Perspective essays

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Essay topics
4 Pages 1934 Words
One simply cannot discuss the cultural and national identity of music without examining the society it was created, and the contexts it is interpreted. Using both Yothu Yindi and the Gorunji Singers' performance of Wanji Wanji, I will be discussing society, context, and its effect on the cultural and national identity in music. Looking specifically at “Treaty” I analyzed the...
2 Pages 1004 Words
Exploring the Global Decline of Music Education by Jose Luis Arostegui, written in 2016, pursues to explain the disconnection between the reduction and decrease of music education in schools and the significant effects music has on the growing popular youth culture in modern society. Throughout this article, Arostegui seeks to investigate the reasons why there is a decline in music...
4 Pages 1672 Words
Introduction The topic to be developed is an issue which has arisen in important sectors of young people from Chaco. Around sixteen million of young women between the ages of fifteen and nineteen give birth each year - roughly eleven percent of all births worldwide. Complications related to childbirth and pregnancy are the main cause of death among adolescent girls,...
3 Pages 1227 Words
“Children are like blossoming buds, waiting for nourishment to bloom and display glory and pride, their colorful petals. “ To achieve a garden of blooms the early childhood educator must be an honest reflector and a facilitator. I believe the role of the Early Childhood Educator is to provide a rich environment and guide children so they can develop their...
1 Page 644 Words
A decent player starts looking to improve his or her game, searching out basketball training tips. Many search the web looking for training tips that can be trusted. Some will have the cash to spend on prepackaged training programs. Others will scour YouTube to discover training from somebody they respect. YouTube can be an extraordinary spot to discover free recordings...
1 Page 583 Words
How Powerful Is Fear? From the dawn of human evolution to the contemporary world, fear has served a powerful role in the lives of humans. The ancestors of humans have faced danger in the form of predatory animals. Today, humans don’t have to fear threats such as large animals, but these fears have developed into an innate instinct transferred from...
2 Pages 787 Words
“Night” by Elie Wiesel, is a memoir by a Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. The reader is taken through Elie Wiesel’s journey in Auschwitz. The theme of how a family is a source of hope in a time of need and can help one overcome obstacles is evident in the memoir. At the beginning of the story, German officers come to...
1 Page 503 Words
Inhumane ” without compassion for misery or suffering; cruel”. The Nazis presented propaganda to the world but Wiesel explains to the world what really happened. The documentary, The Fuhrer Gives the Jews a City and the novel Night by Wiesel demonstrate the circumstances the Jewish people encountered by the Germans these circumstances were slightly different and barbarous. The book Night...
2 Pages 887 Words
Intro The Castle (1997), is the story of a Melbourne family living in close proximity to an airport, believing they are living the ‘Australian dream”, until the airport attempts to legally remove the Kerrigan family from their home and Darryl from his castle. The language conventions in The Castle reflect cultural identity to its audience. The cultural identity displayed by...
1 Page 623 Words
Over 74 years ago, the Jewish population endured one of the most horrific events in history. (Hook) During World War II, six million Jews were murdered by Nazis following Hitler’s instruction. This genocide during WWII became known as the Holocaust. In Elie Wiesel's novel Night, Wiesel shares his traumatic experiences during the Holocaust and how those experiences altered his views...
1 Page 400 Words
 “Night” by Elie Wiesel is a true book about surviving the holocaust, It’s a truly touching book that represents the meaning of perseverance. We often see the SS talk to the Jews like they are literal dogs, Which eventually demeans the Jews and takes away their humanity. ’’Faster, you filthy dogs’’ (pg.85) an SS soldier shouted to Jews while they...
2 Pages 809 Words
Elie Wiesel expresses his views and his experiences through his memoir Night and in “The Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech Delivered by Elie Wiesel in Oslo on December 10th, 1986.” In Night, Elie explains the struggles and hardships he faced during the Holocaust. Elie reflects on his experiences and exposes the world to many lessons during his Nobel Peace Prize...
