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Cognitive Theory, Moral Development And Delinquency

Abstract Theories with respect to cognitive ability and moral development by theorists such as Piaget, Kohlberg, and others point to relationships existent between cognitive and moral developmental levels and criminal or deviant behavior. Research studies that have been conducted over the years, primarily on juveniles, have found, in most instances, a strong correlation between cognitive ability, moral development and delinquency. While other factors, such as ones of socioeconomic import, are most assuredly responsible as well, cognitive ability and moral development...
5 Pages 2202 Words

Rape Representation In Media And Its Effects On Victim Blaming

Rape culture and the practice of victim blaming are inherently a linked phenomena, and both are prevalent in Australian society. The existence of a rape culture which normalizes sexual violence and blames rape victims for the attacks against them strongly affects the Australian criminal justice system, influencing both the outcomes of rape trials and the treatment of rape victims. And who can we thank for this? The media. The influence of the media with the issue of rape is undeniable....
2 Pages 695 Words

Juvenile Delinquency In India: Reasons, Justice And Solutions

ABSTRACT “All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them.” Juvenile delinquency is a serious problem and it is detrimental for the social order of nation. This problem is viewed as a socio-legal category invented in conjunction with the juvenile court; as a label applied to youth at the end of a chain of decisions involving the police, public and juvenile court officials and as form of behavior that violates legal codes, regardless...
5 Pages 2151 Words

Gang Culture Elements In Latin America

Gang culture in Latin America is perceived as responsible for various types of criminal problems not just within the continent but around the entire globe. The term ‘gang’, or ‘pandilla’ in Spanish, is widely stigmatised as a crime group that tends to seek violence and inhumane activities. Due to this stigmatisation, blaming these ‘gangs’ as a cause for violent activities seem to be more common than ever. However, these ‘typical’ gangs that are widely known through media coverage, are mostly...
6 Pages 2528 Words

The Perspectives Of Criminal Justice To Adult Prostitution In Canada

Introduction Basic morality is widely known as the guiding principle for our legal system, explaining why things like murder and assault are criminalized; but what about adult prostitution? Reasonably, the law argues that it is because prostitution often comes alongside dangerous activities such as drug use and violent crime, thus its heavy regulation is in the best interest of personal and public safety. Nevertheless, the nature of the issue still sparks controversy to this day. As a result, I will...
6 Pages 2655 Words

The Life Story And Crimes Of Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy can be easily described as one of the most notorious serial killers of the late 20th century. He was also a kidnapper, burglar and rapist who attacked many young women during the 1970s. Ted Bundy is also known to have engineered two sophisticated escapes from prison and earned himself three death sentences in two separate trials. His case has inspired several popular novels and films devoted his serial murders. As a result of his handsome appearance, charismatic charm...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Rape Culture Is Not A Myth, It Is Real And Dangerous

By definition, “rape culture” is an environment and sociological concept that rape is not only pervasive but also trivialized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality shaped by customs and stereotypes formed by society (Waweru Nduta, 2018). Although the term was generated recently, this horrendous pattern of ignorance reflects on an already existing custom that dates back to medieval times. Rape culture is present in our nation like cutlery in a house and has intensely increased over the years....
2 Pages 1063 Words

Causes And Motivations Of Hate Crime

A hate crime is a prejudice-motivated crime that happens when a perpetrator targets a sufferer due to the fact of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social team or race. Hate is a negative feeling toward someone that you would wish them harm. Hate is where murder begins. If we allow hate to stay in us and brood and grow, that is what it turns into - murder. Hate is when you can feel this sturdy...
3 Pages 1326 Words

White Collar Crime In India: Types And Laws

Abstract This paper gives a point by point understanding behind the thought processes of individuals submitting violations. Specialists have named the individuals carrying out wrongdoing, where the violations were negligible and kept to a specific region of administration as Grass Eaters. Individuals included in cushy wrongdoings and which has spread in practically all fields of business are named as Meat Eaters. With the approach of innovation and development of instruction, cubicle wrongdoings are on the ascent, being secured by experts...
6 Pages 2873 Words

The Tate-Labianca Murders: Charles Manson Family

Introduction to the Tate-Labianca Murders: Charles Manson's Helter Skelter It was called the summer of love, the last year of the 1960s. Little did anyone know that August 9th, 1969 would change the world for generations to come. On this night, four people left Spahn Ranch on the orders of Charles Manson to begin what Manson referred to as Helter Skelter. Helter Skelter was supposed to start a race war according to Manson and his family. On this night the...
7 Pages 3345 Words

