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Legalization of Weed: Medical Considerations

2 Pages 744 Words
We’re in a momentous time where a plant has attracted the attention of the American people. The legalization of marijuana has been an ongoing controversy that has created headway in policy-making, but by doing so has disrupted the relationship between state and federal government. There has been a change in attitude towards marijuana that has transformed the systematics of present-day...

Transitional Justice Processes and Victim Centre

3 Pages 1494 Words
Families expressed the view that the most reparative act the authorities could undertake was to reveal the truth about the disappeared. They were concerned that compensation through reparation payments was designed to divert families from pursuing the “truth about their loved ones” . Therefore, in this specific case, the value of truth and acknowledgement for victims and their families cannot...

Should Artificial Intelligence Replace Judges?

2 Pages 784 Words
The introduction of artificial intelligence in the judicial systems can aid judges with the necessary resources needed to make their work easier but it will never replace the existence of Judges and their expertise. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is an advancing field of Computer Science that enables a machine to respond to its sorroundings independently while performing tasks...

Should the Law be Based on Morality?

6 Pages 2838 Words
What is morality? According to Mill (a renowned legal philosopher), our moral obligations result from the justified moral code of our society however there are numerous takes on what morality actually means, we have morality as set down by religion; the easiest examples being the ten commandments, morality and religion, however, are not the same; a society might found its...

Why Smoking Needs to Be Banned

1 Page 473 Words
Did you know smoking is one of the biggest contributors to illness and death in the uk? It is hard to understand why so many people make the choice to harm their body and health for a few puffs of poisonous chemicals that have such bad consequences as smoking. Smoking is not only a national issue but a global one...

Racial Profiling In The American Criminal Justice System

2 Pages 713 Words
Today’s criminal justice system is overwhelmingly disproportionate in race in relation to the general population. Minorities out in public are now the majority in the prison systems. What causes this and how can it be changed? Is this the result of discrimination to non-whites, or is it justified? “…and justice for all”. That’s what the Pledge of Allegiance states. We...

Should Juveniles Be Tried And Treated As Adults?

3 Pages 1316 Words
‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’ Introduction The issue of serious/violent juvenile crime may be a very complex one, warranting a judicious approach to be adopted to effectively address the competing interests of those juveniles, the victims (especially women and girls), which of public safety. The gang rape on 16 December 2012 has triggered a nationwide debate on...

The Theme of Revenge in Othello

2 Pages 1117 Words
Revenge occurs because of hate which leads to people’s demise. Vengeance is one of the main themes in the play Othello by William Shakespeare. It is a recurring theme throughout the play, and the plot revolves around it. Retribution has been shown many times in Roderigo, in Othello, the play’s main character, and Iago, the main villain. They all have...

Marijuana Use Impacts College Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

3 Pages 1426 Words
“Critical thinking, that is, the capacity and disposition to evaluate propositions and be moved by good reasons” (Guzzo & Rosário Lima, 2018). It has been stated that as humans, critical thinking is actually very difficult despite the ability to have higher thought. Critical thinking, and processing information by good reasoning is thinking without bias and by good reasons. Humans mostly...

Should Juveniles be Tried as Adults Essay

5 Pages 2480 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction The issue with juveniles being tried as adults in today's society was created to handle juvenile offenders based on their youth rather than their crimes. Many states passed laws making it easier to try certain youthful offenders as adults. Many people believe that teens should be held accountable for their actions and tried as adults. If you are worried...

Is Justice Always the Same for all?

2 Pages 773 Words
Have you ever been treated equal? Have you ever met ethical considerations and fair process? A view of recent research over thirty years ago, demonstrates that justice is the first virtue of social institutions describing the nature of transaction costs and their consequences for institutional governance. This elevates decision-making procedure, provides equity and develops acceptance of rules and decisions that...

Why Restore Legal Marijuana is a Good Idea

2 Pages 710 Words
Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, making cannabis illegal nationwide under federal law. This time period was rife with misinformation and fear mongering. Parents were told that their children would be invited to parties and given reefer and that they would be hooked! The problem with the governments’ intervention and regulation in cannabis is that it never stopped increasing in those...

Why the Implications of Marijuana Legalization is a Controversial Topic?

3 Pages 1399 Words
From its first national regulation in the United States with the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, to its eventual decriminalization in the 70’s and legalization in 2012, the legalization of marijuana has remained a controversial topic. Although controversial, 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes, with another ten states legalizing marijuana for recreational use. As marijuana becomes slowly becomes...

Power and Justice

2 Pages 708 Words
Authority gives the right to power, but for power to be used right it must be used in conjunction with justice. One of the main causes for injustice is prejudice. Within the book To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee in 1960, justice is an important theme in which Scout addresses uncomfortable truths about inequality and injustice within her...

