Technology essays

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Essay on the Role of the Computer in Modern Life

Nowadays, computers play an important role in our day-to-day lives, they are almost used everywhere, without them this modern life seems to be impossible. Computers are most likely to be a laptop or a desktop computer, but there are many different types, for example, the invention of the smartphone, which can fulfill every aspect of a computer. Computers are used in the manufacturing industry, education, banks, and almost every aspect of life. Today computers made human’s life much easier than...
1 Page 600 Words

Essay on the Importance of Technology in Modern Business

“Business would not be the same as it is today without the advancements in technology” (SBDC). Advances in technology have significantly affected the way businesses operate and are increasing the effectiveness of customer interactions in a number of ways. Technologies have offered a new approach to doing business more efficiently and are now playing an important role in it Firstly, thanks to technology, there has been a transition from having a person as a representative to help customers to a...
1 Page 613 Words

Essay on the Advantages of Social Media in Education

Social media actually play a meaningful part in education around the world. Social media is a great potency driver to change the way teaching and learning practices in the field of university education recently. More and more students have taken the first steps to use social media to communicate and search for information, share ideas, and learn activities. This essay will argue that social media is usually beneficial for students in the classroom. Firstly, this essay will analyze why universities...
2 Pages 854 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Payment

Since the inception of time, commerce, business, and trading have been prevalent in this world. Be it the Indus Valley Civilization or the modern digital era, there have always been parties in the fields of business commerce and arts. In every typical business model, there is a party that buys something and another party that pays something equivalent to the worth of the utility he or she is purchasing. Now, the payment methodology of such transactions evolved as the trade...
2 Pages 1118 Words

Essay on Photoshop's Effects on Modern Society

In a technologically-dominant world, nearly everyone has seen at least one Photoshopped, or digitally-altered, image in their life, whether it is believed or not. Social media has caused a frenzy of adults, teens, and kids alike who are obsessed with looking as perfect as possible. Entertainers and social media influencers have had a huge impact on this issue. The type of 'ideal body', a glorified image of how one should look, portrayed online, in movies, and in magazines simply misleads...
3 Pages 1625 Words

Essay on CPU (Central Processing Unit)

As the CPU is determined as the brain or the heart of a computer or a laptop, almost every technological, electrical, or software company manufactures its own CPUs and distributes them on the market. Although there are several companies that produce CPUs, no others can be compared to the CPUs innovated by AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA which are the top three semiconductor and electrical companies with both quality and functions. There are many CPUs with different skills and abilities that...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Essay about the GPT-3 Artificial Intelligence Model as a Great Discovery of the 21st Century

Can a machine replace the position of an editor? In part, it does seem to be possible thanks to GPT-3 technology, which is nothing more than an artificial intelligence (AI) model whose main utility is the generation of texts from a seed text. “Although a priori it can be a threat to humans, GPT-3 is usually used more as an inspiration tool to generate a base and for the editor or content creator to improve it”, comments José Gabriel García...
1 Page 571 Words

Essay about the Effects of Technology on Relationships

Technology is around every corner we turn. Not only do they help with communicating they also help with accessing the Internet. Without the Internet, people can not shop, communicate, play, and much more. Over time, technology has helped relationships form with social media, dating apps, and electronic interactions. Many people think this is a helpful way to form relationships, but there are also harmful things technology can bring It. It does not help form relationships because it can distract others...
1 Page 491 Words

Describing and Evaluating a Website: Essay

For Life on Earth, or FLOE, is a website for a campaign dedicated to human health, medicinal sciences, and saving our planet. The website has an organization domain, meaning that the URL ends in org. Traditionally, org domains have been used for non-profit organizations. However, URL domains are less strict now, org is generic. It’s important to research a website and confirm an organization’s validity. The most recent article added to the website was added in March 2019. The website...
2 Pages 817 Words

Cause and Effect Essay on Cell Phones

A cell phone is a phone with a touch screen, which allows the user to connect to the Internet, manage email accounts, and install other applications and resources, such as a small computer. Currently, the use of these devices has become very important in our lives for the simple fact that apart from being an intelligent device and instead of becoming our best friends, we take better care of our life, we program everything there, we are there pending all...
4 Pages 1722 Words

