Philosophy essays

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Predetermined Punishment in Salem Village

2 Pages 1033 Words
Salem, a city along the northeast coast of Massachusetts, is infamously known for its dark history of the prosecution of witches during the 17th century. Long before the witch hunt, the Puritian village firmly believed in the supernatural. As their strength in the worship of God was strong, they also believed that the Devil was real. In 1692, Puritan belief...

Causes of the Salem Witch Trials

1 Page 566 Words
Samuel Parris left the room full of anger. Despite the tax problems he was facing from the visiting Salem village, he now has another difficulty for his daughter of 9, and his niece of 11, have both been diagnosed by the doctor to have been bewitched by someone. The past couple of days, Elizabeth and Abigail have been acting very...

Personal Views on Ethics

1 Page 637 Words
I do my very best to avoid situations that force me to choose between doing what is right and that which benefits me. Doing what is right usually requires a person to put others' interests above themselves. Doing what is beneficial to a person is quite self-explanatory. When approaching any ethical issues, I contemplate with these two questions: should I...

Will There Be Robots That Capable of Having Emotions in the Future?

2 Pages 1035 Words
Is an AI, artificial intelligence, capable of having emotions in the future? In the past century, robots have shown to be able to replicate human characteristics. Artificial intelligence and human intelligence demonstrate a distinct relationship in the area of a human's mental process, like emotions and instincts, because AI is being programmed to have human-like, emotions, intelligence levels, and instincts....

Patriotism and Its Hypothetical Understanding

1 Page 464 Words
Certain general suppositions about human instinct underlie patriot guessing, to be specific, that people are naturally social-social animals, either conceived or acknowledged into specific social networks that both shape them and are supported by them, in and through which they discover a lot of their importance and noteworthiness, and to which they definitely owe certain obligations and loyalties. These educate...

Selecting for Deafness as a Moral Harm: An Objection

3 Pages 1388 Words
In ‘Genetic Dilemmas’, Dena Davis posits that every child has a right to an open future. If a parent makes a choice that imposes on that right, they are violating the future autonomy of their child. Davis uses this argument to oppose using reproductive technology to select for deafness. In this paper, I will argue that choosing for deafness is...

Albert Camus's and Friedrich Nietzsche's Views on the Meaning of Life

1 Page 468 Words
The ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’ and Nietzche’s concept of “the camel, lion, and child” discuss the meaning of life. Their topics debate whether life is meaningful and if it is, how does an individual find it. Both authors share their belief of existentialism. While Nietzsche explores the possibility of life having meaning, Camus proposes a new idea of accepting and...

The Social Background of the Salem Witch Trials

2 Pages 939 Words
The Salem witch preliminaries of 1692 occurred in Salem, Massachusetts. Generally speaking, 141 individuals were captured as 19 were hung and one squashed to death. Scientists portray the Salem witch preliminaries as a progression of court preliminaries that were planned for indicting people who had been blamed for black magic. Earlier hearings of the Salem witch preliminaries were done in...

Reshaping Post-Apartheid South Africa

4 Pages 1665 Words
South Africa, a nation once deeply divided by apartheid, is now trying to mend its wounds by uniting under the banners of cosmopolitanism and nationalism. South Africa’s vital interest lies in the need to strengthen its national identity whilst recognizing its role in contributing to the cosmopolitan ideal of Ubuntu, specifically on the African continent. Ubuntu is a traditional isiZulu...

Plato's Philosophical Approach to Education

2 Pages 823 Words
The value and meaning of education have surely changed over time. Having an education was often seen to be more of a privilege than what education stands for today. Many people see early education as preparation for adulthood, whilst further education as a means to develop one’s own understanding of a subject. Argued to be one of the most influential...

Benjamin Franklin's Quest for Moral Perfection

2 Pages 709 Words
Benjamin Franklin was more an ideological person then more a partaker of a sector of a religion. Although he was raised as an Presbyterian and exhibited some quality of it in that there is one God and that your actions of goodness should be a constant part of one’s life. This lack of religious belief was truly exemplified in ‘the...

Reconstructionism: Aims of Education

2 Pages 781 Words
Education is the process of learning, teaching and discussion in acquiring proper learnt results of knowledge, skills, values, and beliefs. As to be known, the education systems is differentiate formally within few stages such as preschool, primary school, secondary school and then college or university. In the education system, it is compulsory up to certain ages while beyond the limit...

My Philosophy of Education

3 Pages 1273 Words
“The great world, the background, in all of us, is the world of our beliefs. That is the world of the permanencies and the immensities” - William James. Education from Socrates to Dewey has been an attempt to find the secrets of this natural world. The definition of education is a basis for all the philosophies of all these great...

My Personal Ethical Theory and Justifiable Killing

4 Pages 1759 Words
In this paper I will attempt to answer the question: 'Is there ever a time when killing in justifiable?'. I will also explain my views and apply metaethical theories to a real-life situation to conclude on the topic. My personal ethical theory includes a hybrid of virtue ethics, revelation Christian ethics, and divine nature theory. I will first describe my...

