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Organ Donation: Types, Misconceptions And Benefits

The death of a person waiting for a transplant could be avoided if only, more people were aware of organ donation. There are several types of organ and tissue donation, these are divided into a living donation and deceased donation. Organ donation offers many benefits to society. However, even though organ donation is encouraged many people still have misconceptions and doubts about the procedure. Reading this report will allow you to identify all the benefits, types, misconceptions of organ donations...
3 Pages 1415 Words

Global Epidemic: Understanding About Type 2 Diabetes

The rate of people who has type 2 diabetes all over the globe is increasing rapidly. As discussed by Wallerstein (2017), an imbalance of the sugar level in the body is the leading cause of diabetes. In the case of type 2 diabetes, the human body cannot respond to insulin, which is referred to as insulin resistance. High blood sugar is one of the major causes of severe health-related issues such as heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease. The...
4 Pages 1812 Words

Lack Of Blood Donors In Pakistan: Reasons And Solutions

ABSTRACT For patients suffering from life threaten conditions as well as those under maternal and prenatal care, blood is a vital resource. Pakistan has an additional burden because of a high number of thalassemia patients. This problem is magnified due to a lack of blood donors. According to recent estimates, only 28 out of 10,000 people donate blood. Out of these, only 11 percent of the donations are by people who don’t have a friend or family in immediate need....
3 Pages 1398 Words

The Importance to Learn CPR Essay

Introduction Accidents can occur at any time, and in many situations, someone ends up in the emergency room. However, if everyone has basic first aid and CPR knowledge not only do you benefit from having this knowledge but others around you also benefit from it as well. We do not always need professionals to save lives. In fact, if everyone could give first aid or CPR they could prevent people from losing their lives unnecessarily. As I have already said...
1 Page 488 Words

The Modern Treatments Of Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition/disease that people can get that will change their lives forever in good and bad ways. Diabetes affects the body by the pancreas either producing the hormone insulin too much (type 2) or by it failing and requiring manual injections of it or the insulin pump to be set to do certain things and does certain amounts of insulin (type 1). Over time the treatment of diabetes has changed, specifically type 1 diabetes, starting from insulin...
2 Pages 745 Words

Leonardo Da Vinci’s Contributions In Engineering

Introduction Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) is considered one of the greatest artists in history, and is also an inventor, scientist. (Pevsner, 2002). Hence, he had a profound impact on the development of the arts and sciences. For example, in the field of art, he left the classic paintings such as Mona Lisa, The Last Supper; in the field of science, he invented a large number of mechanical structures, leaving a lot of manuscripts for anatomy. In fact, Leonardo Da Vinci...
2 Pages 966 Words

Vaccinations: Major Breakthrough In Medical History

Vaccination is a form of artificially acquired active immunity, meaning it is acquired through medical intervention and is a response produced by the immune system. Vaccines are “a preparation containing antigenic material used to protect people against serious and potentially deadly diseases” (Class Notes, 2019); unlike most other forms of treatment which are used to cure or treat diseases, vaccinations are used to prevent them ('What are vaccines?', 2019). There are many cultural, social, religious, ethical, legal, political, and economic...
2 Pages 998 Words

Marijuana As A Catalyst Of Creative Thinking

Every garden receives unique care from its gardener. In Michael Pollan’s The Botany of Desire: A Plant’s-Eye View of the World, he emphatically expresses how marijuana growers are the best gardeners because they grow a plant every cannabis user wants. Pollan does not promote or hinder the use; however, he does confirm that marijuana is an extremely powerful mind-altering drug. Furthermore, he asserts that marijuana is a product that allows one to exceed an everyday physical experience and achieve a...
3 Pages 1332 Words

Children Nutritional Interventions In Kenya

Nutritional intervention is put into place to correct an issue at hand. The major concerns that are presented could be low birth weight children, school performance or etc. When nutritional intervention comes into place it provides support to overcome the obstacles at hand to make the situation better. Within this intervention, the ones involved and the people assisting the ones infected educated about the current circumstances as well. It basically cleans up the atmosphere of those infected. Per Andeal (2019)...
2 Pages 784 Words

Developing The Observation Skill Of Budding Scientists

Science is about exploring, questioning and finding answers to the things happening around us. It enhances problem solving skills, creativity and critical thinking in students. These skills help them to develop ideas, evaluate decisions and arrive at a solution for a problem in their life. It also helps them to become socially responsible citizens. In order to develop these skills via Science, they have to observe what is happening around them. Observation and curiosity are the most important qualities that...
2 Pages 978 Words

Observation Of Medical Charting Necessity

Purpose of Paper The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the need for medical charting and discuss about the federal and state laws enacted to mandate the need for Medical Charting. A medical chart is a highly confidential documentation where the personal and well detailed information of a patient and care progress of the patient. It strictly contains demographics, patient’s notes, diagnoses, surgeries treatment plans, allergies, radiological studies, test results, immunization records, patient’s habits and patient’s consent forms. The...
3 Pages 1486 Words

The Importance Of CPR Lessons

“The use of CPR dates all the way back to 1740, most Americans don’t know how to perform it.” CPR is a miraculous technique that if given properly and immediately to sudden cardiac arrest victims the more likely people’s lives would be saved. It is a lifesaving skill that everyone should be taught but unfortunately most people do not know the skill. Unfortunately, most people who suffer a cardiac arrest outside a hospital do not get CPR from a bystander,...
3 Pages 1586 Words

Augmentation With Antidepressants In Schizophrenia Treatment

Those who are at risk of potentially developing schizophrenia could receive an early diagnosis if the early use of brain scans were implemented. Those who have schizophrenia, on average, differ in terms of the total tissue volume and brain activity (Cahn, Hilleke, Hulshoff, & Elleke, 2002). Early intervention of the disease has become important in order to know how best to treat the disorder, therefore a two-hit theory has been established in order to attempt to diagnose the condition sooner...
2 Pages 928 Words

Nutrition For Immune System Support

The present situation in the world where the human immune system became fragile and microbes became invincible. The main reason for this is the lack of immunity due to lifestyle and eating habits. Due to which body is not getting the required nutrients to fight against the virus and bacteria. This is the main reason for the increase in diseases. It is never late to take action, Lets us understand the severity of the condition. By changing our lifestyle and...
2 Pages 919 Words

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