, in the phrase 3 of the Systems Life Cycle, a new or alternative...
2 Pages 921 Words

Wi-Fi 6 Technology for Business

Wi-Fi technology is among the greatest success stories of this new technology era, and its societal benefits are known to most of the world’s population. Wi-Fi has connected and entertained people, and has assisted in the creation of new technologies, industries, and careers around the globe. According to a recent report from the Wi-Fi Alliance (Telecom Advisory Services, LLC 2018), more than 9 billion Wi-Fi devices are currently in use worldwide, where individuals, families, governments, and global organizations depend on...
4 Pages 1944 Words

Internet-Based Education Vs Traditional Classroom Education: Essay

“Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world”, - quoted from Nelson Mandela. I definitely agree with the statement above, education is very important to me and to all children it’s not only about learning something new every day it’s the atmosphere; making friends, asking teachers questions and exploring what I want to do in the future, trying something new and loving it then taking it as a hobby and beyond. But what education is more beneficial,...
2 Pages 1141 Words

Should Students Get Limited Access to the Internet? Essay

Nowadays, with every passing day the Internet has become more essential for daily life activities. To get instant information or for any transaction’s the Internet became very useful and necessary. For students, the Internet has become more important because with the help of the Internet they will get their tasks done. However, a vital factor in every habit comes with some good and bad effects for the people who are habituated to it. Students are using the Internet so much...
1 Page 503 Words

What Is the Difference Between the Internet and the World Wide Web?

Generally, people use the terms the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) synonymously, but the fact is these two terms are related not synonymous. The Internet and the World Wide Web are different but interrelated terms. However, there are many subtle differences in two terms. The misconception about these two terms is common and hence these terms are used interchangeably. What Is the Internet? When we talk about the Internet, it is a much broader concept than the World...
1 Page 446 Words

Essay on the Difference Between Hardware and Software

When starting out in computer science, there is a problem of lack of understanding of the differences between hardware and software. To help understand that, this essay will cover exactly this topic. Before we get into the difference between software and hardware, I will define each of the concepts. Definition of Hardware Hardware is the physical component of a digital device that we can feel and touch. It is tangible and houses everything else. Examples include CD-ROM, computer display monitor,...
1 Page 603 Words

Computer Graphics: History, Types and Principles of Operation

Nowadays we use computers and smartphones to do a lot of tasks, watch movies and play games, but we did not ask ourselves how the graphics are created in the computer, so in this report I will talk about computer graphics. This report was created for those who want to know the history of computer graphics and their types and how they work, such as video game players, computer engineering students, and computer graphics designers, we will talk about the...
3 Pages 1457 Words

The Internet and Its Negative Impact on the Mental Health of the Younger Generation

The Internet is on a constant uprise, from social media platforms to a wireless connection in the latest vehicles, the human race cannot seem to escape the digital age. As the younger generation consistently gets more involved with the relationship of this era, mental health decreases drastically. The Internet is one of the largest contributing factors to mental health issues among adolescents. Social media platforms are based on unrealistic expectations, social gatherings are incorporated in comments, and stories are posted...
3 Pages 1191 Words

Cloud Computing Security Troubles and Their Solutions

Cloud computing is an example of an easy and requested network access to a shared pool of customizable computer resources that can be delivered quickly and efficiently with minimal administrative effort. In simple terms, cloud computing is a combination of technology that provides a platform for providing online hosting and storage services. The main purpose of cloud computing is to provide scalable and affordable computer infrastructure with a good range of services. Many companies develop and offer cloud computing products...
4 Pages 1689 Words

Internet Censorship in China: Pros and Cons

Censorship, as it is defined today, is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, harmful, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security. In many countries, the freedom to use the internet as we wish does not exist. Certain searches and even entire parts of the internet may be blocked by a country’s government. One of the biggest examples of censorship today is the censorship of China’s Internet. The Chinese Internet stands...
1 Page 501 Words

Are We Too Dependent on the Internet? Essay

In the era of globalization, where there are no more limits to accessing anything, it provides an opportunity for the Internet to become a 'primary need' for humans. The Internet has become the most crucial thing in this era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, because technology is used as a reference in various aspects of life. Technological developments occur so rapidly, this technological development occurs because of the human need for technology to meet their life needs in order to live...
1 Page 429 Words

The Internet in Our Life: Essay

Before the Internet our only source of information or connection to the rest of the world was the newspaper, television, encyclopedias and books which was not instantly available. From calculators to computers, cars to rockets, we are submerged in a sea of discoveries and inventions made possible by science and technology. The United Nations has declared the Internet a basic human right, so much so that it becomes a human rights violation to take this away (Kravets D & Sandle...
1 Page 667 Words

Data Mining for Software Engineering

In computer science, software engineering plays part in the design and analysis of projects for computer and other electronic gadgets. In software development processes, the work is part into particular stages with specific tasks in each, with the aim of improving planning and management. The most usually utilized procedures incorporate waterfall, prototyping, iterative and incremental development, spiral development, RAD, extreme programming and different sorts of agile procedure. While SDLC 'model' is a more general term for a category of procedures,...
7 Pages 3108 Words

Wi-Fi Definition Essay

Wi-Fi has stood out as the single most popular wireless network protect, while it has a great development day by day. Thus, we see the Wi-Fi available in the street and many places in most modern countries. Furthermore, Wi-Fi has a great future based on how does it change every period and become more faster and stronger. Wi-Fi, a wave - based network technology that enables data transmission at high speed over short distances. With Wi-Fi, local area networks (LANs)...
2 Pages 1017 Words

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