Personal Beliefs Essay Examples

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Computers or books? What deserves more attention? What is more important in our lives? I am genuinely surprised by the people who are still trying to choose something better for these two essential things, more importantly. I do not understand how one can choose between the two most reputable sources of information of all time. Therefore, I believe that both the book and the computer in the near future will not surrender their positions and will occupy equally important places...
1 Page 553 Words
Throughout history, a plethora of battles have been fought in hopes of gaining one thing, - liberty. Whether it was the French Revolution or America's Civil War, the goal of the oppressed was to gain freedom. These individuals sacrificed their time, money, and lives for a cause that they truly believed in. Even though these individuals were all working towards the possession of liberty, the liberty they were all vying for meant something different to each of them. The circumstances...
2 Pages 732 Words
Freedom is the right and privilege to do what you want and aspire what you want. Freedom can shape people in a positive or negative way. Liberty is the condition of being free inside from restrictions by authority on one's views of position and behavior. Freedom has to do with certain situations in which you have to deal with. As you get older, you gain more and more freedom and liberty. The more and more freedom someone gets, the more...
2 Pages 750 Words
There is no limit to learning, there are many things to be learnt during travels. And in this essay, I will explain some of the essential things I learnt from my last trip. The only way I was able to learn during my trip was by opening up my mind to the freedom and lessons of life. Patience is one of the important lessons I learnt during my last trip. Life will not always go the way I planned and...
1 Page 524 Words
I think we can all agree that the topic of climate change is very controversial. I think we can all agree as well that the topic of climate change cannot easily come to a conclusion within just one letter. Even so, I hope through this letter I can convey my opinion but also that I am ready to discuss differing ones. I understand we are both certainly passionate about our positions and have logical reasons behind that position. Now, I...
1 Page 680 Words
Introduction People from all over the world are raised in certain cultures and participate in specific customs and traditions. They follow the same thoughts and the same traditions. They don’t always have the same idea, but at least they have natural humanity and simple social skills. American values and assumptions include all cultures. They engage and help each other. Americans value individualism, competition, privacy, equality, informality, the future, time, achievement, directness, and assertiveness. Individualism in American Culture The most significant...
1 Page 624 Words
Personal Values My personal values lean in a more politically liberal, based significantly on the ideal that government should be taking care of its citizens. A successful, or good, the government has systems in place to help each individual member of the community succeed. Our current government is set up in such a way where many of the citizens are unable to gain success simply based on life circumstances. A government that is designed to only allow certain individuals to...
4 Pages 1927 Words
My philosophy in life could be different to others. Cause our philosopy will be depending on our different experience in life. I've experience of sometimes lossing someone, and feeling of doesn't have anything in life and not all could experience on it. There would be many people that have similar philosophy on life but not all of them would be exactly the same. What is my purpose in life? What is our purpose in life? Why we are here?That's a...
1 Page 434 Words
Each person has own different philosophy in life. It will depend on the experience we have in life. There are people will have seen life in the same way but no one will be exactly similar philosophy in life. The way we have experience in life has changes, it may think once but it will change again. So, I will share my thoughts and ideas of what my philosophy in life is. You may ask yourself, is life important? What...
1 Page 555 Words
Philosophy, etymologically, came from the word ‘Philos’ which means love and ‘Sophia’ which means wisdom. Hence, it literally means love of wisdom. There are certain individuals that engage in philosophy called philosophers, that is, a lover of wisdom. These individuals, called philosophers, are the people who question the very being and origin of Man. They are trying to know and uncover the truth of their own existence, why everything existed. They are attempting to find wisdom about their own meaning,...
2 Pages 752 Words
Introduction Society, economy, and culture all around the world are being transformed by globalization, which is a hallmark of the modern era. Technology, communication, and transportation advancements are driving a more interdependent and interconnected global community, which is a complicated and multi-faceted phenomenon. Globalization is creating a more interconnected web of human endeavors as trade, investment, and information flow are made easier to navigate. Trade in commodities, services, money, ideas, and people has reached new heights as a result of...
5 Pages 1461 Words
Why do we need to travel? Well, this is quite an unfathomable question —only because we can't really answer it, no matter how much we study about it. Although I have not traveled much in my busy daily life over the years, I have developed an understanding of the importance of traveling. In this essay, I want to share my beliefs. The first experience of me traveling is that it gives us peace of mind. It opens us to a...
3 Pages 1539 Words
Honor, duty, courage, and fame, are each pivotal elements to survive in society. Each one is indispensable. Honor brings pride; duty is a necessary condition for success; courage empowers and eliminates fear; and fame leads to success. With these components, it is possible to be a successful member of society. The honor represents status. It earns respect. Individuals can be successful only by learning to strive for a sense of honor, which is obtained through fair competition. To defend himself...
1 Page 412 Words
Have you ever encountered yourself in an apparently lose-lose situation? Have you had to single out between being loyal to your friend and being honest? Have you had to choose between what is right and what is accessible? The word 'ethics' is closely related to words such as 'good', 'moral', 'virtues', and 'principles'. Ethics illustrate how a person should behave by providing a way to choose between conflicting options. It is a state of ethical dilemma when you have to...
2 Pages 903 Words
“Know yourself for the unexamined life is not worth living” - these are the words of Socrates. He was an ancient Greek philosopher who was known as one of the greatest figures of Western philosophy. What he said promotes that we, human beings, should strive to know ourselves and understand who we truly are. We should question and examine ourselves by exploring life and doing things that can help us know more about ourselves. Some find themselves on pilgrim missions...
