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Argumentative Essay on Cheating

6 Pages 2821 Words
“Cheaters are cowards that are tempted to chase the fantasy of what could be instead of courageously addressing their own self-destructive behavior and civilization what is”. This is a quote by “Doctor Steve Maraboli”. Cheating refers to the way of achieving a goal. Also, cheating is a reward given to be dishonest. Cheating has worsened in past years for many...

Essay on Future of 2D Animation

6 Pages 2943 Words
In a modern world where everything is now digital, what does this mean for the future of 2D animation? This essay discusses the 2d vs 3d animation differences and examines the widely debated question, 'Is traditional animation a dying art form?'. The History of 2D Animation From ‘Despicable Me’ to ‘Frozen’ and ‘Finding Dory’, the bulk of contemporary animated films...

Essay on Ethical Dilemma of Police Corruption

5 Pages 2161 Words
Police corruption can begin by innocent gestures like accepting free food which can prompt activities, for example, criminal behavior. As indicated by Pollock, a moral difficulty is the point at which a person must settle on what to do. Either the decision is unclear, or the correct decision will be troublesome in view of the cost included or the correct...

Presentation of Fictional Future in Andrew Niccol’s ‘Gattaca’ and Nancy Fulda’s ‘Movement'

2 Pages 858 Words
Science fiction texts imagine a future where technological boundaries are pushed and often discuss the costs of these advancements on humanity. By extrapolating from trajectories of present concerns that arise as a result of the negative evolution of technology, the endurance and power of the human spirit is revealed. Andrew Niccol’s 1997 film ‘Gattaca’, introduces the societal ideology of genetic...

Exploring Fictional Futures to Comment on the Present in the Film 'Gattaca' and the Story 'Movement'

2 Pages 853 Words
Science fiction texts effectively utilize a variety of textual forms and features to explore fictional futures, which cooperate to develop a commentary on the present. ‘Gattaca’ (1997), produced by Andrew Niccol, and ‘Movement’ (2011), by Nancy Fulda, are two texts that reveal the ongoing rivalry between Earth’s creator, God, and the evolvement of scientific technology. However, as a consequence of...

Essay on Ethics in Public Policy

4 Pages 1945 Words
The modern world continues to struggle with ethical dilemmas in the private and public sector. Many of the proposed solutions for social betterment have failed or culminated in extreme outcomes, like the Holocaust. A tension between scientific rationality and philosophy have created a paradox of human behavior, where public administration policies have produced systems that allow evil to function and...

‘The Truman Show’ and the 'Reality' of the World

2 Pages 888 Words
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one in which we are stuck and forced to live with. We have an innate belief, or faith in our world, and our reality. This is evident in ‘The Truman Show’, directed by Peter Weir, where Truman Burbank, the protagonist, is born and raised in a mock reality. He grows up...

The Truman Show’ and the Discovery of Reality

1 Page 507 Words
‘The Truman Show’ offers viewers a great insight into the concept of discovery by presenting themes of Descartes’ perception and reality and the power of media are prevalent in the process of discovery promoting a sense of reality and awareness of one’s place in life. In this film directed by Peter Weir, the viewers are confronted with the eponymous character’s...

The Age Of Innocence: Fate of Two Different Characters of Ellen Olenska and May Welland

1 Page 401 Words
Countess Olenska is the talk of the opera audience because she grew up in New York and has had a controversial past which has brought her back to her roots under mysterious circumstances. The majority of the Lovell Mingott's formal dinner invitations are declined. New York's high society is sending the message that Countess Olenska is not welcome. The Archers...

Philosophy of Freedom and Existence of God in The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky and Works of Sartre

2 Pages 1027 Words
In contemporary society, the issue of freedom holds a priority among most individuals. As a result, people have different opinions regarding the manifestation of freedom at the local and international level. Jean-Paul Sartre provides his thoughts on freedom in Existentialism is a Humanism. Also, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky presents his argument on freedom in his novel, The Brothers Karamazov. The arguments...

Influence of Marcus Mosiah Garvey on Black Nationalism, Black Power Movement, and Rastafarianism

6 Pages 2828 Words
In the year 1887, the year of Marcus Mosiah Garvey’s birth, many living knew enslavement. Emancipation occurred in 1834, and even though the more severe features for the formerly enslaved were no longer present many persisted. There was rampant poverty. Many formerly enslaved and their descents worked on plantations. Immigrants came, mostly from India, but also other contents as new,...

Lessons Taught from the Fate of Caesar and Clemene

2 Pages 925 Words
The narrator has clearly seen many events and the story of each event is told throughout the novel. The story starts off bearing true faith that it is true, because she has either seen the events unfold or have been told firsthand by the involved characters. The way in which this novel is written gives a reader a more intimate...

Despair and Lack of Agency Embedded in Fates of Behn's Oroonoko and Evaristo's Zuleika

3 Pages 1269 Words
My chosen texts are Bernardine Evaristo’s 'The Emperor’s Babe' and Aphra Behn’s 'Oroonoko (The Royal Slave)'. Ultimately, the characters have no control at all, as they are figments of their author’s imaginations. However, upon closely examining the texts, the two characters which I will focus on have little to no agency and gradually lose all of their freedom, whereas most...