Why Is It Important To Divert Young People Who Have Committed Crime Away From The Criminal Justice System?

4 Pages 1839 Words
Introduction The process of criminalisation and marginalisation associated with juvenile offending can impact relationships, education and employment opportunities and mark young offenders with a stigma for the rest of their lives (Cunneen and White 2002). It has been highlighted that the stigmatisation process can lead to a more dangerous form of deviance, ‘’whereby labelled individuals begin to identify with and...

Marijuana Legalisation: For and Against

2 Pages 796 Words
Legalising marijuana use has long been a controversial debate worldwide. With recent legalisation in countries such as several states in the USA, as well as marijuana culture having grown, the push for marijuana legalisation has increased. To understand the debate, pros and cons of both sides of the argument are explored. Supporting the legalisation means to help dismantle the black...

Themes Of Justice And Revenge In Medea And Antigone

2 Pages 1023 Words
Justice is a theme present in most in Greek Literature, to punish one’s actions or words that are considered wrong or to uphold ideals seen as good. Justice is used to instil that wrongs in society are stopped, and rights will be upheld. Revenge is the act of committing a harmful action towards a person or a group in response...

The Importance of Justice and Relationship in To Kill A Mockingbird and Jasper Jones

3 Pages 1248 Words
Both texts ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ and ‘Jasper Jones’ communicate the importance of justice and the relationship it has on the two different children in the two different texts. Though these two texts are completely different being a book and a film, there are still many themes shared between the two. Both different texts describe with major detail the different...

Surrogacy within Family Law

4 Pages 1617 Words
The advancements in birth technology has irreversibly changed the discourse regarding families, for this reason the Australian Legal system must be responsive to these changes, in order to achieve just outcomes for family members and society Through analysing the legal and non-legal responses surrounding birth technology such as IVF and Sperm donation, it becomes clear that the Justice system has...

The Theme Of Revenge In Medea

4 Pages 1956 Words
Revenge is a significant theme in most Greek tragedies as it is perceived as a means of justice by the victimized protagonists. In Euripides’ ‘Medea’ (431 BC), revenge takes centre stage as it is foregrounded in an appallingly visible manner in the multiple murders committed by the eponymous female protagonist, Medea. This essay aims to present an argument on (i)...

Criminal Justice VS Restorative Justice

1 Page 619 Words
It is important for victims to have a voice. It is part of the victims healing phase. However, I do not believe there should be continued contact past the controlled environment. Victims have the right to confront their aggressor and express their emotions towards the offender. These programs work to give victims a sense of closure. I don’t necessarily believe...

Ethics in Criminal Justice Administration

3 Pages 1374 Words
The criminal justice system ought to consistently rehearse demonstrable skill just as morals in request to guarantee the residents are dealt with decently consistently. There are times when polished methodology also, morals are not appropriately utilized, and individuals can wind up illegitimately sentenced as well as somebody who might some way or another be demonstrated blameworthy may get away from...

Legalization of Marijuana: Positive and Negative Sides

2 Pages 1037 Words
The legalization of marijuana has been an issue of controversy across the globe. The issue brings in a lot of perspectives to consider. Marijuana has been in existence for many centuries. Marijuana is a small and flowery green plant that is grown in many parts of the world. The main component of marijuana is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and it is responsible...

Revenge and Morality in Wuthering Heights

1 Page 412 Words
The Victorian Age was a period of remarkable development, growth and change for England. Dramatic changes happened in all spheres: economy, culture, trade, science and particularly literature. Due to the advancement of printing press and the increase of literacy, there was a boost in the literary culture. Among other genres, the English novel is the form that flourished the most...

Why is the Legalization of Marijuana a Debated Topic?

4 Pages 1975 Words
Legalization of marijuana is a subject matter that many people have exclusive opinions on. Yet many of the motives that persons have towards it are motives that, I feel are not valid. Many humans deliver up health reasons and additionally that solely criminals use cannabis. There are many phrases for marijuana, you have weed, bud, k-2, pot, kush, and many...

Trading of Marijuana Plant should Not be Legalized in Bhutan

6 Pages 2655 Words
Scientific revolution and rapid increase knowledge in the field of researches, it has led to rise in economic needs of people in various aspects. Today with the advancement in medical sciences, the trend of legalizing of marijuana has started in many developed states across the globe. Marijuana was first legalized by the state legislature in Vermont in January 2018. Marijuana...

Restorative Justice System: Application, Effects And Effectiveness

3 Pages 1236 Words
In order to locate literature on the subject of the success of restorative justice, books, journal articles, as well as governmental and organisational websites were reviewed. The research identified three main aspects of restorative justice to consider which are: the application of restorative justice, the impact of restorative justice and finally the effectiveness of restorative justice. These sub-topics are addressed...

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