Philosophical Theories essays

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Anne Bradstreet's Spiritual Crisis in Her Poem 'Before the Birth of One of Her Children'

1 Page 676 Words
Societies over the ages have called into question the basis of reality and how things came to exist. Religion is one significant way society explains the formation of the Earth, which is the belief in a higher power or powers. Religions have sacred narratives, which people may preserve in symbols, scriptures, and holy places, that aim mostly to give meaning...

Simic's Approach to the Metaphysics: Critical Analysis

2 Pages 802 Words
Metaphysics merely means ‘after’ in Latin, ergo it came after Aristotle’s writings on physics. It attempts to define the nature of all reality, tangible or intangible. It begs for us to describe the basic and sometimes indescribable human existence. The origin of Philosophy is to ponder our existence, Metaphysics strives to understand the human condition. Where Realism claims that “time...

Utilitarianism, Cultural Relativism, Social Contract Theory, and Kantianism: Comparative Analysis

4 Pages 1972 Words
Throughout history philosophers have developed ethical theories that attempt to distinguish what is morally right and wrong. Although these theories differ from one another, they all can be applied to multiple aspects of our society. Some examples of these theories include Utilitarianism, Cultural Relativism, Social Contract Theory, and Kantianism. The differences between each of these theories are as follows. Utilitarianism...

Philosophy of Education: A Critical View of a Researcher

7 Pages 3284 Words
Introduction Philosophy is a search for a general understanding of values and reality of chiefly speculative rather than observational means. It signifies a natural and necessary urge in human beings to know themselves and the world in which they live and move and have their being. Western philosophy remained more or less true to the etymological meaning of philosophy in...

Swami Vivekananda’s Views on Philosophy of Education: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1493 Words
Life contributions of Swami Vivekananda - one infinite pure and holy – beyond thought beyond qualities I bow down to thee' Swami Vivekananda was one of the most inspired and influential characters of the 19th century. He was born as Narendranath Datta, in 12th January 1863, to an aristocratic Bengali family in Calcutta. He was among the nine children born...

Man As a Political Animal: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2411 Words
Aristotle's View on Humanity as Political Beings Aristotle remains, to this day, a huge influence in various fields of studies like logic, psychology, metaphysics, ethics, and many more. His writings still prove to be a subject of further studies and debate to this day, more than 2300 years after his death. One of the many subjects he touched upon, and...

Criticisms of Traditional Metaphysics: Analytical Essay

1 Page 506 Words
Strict and general application of the main Kantian assumption leads to the elimination of the Kantian-style metaphysics as well. The above counter argument by Loux leads to metaphysical skepticism. The other counter argument that can be used against Kantian-style objection leads to infinite regress. Kantians claim that while doing metaphysics we cannot study reality itself but only the concepts of...

Analysis of the Philosophy of Education: Idealist Versus Realist Conception of Reality in Teaching and Learning

5 Pages 2400 Words
Question: Compare and contrast the idealist and realist conception of reality, relating this to the teaching and learning process in the 21 century. In order to be able to compare and contrast the idealist and realist’s conception of reality in relation to teaching and learning process, the concepts must be thoroughly understood. Idealist are those philosophers associated with the theory...

The Palace of Versailles As the Image for Absolutism: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1439 Words
Lewis Mumford had composed the book 'The City in History', and he had won a national book grant for verifiable in the year 1962. Mumford accepted that there is more than a contrast among creatures and people; it is the possibility of the imagery of the language. Lewis Mumford depicts his translation of culture through the historical backdrop of urban...

My Personal Philosophy of Individualism and Egoism: Analysis of Ayn Rand's Views on Selfishness

2 Pages 908 Words
My personal philosophy revolves around individualism and egoism. I am a very greedy and lustful person. I have an extreme passion for success, wealth, and most importantly, the accumulation of money. I act in my own self-interests because I feel that my life revolves around me; I should not be forced or guilted into satisfying the needs and wants of...

Evaluation of Power with Respect to the Philosophy of Education: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1688 Words
The issue I am choosing to evaluate with respect to the philosophy of education is that of poverty. Although poverty in itself is not typically a primarily philosophical issue and is more of a sociological and economic factor, how it is approached as an obstacle to education is reflective of the philosophical tenets that underpin attitudes towards education. To this...

