Philosophy essays

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Personal Values, Beliefs and Attitudes Essay

1 Page 582 Words
When choosing my placement, I am going to be looking for a place that follows a certain teaching method that is most in line with my beliefs and values. They include allowing children to have a certain amount of independence, involving the parents/ guardians as much as possible, and working as a strong team with my colleagues. I personally think...

Personal Values and Beliefs in Nursing Profession Essay

1 Page 655 Words
Health can be viewed as the freedom from mental and physical illness which identifies the importance of good health in complementing a good life (Evans, 2017). My personal lifestyle is physically healthy as I do not smoke or drink alcohol however, I do struggle to eat healthily in terms of not maintaining a nutritious diet. Due to Covid, I have...

My Personal Values and Beliefs Essay

1 Page 633 Words
Philosophy comes from two Greek words, Philo, which suggests the means 'love,' and sophy, which implies 'wisdom.' Therefore, philosophy means 'love of wisdom' (Mark, 2016). Every individual features a different outlook on life, values, learning, and past experiences that reinforce their beliefs and enlighten them. Some argue that beliefs don't directly influence teaching. I strongly disagree. I believe that one's...

How Something Shaped Your Values and Beliefs: Personal Essay

3 Pages 1383 Words
In this essay, I will explain the role played by norms and values within Parsons' theory of the cultural system, universalism, and polity subsystem. Furthermore, I will use Scott's 'Talcott Parsons: Where it All Began', Ellis' 'The Hobbesian Problem of Order: A Critical Appraisal of the Normative Solution', Parsons' 'Pattern Variables Revisited: A Response to Robin Dubin', Robertson's 'Talcott Parsons:...

Ethical Issues in Substance Abuse Counselling

2 Pages 1024 Words
Traditional ethics are often based heavily on reason, logic, and individual autonomy, with no stock put into human emotion or relationships as they can often be unstable in their permanency. Care ethics are also based on reason, logic, and autonomy, but allow emotional connections and relationships with other humans to guide decision-making when it comes to right and wrong. A...

Causes of Lying Essay

2 Pages 1117 Words
Ethics: It is never morally permissible to tell a lie While lying can be seen as a threat to society, trust, and potentially bad outcomes and consequences, there seem to be instances when lying seems to be a moral option. Mill and Kant had their differences and similarities on this point. Mill’s utilitarianism focused on the idea that right actions...

My Personal Qualities: Essay

1 Page 428 Words
Each person has qualities that are considered worthwhile, and as such are the driving force of his life, determining how he can act in particular instances. In my life, I have a number of qualities that I hold dear. They are the result of my upbringing, my propositions in life, as well as my socialization. In this essay, I will...

Socrates' Position on the Good Life: Essay

2 Pages 904 Words
Plato's 'The Apology' is a dialogue that provides Plato's version of a speech given by Socrates to defend himself against the charges of corrupting the youth and impiety, charges that Socrates ultimately was convicted of and sentenced to death. This dialogue contains one of the most frequently cited lines in the entire history of Western thought. When speaking to the...

Nationalism in South Africa and its Causes: Essay

2 Pages 870 Words
Nationalism in South Africa can be defined as the nationalist political movement for one unified Africa. This movement can also be the less significant objective of the acceptance of African ethnic groups or races by the institutions of their own state, as well the rise of African nationalism was to protect or safeguard their own indigenous customs. Factors that led...

Immanuel Kant's Beliefs about Doing the Right Thing: Critical Essay

1 Page 622 Words
Immanuel Kant believed that morality is doing the right thing just because you know it’s the right thing. His theory contradicts other theories of thought such as utilitarianism. Utilitarians argue that the most moral action is one that fashions the greatest amount of good or happiness for the greatest number of people. This theory concentrates on the consequences of one’s...

Plato and Aristotle: Compare and Contrast Essay

2 Pages 835 Words
Back then, philosophy for me is nothing but a vague and distant kind of notion. Simply because I see it as a very deep, broad, and difficult to understand in a general case. But putting up perseverance enable me to give assumptions and queries about how these philosophers gave their insights about plain words but managed to make them bigger...

Free Nationalism Essay for Students

5 Pages 1476 Words
Introduction Nationalism, a pivotal force in shaping societies and nations, holds a particularly unique place in American history and identity. In the USA, nationalism is not just a sentiment; it's a complex tapestry woven through the country's history, politics, and culture. This essay aims to dissect the layers of American nationalism, understanding its evolution and impact on the nation. From...