1 Page 520 Words
I remember the words of the great APJ Abdul Kalam a pioneer of astro as well as nuclear physics, 'If four things are followed - having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance - then anything can be achieved.'One of the most important things that I have learnt in my life is that there is no end to learning, learning comes from observations and experiences, and these approaches are endless. Then, I started my journey of self-discovery whether...
2 Pages 768 Words
How many times in my own experience has this chilling killing feeling of loneliness come to strangle me as well? I can't get away from it no matter what I do. Sundays, or long evenings, can be the loneliest times since everyone is busy with something else. How could I not feel angry, miserable, and forlorn, since options for socialization are limited by a physical disability? Even if someone is not hindered by a disability, he may find himself in...
2 Pages 910 Words
In America, one out of every six women have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime (Tjaden, 2000). Young women are especially at risk and 499 known gymnasts’ athletes can account for this. Recently, Michigan doctor Larry Nassar was charged with multiple accounts of sexual assaults against female gymnasts. (Howley, 2018). Larry Nassar was a sports doctor who specialized in female gymnastics, working with many gymnasts ranging from amateur to Olympic-level athletes. His actions toward female athletes carried on for decades...
2 Pages 949 Words
“...You’ve thrown the worst fear that can ever be hurled, fear to bring children into the world.” - “Masters of War” by Bob Dylan The Vietnam War began in November 1955 and ended in April 1975. It is the second-longest war in American history, closely behind the current war in Afghanistan which began in 2001 and is still transpiring to this day. The Vietnam War lasted eighteen years, during this time the United States saw five presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower,...
3 Pages 1610 Words
I am no longer convinced America is an aftertaste worth swallowing my pride for. Not recognizing the pennies under our feet when we walk like Lincoln was just a stepping stone towards freedom. How ironic we put his face on the only coin with colored skin. The American Dream is my breath stretching over oceans, trying so hard not to forget my homeland. It is being born wrapped into a star-spangled banner with a red hole in it. But I've...
2 Pages 718 Words
Truth and kindness, bothering people? Yes! It is true. Have you ever seen people who are making videos of someone being beaten? Those people are bothered by the truth and avoid doing kindness. Once Mother Teresa said, and I quote, “It is a kindly act to assist the fallen”. This quote tells us that we must do kindness to spread it, even when we are cursed by society. A great example that can be taken is Hazrat Muhammad. He is...
1 Page 483 Words
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-/ I took the one less traveled by,/ And that has made all the difference”. The profound words of Robert Frost make us question ourselves and how we view the world. Are we predisposed to believe that the world exists based on a perpetual cycle of despair and that misery is an inexorable fact of life and destiny, or do we have a choice on how we live our lives and view the...
2 Pages 844 Words
In discussions of teenage abortion, one of the controversial, issues has been the mandatory parental permission for this procedure. At this time as the range of socially acceptable behavior increases teenage pregnancy starts to appear as a common issue, therefore causing the rate of abortion to increase. Some might agree that abortion is an individual’s choice, while others insist that abortion is strictly affecting society, and should be done only by parental permission. From my point of view, abortion affects...
2 Pages 961 Words
What do you think of when you hear the word 'brother'? Maybe you imagine a person who will annoy you for the rest of your life. Going into your room and making a mess, or touching stuff they are not supposed to. You may also think of a person who will always look out for you. They may be the most unsupportable person on earth, but they will never abandon you. Growing up, I always wanted a little brother. I...
2 Pages 919 Words
There are many kinds of beauty standards in this era. For example, in Korea and Indonesia, only someone who has white and glass skin and also a thin body can be called “She is beautiful”. Nowadays, women are obsessed with long legs, big boobs, flat stomachs, straight hair, flawless skin, etc. Body shaming is an awful thing to do, no matter what gender, because it is an unnecessary thing and can injure mental health. ‘Everyone is beautiful in their own...
1 Page 630 Words
In my life path, I would choose to be a leader. I decided to inspire humans and I favor useful resource people. It is my best existence intention to attempt to make one-of-a-kind human beings happy. When I die, I wish to be remembered for some component great, I opt to be remembered for assisting human beings and making a difference. I will fight for everything I strongly believe in, I will encourage others to fight, and I will fight...
1 Page 401 Words
I was born in Enugu, a small city in Nigeria, into a proud Nigerian family, which is something very few people know about me. Both of my parents come from the Igbo tribe, whose dominant language is Igbo. About three years after I was born, my father got a visa to immigrate to Canada, then my family moved there. My cultural background and geography led to me being raised under the influence of two cultures: Nigerian and Canadian. Both cultures'...
2 Pages 901 Words
Kids are taught through TV shows and movies that heroes wear a cape and a mask. In today’s day and age, anyone can act heroically. For example, last week a fireman in Massachusetts died in a house fire. There was a baby on the third floor, and after Lieutenant Jason rescued two members of his crew, he went back into the burning house to find the baby. He made it to the third floor and was trapped and killed by...
1 Page 461 Words
What is the definition of heroism? What is a hero? Who are the people we make heroes of? Why do we need heroes, what is the purpose? What makes them so special? What happens when a hero falls, will another one arise? Zimbardo gives the following answer to these troubling questions: “I believe that heroism is different from altruism and compassion. For the last five years, my colleagues and I have been exploring the nature and roots of heroism, studying...
3 Pages 1438 Words
It was at school that I first understood an important truth - words matter and quite often they can hurt. This resonated with me because I was a victim that got affected by what others said. You have to be cautious about what you say and think before you speak because what you say could affect someone without you even realizing it. Words can easily slip out of your mouth, especially when you're angry or sad, but the things you...
1 Page 483 Words
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