Research Ethics in Natural Science: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1980 Words
Introduction Scientists and researchers generally work independently without being routinely supervised by others. Even if there is supervision, it is more in the form of supervision, evaluation, or monitoring of funders or mentors (if the students are researchers) to monitor the extent to which research progress has been achieved. The rest, researchers generally take full responsibility for results of the...

Nationalist Identity Politics of Vladimir Putin in Russia: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1196 Words
Nationalist Identity politics in Russia Introduction: In this report, Russian nationalist identity politics will be examined through the use of findings and discussion. Below a list of results from extensive research will be listed, then followed by a brief discussion on how Putin uses Russian Nationalism to assert dominance and control over the west. Firstly though, a brief overview. Relations...

My Perspective on Moral Relativism: Reflective Essay

3 Pages 1609 Words
‘Conscience Hath a Thousand Several Tongues’ ‘Morality – like velocity – is relative. The determination of it depends on what the objects around you are doing. All one can do is measure one’s position in relation to them; never can one measure one’s velocity or morality in terms of absolutes.’ This quotation by novelist David Gerrold highlights the inherent nature...

Moral Development and Cognitive Development of Children: Analytical Essay on Storrytelling

6 Pages 2857 Words
Introduction In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven society, inculcating the good values in children is more crucial than ever. One of the most important jobs we have as an early childhood educator is to help the children develop social skills, show them how to interact in a polite manner with people, and teach them to treat others with respect. However, I experienced...

Michelangelo Creation of Adam Humanism

1 Page 477 Words
To be human is to be both heroic and deeply flawed, self-sacrificing and selfish, competitive and giving. For the Greeks, the human body laid bare the divinity of beauty. The ancient Greek view of humanity is emphasized by the human body. Greek artists highlighted physical beauty and athleticism in their works. The Greeks see physical beauty as godly and divine....

Marx Vs Tocqueville: Analysis of Democracy in America

2 Pages 897 Words
Marx vs. Tocqueville: Solution to Alienation and Individualism Both Marx and Tocqueville have theorized about community, as well as the implications of the absence of community. The two sociologists have come up with solutions to gain community in order to avoid the opposite, in Marx’s case: alienation, and in Tocqueville’s case: individualism. When looking at both theorists, an important question...

Machiavelli Influence on American Government

3 Pages 1275 Words
Kim Jung Un as a Modern Day Prince: Policy of American Government towards North Korea In Machiavelli’s “The Qualities of a Prince” he analyzes and creates the supposed perfect formula that makes up a proper prince. These range from military duties, praise and blame, generosity and miserliness, cruelty and mercy, and the concept of being despised or hated as a...

Kohlberg’s Stage Theory of Moral Development: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1871 Words
This essay will discuss and evaluate the six stage of Kohlberg’s moral development theory. Before Lawrence Kohlberg, Jean Piaget, a swiss psychologist, thought that there were only two stages to moral development, “one that is subject to the rule of others and another that is subject only to a person’s own rules” (Benson and Collin 2012). He came to the...

Irony of the Absolute Paradox: Analytical Essay on Soren Kierkegaard

5 Pages 2177 Words
Philosophical Fragments, written under the pseudonym 'Johannes Climacus,' is an important component of his philosophical and theological explication, explaining the conceptual distinction between Greek and religious philosophy. Soren Kierkegaard used Johannes Climacus to explain his ideas about how the concept of self fits into faith's vast eternity. In Philosophical Fragments, he starts with Greek Platonic philosophy, delving into the ramifications...

Irony and Kierkegaard: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1985 Words
As we know, in his early work on The Concept of Irony, Sren Kierkegaard examined the subject of irony in depth. Many of the issues raised in this work, such as defining the subject of cognition and subjective self-knowledge, will be addressed in Kierkegaard's following works. References to George W. F. Hegel's thesis also distinguishes this early work. Kierkegaard contrasts...

Individualism in Modernism

2 Pages 1064 Words
In this post-colonial world, we live in, an old philosophy such as Individualism can still be used by scholars of philosophy and social sciences to interpret the world. The ideology of individualism denotes that the individual life has a place with him and that he has a basic idea to live it as he sees fit, to follow up on...

Importance of Moral Development for Children: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1517 Words
Morality is defined as “a system of principals that help an individual determine between right and wrong behavior.” Moral development, on the other hand, is a concept that has to deal with the incremental changes in moral beliefs as a person ages and gains maturity during his or her life ('Moral development: forming a sense of rights and responsibilities |...

Importance of Ethics in Workplaces: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1015 Words
This article aims to highlight the importance of ethics in workplaces from the prospect of a well-known big corporate organisation. Employees and their teamwork is the main root of success in any organisation. Workplace ethics helps to maintain work culture and employee engagement properly. Good ethics stand for a good business, while bad ethics can destroy an excellent organisation. Ethics...

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