Discipline essays

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Discipline, a word often associated with rigidity and restrictions, is actually the driving force behind achieving success and maintaining balance in one’s life. It’s the invisible hand that molds our routines, habits, and actions into a productive and meaningful existence. In this essay, we will explore the concept of discipline,...

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1 Page 532 Words
Self-discipline: Build mental toughness, Increase focus, Stop procrastinating and Achieve your goals Self-discipline; is the real secret to success. If ever, there were a truly magical ingredient to achieve success, self-discipline would do it. Self-discipline, without doubt, leads to triumph. There's a notable adage that says 'What happens to us plays far less of a role in our happiness and...
1 Page 562 Words
When choosing the two discipline theorists and their models from this week’s readings, care was taken to ensure that they were from two different approaches in the belief that this would make them easier to contrast, discuss, and therefore, agree or disagree with. This proved not to be the case. Positive and negative aspects from both were relatively easy to...
2 Pages 785 Words
Do you know the difference between discipline and punishment with their Latin roots? Punishment implies inflicting pain, while discipline means to teach. Parents who use punishment miss important opportunities to teach their children better behaviors and help them self-discipline. Children can be taught responsible behaviors to help them get the things they want without breaking the rules. However, when parents...
4 Pages 1944 Words
I am a kindergarten teacher working at the Early Birds Kindergarten, Nursery and Childcare Centre. This kindergarten provides children with the highest quality of care and education to focus on their personal development and offer a well-balanced curriculum to meet their needs. It provides service for children aged 2 to 6 from different background and ethnicity. There is a large...
1 Page 582 Words
Discipline is mainly to teach and guide with love to your children — it's not to Physically punish them or get angry with them. Teaching Discipline to Children is an art in itself. It requires a strong bond between a disciplined teacher and a child. The more important rules are like a gold to discipline a child. Consider Their Feelings:...
2 Pages 945 Words
Culture of discipline is a phrase used by Jim Collins (Good to Great) in his study of great companies. All of the great companies, those that far outperform others, have a culture of discipline. This does not mean that they spend their time disciplining people. When you have a culture of discipline you rarely need to discipline people. A culture...
1 Page 452 Words
Parents physically abuse their kids. It’s a practice that parents have been using for countless centuries now. One of the first was Spartan fathers, who have been reported to have hit their sons with a wooden log if they woke up late or failed to do an activity. Even though this practice of hitting kids with logs faded away, along...
2 Pages 935 Words
Introduction Do soldiers owe a legally enforceable duty of care (DOC) on the battlefield? This question was raised in Re Civilian Casualty Court Martial (‘Re Civilian’), where two members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) were charged with involuntary manslaughter by criminal negligence and dangerous conduct with negligence for the deaths of five civilians during a night-time raid in Afghanistan....
3 Pages 1271 Words
What is discipline? -the Cambridge definition of discipline is, 'training that makes people more willing to obey or more able to control themselves, often in the form of rules, and punishments if these are broken, or the behavior produced by this training' within the public services discipline is used discipline is' essential' within the public services as of how many...
1 Page 647 Words
Child discipline is probably the least fun part of parenting. It can be frustrating, discouraging, and exhausting. It is one of the most common and hardest challenges of parenthood. But there's a distinction between discipline and punishment. Discipline is the practice of coaching someone to behave in accordance with rules or a code of conduct so they can adopt applicable...
1 Page 422 Words
Disciplining the kid is one of the foremost widespread problems spoken by people. There are those who believe that lecturers ought to be chargeable for youngsters’ discipline, whereas others believe that oldsters should handle this specific predicament. In my opinion, I believe parents play a necessary role in disciplining their children. First, most folks believe that discipline should be managed...
10 Pages 4986 Words
Discipline is a virtue that lays the foundation for a prosperous and fulfilling life. A discipline essay explores this critical attribute and its impacts on individual and collective life. Its essence is to convey the significance of discipline in various aspects of life, its role in shaping character, and how it contributes to achieving personal and communal objectives. This essay...
