Health Care essays

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Pros and Cons of Dental Implantation

3 Pages 1297 Words
From the times that we were kids, we have heard our parents talking about the importance of dental care. We were denied too many sweets and were threatened by cavities and tooth decay. Later, we got into the habit of brushing and flossing like any other regular activity. Tooth care is absolutely essential and it is important that we teach...

Multidisciplinary Approach to Water Pollution

1 Page 544 Words
Water quality influences community health outcomes. People need water to survive and undertake basic human activities, such as cooking and washing clothes (World Health Organization, 2013). However, beyond these purposes, water has a broader impact on public health because it affects people’s well-being (World Health Organization, 2013, p. 1). Water quality and water quantity have the strongest effects in this...

Pollution and Noise as Environmental Health Issues

3 Pages 1399 Words
Abstract Such an area of study as environmental health is becoming increasingly more important these days as discoveries about the influence of the environment on human health are made. This paper explores the concept of environmental health and the issues related to its use. On the whole, a detailed explanation of the term “environmental health” is provided, a synopsis of...

Applying Florence Nightingale's Theory to Perioperative Nursing

2 Pages 952 Words
Perioperative nursing applies to patient care before and after surgeries or intervention procedures. These nurses work closely with surgeons and anesthesiologists to assist them during operative procedures. Cleanliness is the main concept for all perioperative nurses as it is reflected on their hygienic image and this is shown by how the nurse is dressed from head to toe. As per...

Significance of Henrietta Lacks' Case for Modern Medicine and Healthcare

2 Pages 1136 Words
‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’, by Rebecca Skloot (2010) tells a story of a poor African American woman whose cancer cells were extracted without her awareness or consent and used for medical research at a lab of the Johns Hopkins University hospital. These cancer cells, later known as HeLa cells would become a major breakthrough in the field of...

Essay on Health Care and Funding for American Veterans

6 Pages 2665 Words
“VA insurance is refusing to pay his surgical bill since the surgery was not performed at a VA hospital and Jason is currently appealing that decision” (Khan, 1). This is a problem majority of veterans may face when needing assistance with bills or money. Veterans’ benefits system has been around ever since the 17th century when pilgrims passed a law...

Lack of Follow-Up as a Major Reason for Readmission

4 Pages 1958 Words
When a patient is admitted to the hospital the issue to tackle is not necessarily only the immediate course of evaluation and treatment, but to also address what lies ahead of the initial admittance. The lack of follow-up care post hospital discharge is a matter of contention within the United States healthcare system and a direct causation of high readmittance...

Cultural Variations Related to Death, Dying and Terminal Illness in the Asian American Community

4 Pages 1733 Words
Our America is full of diversity and multiple ethnic groups, this is what makes us unique. How does this help us, if we do not understand the basics about each other? Everyone in healthcare needs to establish and understand their own cultural beliefs before trying to understand those of a different ethnic group. The purpose of this paper is to...

Applying Michel's Theory of Uncertainty of Illness in Nursing

4 Pages 1971 Words
Merle Mishel was born in Boston Massachusetts in 1939 and much of her practice in nursing was geared towards her theory of perceived ambiguity in illness scale, later named uncertainty of illness (Bailey & Stewart, 2017). This uncertainty of illness focuses on one’s outlook of what is happening to them, whether it is a new diagnosis or a chronic illness,...

Holistic Nursing in America Prior to the 21st Century

8 Pages 3852 Words
Americans in the 1800s and early 1900s sought unconventional methods such as the use of botanical drugs, steam baths, cold water therapy, magnetic healing, homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, and naturopathy for the treatment of ailments (Wharton, 2003). Doctors were not readily available and most care was provided by family in the home. The use of blood-letting, induced vomiting, purging of the...

Medicaid Waivers: Work and Reporting Requirements

2 Pages 715 Words
The new provision of work requirements and reporting was proposed by the Trump Administration’s Centers of Medicare and Medicaid in 2018 (Latham, 2018). This provision requires people to either involve in 80 hours of job or community engagement per month to be eligible for Medicaid unless they get an exemption. Exemption of these requirements applies to pregnant, 50 years and...

Reflections on Whether Elderly People Should Be Put in Nursing Homes

1 Page 674 Words
Old age is an inevitable and irreversible process. In general, the old age is a period of regression to physical, mental and cognitive function. The most important problem of old age is the loss of communication with the environment and society. Therefore, nursing homes were established to meet the needs of the elderly people. So elderly people are placed to...

Overview of Key Nursing Care Theories and Their Relevance

1 Page 506 Words
Taking care of patients is not same as caring for them. Healthcare system is becoming competitive day by day where patients are recognized as clients of healthcare. Nursing care involves identifying patient’s need and overcome the barriers that prevent to deliver quality care. The main issue in delivering proper care to patients is that health care system increased expenditure and...

