Philosophy essays

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The Similarities And Differences Of Socrates And Diogenes

3 Pages 1220 Words
The iconic philosophical works of Zen Master Dogen by Yuho Yokoi and The Apology of Socrates by Plato are known for focusing on how to create and follow the path towards gaining true self-knowledge. Each of these philosophers is widely known for emphasizing the significance of true self-knowledge through similarities like self-realization and how to devote attention to each of...

Philosophical Concepts And Ideas Of Immanuel Kant

4 Pages 1616 Words
Deontological ethical theories state that the morality of an action is predicated on whether the action is wrong or right through considering a set of rules instead of results of the action. In such theories, the action itself is important than its consequences. Immanuel Kant believed in understanding the real nature of morality by placing his focus on the act...

The Relevance Of Plato Cavern And Tao Te Ching To Today's Society

2 Pages 1006 Words
The aim of philosophy is to clarify the answer any question about life on this Earth. Philosophy is a tool to understand the reality and existence, and each philosopher has his own way to analyze it. In this essay, two important philosophy texts of philosophers Plato and Laozi are going to be compared which are Plato Cavern and Tao Te...

Death And Afterlife In Buddhism

3 Pages 1229 Words
Buddhism appeared 2500 years ago in the southeastern India. Over time, it has become influential countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, China. It is assumed that there are approximately more than 300 Buddhists in the world. Siddhartha Gautama who was the founder of Buddhism lived in Kapilavatsu, India. Additionally, the word “buddha’’ means that illuminated or aroused. Historical sources...

Kant’s Ethics And Global Economic Justice

3 Pages 1506 Words
The goal of morality is to “guide our actions, define our values, and give us reasons for being the persons we are” (p. 3). One theory of morality is nonconsequentialism. “Nonconsequentalist moral theories say that the rightness of an action does not depend entirely on its consequences. It depends primarily, or completely, on the nature of the action itself” (p....

Immanuel Kant's Theory Of Imperative And Action

2 Pages 992 Words
The ideology of following one’s heart and desires is a common saying that is taken upon people without thinking about the consequences that can come after. Can we really take action without caring what happens afterward? According to Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, this isn’t the brightest thing to do. “Act only according to that maxim by which you can...

The Causes And Cures Of Loneliness And Isolation In Today’s Generation Of Students

5 Pages 2088 Words
Abstract Communication is imparting or exchange of information successfully from one place, person or group to another. We live in a fast-moving and advancing world, however, youngsters of this generation find it strenuous to socialize well with other peers. To be lonely is an easy thing, being alone is another matter. The main purpose of this study is to encounter...

The Meaning And Understanding Of Good And Evil

1 Page 679 Words
All our lives we have been taught what is right and what is wrong, and what is good and what is bad. There is a difference and one knows when they are good or bad. “One does evil enough when one does nothing good”(Picture Quotes). This quote states that when you do not do any good you are considered evil....

Philosophical Concept Of Categorical Imperative

3 Pages 1550 Words
In the passage provided from Kant’s The Moral Law, Kant puts forward the idea that if one isn’t willing to perform an act on the basis of being seduced by its consequences, and instead performs the act only because it is their duty, then and only then will that act be considered moral, or morally good. He proposed that once...

Immanuel Kant: Ethics And Morality

4 Pages 1745 Words
Beyond the phenomenological understanding of the world, human ethics and morals are as fermented in human reason as our need for oxygen to breathe. Most discussions about ethics and morals seem synonymous with one association in particular: God. Divine Command Theory argues that what’s good, and what’s not, are determined by a deity, whether that’s the God of Abraham, or...

Effects Of Loneliness On Humans

1 Page 633 Words
At the beginning of the book Frankenstein, there was some foreshowing on how Victor dislikes ugly people. When Victor decided to create a monster out of dead human and animal parts he didn’t think about how hideous it would be. When he created the monster it was so ugly that he abandoned the monster which made the monster very lonely....

The Nature And Importance Of Living In Socrates' The Apology And Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Letter From Birmingham Jail

2 Pages 1116 Words
Do you tend to think critically about who you are and what is your purpose? How would your life be if you never questioned anything, never wondered about things or asked “why?” Sometimes we don’t even recognize that each and every day we are living the examined life. This lifestyle enables us to make informed decisions about our lives, which...

Nurse Ethics And Legal Issue

3 Pages 1228 Words
In the case scenario, it is seen that Antonio is having ulcerated sores in his right leg is assisted by a home health nurse, Dan. Dan identified that his leg ulcer is not improving and he recommended Antonio to visit a physician; however; he was not in agreement to make an appointment to see a doctor. Dan went for a...

The Theories Of The Origins Of Religion By Durkheim And Freud

6 Pages 2979 Words
The origins of religion have been disputed thoroughly over time. Whether an individual is a believer or not, it is hard to miss the influence of religion in society. Great architectural works, poems, art and literature have stemmed from religion globally. Since the early 20th century, secular scholarly traditions have accepted that religious traditions are merely tools, created in order...