Love: Common Good, Conceptual Beauty, Virtue

3 Pages 1678 Words
Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, reverently known as the 14th Dalai Lama, has a lot to say about love. 14th Dalai Lama is the most important monk of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. He has sought refuge in India ever since the Tibetan uprising of 1959. For him, the need of love comes from ‘inter-dependence’, which he...

Essay on the Questionable Ethics of Drone Warfare and Drone Attacks

3 Pages 1156 Words
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, as a means of destruction or harm has been debated in the media for many years now. Since Barack Obama’s arguably ‘most controversial legacy’, increased speculation about the ethics, accuracy and the just war theories has arisen. Critics argue that the west has attempted to humanize warfare due to...

A Critical Inquiry into the School Curriculum and Philosophy

6 Pages 2589 Words
The term ‘curriculum’ is typically used to define the content being taught in a learning environment ('The Glossary of Education Reform', 2020). Though this is the general definition, there is no one way to establish a curriculum for schools, as it has been evolving over the years to suit different classrooms and students (Brady & Kennedy, 2014). To further investigate...

The Influence of Renaissance, Enlightenment and Romanticism on the Human Race from the Past to the Present

2 Pages 745 Words
Throughout history, there have been significant time periods in which have influenced the human race from past to present. Three historically well know periods that influenced world civilization and history include Renaissance, Enlightenment, and Romanticism. This time periods all portray similar aspects of rule-breaking, and rebelling against past beliefs and traditions, and diminished the previous ways of living and viewing...

Liberal and Marxist Traditions of Schooling and Education

5 Pages 2180 Words
The idea of liberalism appeared in 17th century, it was the western philosophy based on political sight of enlightenment and got prominent in the era of enlightenment only. The liberal education stemmed from the idea of liberalism which perpetuated beliefs of having equal rights, freedom, liberty and autonomy by men. The idea is strongly influenced by the notion of governing...

Reflection on the Human Sensorium and Aesthetics as an Ideal Basic for Conservation and Environmentalism

1 Page 523 Words
We talk a lot about aesthetics in a contemporary sense, referring to art and culture but I think Dr Quigley presents an excellent point and food for thought when using aesthetics to refer to the Great Barrier Reef and further link it to idea of the human sensorium and how it can describe certain experiences. In terms of having an...

Views of Professional, Academic and Humanistic Philosophies on the Purpose of Education

3 Pages 1462 Words
In education, it is imperative to develop students who are equipped to succeed in the future. The vocational, academic and humanist philosophies all have diverse perspectives upon the purpose of education. This paper will discuss the strengths and weakness of all three philosophies in relation to the challenges for education described by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It will conclude...

Ethical Issues Related to Military Drones

1 Page 516 Words
Unmanned aerial vehicles or UVA’s, commonly called drones are used in areas from warfare, border enforcement to tracking wildfire and crop dusting. It is an aircraft that flies without a human being on board. As drone technology is evolving very fast every single day to the ways it expands the capabilities of the user in varies way, but also comes...

Restrictions on Freedom of Public Speech

3 Pages 1572 Words
The question of public speech and its regulation presents itself as an enduring question for philosophical thinkers. To understand the nature of speech, and the extent to which it should be limited, this essay will take numerous steps. First, examining the reasons that freedom of speech is defended by philosopher John Stuart Mill in his work ‘On Liberty’. Second, analyzing...

Aristotle and Aesthetic Judgement

6 Pages 2596 Words
Aristotle was a philosopher who wrote many works about ethics, politics, metaphysics, and aesthetics. His conception of beauty was classical, indeed he saw beauty as “an arrangement of integral parts into a coherent whole, according to proportion, harmony, symmetry (…)” (Sartwell, 2016). The main idea of his concept is that beauty is a sort of middle between excess and deficiency;...

Holistic Education as Educational Theory

2 Pages 905 Words
Holistic education is an educational theory built on the assumption that everyone wants sense, identity, and aim in lifetime via community networks to the natural world, and to humanitarian principles like empathy and reconciliation. Holism in education requests to bring people forward and inherent respect a deep desire for life and learning (Miller, 1992). No doubt holistic approach in education...

The Ethics of Using Artificial Intelligence: An Essay

2 Pages 1135 Words
As of late, artificial intelligence changed into the unequivocally hot progress. All the nations over the globe have been vigorously contending in the race of computerized reasoning usage. About 20 European nations have created various techniques in executing AI on both education and R&D. There are some essential acceptable and some other down to earth issues which must be considered...

Aesthetic Judgment of Kant

4 Pages 1800 Words
When an object is perceived as ‘beautiful’ by an individual, to use as an example, “This rose is beautiful” then that statement must then have a predetermined judgement on something that is universally ‘agreeable’. This reasoning that the rose must be beautiful is, as Kant would describe it, an individual’s subjective feeling towards the rose and as stated before must...

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Future? Essay

2 Pages 2593 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction When you hear the word ‘artificial intelligence’ the first thing that comes to mind is robotics, but what truly is artificial intelligence and what does the future hold for it? According to Wikipedia, artificial intelligence also referred to as machine intelligence, is any device or machine that mimics cognitive functions humans associate with the human mind such as learning...

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