Environment essays

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Environmental Issues of New York City

2 Pages 986 Words
The largest city in the United States of America is New York City. The problems faced by this city have a significant impact on our country and other countries as well. Climate change has become an issue globally due to either organic or inorganic wastes emitted to the environment. For instance, emissions from buildings account for about 67% of the...

Developmental Implications of Lack of Sanitation in Nigeria

4 Pages 1944 Words
Sanitation refers to public health conditions related to safe drinking water and adequate treatment and disposal of human waste and sewage (Oxford Dictionaries, n.d.). Nigeria is located in West Africa and has the largest population of approximately 200 million in Africa (UNDP, 2019). Nigeria has a Human Development Index of 0.534, which ranks the country as 158th in the world...

Analysis of Devastating Effects of Bushfires on Australia

3 Pages 1501 Words
The Australian bushfires have changed Australia; as a result, many people and animals are undoubtedly affected by this disaster. However, in order to know why this happens, we must first look at ourselves. Nevertheless, bushfires have killed millions of people and even left many homeless causing them long-term problems and even debts. This impact on Australia has affected many lives...

Costa Rica's Steps to Being a More Sustainable Country

2 Pages 900 Words
In an ever changing and progressively green society all humans, including Costa Ricans are finally adapting to the constant changes to the social, economic and financial benefits of becoming greener. Although not perfect, Costa Rica is making very notable moves towards becoming a more sustainable country. In San Jose, the capital, the largest issue for Costa Rica is carbon emissions,...

Consequences of Climate Change for Egypt

6 Pages 2933 Words
The Earth ’s average temperature grew by around 1 degree Fahrenheit throughout the 20th century, according to NASA. The consequences of this minor temperature increase are diverse, from prolonged dry seasons and heat waves to more violent hurricanes. Rising sea levels, extreme weather, warming oceans and melting glaciers all have been significant signs that there’s something wrong happening with the...

Climate Change Risk and Mitigation for Italy

4 Pages 1685 Words
We are facing an exceptional and challenging problem in this era, which requires necessary, difficult and costly measures in order to reduce its impacts. This threat is climate change. Climate change will affect many countries and cause a lot of damage both monetary and non-monetary. Some of these impacts can be the changes in precipitation patterns, sea levels, and wind...

Essay on Brazil: Its Internal Weaknesses and Role in Global Affairs as a Regional Power

2 Pages 1042 Words
Brazil has achieved an immense economic growth over the last decades and managed to enhance its influence regionally, in Latin America, and globally. Nevertheless, the country is plagued by social problems, corruption, crime and human rights abuses. This essay will discuss Brazil’s internal weaknesses and its role in global affairs as a regional power. Firstly, it will examine President Jair...

Analysis of Japan's Economic Policy

4 Pages 1792 Words
For a long time, Japan has been known for its distinct lack of natural resources such as oil, gas, metals and other traditional energy sources, depending highly on imports for energy and raw materials for activity such as construction (Owuor, S. 2019). In this economy, manufacturing, agriculture and fishing are the main sectors, and has continued to flourish owing to...

National Parks Bear the Brunt of Climate Change': Research Article Essay

3 Pages 1360 Words
Climate change has been a controversial topic over the years, but at the same time, there is no denying that it is occurring at this very moment. There are countless contributors to the reason why the stability of our climate is off the charts within the last few decades. Some contributors include the emissions from our transportation options such as...

Advanced Locality Management in India: Role of Rag Pickers in Solid Waste Management

3 Pages 1512 Words
Abstract Now a day, we are facing a problem regarding the management of waste generated daily. This waste includes solid waste from commercial zone, industrial zone and residential zone. Among all these waste management from residential zone requires first priority because if this waste is not properly disposed daily, then it will create problems to public health, affects the aesthetics....

Environment-, Fire Security- And Health- Related Reasons to Ban Smoking at All Eateries in Malaysia

5 Pages 2249 Words
Ban smoking at all eateries. Nowadays smoking become more common in Malaysia, example on the streets, in the restaurants, everywhere have smokers around us. Although a lot of countries will publicize “Smoking is harmful for health”, is also because smoking ban in Malaysia is not strong. It cause more and more second hand smokers. At the point here, the policy...

Operational Analysis of Zara Fashion: Strengths, Weaknesses and Recommendations

4 Pages 2043 Words
A. Introduction Zara, a fast-fashion retailer, is founded by Amancio Ortega and Rosalía Mera in Spain 1975. It is the world’s largest clothing retailer owned by Inditex. Zara operates in 2,238 stores across 96 markets and 48 online markets, reacting to the ever-changing business environment quickly. By having the core values of beauty, clarity, functionality, and sustainability, the company expanded...

Impact of Instability of Food Production, Soil Degradation and Other Stressors on Food Shortage in Nepal

5 Pages 2252 Words
Overview Nepal is a small (147181 sq. Km) landlocked country situated between China in the north and India in the south. Nepal has got a diversified geography. Its topographical feature ranges from low land tarai (60 m) to the highest point (Mount Everest, 8848 m) in the earth. Agriculture in Nepal provides employment opportunities to 66 percent of the total...