Argumentative Essay on Artificial Intelligence

After decades of development, we now live in a world where we have a huge growth of new and more advanced technology. Technology has become the basic need of a human being. Furthermore, nowadays technology has begun to take over humans, and it's hard to avoid the use of a phone, a computer, or some other kind of technology. Every new development is being made with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is defined as the development of computer systems that are...
2 Pages 937 Words

Are Cell Phones a Boon or a Bane: Argumentative Essay

Cell phones have turned into a necessity of life, an extension of our arm. Some of us can’t even live without it. One of the greatest inventions of mankind always has its negatives and can end up causing pain and destruction, but that all depends on why and how it is used. There are many benefits to having a cell phone. There are many important uses for it that we use on a daily. Its usefulness overpowers its abuse. It...
5 Pages 2447 Words

Amazon's Using Big Data: Case Study Essay

Amazon is the world’s largest online shopping website that helps people to order things in one click. During the initial stage of its business, Amazon was a bookseller, then gradually they expanded their company by selling a wide variety of consumer goods, electronic devices like mobile phones, e-commerce, and logistics, and Kindle was a huge hit among the people. Amazon has innovated and executed a model called 'everything under one roof' where people can shop for anything on their website...
2 Pages 870 Words

Persuasive Essay on Net Neutrality

My name is Grace Niego and I am currently a senior at Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School in Chicago, Illinois. The problem of net neutrality has come to my attention in a recent class. Net neutrality, otherwise called the Open Internet, is the rule that Internet service providers should empower access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without preferring or blocking specific items or sites. Net neutrality is important to me because I believe that...
1 Page 430 Words

Persuasive Essay about Technology and Social Connectedness

When I was younger, I used to come home and sink into my phone either watching videos or playing games on my phone. I was so lazy that I did nothing all day but stay inside. I relied on technology to entertain me instead of going outside, reading a book or even hanging out with some friends. Now there were many reasons why I may have been that type of child but the main point I want to discuss is...
4 Pages 1775 Words

Persuasive Essay about Not Using Cell Phones: Should Schools Ban from Using Cell Phones

Do you know when is a good age to start having a cell phone? According to the latest research, on average, a child gets his or her first smartphone gets his or her first smartphone at 10.3 years old. That same study shows that by age 12, a full 50 percent of children have social media accounts ¨says, Bill Gates.¨ His kids, now 20, 17, and 14 weren't allowed to have smartphones until they were high school age. How much...
1 Page 411 Words

Persuasive Essay about Not Using Cell Phones a Lot

It is your best friend. You keep it in your hand, pocket, with you at school and you are using it at home. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is look at it. Before we go to bed we use it and we can't go a day without it. This is obviously our cell phones. A person will spend over 4 hours each day on their phone. This materialistic object is like our best...
2 Pages 841 Words

Persuasive Documented Essay on Net Neutrality

Introduction The information on the internet is available for everyone to access and it’s been an issue for many years on net neutrality. If there is no net neutrality then the Internet Service Provider (ISP) has complete control over the content that can be accessible by the Internet users. Net neutrality prevents ISPs from demanding premium payment for the websites to have faster streaming. The internet websites were segregated based on paid prioritization and the users will be regulated based...
2 Pages 983 Words

Exemplification Essay on Paraplegia

Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in either part of, or the majority of the body, depending on the severity of the injury. From the waist down, paralysis is called paraplegia and renders the body unable to walk. This occurs when the body’s spinal cord is damaged, as a result of, for example, a car accident or disease, such as a tumor. Nerve cells send signals to the brain via the body’s spinal cord, which is made of nervous...
3 Pages 1163 Words

Descriptive Analytical Essay on Colossus

Despite being a relatively new technology the advancement of the computer, which is defined by Merriam-Webster as an electronic device for storing and processing data has had a close relationship with the changes of modern societies. I plan to show what that relationship is. The first electric programmable computer was The Colossus made by the British during world war two since then various computers have been made for more varied and advanced purposes. When we get to today where nearly...
2 Pages 982 Words