The Features Of Personality Concept

4 Pages 1729 Words
With thousands of self-help books published under ‘personality’ each year, and with thousands of psychologists, psychiatrists, scientists and psuedo-scientists identifying a nondescript number of personality types and the traits which fall into them, the idea of the personality is something of a modern phenomenon. Particularly in modern history, the contemporary understanding of the ‘personality’ finds its origins in ‘the long...

Hypocrisy As The Part Of Human Nature In The Importance Of Being Ernest And A Scandal In Bohemia

1 Page 483 Words
It must be said that the power of hypocrisy in human nature is powerful. This kind of power promotes human progress and evolution. The desire for power, the yearning for money, and the pursuit of women are all brought by the power of hypocrisy. Whenever people have these desires, people will use this force to strengthen themselves and disguise themselves,...

Knowledge In Empiricism And Rationalism

4 Pages 1820 Words
In art, the first lesson taught is to not focus on small details instead to stop and examine the overall structure and form of what is being captured. Focusing on a single detail can provide some information about the form, but it is not enough. To overcome this issue, artists study the fundamentals such as anatomy, lights, and perspective. Similar...

Doubt And Descartes Cartesian Project

2 Pages 1036 Words
I chose to write my paper on Descartes Cartesian Project. I thought his thinking process was very interesting and also very confusing at the same time. Although he left a mess behind, he is known as the “father of modern philosophy.” One of those reasons is of course because of his Cartesian method. Descartes Cartesian method had four steps: (1)...

The Existential Question About God

1 Page 506 Words
As I reflect upon my life, there is one personal truth that I have adopted in my mind; this truth is that I believe that God is nonexistent. My personal truth has dramatically changed from when I was a child to my formative adolescent years. As a child who strongly believed in the existence of God, I now identify as...

Ethical Implications Of Colonizing Mars

1 Page 665 Words
It was obvious that the conclusion of my tutorial group was against the colonization of Mars because there are some ethical implications of colonizing Mars. First, if we start to land frequently on Mars when we surveyed the surface of Mars it would potential harm to Martian life forms and the Martian environment (Stemwedel, 2015). Scientists think there is life...

Personal Ethical Framework For Decision Making: Essay

2 Pages 909 Words
Ethics provides a set of idealistic expectations that helps people with making judgments while providing reasonable causes for their choices. Ethical decisions often conflict with creating resolutions regarding religion. Many religions promote ethical decision making; however, some religions often do not acknowledge the full extent of ethical choices of an individual. Most religions oppose against or forbid certain behaviors that...

Loneliness In The Modern World

2 Pages 1035 Words
Loneliness has gradually become more prevalent today than it has in the past. Loneliness is harmful to have because of the negative health effects, how hard it is to overcome and how loneliness has no boundaries. It is time to become aware of what loneliness can do to an individual, what someone can do to destroy the feelings of loneliness...

The Values Of The Life Of The Past In Great Gatsby

3 Pages 1494 Words
Gatsby sacrificed himself for the love of the past, is it worth it? In the Great Gatsby, Gatsby’s life of the past was poor and hopeless. Gatsby became a rich man five years later, and he refused to recall his past and cover his past with lies. But he still picked up his previous memories in the story. In The...

The Ethical Issues On Mars Getting And Colonisation

5 Pages 2099 Words
Throughout the history of mankind, an undiscovered world above us has fascinated us into studying and observing what could potentially lie behind nature’s secrets. A constant push to make discoveries has led us to several findings, recently and mostly related to the exploration of Mars, which could one day be a home for humans. NASA has already stated that humans...

Hope: Definition, Factors And Models

1 Page 492 Words
DEFINITION Hope is successful sense of planning to meet one’s goal, it is positive motivational state. (Synder, Irving, & Anderson) EXPLANATION Positive emotions are basis of positive impact on our goals and our direction for achieving those goals. Hope creates eager and drive to achieve success. Even in dark shaded times hope is like a light that gives a sense...

The Peculiarities Of Tabula Rasa Theory

3 Pages 1426 Words
“The mind, according to Locke, is a blank tablet, or Tabula Rasa; it is filled or inscribed only by experience” (Locke, p.340). Locke presents a fair and balanced argument for why his theory of the 'Tabula Rasa' and can be applied in answering our questions into knowledge. In Locke’s essays, he shifts decisively away from the beliefs of nearly all...

The Correlation Of Integrity, Dignity And Humility

4 Pages 1761 Words
Start by asking yourself “why do I seek to improve?” There may be a magnitude of reasons why you seek improvement, perhaps someone has indicated that you need to change, or maybe you just have an idea in your head that there’s something about you that needs improvement, the want to improve may even be propelled by social, religious or...

Self Reflection: Professional Skills And Ethics

3 Pages 1532 Words
It is only in quiet moments of self-reflection that a person can introspect where one stands in life. Self-reflection gave me a clear picture of what qualities I gained during Professional Skills and Ethics course and which skills I need to work on in order to be successful both in personal and corporate life. After reflecting on my personal skills...

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