1 Page 438 Words
It is really important to participate in school and gym’s different kinds of activities. Even if we don’t know what to do we can still give it a try. Give it a try to learn about different sports and activities. It might feel really hard at the beginning but when we get interested, it doesn't feel as hard as it...
1 Page 462 Words
I've been active in playing sports for the majority of my life, yet I never endured significant injuries. After years of playing contact sports such as tackle football and basketball, you'd think I would have been accustomed to common injuries like sprained ankles and sprained fingers. Surprisingly, I was that lucky kid who never faced the repercussions of injuries, and...
5 Pages 2359 Words
Wellness tends to be much more than non-attendant illness or lack of illness it is about health-promoting behavior to be able to progress to your full potential. Health can refer to nonattendant illness and wellness does not refer to just physical health but spiritual emotional and social issues. Social determinants of well-being tend to be the social, cultural, economic, and...
3 Pages 1442 Words
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like living in the 1900’s? Kids in this generation (Z Gen) have many influences in their lives. Influences have been a major part of kids' lives but throughout the years the kids have changed. Basketball has had major importance on some kid's life throughout the years. In the different eras like...
2 Pages 824 Words
The term ‘women’s rights’ is the definition of promoting a position of legal and social equality of women with men. Women’s rights have been an ongoing controversial topic for many years. Comparing women’s rights from the past to today's practices really indicates how important it is for equal treatment to be implemented for both genders. Women may have had a...
2 Pages 694 Words
Teenage pregnancy is not something that is new. For centuries it was normalized etc. After some time, labor for high school moms in the mid-1950s crested in the United States with around 100 births for each 1,000 adolescent young ladies. In 2010, the measure of high school childbirths dropped to 34 births for each 1,000, making this the lowest pace...
3 Pages 1255 Words
Philosophy is a determinant of what one thinks, values, or believes. Every individual has its own personal learning philosophy, but to learn one’s philosophy is not easy. It requires persistent reflection and a lot of work to reach and dig out the inner thoughts. Teaching and learning philosophy has emerged from values that are learned from several exposures and life...
3 Pages 1464 Words
If I could choose a memory from my childhood about the power of learning, it would be the memory of my mother, who hates reading online, who bought this book in an e-book form and read it online, in the digital form. I was shocked, and since then I always had in my mind that “The Alchemist” has to be...
2 Pages 1018 Words
In the restaurant industry, the cost of raw materials and wages is approximated to account for up to 70% of its operational expenses hence it is imperative for restaurateurs to constantly seek ways to reduce costs and maximize their profits (Cocanower, 2019). A very effective way to approach this conundrum is to consider the factors, whether internally or externally, that...
5 Pages 2105 Words
Developing and progressing in the arts requires a lot of practice and commitment. Even if not pursued professionally, it may be used as an outlet to cope with a variety of pressures presented in society. Therefore, educating young children between birth and the age of five about art presents an opportunity for self-expression and self-actualization. Thus, a foundation in art...
1 Page 655 Words
A forest is a large area that is covered by trees and plants. It is important for the lives of living things present on the earth. Without forests, it's impossible for life to survive because they provide oxygen to the environment and take carbon dioxide from the environment. If there are fewer forests in any country or the world, there...
1 Page 459 Words
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, heritage is features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, which were created in the past and still have historical significance. Heritage plays a very important role because it is our identity, our personal history, it creates diversity in human society. I believe that individuality and our identity...
1 Page 492 Words
History repeats itself. While many people tend to disagree with this saying, others, including myself, firmly agree with it. Looking back at past events, whether they were political, economic, cultural, or even religious, it can be seen that very similar situations are happening nowadays, if not identical. These events work in cycles, and in this essay, I will use an...
1 Page 442 Words
Every relationship goes from one stage to the other, despite the uniqueness of that relationship. Each stage has its characteristics and issues, which is why some relationships last for a lifetime and others do not. Relationship stages fluctuate. It goes here and there, to and fro. Some end in termination. Mark Knapp described stages that people progress through as they...
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