Nursing Home Understaffing in the US: Causes, Consequences, and Coping

5 Pages 2311 Words
Understaffing in nursing homes has increasingly become an issue in the United States with over 90% of nursing homes reporting shortages in staff. This is an issue that effects the patients, families, staff, and the nursing homes as a whole. This creates further health concerns for those involved. Labor costs are often attributed to this issue despite research showing it...

Essay on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

4 Pages 1654 Words
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of technology and machines to work and react in place of humans, conducting functions that were previously thought to require human reasoning and problem solving skills. That is the ideal definition at least. However, to this day, most AI applications have been only successfully programmed to carry out specific tasks or solve pre-defined problems....

Prevention of Heart Disease in Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

5 Pages 2231 Words
The second leading cause of death in the United States for the Asian and Pacific Islander populations is cardiovascular disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017) state that about 22.2% of the Asian and Pacific Islander population die from heart disease. The reduction of mortality rates associated with heart disease can be prevented with the control of modifiable risk...

The Impacts of Medicaid Program

2 Pages 1145 Words
When investigating the impacts of Medicaid, the emotional parts in social insurance spending and the portion of GDP committed to human services have raised worries about the negative effect of medicinal services cost swelling on the U.S. economy. The impacts are probably going to happen over all segments of the economy – governments, organizations and families – as all these...

Analysis of the Problem of Students' Non-Compliance with Hygiene Rules

2 Pages 1007 Words
As a first year college student I have noticed that there are many different smells around campus at the University of Kentucky. Some of the smells are based on one’s culture, whether or not they are in activities, or have a personal preference of wearing light or hash perfumes and colognes. In some cases the student is neither of these...

Ethical Issues of Human Organ Transplant on the Example of Mr.Ahmad's Accident

2 Pages 1045 Words
Mr. Ahmad had a fall at work consequently suffered from an intracerebral hemorrhage. Mr. Ahmad was declared brain-dead on his 3rd postoperative day after undergoing craniotomy surgery. Leaving his wife and 2 teenage children. His wife was informed by his doctor and transplant coordinator of the plan to remove his kidneys, heart, liver, and corneas for transplant. When Mr. Ahmad...

The Importance of Communication and Health Promotion Strategies for Patients with Serious Illnesses

3 Pages 1464 Words
This case study is based on Mr Khan a 78 years old patient who is suffering from a serious heart condition and now admitted to hospital for treatment. The essay will focus on the different aspects that are relevant to this case study. It is identified that Mr Khan has myocardial infarction (MI) and is faced with serious health complications....

Respecting Patient’s Dignity in Delivering Quality Palliative Care

5 Pages 2288 Words
Palliative care is a term not unheard of. Bringing exposure to these two words are mainstream media such as television, or more conventional mediums in the form of written language in books and newspapers. Palliative care refers to helping those with chronic illnesses — usually nearing the end of their lifespan — live out their last days with dignity and...

Placebo Effect in Cancer Treatment

4 Pages 1920 Words
Simply, a placebo can be described as an inert substance which has no medically proven healing ability or positive physiological effect yet can improve the receivers symptoms of a condition. However, the definition of a placebo has become murky in recent times as we are becoming more aware of other aspects of healthcare which seem to contribute to the overall...

Understaffed Healthcare Workers in Elderly Nursing Homes

3 Pages 1420 Words
A nursing home is place where people who do not need a hospital but cannot be cared for at home either. Most nursing homes have a nursing aides and skilled nurses on hand 24/7. Some of the issues affecting the nursing home are cost of living, staff to resident ratio, and nutrition. Community Needs Assessment are performed to determine current...

Metabolism and Ways to Increase Its Rate

3 Pages 1605 Words
Metabolism is what sustains life, it is the sum of chemical processes happening inside your body to keep you well and functioning at your fullest. From breathing to digestion and even the nervous network which is helping you to coordinate with the outside environment is a part of your metabolism. It is an autonomic process (which means you get to...

Proper Hygiene as the Key to Good Health and a Successful Future

2 Pages 903 Words
Every student is determined to be successfull. They even sacrifice everthing just to be comfortable in the future. They woke up early morning and leave their homes not knowing what will be the challenges they will face onwards. But regardless of the self-confidence they have, problems are just continuous. They’ll attack you physically and even emotionally. Most of the health...

Role of Financial Management in Healthcare Organizations

3 Pages 1407 Words
It is significant that the health service chiefs make the most ideal utilization of the assets accessible to them. Whatever your zone management responsibility. Financial management abilities empower you to utilize financial data to guarantee that you do as such. For many people, financial management may seem a complicated and overwhelming job that is best offered to the finance department....

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