Essay on Informatics Solution Proposal

Reducing Wait for Time in Windsor-Essex Regional Hospitals Executive Summary This report outlines the profound study of major key factors causing increasing wait time in Windsor Essex region hospitals. Moreover, it provides a unique solution to address problem statements and other related problems. It also explains in what way solutions can improve the current management system of hospitals. At the outset, every individual in Canada is fed up with long wait times for basic healthcare services. An analysis from the...
5 Pages 2456 Words

Persuasive Essay about Cell Phones in School

I want you to picture this. You look down to see a notification. A Snapchat. You open it to see your friend pulling a silly face and you pull one back. You start to open other Snapchat, and before you know it you’ve scrolled through your Instagram feed, and then your Facebook. “Time to start the worksheet” you hear your teacher say as you snap back into reality. What class am I in? What was the task we had to...
1 Page 472 Words

Persuasive Essay about Technology

Technology should be limited Technology yields purpose in society but its use should be limited. The time spent by people behind screens shows a remarkable height. According to a study done by the Council for Research Excellence, the average adult in the United States now spends roughly 8.5 hours a day looking at screens. That is why we should limit the use of technology because over the past several years technology has increased in use dramatically. Individuals should reduce their...
2 Pages 806 Words

Expository Essay about Information Technology

Information technology for business. Company name - Nestle This assignment illustrates information security breaches with the help of recent articles and news. However, in this report we will study about business or company uses IT, the importance of information technology in business survival, requirements of information technology for applying in business-like, planning, designing, equipment, etc., business uses information technology for internal or externally, the benefits of information technology in the business, type of risks by the information technology in the...
4 Pages 1845 Words

Narrative Essay on Having a Robot

In our everyday life, it encompasses the way in which we usually think, act, and feel on a daily basis. One of the key activities of daily living is human-human interaction. As mentioned by John Danne, “No one is an island”. This explains that all individuals interact with one another virtually daily and often more one time in any one day. To be able to survive in this society, there must be effective social interaction. In short, it is inevitable...
4 Pages 1867 Words

Narrative Essay about a Kid Having a Robot

Introduction Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, is a developmental disorder that affects thousands of people every year. This disorder is characterized by the way a person socially interacts with others, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, repetitive behaviors, and obsessive interest. Each person affected by autism spectrum disorder has their own challenges and strengths in regard to problem-solving. According to the Autism Science Foundation, “The learning, thinking, and problem-solving abilities of people with ASD can range from gifted to severely...
6 Pages 2798 Words

Informative Essay on Cryptocurrency

Whenever you are doing transactions online or in-store, are you tired of forgetting your credit card somewhere, or being asked to provide your Zip Code or three-digit secure code at the back of your credit card, well say hello to easy, secure, and worldwide transactional means called cryptocurrency that avoid all this. The technologies of cryptocurrency have a major capacity and potential in changing how we do transactions drastically. Even though, the word cryptocurrency start to come to light recently,...
4 Pages 1958 Words

Surveillance Essay

'Our society is not one of spectacle, but of surveillance” by Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, 1974 In Discipline and Punish, 1974, Foucault pointed out there are three types of punishment from classical age to modern age. In the classical age, there are many countries of feudalism, like France, China, Korea, etc., that countries adopt the constitutional monarchy system. The King of those countries used to show the view of punishing prisoner to the citizen, which benefits the King to...
2 Pages 769 Words

Cyber Bullying: Cause and Effect Essay

A quote by Patrick Overton “Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your action, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” According to the Lexico Oxford Dictionary cyber bullying means “the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.” There are many causes and effects as it relates to cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is caused by...
3 Pages 1451 Words

Jenny Craig's Website Review: Essay

There are millions of web pages now, but none of them existed 20 years ago. The first web page went live on August 6, 1991. It was dedicated to information on the World Wide Web project and was made by Tim Berners-Lee. It ran on a NeXT computer at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN. The first web page address was It outlined how to create web pages and explained hypertext. The very first website was simple, concise,...
2 Pages 757 Words
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