Issues of Nationalism and National Anthem of India: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3014 Words
Introduction Rabindranath Tagore would have never imagined that his composition would have become such a debatable issue. The contention behind Bharato Bhagyo Bidhata was to bring countrymen under one flag by putting aside their differences. The first stanza of Bharato Bhagyo Bidhatha is the national anthem of India. It has become the sixty-four thousand dollar question after the SC passed...

Essay on Transcendentalism: Critical Analysis of Henry David Thoreau's Essay Called Walden

2 Pages 928 Words
What are Transcendentalists? Who were they? What did they stand for? Those are all the questions that you are probably asking, and I will answer them. Transcendentalism is a philosophical movement that developed in the 1820s-1830s, in the United States. They stood for respect for nature and self-efficiency with elements of Unitarianism, and German Romanticism. They also embraced idealism, and...

Enlightenment and Romanticism Movements: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1907 Words
During the 18th century and 19th century, much of Western civilization went through many cultural, intellectual, social, and political changes. The main two movements that caused many of these changes during the 18th century and 19th century were the Enlightenment and Romanticism movements. From individualism to governing ethics, both movements caused changes in Western civilization. The Enlightenment movement took place...

Development and Dissemination of Scientific Culture during the Age of Absolutism

3 Pages 1515 Words
Anything taken to an extreme leads to profound effects and repercussions, the likes of which is usually more negative than positive. There are instances though when convergence, information censorship and dissemination of culture can benefit a country or society as a whole; however, this is only acceptable to the extent where lives are not lost in the process. Throughout history,...

Influence of Idealism and Realism on the Philosophy of Education: Analytical Essay

5 Pages 2346 Words
Education is a liberal discipline and it is practical in nature, while philosophy is a theory, therefore, philosophy of education is referred to as the branch of philosophy that addresses philosophical questions concerning the nature, aims, and problems of education (Louman, 2011). Hence, philosophy is the cornerstone of the foundation of education and without philosophy, education would be a blind...

Discursive Essay on My Personal Philosophy of Education Based on the Principles of Progressivism

4 Pages 1613 Words
Abstract This paper will discuss my personal philosophy of education which is based on the principles of progressivism. The pragmatist and progressivist approach to academic curricula support the individual values and differences of each student and believes that knowledge gained should be practical in the real world. This progressivist approach corresponds with my strong belief that the whole child must...

Nationalism and National Identity Created through Theatrical Performances: Comparative Analysis of Opening Ceremonies

6 Pages 2708 Words
A fundemental question that is asked is 'what defines national identity'? Is it the way people speak? The way they move? Or is it what makes the country stand out? The Oxford Dictionary defines nationalsim as 'Identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.'(Dcitionary, 2018) Taking...

The Disapproval of Dehumanizing the Human as a Machine in Romanticism: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1882 Words
As people learned through decades artists create art which is about compatible providing an inspiration to themselves why they require being animatedly existent and taken as creators. Depending on the time period art was focused on different tendencies such as historical or inner self directions, although the one I am going to explore in my essay is the Western Romanticism...

Analytical Essay on Locke's Natural Law Theory

5 Pages 2301 Words
to suggest that Locke gets half the story right on the issue of tolerance. The arguments for and against tolerance are based on the beliefs and opinions of the citizens who are supposed to live within these regulations. In the case of toleration however, not only did Locke himself reject divisive scriptural interpretations but, because of their fair discord, he...

From Logic to Emotion: Enlightenment and Romanticism Comparative Analysis

3 Pages 1304 Words
Back in the early 1700’s there was a major literary movement shoo the very foundation of the world, creating what we have today. This period of course was the age of Enlightenment. It was a time of questioning philosophers, scientific advancement, political strife, and most importantly the birth of a new form of writing. It wasn’t long after the Enlightenment...

Analytical Essay on the Significance of 9/11 to People of Middle Eastern Backgrounds Living in the West

2 Pages 1045 Words
Due to the wake of September 11th, Middle Easterners from all over the world have come under particular scrutiny, especially those in the United States. Americans consider the events of September 11 to be a historical event that transformed the conveniently targeted acts of aggression toward the Middle Eastern community. In this case, through the argument of Puar and Rai...

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