The Social Media Impact, Mental Health Problems And Access To Weapons As The Main Reasons For School Violence

Throughout the years, school violence has not only left scars in our society but in our entire nation. Other than home, schools are the single most important place in the development of teenagers and children, schools are supposed to be a safe haven. Teens and children are taught how to grow socially and school provides opportunities to reach milestones to become the people we will be today and in our future. Simple things such as religion, sexuality, and race can...
4 Pages 1809 Words

Life, Crimes And Trial Of Ted Bundy

In the United States there are roughly 2,625 serial killers known to history (Stebbins & Frohlich, 2015). Theodore Robert Bundy was one of them. Theodore Robert Bundy, better known as Ted Bundy, is one of America’s most dangerous serial killers. In this paper we will discuss Ted’s early life, the crimes he committed, and his trial process. Many serial killer’s issues start as a young child; this may have been the case for Ted. On November 24, 1946 he was...
3 Pages 1236 Words

Death Penalty: Chris Watts Case

Chris Watts was a father of two little girls ages 4 and 3 he also had a wife who was pregnant with their third child. His wife was a YouTube blogger; everyone saw the Watts as the perfect happy couple. But the happy façade could not be maintained. Chris Watts was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his wife and daughters. Every day as we walk and do our daily routines, we pass at least 36 serial...
3 Pages 1234 Words

Causes Of Drug Trafficking

What is drug trafficking? Drug trafficking is a black market that trades drugs within cross-border cooperation. Drug trafficking also working together with other sorts of crime. Ultimately fueled by the economic principle of supply and demand in a world where there is a high demand for illicit substances that cannot be obtained through any legal means. Hence, this essay will discuss the three causes of drug trafficking (UNODC, 2010). Introduction One of the main reasons for drug trafficking is demand....
1 Page 446 Words

Identity Theft: Types, Effects And Preventions

Introduction Identity theft is a big problem for our digital world. It can cause depression, decreasing your wellbeing. Identity theft has a lot of different types, such as driver’s license fraud, online shopping fraud, etc. If your wellbeing is bad, you can have a lot of stress, which can lead to violent emotions. A way we can prevent identity theft is to be educated to make your account secure, to not let any ‘mosquitoes’ (identity thieves) in. Identity theft happens...
4 Pages 2033 Words

Levels Of Aggregation Of Hate Crime

Hate crime is hard to characterize, measure, and clarify. In the wake of condensing a portion of the main applied issues and hypothetical points of view, we talk about the viable challenges related to information assortment. Even though the research writing stays little and to a great extent descriptive, ongoing research has started to relate hate crime examples to financial cycles, population streams, and changes in the world of politics. The task ahead is to stretch out these analyses to...
6 Pages 2907 Words

The Problem Of Employee Theft In Hotels: Types, Reasons And Solutions

Introduction The problem of employee theft will discuss here. This assignment will explore employee theft based on the hospitality industry. It is the thieving of time, money and goods by the people who work for the organisation such as employees. This assignment will explore the difficult of employee theft through diverse departments, the incentive overdue employee theft in hotels and kinds of employee theft. This assignment will also explore the way to stop employee theft adopt by international hotels and...
5 Pages 2197 Words

The Columbine High School Shooting - The Lessons To Be Learned

On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado, however this day was different than all the rest. What happened that day would come to be known as The Columbine High School Massacre. Harris and Klebold killed 12 of their fellow students and a teacher before commiting suicide in the school library (“Columbine High School Shooting Fast Facts”). Cassie Bernall, 17, Steven Curnow, 14, Corey Depooter, 17, Kelly Fleming, 16, Matthew Ketcher,...
2 Pages 833 Words

Ted Bundy Psychology: Profile, Analysis, Traits

Theodore Robert Bundy, born on the 24th of November, is one of the most notorious criminals of all time. He is an American serial killer who is responsible for the murder of at least thirty six women. It goes without saying that there is something insanely wrong with someone who has the capacity to commit murder, however, in the case of Ted Bundy, there were many things wrong with him. What was Wrong with Ted Bundy? Psychologists have studied the...
2 Pages 1178 Words

When A Child Knows The Meaning Of Murder

Growing up, the majority of adolescents are taught how to resolve disagreements in a gracious manner, encouraged to analyze all sides of a difference, as well as to find a solution to an issue. But what happens when a disagreement spirals out of control that it leads to a child committing murder? Who is to be held accountable? The one committing the crime, the child. During the years of 1980 through 2008, children under the age of fourteen made up...
2 Pages 1091 Words