The Harm of Truth: Deductive Essay

5 Pages 2356 Words
Introduction Breaking bad news to a patient may be viewed as one of the most difficult areas within the job of a doctor. However, it's an essential skill that all doctors have to do throughout their entire careers. Bad news may be defined in a variety of ways, including 'any information which adversely and seriously affects a patient's view of...

The Harm of Lie: Deductive Essay

3 Pages 1177 Words
It is safe to say that we are not all liars in adoration. We lie since we would prefer not to hurt our other half. Harmless embellishments are a sure method to escape certain circumstances that don’t affect the other. We do this to ensure different people’s sentiments or our own don’t get hurt. These falsehoods are known as white...

Why I Believe in God: Essay

1 Page 413 Words
Talking about whether I believe in God or not, yes I do believe in God and it is mentioned in my religion. I don't believe that there is only a superpower, I believe that there is God and there is a superpower as well. Evolutionary creationists believe that God created humans in his image and that God created humans using...

What Factors Are Important in Achieving Happiness: Essay

1 Page 667 Words
Budda once said, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared”. Happiness is a special feeling of joy and gratitude when positive things occur in life. Indicating that happiness can come in different ways for many people, however, that long-lasting emotion is...

Representation and Reality: Essay

1 Page 615 Words
Representation is created by humans, and it is impossible for humans to be completely objective, which is why there cannot be unbiased representations of the world. Therefore, I agree with what Richard Dyer said that “representation never 'gets' reality” to a large extent. Representation only can show part of reality at most, and it can easily be seen from the...

Essay on Pros and Cons of Marxism

2 Pages 891 Words
Karl Marx introduced the idea of Marxism, a socioeconomic way of organizing society by making the workers own the means of production. Marx proposed that this was the next step for all of society. This idea had its fair share of pros and cons that prevent people from making it a part of their society today. Marxism had many pros....

Research Essay about Effective Teacher

8 Pages 3788 Words
Effective teaching of arithmetic Arithmetic is the study of using numbers and working things out with them. Over the recent decades the meaning of ‘arithmetic’ has changed from being limited to achievement in standard procedures without full understanding to the one that establishes logical structures behind the numbers and their operations. Individuals living in the current century are required to...

Reflective Essay about Plato

2 Pages 852 Words
The Republic is perhaps one of the world’s most popular and most influential works of political theory and philosophy, both historically and intellectually. In his Republic, Plato brings to life the main character of Socrates (Plato’s real-life teacher and role model) and explains to the reader his own personal views on how a virtuous and most importantly just city would...

Evaluation Essay on Art in a Classroom

2 Pages 922 Words
In the next session, the role of the teacher will involve facilitating discussions surrounding the trip that took place. In doing so, children can share their ideas of particular artworks or processes using art and design terminology which would, in turn, fulfill one of the NC aims (2013). The discussion will also allow children to be critical and gain a...

Informative Essay on the Pledge of Allegiance

1 Page 671 Words
This simple life-changing truth changes a few lives due to people’s narcissism. We are divided because we perceive ourselves to be different and our perception becomes reality, we are divided because the complexities of one's stories are turned into sound bites; instead of being exemplified by their stories, they became characterized into a single word. Where a black child becomes...

Aristotle: Expository Essay

5 Pages 2109 Words
Historians and Philosophers speculate that Aristotle wrote more than 200 separate works, of those around 30 survive. While his former teacher and colleague Plato wrote in a more poetic way, Aristotle writes in a more systematic textbook way. Therefore, a lot of parsing and unpacking of the text is required to understand what Aristotle is saying. Aristotle (384 BCE -...

Informative Essay on Sacrifice

2 Pages 1069 Words
Through careful analysis I have found the true meaning of sacrifice, how it is related to other themes like rebellion and love, and what the author is trying to tell us. The book The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins revolves around many different themes, importance, main messages, and values. But, today one of the themes I will be discussing...

Secularism in Relation to Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment: Critical Essay

4 Pages 2006 Words
During medieval times in Europe, the only religion to be recognized was that of Christianity particularly the Catholic faith. The lives of both men and women were undeniably dominated and defined by the Christian faith. It matters not what tier or status you have, you still fall under Christian religious dominance. The lives of many, no matter what occupation we’re...

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