Perspective essays

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1 Page 421 Words
The environment needs to be studied in all aspects. That’s why many different scientists and volunteers help study the environment. This is called environmental science, an interdisciplinary scientific field that combines physics, biology, and geography (including ecology, chemistry, plant science, zoology, mineralogy, oceanography, limnology, soil science, geology and physical geography, and atmospheric science) to study the environment and solve environmental...
2 Pages 1117 Words
Elliot Sober's book on evolutionism and creationism examines the current debate about the differences between these theories and their attributes. In my essay, I want to compare evolution and creation through his perspective. Evolution is the idea behind the existence of the differences between organisms and the processes of how they came to be through the observation of early forms...
2 Pages 935 Words
The study of how people change and develop can be defined as human development. Many researchers explain that human development has a strong theoretical foundation and research background. In my opinion, one theory cannot fully explain the development of an adult, so we need to look at it from the life-span perspective. According to Kail and Cavanaugh (2017), development can...
3 Pages 1551 Words
Judith Teichman in her book 'The Politics of Inclusive Development' explores the politics of inclusive development through an in-depth analysis of four case studies, Mexico, Indonesia, Chile, and South Korea, each with clear-cut development paths and different social welfare and distributive outcomes, and places these cases in the context of international development thinking and practice. The book tries to tackle...
3 Pages 1544 Words
Discussion The purpose of this study was to survey the perspective of the staff of the radiology department toward radiography students during clinical training. It also aimed at finding out the factors that were seen as relevant to the clinical training of students, and the improvement that could be done to make the training experience better for students. Assessing the...
5 Pages 2388 Words
Food has always been an important part of life. It is a resource for energy and a vital part of survival for all living beings. However, for humans, it goes beyond just the necessities. It is a part of their culture –integrated into art, social settings, etc. Almost anywhere one looks, one will be met with countless photographs of food,...
1 Page 648 Words
The understanding of human behavior has been a subject of great importance for different natural and social disciplines such as, psychology, anthropology, sociology among others; this has allowed to the discovery of psychological and social factors that lead to the evaluation of different human behaviors, which has been of great help when it comes to labeling personality traits and conduct...
6 Pages 2783 Words
Language is a complex system of communication that connects people to one another in the means of both verbal and written displays. The language and discourse that society participates in is a product of social construction. From the time when we are born, we are labeled by pronouns “he” and “she” associated with the gender binary of being either a...
2 Pages 1026 Words
The integrity of civil servant is always questioned by the society, so it raises public awareness of misconduct and abuse of power during delivery services, especially in the uniform department such as the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP). For that reason one case study on integrity among Royal Malaysian Police (RMP): An Ethical Perspective had been done by Haniza Hanim Mustaffa...
1 Page 509 Words
Throughout the novel “Of Mice and Men,” Steinbeck uses the character, Crooks to mirror the racial discrimination in the 1930s in America. During this time Black Americans went through a horrible time. Despite Steinbeck’s beliefs, he does not write for or against racism but rather writes about the harsh reality that they had to live through. As a reader we...
5 Pages 2086 Words
In 1942, a 15–year–old German Jewish girl and her family vanished from the streets of Amsterdam. For two years, she and her family and four other Jews went into hiding, cramped in an annex, terrified to make a sound. On one fateful day in 1944, the group heard footsteps approaching the hidden annex. The doorknob turned, the door swung open,...
1 Page 449 Words
People need energy to do activities. The energy can be obtained from carbohydrate, fat, and protein that contained in food. Breakfast is one of the important actions so the body gets enough energy intake to do activities. However, according to Riset Kesehatan Dasar year 2010, 59% of Indonesia people skipped breakfast even though it had an impact for health. I...
2 Pages 789 Words
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We, unfortunately, live in a world where devastating issues affect the lives of others on a daily basis. Those issues include world hunger, poverty, crime, unemployment, inequality, violence, and diseases. Some countries or areas are affected more by these issues than others. Mexico, for instance, has a poverty rate of 42% while American has one of 12.3%. Suppose that most...
1 Page 421 Words
Being happy and optimistic is not a reflection of the circumstances we find ourselves in. It is a choice. It’s both the easiest and most difficult choice one could ever make. When learning for the first time how to do it, choosing to be optimistic no matter what can feel like it requires us to get knocked down and get...