Drug Trafficking And Famous Crimes

Introduction The drama/crime movie The French Connection, released in 1971 portrays drug trafficking in the eyes of two New York detectives in the Narcotics Bureau investigating the smuggling of heroin with a French Connection. Illegal drug trafficking has received a lot of attention for decades because of its impact. It is important to know about the history and what’s been done to prevent or “fight it.” As a criminal justice major, I’ve studied on this topic and have always been...
3 Pages 1327 Words

Legal Issues Around Cyber Bullying

Internet bullying, more commonly referred to as cyberbullying represents the use of the internet or mobile device to intimidate, harass, or inflict harm to others. Although bullying has been common in society, it has in recent times moved from learning institutions to social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, emails as well as mobile text messages. Cyberbullying has harmful consequences on the victims. Some of these consequences range from psychological suffering alongside suicidal attempts and ideations. It is important to note...
3 Pages 1232 Words

Drugs And Alcohol Are The Main Leaders Of The Juvenile Crime

Convictions, careless mistakes, and just a little bit of ̈fun ̈. These are what many teens ages 13-17 go through. Sometimes teens are with their friends and they want to fit in or to be the cool guy they end up committing a crime. Many teens go through difficult times, so they need guidance and help so they can stay out of trouble. Some of the crimes include the vandalism of property, gun violence, cyberbullying, illegal use of drugs, drunk...
2 Pages 855 Words

The War On Drugs In The USA: The History Of Drugs And Approaches To Overcome Them

An aggravative solution to a vague problem 'All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison', Paracelsus The notion that drugs are bad is mostly true, however there are a lot of debates and fallacies that are perhaps oblivious to most people, and more importantly, the method used to handle issues caused by drugs is not really a fruitful one, if anything, it is creating more complications and...
8 Pages 3466 Words

Identity Theft: Process, Ways And Effects

“Identity theft” is when thieves steal your private data or information. In order to take over or open new accounts, file, rent or buy properties, or for other criminal things by taking your good name. “Identity theft” is the fastest-growing crime all over the world. The very obvious reason behind it is that most of us have made our most valuable personal data or information -name, address, driver’s license, credit card number and social security number, etc. - available on...
5 Pages 2483 Words

Identity Theft And Its Effect In Australia

INTRODUCTION In this report, it will be focusing on identity theft and the effects it has had on Australian citizens, as well as the effectiveness of national and international law with addressing the issue. Some cases of identity theft can include; scams, hacking, ransom and deep fakes which are the more frequent types of identity theft that affect an individual. Anyone can be a casualty of identity theft, it is a major threat to many individuals, the public need to...
2 Pages 945 Words

Timeline Of Many Brutal Crimes Of Ted Bundy

Encounter with Ted Bundy: A Chilling Introduction On a chilly afternoon in late 1977, a young, newly-wed woman of 26 was dropped off at her Volkswagen Beetle by her sister-in-law. Her name was Gini McNair. She waved goodbye to her companion, unlocked the driver's door, and stepped into her vehicle. Sitting at the wheel, with the key in the ignition, she glanced around the deserted Boulder Canyon Road located outside of Boulder, Colorado. While waiting for her dusty red Volkswagen...
6 Pages 3001 Words

Murders And Murderers In The Book The Cases That Haunt Us

In the book “The Cases that Haunt us” by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker it talk about different murders and murderers.Some of the Cases it talks about are the JonBenet Ramsey case and the Lindbergh kidnapping. All of the murder cases in the book are about unsolved cases even though it talk about Certain people they never found the murder of they never found that person guilty.They talk about most these case because they seem to stick throughout time and...
2 Pages 1111 Words

Stealing And Ethics

Ethics is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course of action. Ethics is a requirement for human life. It is our means of deciding a course of action, without ethics our actions would be aimless. A basic rule is do not steal, something children learn from early on in their lives. People often use words like good or bad defining what they know as ethical behaviour. Different views of stealing and attitudes to it in the...
1 Page 646 Words

The Legal Issue Of Rape Sentencing In Queensland

Introduction The issue of offences against a person/s, such as rape is creating legal debate in Australia. The existing legislation in all states and territories of Australia enforces a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. The purpose of this report is to examine the legal concepts of rape sentencing issues in Queensland as well as determine the nature and scope of rape and analyse opposing viewpoints in cases such as the families, victims, judges and offenders involved. Two alternatives to change...
2 Pages 1083 Words

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