Essay on Pros and Cons of Abortion

2 Pages 975 Words
Abortion: Why or Why not Each year about 56 million abortions occur worldwide. The definition of abortion could be told as the termination of pregnancy usually around the first 28 weeks. The most common abortion is surgical. This process is done by using a suction device to remove the fetus and placenta in the first 6 to 16 weeks of...

Possibility of Application of Natural Treatments for ADHD instead of Drug-based Approach: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2519 Words
This combined with the fact that the companies that provide these types of medication, essentially that they all have a significant amount of resources to invest into research, both meaning that the information around medication is very clear and well understood universally. Therefore, people can make educated decisions with the breadth of knowledge that is available to them and there...

Influence of Traffic Congestion on Environment: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1470 Words
Traffic congestion is a major issue in cities that creates long commutes and contributes to a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The unpredictability of traffic patterns undermines the effectiveness of static traffic models which are unable to adapt to changes. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to reduce traffic congestion by modifying the behavior of interconnected traffic...

Importance of Creativity in Education Essay

6 Pages 2769 Words
Introduction The purpose of this essay is to critically analyze the pedagogical perspectives on play and creativity, by exploring the role of the adult in these areas. Initially, I will explore my own pedagogy by discussing now the influences of my personal and professional experiences have impacted this, whilst taking into consideration the values, attitudes, and principles which have shaped...

Essay on Green Architecture

7 Pages 3178 Words
Green and eco-friendly Architecture. 'We are nature – all changes to the habitat have an impact on us.' (Sustainable design, 2007). People who were brought up in the early 30s and studied architecture could not imagine that the technologies would rapidly develop, and many possibilities could be opened in the architectural world by the end of the 20th Century. As...

Constitutional Reform and Boundary Harmonization as Best Practices for Decentralizing Liberia: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2890 Words
I. Introduction The concept of decentralization has been widely considered as a tool for efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of basic services (Kurmanov, 2018). It is a multifaceted phenomenon encompassing many geographic entities, (international, national, sub national, and local), societal actors (government, the private sector and civil society) and social sectors (all development themes - political, social, cultural and...

Analytical Essay on the CPR Problem

2 Pages 876 Words
Drawing on Jodha (1986), ‘Common Property Resources’ (CPR) can be defined as the resources available to whole communities but to which no individual has exclusive rights to possession. These may include pastures, forests and grazing lands among others. In India, emerging factors such as urban expansion, land acquisition and property development have caused a rapid decline in the countries’ pool...

The Bald Eagle: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1277 Words
Nesting and Habitat The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is the only Eagle that is confined to North America, and it builds one of the largest nests out of all birds on the continent. They fill out their nests with branches and sticks and line them with grasses, mosses, and other softer materials, which help them last for years (Guinn et...

Population of the World: Causes, Effects and Solutions

6 Pages 2716 Words
Introduction This assignment attempts to discuss the evolution and assess the effects of the current population of the world on our natural resources and the environment in general. These effects would be further dug deep to uncover the underlying spectrum of root causes - ranging from technology to education - that directly or indirectly led to the present observable situation....

Marry Shelley’s Portrayal of Creature in Frankenstein

3 Pages 1231 Words
Born into the world with a tabula rasa, the creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein enters life with innocence and potential. With no instinctive precept of life, the creature who is initially gentle and innocent, attempts to integrate himself into society, only to be rejected because of humanity’s fear of his appearance. Loneliness, whether it be emotional, physical, or social, and...

Efficiency of Hand Washing in Hot and Cold Water

6 Pages 2804 Words
Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine which water temperature was most successful in the removal of pathogenic growth from handwashing. The experiment consisted of three participants which include: Taylor Pumo, Rebekah George, and Lexi Vendl. There were two procedures involved in this experiment. The first procedure was washing the left hand with bar soap in warm water....

Descriptive Essay on Australian Cultural Identity

3 Pages 1210 Words
Australian cultural identity is the notion that all people within Australia share the same beliefs and values surrounding a single culture. It includes the history of our nation as well as the beliefs and virtues which shape the nation's character, as perceived from a global point of view. However cultural identity is inherently flawed as it suggests that we all...

Analysis of Hospital Waste Management in Quetta City

3 Pages 1211 Words
Introduction: Hospital waste is a type of waste that is produced in small amounts but transports a great potential of pollution and damage. Insufficient and improper management of hospital waste may have serious public health moments and a significant effect on the environment (Rasheed S et al., 2005). The management of hospital waste is an essential process that need to...

Essay on Renewable Energy

4 Pages 1732 Words
The world has been powered by carbon-based energy since the industrial revolution. It is what humans know as convenient, reliable, and cheap. However, the environment is slowly paying the price for the use of these fossil fuels. A change needs to occur, and a willingness to switch to renewable energy is the only way to ensure the planet will remain...

Is Globalization Good or Bad: Essay

5 Pages 2272 Words
Introduction to Globalization’s Impact Globalization is the technique by which the planet, prior separated through physical and mechanical separation, turns out to be dynamically interconnected. It is finished by the ascent in the connection between people groups around the world that includes the sharing of ideas, societies, merchandise, administrations, and speculation. In the present time, globalization is a blessing in...

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