2 Pages 781 Words
Eating breakfast every day is very important for our health and has a number of benefits confirmed by scientific research. In this essay, I am going to argue my point of view on why we should eat a solid breakfast every morning. According to Gail Rampersaud in her 2005 book, ‘Journal of the American Dietetic Association’, those who choose ready-to-eat...
2 Pages 688 Words
The different principles and core fundaments of any society should be based on truth. Truthtelling should be a standard rule to judge someone on his deed. And I believe that no one should not be indifferent to the notion of truth regardless of his social status. In the book, Post-Truth, Mcintyre explains to us how we got to the “post-truth”...
3 Pages 1252 Words
The world is changing at a more rapid pace than ever before. Technology is altering the way that we live, work and play and AI are no longer for tomorrow’s world. With the such fast-paced change, schools are challenged with the task of preparing students for an uncertain future. Key to this issue is identifying the challenges facing the world...
3 Pages 1189 Words
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Vaping and the Health Risks Behind It Vaping is just another method for smoking, and in order to reduce the number of uses, laws should restrict all advertising for vaping products. This would be very complicated, and it will take time for the government to enforce laws that would make this happen. Vaping is dangerous and can cause some very...
1 Page 467 Words
Drugs are definitely an epidemic in the world. People partake in lots of different types for many different reasons. Some are legal and prescribed by doctors, and others are not. Some drugs can be helpful but are overused, and others have no practical use at all but to get high. Marijuana is one drug that can have both positive and...
4 Pages 1918 Words
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“Just because something works, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.” – Shuri (Black Panther, 2018) Marvel vs Dc has been an ongoing debate for years now. Who’s better at producing movies? Who’s better at selling comics? Who has the best characters? Don’t get me wrong all of the questions above are valuable but the real question we should be asking...
3 Pages 1253 Words
From the 1870s to the 1890s, the United States entered a period of dramatic change and rapid industrialization. The economy was gradually shifting from agrarian to industrial and urbanization was happening at an exponential rate. Mark Twain named this period the Gilded Age and described it as a time during which greed and political corruption ruled. While there were millions...
2 Pages 713 Words
The human condition has always been defined as the characteristics and situations which compose the essentials of human existence. Whilst some of these connotations have been reshaped in the modern age, guilt remains present and is a crucial characteristic of the human condition. A Simple Plan by Raimi and Macbeth by Shakespeare enhance the understanding of the human condition by...
1 Page 555 Words
Eating outside of the home is now a popular habit. Many of us need to eat outside due to our daily activities, and others eat outside because they find it to be a practical way to save time and energy. However, the food you find outside your home is most cases unhealthy due to the nutritional content they contain. The...
2 Pages 901 Words
Is there any inevitable connection between fast-paced life and keeping pets? In an increasingly urbanized society with fast speed lifestyle, most people have less and less space and time for their own life and activities, and fewer opportunities to communicate with other people. We can see various kinds of pets’ supplies, from shampoo to clothes, even pets also need to...
2 Pages 824 Words
Who doesn't love music? We use music to express our emotions, to make us feel better when we feel blue, and to take us to places we can only revisit through our memories. But how does this appreciation for music start? As adults, when did we come to appreciate music and make it a significant part of our lives? The...
2 Pages 919 Words
Many people tend to believe that nursing can be described very easily, but that is not true. There are so many things that a registered nurse can do. The reflection of my first perception of a registered nurse to my current perception of a registered nurse. This new perception is from the increase in knowledge and education of most things...
5 Pages 2078 Words
The present research has been writing about the Eucharist, a broad subject in theological studies, but he has focused on the renewal of Jesus' sacrifice in every Mass. As he has been writing along, he noticed the need to offer a better understanding of this specific aspect of the Christian faith by seeing the relationship between theology and philosophy. So,...
3 Pages 1598 Words
As humans, we live in a world where several religions exist, each with its own set of beliefs. So, what exactly does religion mean? Religion is defined as the belief in and worship of godlike controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Almost everyone on the earth has some sort of religious or social belief. Each belief has a...
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