2 Pages 1052 Words
Importance of discipline What is discipline? The discipline itself approaches doing matters which we do not sense like doing it. The area builds someone's character, nature, and his/ her character. Each one likes to see a nicely prepared person as opposed to a tousled person. Discipline in life is very critical and essential on the way to gain proper effects....
2 Pages 1039 Words
What is discipline? Discipline is a word that is connected to the behavior and comes from the Latin language. It comes from “disciple” which means student or pupil. It gives a sense of instructions and training. Discipline refers to a system of rules and regulations. “Discipline means to get knowledge, learn new things of ethics, get training, a process of...
4 Pages 1737 Words
Discipline is the key to attain and achieved our goal's in life. We as a future educator's, discipline and academic performance are the core in today's education. While in student's learning, discipline has a ver important role in the life of every individual, by being well-disciplined we can encourage everyone to be disciplined as well. Discipline also helps us to...
4 Pages 1964 Words
Discipline is the approach of raising a child while guiding them through learning right and wrong behaviors. There are many variations of discipline can that be effective for different behaviors. Unfortunately, many times child discipline is taken upon in ways that are undermining the child rather than preparing them to be successful adults. Children being incorrectly disciplined can cause many...
2 Pages 902 Words
As a parent, it’s their job to educate and support their child all throughout their childhood and teenage years. A baby isn’t born given a handbook figuring out what’s right from wrong, it’s the parent’s job to teach them. As a baby begins to grow, so are their cognitive skills and intellectual thoughts. At a young age, kids will start...
2 Pages 991 Words
My overall philosophy of discipline is that it should be fair, consistent, and reflect what would happen at a full-time job. I believe that schools are to teach students how to be good employees. With that in mind, I believe that discipline should reflect what their consequences would be like when they have a full-time job. For example, if they...
4 Pages 1737 Words
School Disciplinary policies are not used fairly or consistently. Studies have shown that children of minority/ African American descent typically receive harsher/more punishment than those of any other descent. The rate is astronomical, at three times more often than whites. Most teachers in upper class communities or rural areas are predominantly caucasian in nature. There is not a lot of...
1 Page 499 Words
Introduction Laws are the foundation of a civilized society, providing a framework for order, justice, and protection. However, have you ever wondered what would happen if we didn't have laws? In this essay, we will explore the potential consequences of a world without laws and argue why a legal system is essential for the well-being and stability of any society....
3 Pages 1645 Words
Discipline issue is an experience that creates anxiety, terror and worry for maximum educators. It occur in many ways comprising, disturbing conversation, soundless reactions, napping in class, unpunctuality and poor presence, not seriously taken home assignments, deceitful in quizzes and assessments and speak in disrespectful way with educators and peers in the classroom. There are various reasons for discipline issue;...
2 Pages 818 Words
In this assignment we are going to be looking at self-discipline which is being able to control yourself and your feelings. We are going to record our self-discipline through a report over 2 weeks. It will consist of 7 different areas; presentation and personal grooming, punctuality, reliability, composure, attitude, performance, personality. All of these 7 areas are essential as they...
4 Pages 1916 Words
Introduction Summary Personality deals with the behavioral aspects of a person and for an organization, the attitude of employees is a key aspect in determining how the said employee will work in the current working environment of the company. Perception on the other hand is how a person perceives the reality. So, organization in itself like an organism with various...
2 Pages 1057 Words
Schools in California, such as Cerritos High School, have a major issue regarding chronic student absences at an insane rate of 10 to 15% among all schools, and such issues have a two-fold impacting the school itself and the student's ability to learn. Not all absences are bad, however, students mostly have valid reasons, but those with chronic absences (like...
2 Pages 711 Words
Michel Foucault, author of the book 'Discipline and Punishment: The Birth of Prison' lived from 1926 to 1984 and was a French philosopher, historian, and sociologist. This novel shows how the prison looked and changed, what torture was used, what punishments were used against prisoners, and what a typical day looked like at this place. Foucault undertook a critical reflection...
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